20 Best Responses to “You Make Me Happy”


When someone tells you “You make me happy,” they are trying to let you know how good you make them feel.

This is a good time to express your love for them or let them know that you want to always make them happy.

Depending on your relationship with the person, there are certain ways you can respond to “You make me happy” and in this article, I have discussed 20 of such ways.

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It’s Really Nice To Know That I Can Make You Smile

How to Respond to You Make Me Happy

One of the ways you can respond to “You make me happy” is to tell the person that it was nice to know that you could make them smile. This is just you affirming that you recognize what they said and it was for you a pleasure as well.

You Deserve All The Happiness In The World, And I’m Glad I Can Do This For You

Another way you can respond to “You make me happy” is to tell the person “You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I’m glad I can do this for you.”

This statement lets them understand that they deserve to be happy and you are only trying to be a part of the people who contribute to their happiness.

Thank You For Accepting The Happiness That I Bring, I Know You Deserve It And More

When you are in a relationship and your partner tells you how you make them happy, you could reply with a statement like “Thank you for accepting the happiness that I bring, I know you deserve it and more.”

A statement like this will form a deeper bond with your partner and let them know that they deserve every good thing they get.

Thanks For Sharing That, Seeing You Happy Definitely Brings Me Peace

This response to you make me happy is one that acknowledges the importance of letting your partner know how they make you feel.

When they do so, you could appreciate them for telling you that information while adding an interesting reminder for them.

I’m Thrilled To Hear This From You, You’re My Source Of Happiness As Well

You can also respond by letting them know that you feel the same way about them when they tell you you make them happy.

I’m thrilled to hear this from you, you’re my source of happiness as well” affirms your excitement to their claim while reciprocating to make them feel loved as well.

You’re An Incredible Person, And Your Happiness Is Well-Deserved

When someone who might not necessarily be your partner tells you something as deep as “You make me happy,” you will need to be careful to choose your words so that you do not say something that doesn’t come off well or puts them off.

If you are not sure what you’re going to say that will make them not feel unwanted, you could say “You’re an incredible person, and your happiness is well-deserved.”

You Have No Idea How This Makes Me Feel, Your Happiness Is My Happiness

This is another cute way to respond when somebody tells you how you make them happy. It is you showing them or telling them that making them happy is something you like to do.

Stating that their happiness is your happiness gives them the message that whatever happens, you are always going to choose their happiness.

Aww, Thank You So Much. I’m Happy You Feel This Way About Me And I’m So Glad We Can Share This

Another way you can respond when somebody tells you “You make me happy” is to appreciate them. Yes, it may not look like the right thing to do but it shows that you are being courteous.

After showing your appreciation, you can follow it up by saying how much you are happy about it and that you’re glad to share happy moments with them.

You’re An Amazing Person And I’m Really Glad I Get To Be The Reason Life Is Good For You

Seeing that someone’s claim of you making them happy is their attempt to let you know how important you are in their life, you could tell them how amazing they are and show them that you are excited to give them reasons to feel happy. A statement like this will do just that.

I’m Really Committed To Being The Reason For Your Smile And Every Happiness You Feel. I’m So Pleased You Appreciate It

For those in a relationship, when your partner tells you that you make them happy, it is a good opportunity for you to reaffirm your commitment to them.

You can do this by saying “I’m really committed to being the reason for your smile and every happiness you feel. I’m so pleased you appreciate it.”

Knowing That I Can Make You Feel This Way Gives Me A Sense of Fulfillment And It Means I Am Fulfilling Life’s Purpose

Talking about how good it makes you feel to know that you are a source of happiness to that person can also be a reply.

If you want to do this, you could tell them that “Knowing that I can make you feel this way, gives me a sense of fulfillment and it means I am fulfilling life’s purpose.”

I Love Seeing You Smile Because It Gives Me So Much Warmth. I’m Grateful For Your Presence In My Life

What better way to respond to “You make me happy” than by complimenting the individual? I will recommend using this reply if you are already in a relationship with this person or if you just value their friendship more than regular friends.

What More Can I Ask For, If Not To See My Favorite Being Filled With Joy Instead Of Sorrow

This response lets them know what you think about them and how you are actively working toward making them happy.

From the nature of the response, you know that it is suited for people who are already in a relationship and I can guarantee it is going to make your significant other feel happier.

Your Words Are Flattering. Your Heart Is So Pure And Deserving Of Everything That Looks Good

You could also appreciate them for how sweet their words are. Them telling you how you make them happy would be downright flattering and so this response is not out of place.

While you appreciate them for complimenting you, you could also compliment them by saying their heart is pure and they deserve everything that is good.

Your Smile Brightens Up My Gloomy Day, And We’re A Perfect Match As We’ve Been Able To Complement Each Other So Well

What better way to respond to your partner’s claims of always making her happy than by letting her know that she also makes you happy and that you know you are perfect for each other? That’s what a response like this aims to do and it is one that I fully recommend.

I Know What My Plans In Life Are And Making You Happy Is My Top Priority. It’s An Honor

This response to “You make me happy” seeks to double their original compliment and give it back to them. Who wouldn’t feel happy to know that somebody sees making them happy as a priority and even considers it an honor? You are really going to get your partner weak in the knees when you use this response.

Your Happiness Can Be Felt From Blocks Away From You. It Really Is Contagious And I Don’t Mind Helping You Spread Joy Around

This is one response you could use generally whether to your partner, a crush, or your friend. By telling them “Your happiness can be felt from blocks away from you. It really is contagious and I don’t mind helping you spread joy around,” you are just acknowledging that they deserve to be happy and you just feel like helping them achieve that.

Your Smile Is Like A Flower Blooming Beautifully That Attracts. I’m Certain You Don’t Mind Being A Blessing To Others

Another response you can use in general case scenarios or to just anybody is “Your smile is like a flower blooming beautifully that attracts. I’m certain you don’t mind being a blessing to others.”

This does not have any underlying romantic tone which makes it generally applicable.

I Wish To Live My Life Being The One That Gives You Unending Happiness And Peace

Say this to your partner and they are going to feel extremely happy. A lot of times when my partner tells me about how I make them happy, I just let them know that I would like to be the only person in their life that will provide them that sort of happiness and as long as there’s breath in my nostrils then I’ll keep doing it.

You Have Zero Idea How Much You Mean To Me, You Make Me Feel So Loved And Appreciated, It Means The World To Me

Finally, if someone tells you “You make me happy” and you want to respond, if they are your crush or your partner, you could tell them “You have zero idea how much you mean to me, you make me feel so loved and appreciated, it means the world to me.”

This is you trying to make them even happier. You should try this.

Final Thoughts 

“You make me happy” is a lovely and romantic remark. It can be used by friends, spouses, and people who are either crushing on you.

The responses that I have provided in this article are designed to respond in an appropriate manner when someone tells you how you make them happy. It takes into consideration all the types of people that would probably tell you how much you make them happy.

What has been your favorite response? Have more than one? Share them with us.

How to Respond to You Make Me Happy

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