20 Funny Replies for When Someone Calls You Zesty


Someone just called you zesty and you are not sure how to respond. Being referred to as zesty could be because you are humorous, energetic, and funny. It could be a good thing but at the same time, you might be getting a sub. Well, it is hard to decide your response if the latter is the case.

Notwithstanding, in this article, I have provided funny replies when someone calls you zesty. They are designed to not just respond to being called zesty, but they also help you decide whether the person wants to appreciate your personality or shade you. 

Oh, Your Flattery Is Something Else. Should I Put An End To This Vibe?

Oh, your flattery is something else. Should I put an end to this vibe?” is a good reply to give when someone calls you zesty. It tries to appreciate their compliment but attempts to check whether they are satisfied with your aura. Not everyone calls you zesty because they are happy with it. Asking them if you should put an end to your zesty vibe helps you verify if you should continue being lively around them.

Someone Has To Be The Life Of The Party, So I Obliged 

We know the idea of being the life of the party right? So when someone tells you that you are lively, you should say “Someone has to be the life of the party, so I obliged.” Whether we like it or not, there are people we need in our lives to bring the hatch down when necessary. Without these people, our lives will be unexciting so you can use this response.

Aha, I Am Guilty As Charged 

If you are zesty and you know it, raise your hands. Well, you wouldn’t need anyone to tell you that you are fun to be around. Or you may have gotten the zesty compliment so many times in your life. If this is you, “Aha, I am guilty as charged,” will be the perfect response to a stranger or anyone who’s getting to know you.

Well, In A World Where I Could Be Anything I Choose To Be Humorous, Witty, And Lively

Another funny but thoughtful way to respond to someone’s zesty compliment is to say “In a world where I could be anything I choose to be humorous, witty, and lively.” While this doesn’t capture humor like other suggestions, it is a witty way to reply. It enforces your liveliness and helps to foster a deeper bond with the person you are talking to.

It Is Why Everyone Wants Me In Their Corner. Life’s Too Hard To Have Unfunny People 

Who says you can’t brag a little about being zesty? This remark to being called zesty attempts to blow your trumpet a bit. Truly, life’s already too hard to have people around you who are always depressed, sad, and never seeing any positives. We must surround ourselves with people who are energetic and can transmit some of that positivity into our lives.

Imagine I Wasn’t Your Friend. Your Life Would Be So Boring

You can still blow your trumpet a little more especially when your friend tells you how zesty you are. Tell them to assume they weren’t your friend. They should take a moment to think about how boring their lives will be. This is one line I use when my friends tell me how funny and humorous I am. I could go on about how their lives wouldn’t make sense if they didn’t have me.

Whatchu Mean Zesty? I Add The L In Lively Fam 

This is another one of my coolest responses to being told I am zesty. I’d make it sound like zesty isn’t good enough. Without me, there wouldn’t be lively. There’s a level of confidence that lets you use this kind of audacious statement. But then, you do not need to be confident. Provided you get the zesty compliment all the time, this is a good way to respond.

When You Get To Know Me Better You’ll Wonder Where I’ve Been All Your Life 

Funny Replies for When Someone Calls You Zesty

When talking with strangers or acquaintances and they tell you that you are full of life and energy, you can tell them “When you get to know me better, you’ll wonder where I’ve been all your life.” If they appreciate your zest, it’ll make them interested in being your friend. This statement opens the door for deeper bonds and connections.

This Isn’t The Best Of Me You’ll See. Wait Till I Am Fully In My Elements

This isn’t the best of me you’ll see. Wait till I am fully in my element” is another funny way to respond to being called zesty. This remark lets the person know that you can be more or they’ve only seen a minute part of your zest. It is witty, suggesting you’ll need to be in your element to give them the full package.

Zesty Doesn’t Even Cut It Anymore. But I’ll Manage It 

If you believe you are more than just “being zesty,” you can use this line to express it. By saying “Zesty doesn’t even cut it anymore. But I’ll manage it,” you are suggesting that even though you feel like you are more than being zesty, you can make do with it. This is funny and I am pretty sure the person will get it.

That’s Just One Shade Of Me. I Can Switch From Zesty To Narcissistic In The Blink Of An Eye

Another funny reply that’ll make you look mysterious is “That’s just one shade of me. I can switch from zesty to narcissistic in the blink of an eye.” You are saying they shouldn’t get all comfy with this idea of you being zesty seeing things could change if you decide. This is something girls can use effortlessly.

Oh, So You Like Me Around, Yeah?

You could be hanging out with someone and be told that you have zest. One way to respond to this compliment in such a scenario is to say “Oh, so you like me around, yeah?” If they meant the compliment, they are going to repeat their stance about it. When they are happy with having you around, they’ll let you know.

I Hope That’s Not A Fancy Way Of Saying ‘You Talk Too Much’?

Sometimes, you want to be sure zesty does not mean talking too much. While it may be cool to know that someone thinks well of you, it is important to be self-aware and understand that they may not be entirely cool with that fact. This response is going to help you ascertain what they think about you. Their answer may be in their body language though.

If You Weren’t As Lively As You Think I Am, We May Not Get Along

Funny Replies for When Someone Calls You Zesty

You can also give the other person credit after they compliment you. A good example is to say “If you weren’t as lively as you think I am, we may not get along.” As much as being zesty makes you friendly with everyone, it takes someone with a significant level of the same energy to go along with you. If this is the case between you and the person, then you can use this compliment.

I Tell My Friends To Always Give Me My Flowers. I Know I Am Lively 

Talking about how you are not appreciated enough for what you do as the life of the party is another fun way to reply when someone calls you zesty. You know how your friends may not necessarily appreciate you and then a new acquaintance tells you how full of energy you are. This is a good way to respond. The response will make more sense if your conversation happens in front of people who do not appreciate you.

Appreciating Me Like That Is Applying For More. Are You Sure You Can Deal With That?

I know I am not alone when I say anyone who appreciates me for being funny is telling me they want me to be funnier. Hence, “Appreciating me like that is applying for more. Are you sure you can deal with that?” should be used when you are comfortable about being their friend and have seen the signs that they appreciate you and want to be around you. In my opinion, this acceptance makes you more energetic and zestful.

What’s My Reward For That? I Accept Bitcoin 

Asking them to pay you for being zestful is another funny reply to give. “What’s my reward for that? I accept Bitcoin” is a good example. You can tweak the statement to whatever payment method you want.

That’s How You Know People Who Will Succeed In Life

That’s how you know people who will succeed in life” is another good way to respond when someone calls you zesty. It is a humorous way to respond to a zesty remark because tell me where in the world did the signs of being successful in life include being lively? We can agree to disagree on this one though but then if it is a funny response you are looking for, there you go.

The Vibe Just Follows Me. It Isn’t My Fault

This is another witty response to tell anyone who says you are zesty. You are stating that the vibe they attribute to you isn’t your making. It is like assuming you are a magnet for whatever vibe they think you exude. By saying it isn’t your fault, you make them wonder how funny you are.

Not Like I Am Even Trying. It Is An Intrinsic Feature

To wrap up this piece, another one of my go-to responses when someone says I am zesty or funny is to say “I am not even trying to be. It is intrinsic.” You cannot deny that there are people who are effortlessly full of energy. They just live their lives and everyone loves how they do it because they are unbothered and full of positivity and optimism. If you are someone like that, feel free to use this line when responding.

Final Thoughts 

Being told that you are zesty is a compliment. However, we cannot rule out the fact that the person could be throwing a subtle shade at your personality with such a statement. This is why I have ensured that some of the responses in this article try to discern what they are driving at – complimenting or shading.

When you figure out what their intentions are, I am sure you can send in your response appropriately. This article has enough options to use if you need funny replies when someone calls you zesty.

Funny Replies for When Someone Calls You Zesty

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