20 Clever Responses to “You’re So Dramatic”


If you are constantly being called dramatic by your lover, friend, siblings, or relatives and you are always short of response to give, relax, I feel your pain. I have also been called dramatic quite several times and just like you aside from angry reactions from me,  I couldn’t come up with clever responses. 

That is what propelled me into doing research and upon my discovery, I promised to help you and several others. So, I got you covered.

In this article, I’ll be providing you with the best responses that are too good to be stumbled upon anywhere. These responses have been written in such a way that when delivered, will leave them in awe of your intellect and make them speechless.

Without Any Drama, You Would Have Been Bored To Death


If your colleague opens their mouth widely to tell you, “You are so dramatic,” just know this time around that they are in for a long thing. You know what to do; just give them a long deadly stare and tell them “Without my drama, you would have been bored to death.” This will hit them so hard especially if they are so boring to be with, or a boring geek. 

You can also give your comeback this way; 

  • So this is what I get for saving your life daily from the grips of boredom? So ungrateful!
  • Without my drama, you would have been miserable 

I Was Meant To Be An Actor If Life Didn’t Happen

This is a charming response to give to your siblings if they always tell you that you are dramatic. It is a great way to shut them down and a creative way of telling them to let you be.

Next time they call you dramatic, smile and say

  • Could have been the Tom Cruise of this family and you wouldn’t be deserving of being my siblings if life hadn’t happened.
  • I’m just living my best telenovela life, take heed.

This is sure to crack everyone up while it won’t fail to pass your message vividly.

Enjoy The Drama While It Lasts

Here is a cheeky response to give to your friend if he tells you that you are so dramatic. Contrary to the reactions he is used to, shock him with this statement and watch him being smitten with the unexpected response coming from you.

  • You won’t get to see this side of me often so enjoy it while it last.
  • While it is free, enjoy it because soon you will start subscribing to my dramas.

This Is Not Being Dramatic, I’m Just Getting Started

Clever Responses to You're So Dramatic

This response is for your big-mouth colleague who thinks he has the right to call anybody anything. When next he calls you dramatic, touch his shoulder and say 

  • More is coming from where this came from. Brace yourself up. 
  • I wonder what you will call me when I show you the crazier part of me.

I’m Happy I Interest You

Here is a creative way of telling someone who calls you dramatic that you might have caught their fancy and that they secretly admire your personality. 

It is a manipulative approach that will leave them short of words coming, as will also leave them looking stricken with defeat. Go closer to them when next they call you dramatic and say:

  • Be honest, you admire and worship me in your secret place.
  • Shhhh! I know you wish you had this talent of mine

Without Drama Life Would Have Been Too Quiet For You

A sharp retort to give your boring pal who dares calls you dramatic. And what other creative way to call them ” ungrateful beings,” or “boring,” just use this witty retort and watch Mr. Boring burn inside.

  • Without my drama, your life would have been so gloomy.
  • Is that you saying thank you for adding spark to your boring life?

Once In A While I Like To Practice My Future Career

Here is an “I care less about what you call me” kind of response and is perfect for your neighbor who thinks they can get away with every remark.

So the next time you want to tell them to mind their freaking business without being rude doing so, just utilize this creative response above and I bet you will be glad you did.

  • Seen anyone go to jail for being dramatic? Well, you might take that as your homework since you are idle.
  • Once in a while, the dramatic part of me is activated. 

I Will Stick To This Me Rather Than Be So Boring Like You

Your tiresome and very boring friend just spilled “You are dramatic,” make him eat his words by giving him this response.  Tell them creatively using this response that it is a criminal offense for someone like them to call you dramatic.

  • This dramatic me is 200 times better than your boring life. I don’t even envy it.
  • How many times do you wish to be as lively as me?

I Am The Spark Of The Party, Believe It Or Not

Assuming you are in the gathering of a handful of people and they just called you dramatic, well don’t let it slide or make them feel like they just made sense. Rise above the situation by using this statement above and watch them keep mute for some seconds. 

This response is a great clapback that hits perfectly.

  • I see you are jealous that I’m the life of the party and there is no fun without me. 
  • Should I be sad when action revolves around me naturally?

I’m Not Dramatic. I’m Just Adding Some Action To The Situation 

“I’m not dramatic. I’m just adding some action to the situation” is another clever response to give to your set of boring friends who just called you dramatic. 

This response will make them benumbed for a few minutes.

  • If adding some little action is what you see as dramatic, then I receive my crown with honor.
  • You can’t deny that there is no action without me.

I Bring Life Into Every Situation

Double the heat of the comebacks by using this savage response for anyone who calls you “dramatic”. By using this response you are telling them that you are of much importance and also portraying to them the importance of your spicy dramas. This savage response will reveal to anyone who the main boss is; which is undoubtedly you.

  • We all know your survival solely depends on my dramas.
  • I know you don’t smile until you see me display.

Oh Is That Your Way Of Saying I’m So Good And I Should Be Featured In Marvel Soon?

Making assumptions for them is a perfect way to twist their head and make them look so stupid along the line. This is a crafty response to give them a tactical approach to playing with their senses while making them look dumb at the end. By using these words, you prove to them that they are no match for you when it comes to banter.

  • Oh, I take it as you saying” I’m fabulous.”
  • Oh, I take it as you saying “I’m full of potential.”

I’m Not Dramatic, I Am Drama Itself


Another great way to flaw your critic is to give them a quick, and sharp retort that portrays standard and class. By using this comeback, you prove to them that you are more sensible and mature than they are, therefore you can’t be haggling with them.

  • That’s treason calling me dramatic, boy! I’m drama itself.
  • Dramatic? No! I’m drama itself

Just Call Me The Spice That Spices Things Up 

Other times, a clever response might come in the manner of stepping on their toes(figuratively). If a serious-minded person tells you that you are dramatic, tease him a beat with this sentence.

Trust me, he is going to hiss out of frustration. 

Exactly, what we are looking for; is to make them even more frustrated.

  • I bring the theatrics wherever I go!
  • Drama is my superpower; what can I say?

I’m A Natural Actress. What Else?

Clever Responses to You're So Dramatic

Another clever response to give to someone who calls you dramatic is “I’m a natural actress.” Here, you let the person know that it is expected of you as an actress.

When next someone calls you dramatic, spread your arms and say;

  • I’m a thespian. What else?
  • I see you are short of words as a result of my performance. Next time, just call me amazing.

Welcome to the reality TV show, I hope you are Entertained

“Welcome to the reality TV show, I hope you are entertained” is another goofy response you should give to someone who tells you that you are dramatic.  

This response is suitable if you have a colleague you have been trying to dismiss creatively.

Give a stern look and say;

  • Welcome to the reality TV show, I hope you are entertained.
  • Okay, I agree I’m dramatic but don’t forget to subscribe for more of my dramas.

You Are Free To Call Me Drama Because It Is My Middle Name

‘”You are free to call me Drama because it is my middle name” is a suitable response to give to your cousin who loves to call you dramatic. Assuming It is the end-of-year family party, and your cousin is also present and a little scenario, he calls you dramatic; don’t hesitate to use the above response for him. If you are someone who doesn’t talk, it will sure ring a bell it is high he stopped calling you dramatically.

  • Why be subtle when you can be spectacular?
  • Being dramatic is my art and I’m a pro at it.

Who Needs Drama When You Got Me?

A jocular yet clever response to give to that relative of yours who loves calling you a drama queen. Show them you are pleased being a drama queen and you are not quitting being one using this response.

  • Drama queen? More like royalty!
  • Be thankful I bring Netflix to you alive; flesh and blood.

Life Is Too Short To Be Low-Key All The Time. Let’s Make It Grand

Want another creative way to dismiss someone who calls you a drama queen? Then this is a perfect response for them “Life is too short to be low-key all the time. Let’s make it grand.” By saying this, you are depicting that you’re cool with being dramatic and you are unrepentant about that.

  • Life is too short for boring reactions.
  • If life gives you lemons, make a dramatic entrance.

I’m Not Dramatic, I’m Just Passionately Expressive

Lastly, crown it with this mild savage and watch them being crushed and blaming themselves for calling you dramatic in the first place. This can be a great retort for your rude friend or relative.

  • It’s because you can’t express yourself in words that is why you think I’m dramatic.

Final Words

There is every possibility that you have friends who think you are dramatic, the next time you are in a conversation with such friends and they tell you that you are so dramatic, you can make use of any of the responses I have explained in this article.


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