20 Funny Responses When Someone Calls You Dear


We all have been called pet names, names like my darling, my love, my dear, Sugar Plum, the list is endless. Interestingly, we blush over it and try to shove the compliment.

While it is adorable and interesting to be called sweet names, knowing how to respond to such a Compliment will go a long way to tell a genuine compliment from a quack. Bearing in mind that some compliments are nothing near genuine.

I have curated a list of 20 funny replies to give whenever someone calls you dear and instances when you can use these replies.

Here are some options and responses to give being called dear with detailed explanations to help:

1. Thank you so much!

This response shows a deep-felt appreciation and regard for the person who calls you dear. It means that you completely accept the compliment and acknowledge them for the pet name.

For example:

  • My oh my, thank you so much for calling me dear. I don’t take it for granted.
  • Aww! I sincerely appreciate the compliment. Thank you so much.

2. Did you jinx me, why do I suddenly feel in love?

Someone who you have a crush on can give you butterflies when they suddenly address you as dear, especially if you are unprepared. You can respond by asking if they jinxed you.

This response informs the person calling you by the sweet name that you weren’t expectant of their compliment yet appreciate their commendation.

For example:

  • My oh my, did you jinx me, why do I suddenly feel in love with you calling me dear?
  • This sudden feeling of romance is one I can’t explain.

3. What’s up with the dear?

When you feel a person’s show or compliment directed at you is not genuine and geared towards mockery, give the response suggested in this section.

The response is ideal when the intent of the person calling you dear is fake and only does that when they want to get something from you or make a demand.

For example:

  • Since when do you call me dear?
  • I don’t understand your sudden change in attitude. What’s up with the dear?

4. Thank you for the nickname

How to Respond When Someone Calls You Dear

Being called a pleasant nickname is a feat only a few people will do for another, and if this happens to you, then appreciating such individuals makes them feel special and accepted.

A heartwarming appreciation makes the person who called you by the pet name feel loved and welcomed. It also strengthens the bond of friendship you both share.

For example:

  • It is so sweet of you to call me your dear. Thank you so much for the nickname.
  • Very few people call me by the name, dear. Thank you for the nickname.

5. Why are you being dramatic right now?

It should not come as a surprise when an overly dramatic person addresses you as their dear. They will do this either when overly excited or just being playful.

The right way to respond to this if you notice their drama is to know why they are being dramatic.

For example:

  • Don’t you have time to seize being dramatic?
  • Tell me you are being dramatic. Why call me dear?

6. Is this supposed to be an apology?

There is a type of sweet name-calling whose aim is to conceal a flaw and try to overlook the gravity of one’s offense. When this is the case, then giving this response is the best way to tackle such a matter.

By refuting the pet name and sweet name-calling, you make such an individual realize the gravity of their offense and why there is a need to resolve an underlying issue.

For example:

  • I hope that isn’t supposed to be an apology. You’d have to learn to say good morning.
  • Who told you I need these pet names? This isn’t supposed to be an apology, is it?

7. I wish you could say something less common.

This response shows how dissatisfied you are over the popularization and common usage of the word dear that you feel your special one could say something better than toeing the line of the popular statement.

Here, you hint to your special one that you prefer being called other pet names that aren’t unique but less used as it does well to make you feel very special.

For example:

  • I get tired of hearing the word dear. I wish you could say something less common.
  • Even you, sugar plum. I wish you could call me a less common pet name.

8. Did you just call me a deer with antlers?

A hilarious response to a person calling you deer is to pretend that the person addressed you as something different from what they said. The response leaned towards humor and prank-playing.

Giving this response creates a playful atmosphere, whether your speaker means the statement they tell you, just to create fun out of it.

For example:

  • Did you just call me a deer with antlers?
  • How did you address me, a deer with antlers?

9. I’m flattered and also shy

This open and blunt response reveals the coyish and timid part of you when someone calls you dear, especially if it comes from someone you adore.

For example:

  • You’ve got me blushing all over. I’m flattered and also shy.
  • Stop calling me those pet names. You’re making me shy.

10. I never expected this

Have you had an instance where someone you cherish but thinks that they are ignoring you decides to talk to you and not just talk to you, but also call you a pet name? You’d be dumbfounded, I bet.

Give the response in this section when you have been taken unaware but still admire the fact that you were called the pet name.

For example:

  • Several times, I have tried to win your heart but I never expected what I heard today
  • It’s amazing that you finally get to call me a pet name. I never expected this.

11. Is this what it is now, calling ourselves pet names?

Giving this response acts as an informal way to describe a circumstance that baffles or causes you to raise an eyebrow.

It is like verifying if a person means what they are saying or just teasing.

The response can be used in situations where the person calling the pet name has rarely done that or does so when he/she wants something from you.

For example:

  • Because I’ve decided to settle the bills, you’re calling me darling. Is that what it is now?
  • Let me be certain that your calling me pet names hinges on the things I can do for you, is that so?

12. Do you mistake me for a love letter?

Give the suggested response when you intend to sound casual and also comical. By responding in this light, you draw a comparison in the process of writing a letter starting with the salutation ‘Dear’ and aligning with the pet name you’re called.

The response suggested is to include puns In a conversation and nothing serious.

For example:

  • Do I look like a love letter that you’d address me with that pet name?
  • Have you been looking for who to practice your love letter writing with, what’s with you calling me dear?

13. Thanks but I’d pass with the compliment

A lot of reasons can make one reject being called a pet name, mainly if the name-calling is not sincere. Concerning this reason, it is okay to respond with a courteous rebuff.

Hence, by giving the response you show how disinterested you are in being called the pet name and will gladly prefer to be addressed by your maiden name than any fancy name.

For example:

  • It’s so nice of you to call me that name, thanks but I think I’d pass with the pet name.
  • I’d prefer you call me by my maiden name, thanks for the pet name but I think I’d pass.

14. It’s way too early to call me dear

This response works best when you and a partner you’ve recently met begin to communicate and then begin to lavish these sweet names on you.

To avoid jumping too sound and assuming the best of a budding relationship courtesies high hopes by calling the attention of the new partner that for now, you’d prefer to be addressed by a different name other than dear as the latter feels more intimate.

For example:

  • I think we should slow down with the pet names, so do you think so?
  • Appreciate you for the pet name, but I feel it is way too early to go about the name-calling.

15. What do you want?

A consistent and calculated sweet pet name-calling is a sign that a person wants something from you other than actually wanting to call you for loving sake. When you sense this, proceed to ask what they want.

For example:

  • Lately, you’ve been addressing me as your dear, tell me what you want me to do.
  • When the pet name-calling was becoming too much, I had to ask him what he wanted. It was unusual for me to address myself as such.

16. What pet names do I call you now?

As a way to reciprocate a loved one’s pet name-calling, ask to know what you could call them in return if you want to make them feel special as well.

The response in the section puts your best foot as one who also cares and loves equally.

For example:

  • That’s so sweet of you to call me, so what do I call you in return?
  • I don’t want to feel indebted to you, please what pet name would you prefer I call you?

How to Respond When Someone Calls You Dear

17. I feel excited by that pet name.

The acceptance and approval of being called the pet name “Dear” is solidified when you respond with the suggestions in this section. It shows that you highly appreciate the name and will do anything to retain it.

For example:

  • My goodness! You’ve called me dear and to be honest, I feel excited by the pet name.
  • How did you come up with such an awesome pet name for me? I feel excited by it.

18. Who else do you call by this name?

Maybe you’re not convinced that the person calling you the pet name dear has reserved this name only for you and to clear your doubt, you can ask this question whenever they refer to you by that.

This response makes it easy for you to tell if the person has an interest in you or is someone carefree about how they use pet names and sweet names.

For example:

  • I bet I’m not the only one you call that, am I?
  • Tell me, who else do you call this name?

19. Are you trying to cajole me?

If deception or hypocrisy is the reason a person calls you their dear, then asking if they are trying to cajole you puts them on track.

The answer indicates an awareness and an inquisition on the intent of a person’s sweet talk to you, maybe to request something or get you to do something.

For example:

  • You and your sweet tongue, are you trying to cajole me?
  • I don’t want to do this and then find out that you’re trying to coax me, hope you’re not trying to cajole me.

20. I think you’re addressing the wrong person


Sometimes, a person can address another with a pet name mistakenly when they think they are talking to someone familiar. One way you can respond is to bring to their attention that they are chatting with the wrong person.

Only give this response when the person assumes you to be someone else and remember to add a little joke as you reply to them.

For example:

  • I may be the lookalike, but I think you’re addressing the wrong person.
  • If I were the person in question, I’d gladly accept your compliment, but sorry my friend, you’re addressing the wrong person.

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