15 Casual Replies to “You Good?”


When someone asks you whether you are good or not, they are concerned you may be going through a difficult time or facing a challenge, they genuinely care about your well-being and want to make sure everything is okay with you, or they want to check in on a specific issue or problem you had mentioned previously.

Whatever the case, someone who asks “You good?” is trying to find out if everything is okay with you. If you want to phrase your response in a way that doesn’t sound formal, this piece on 15 Casual Replies to “You Good?” is specially crafted to help you. Here, you’ll find good ways to respond to the query in a laid-back and chill manner. 

Had To Take A Breather

Casual Replies to “You Good?

You could be trying to rest and maybe your posture or countenance is making someone wonder if you are doing well. Since there’s no problem as you are only trying to rest, you can tell the questioner that you are only taking a breather. It could be a good response when you are at work or during practice. There are a few other ways you can phrase this response:

  • Yeah, just in energy-saving mode.
  • Yup, making sure I take the pauses I need to prevent exhaustion.

Quite A Long Day I Had But Everything Is Good

Quite a long day I had but everything is good” talks about your day and uses it as a reason to reply to why you may have looked like you aren’t good. This response gives the inquirer the reason for your countenance or why it may look like you aren’t okay. You could also explain what exactly about your day had you looking that way. For example:

  • The traffic I experienced today was unlike anything I’ve encountered since I moved to LA. I am fine now though.
  • I had a long day from going back and forth at work. However, I am just great.

It Couldn’t Be Any Better

Another casual reply to “You good?” is to say “It couldn’t be any better.” This reply attempts to deflate any idea they might have had about how you were faring. It is a good way to respond if something is going on but you aren’t ready to let the individual know. If you need other suggestions, try any of these:

  • Couldn’t be any better, my mate.
  • Oh yeah. I am perfectly okay.

Yes, Man. Don’t Worry About Me

Yes, man. Don’t worry about me” is another good way to respond to “You good?” The idea is to prevent the person from worrying about you. This is a good one when you know the person wouldn’t back down unless they get to the root of what they think is disturbing you. Telling them not to worry, may get their minds at rest. You may have to insist so you can ward them off though.

Unhun, Just Need To Pay For This Stuff And My Card Keeps Declining

You could be frantically trying to do something and someone may notice your body language and suspect that things aren’t going your way. When this is the case, you can respond with what exactly is putting you in a pensive mood. Like the response I provided, Unhun, just need to pay for this stuff and my card keeps declining, shows that you are good but struggling to get your card to pay for something you are buying.

  • No. The dishwasher is stuck and I am tired already.
  • Well, if I can get the oven to turn on, I’ll be fine. Not sure what’s wrong with it.

I Am But I Could Be Better

When someone asks you if you are good but you aren’t, you could answer them with a positive remark. One example of a positive reply to “You good?” when you aren’t is to say “I am but I could be better.” You can use this response whether you aren’t good or just want things to be better as the response implies. It is a good way to reply to friends, family, and colleagues.

  • If I can just rest but a while I guess I’ll be better.
  • Thank you. But I am good. It will be better soon.

I Just Had A Trip Down Memory Lane. Wasn’t All Good Memories, But I Am Fine

There are times you’d be lost in thoughts probably at work or in class and someone observant enough could notice and ask you if you are good. You can use a response like “I just had a trip down memory lane. Wasn’t all good memories, but I am fine” if you were lost in some unpleasant thoughts. However, since there’s the likelihood that you were lost in thoughts but they aren’t negative, there are a few recommendations I have provided:

  • Yeah. just got lost in thoughts. It is no biggy.
  • I am fine. I was only thinking of something that happened a while ago.

Let’s Just Say I Am Strong Enough To Weather The Challenges

If someone asks you if you are good but you aren’t and you do not want to let them know about it, you can respond with “Let’s just say I am strong enough to weather the challenges.” Here, you are letting them know that you are not good but they do not need to worry. It is a statement that eliminates their attempt to want to hear the gist or provide help to you.

Be direct so you don’t get them making more inquiries. You could say:

  • Ah, you know, I’m solid – just weathering the storm, no biggie.
  • Eh, I’m tough as nails, don’t you worry. Just taking things as they come.

Yes, Already Fixed The Issue

When someone asks you if you are good but there was an issue that has been fixed already, this is the response to use. Some people may want you to tell them what it is about even when you use this response. You know they are just trying to care. However, this is the perfect way to respond after fixing whatever might have ruffled the waters for you.

  • Yup. I have handled the issue. There’s nothing to worry about.
  • Yeah. wasn’t so much of a problem. I’ve taken care of it.

It Wasn’t Much Of A Challenge So Yeah I Am Good

Casual Replies to “You Good?

Let’s say you were at work or the person asking you if you are good just watched you do something that may have been tasking. They might be asking if you are good because they want to be sure you have everything under control. It could also be used if you are on the athletics team in your school and your coach asks you if you are good. They want to be sure you aren’t in bad shape and handled the task well enough.

  • Umm, yeah. I underestimated it but I handled it well.
  • There’s nothing to worry about. I am all right. Ready for the next jump.

Would Be If I Got Coffee

You could use getting coffee or lunch as an excuse for appearing to have a countenance that suggests you have an issue going on. If you are at work and you are hungry, it may look like there’s an issue bothering you. When someone asks, a good way to respond is to ask them to get you lunch. You can also move from that to going on a date that evening or something related.

  • If I can get lunch, I guess I’d be okay.
  • I couldn’t get my coffee dose for today. It is the reason I feel a little disoriented.
  • I just need to grab some drinks after work to cool off. Feeling burnt out.

Yes, But I Can’t Say The Same For You. Are You?

Use this when you are not sure if the person is ok too. Sometimes, people do not get asked if they are ok, that is more reason why you need to ask if everything is ok. That way, you know what exactly is going on with the person. See some examples below:

  • Looking at you, it is clear you need someone to take care of you.
  • Whatever is wrong with me can wait. You don’t seem fine.

What She Did Was Wrong And It Made Me Angry. No Worries, I Am Okay Now

Maybe someone got on your nerves. You guys exchanged words in a heated argument. People had to come to separate y’all to restore order. If you are asked “You good?” after such a scenario, you could let the person know what pissed you off or something that you didn’t like before declaring how you feel. Aside from the example response, there are others you can try depending on the situation:

  • I couldn’t sit back and watch him repeat that action. It’s no biggie. I am cool though.
  • I had to let her know what I thought about her actions. After doing it, I feel relieved.

I Knew You’d Ask. It’s Nothing

Casual Replies to “You Good?

There are some people you know who would always ask about your welfare. They are quick to notice when something seems off with you and would stop at nothing until they know what it is that’s bothering you. It could be a crush, spouse, or close friend. Aside from “I knew you’d ask. It’s nothing,” these are some responses you can use:

  • I was waiting for you to ask. (Smile at them) Nothing is wrong with me.
  • Always looking out for me. There’s no problem, My Love.

Only If You Are Helping Me Get Groceries From The Store

Only if you are helping me get groceries from the store” is another good way to respond to “You good?” It mustn’t be about groceries alone before you can use this response. Understanding what the response is about is going to help you make the most of it. The goal with this response is to admit you are not good and tell the person questioning you what you need to be good.

  • It’d be good if you came home earlier than you said you would.
  • No. How can I be good when I do not have enough money? Some cash is going to make me feel good.

Final Thoughts 

This article has presented some of the best ways to reply to “You good?” when you don’t want to sound formal or too serious. To make the article comprehensive, each reply has other similar suggestions so you have a variety of options to choose from and an understanding of what each response is trying to communicate.

While you are attempting to answer casually, you should be careful to not be rude as this may make the questioner feel bad seeing they are only concerned about your well-being. Save the best options recommended or bookmark this page for later.

Casual Replies to “You Good?

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