20 Witty Retorts When Someone Calls You a Red Flag


The term “Red flag” started in the 18th century as a metaphoric or idiomatic expression that denotes a warning sign that there is a dangerous aloof indicator that something bad is about to happen/has happened.

However, it gained preeminence in the relationship discourse over time as slang that indicates warning signs about unhealthy and manipulative behavior of one party or parties in a “Ship.” 

So you see, you hear every lady or guy looking out for red flags in a relationship before settling down with the LOML, and once spotted, Genz and millennials don’t have the chill pill- they are calling it quit the next moment of their discoveries.

Notwithstanding, if someone calls you a red flag and you are looking for witty retorts to give them back then this article is curated at your beckonings. Here, you will be able to extract as many creative responses to give them back flaming hot. 

Better To Be A Red Flag Than A Pirate Flag Of Trouble

If your girlfriend has an annoying character, pisses you off at the slightest chance, and never stops looking out for red flags in you, then this response above is a very creative and apt response best used for such a troublesome girlfriend. It is a witty way of telling her if red flags were human, she wouldn’t repentantly pass for one.

  • My red flag is meant for peace, yours is for trouble.

I’m Too Perfect For You To Comprehend. I Am A Vibrant Flag 

This response head is what I formulate as the “too hard to crack ” formula and should be used unapologetically if someone tries to guilt trip you with the I-can’t-deal-with-your-red-flags brouhaha. So next time they call you a red flag, go hard, creative, and hot on them using this witty response above. I bet you they will shrink.

  • You see flaws but all I see is perfection.
  • Have you ever seen a more perfect red than mine?

Red Is The Color Of Courage, Anything Else?


Another formula to ridicule your red flag tagger is using the “educate your critic” method this method has proven effective a million and one times, and It is not about to lose its potency anytime soon. This is the perfect way to turn any attack to your advantage by making their point futile.

Use this witty retort if you want to make someone who calls you a red flag look so dumb and lost.

  • Whatever red flag you see in me represents courage.

You Are So Filled With Red Flags That You See Yourself In Others

Here is the manipulative formula and approach formulated just for your usage to clap back at someone who calls you a red flag. It’s a creative way of saying they easily can figure out red flags because they are one themselves. Use this statement as a perfect clap back in response to anyone who calls you a red flag.

  • My red flags are those things you hate about yourself.

Calling Me A Red Flag? Is That Your Excuse For A Bad Attitude?

Witty Retorts when someone calls you a red flag

If you have a short girlfriend who has pointed lips, uses size 37, between the ages of 18-24, they are mostly head of bad attitude association and are good at pinpointing red flags in their partners. It is as though they bag degrees in it. The next time your girlfriend calls you a red flag, don’t hesitate to use this witty retort to highlight her bad attitude.

  • Your bad attitudes outweigh my red flags.

A Red Flag Is Better Than Being A Bully

In a scenario where standing up for yourself in a toxic relationship is being tagged as being a red flag, then you shouldn’t hesitate to call out such verbal bullies by using this response above.

Most likely, ladies fall victim to this situation so when you next find yourself in this situation, stand your ground, and defend yourself using this creative response.

  • You have more red flags and verbal bullying is one of them 

My Red Flag Looks Good On Me, Fix Your Insecurity


Here is a great clapback on your critic and a creative way of shifting the focus from you being an object of ridicule to them being the center of jest-making. 

Dragging their insecurity into the banter will surely burn them like hot coals and remind them of their boundaries next time.

  • I have accepted who I am and I love it, not changing for anyone.

Oh It Took You Long To Notice My Favorite Color

Here is an I-don’t-care-about-what-you-spill response to give to someone who calls you a red flag. This shows how unaffected and unbothered you are regardless of what they hurl at you. Use this response as a countermeasure to get back at anyone who calls you a red flag.

  • My favorite color should be the least of your problems.

Call me what you want, if bad behaviors were colored yours would be rainbow

Another I-don’t-care-about-what-you-spill response to give to someone who calls you a red flag. This is a creative retort to give to them especially when they are no saints themselves, but they love to readily point out people’s flaws at the slightest chance they get.

  • Your red flags are in a class of their own, mine is nothing compared to yours.

I’m Here To Kill Your Boring Life

When someone calls you a red flag, make a joke out of it, that way you win them flawlessly. Saying you are here to kill their boring life is making them look dumb with the drawing humorous effect from such a scenario.

  • At least my red flags got you an artistic job, now you can detect colors 

Haven’t You Noticed? Your Opinion Doesn’t Matter

“Haven’t you noticed? Your opinion doesn’t matter” is a perfect response to shun someone who calls you a red flag especially if you have no solid relationship with them. It’s a creative way of telling them to mind their business.

  • You and your opinion have never mattered.

You Call Vibrant Personalities A Red Flag Because You Lack One

This is another creative response to give to someone who calls you a red flag. Using this response is a psychological way of dealing with them and playing mind games with them. This is also a direct attack on their IQ and will further make them look so stupid at their name-calling attempt.

  • Those red flags are what you need to become a real man.

My Worst Attitude Is You Being At Your Best

A timely bomb response to give to someone who calls you a red flag. This is a creative way of highlighting their attitude and setting them up for a good laugh in such a way it might take a while before they understand it was a trap.

  • You are filled with hatred, I am sure those are the qualities you like about me.

Put Some Respect On That Color

Create another hilarious effect from a serious threat using this dirty response. This is a good way to shock them and it will hurt them so much because they expected an outburst from you as a reaction, instead of the calm countenance you gave them.

  • Careful! That color commands respect.
  • Hate the man don’t hate on the color

You See A Red Flag, I See Gutsiness

Here is a bold statement to give to someone who calls you a red flag. Not only will it intimidate them, but it will also do the job of putting them in their rightful place.

So if you want to portray yourself as a no-nonsense person in front of your critic, you should use this sharp and bold retort on them.

  • You see red flags, I see courage.
  • My red flag is the definition of “no gut no glory.”

I’m Not A Coward To Stop Waving Those Flags

Witty Retorts when someone calls you a red flag

If a colleague calls you a red flag at work, there are words to say to keep him off balance. You can use the response above to shut him down right at the spot. This response shows that you care less about their comments and this will slap harder by making them understand it was all a waste of time.

  • Get a grip those red flags are going to be here for a long time.
  • The only thing that needs to go is your insecurities, not my red flag.

I’m The Red Flag You Want To Be So Stop Pretending

There is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself in an uncomfortable situation. The next time someone calls you a red flag telling them they secretly wish to be you will bruise their ego. It shows that you are someone who attaches importance to yourself and would never tolerate being treated like trash.

  • Those red flags are the reasons you look up to me, you can stop pretending.

Calling Me A Red Flag For Being Bold And Outstanding, I Will Take It As A Compliment

If you are being called a red flag because you are assertive and outspoken then the above response is the perfect response to shut them down. Trust me when I say this will work in keeping them mute and putting a leash on them for a long time.

  • I have special qualities you don’t? You are welcome.
  • You need my red flags to become bold and smart.

I Can Teach You To Become Like Me Someday If You Are Humble

Not taking their words seriously to heart and making jokes out of them will sting them because they think calling you a red flag will make you angry. Use this response to prove them wrong and to creatively state your point that negative words have nothing on you. 

  • If you are humble enough and can stop being jealous, I might teach you how to become like me someday.

I Must Be So Good With My Red Flag To Get Your Attention

Lastly, give them a shoulder-elevated response to show them you are still unbothered and unaffected by their comments. This is a comment that slaps so hard and there is no comeback from this powerful statement that can shut down verbal abusers. This statement exploits the situation by turning the tide of the conversation in your favor while making their remark useless.

  • I’m sure my red flags are so cool they caught your attention.
  • My red flags are about to give you that 2 second moment of fame.

Final Words

It may be quite difficult to respond calmly when someone calls you a red flag. The tendency to give a harsh response is high in situations like this. A Witty response could be a better option, this can ease you up if you got pissed at the person calling you a red flag. You can make use of any of the witty responses I have explained in this article. 


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