20 Best Responses When Someone Send You a “You Drive Me Crazy” Text


When someone sends you a ‘you drive me crazy’ text, they could mean two things. First, they are trying to be romantic or flirt with you. Second, they may be expressing their displeasure deeming you to be exasperating and exhausting.

If you get a ‘you drive me crazy’ text, I have compiled a list of replies based on both contexts and several angles that may inform your responses.

I Feel The Same Way About You

how to respond to you drive me crazy text

Then. You should know that I feel the same way about you’ is going to be a good response if you get the message from a loved one or potential partner.

You can respond to a ‘you drive me crazy’ text in this way when you feel the same about the person who’s texting you. It could be the spark of a relationship or something you are saying to your partner.

Refer to the following examples:

  • You drive me crazy too and I am madly in love with you
  • When you say things like this, they are reassuring cause I feel the same way

Well, We Should Hang Out This Weekend Or Any Day You Are Free

As a guy trying to hit on a lady, if she tells you that you drive her crazy and she says it lovingly, it could be your clue to ask her out on a date. You must have found your way into her heart for her to send you a text like that and you should take it up from there.

See more suggestions below:

  • If I am doing that, then I think we can talk about it over drinks later tonight
  • We have a connection already. Why don’t we solidify it this weekend at (mention a nice restaurant or eatery)?

What Do You Mean By That?

When you are not sure what they mean or you do not want to give them a positive response, you can reply to a ‘you drive me crazy’ text with “What’s that supposed to mean?” This does not imply that you are ignorant of what driving someone crazy means. It is shutting the door to any flirting antics or finding out if the person thinks you are downright annoying.

Based on the two angles, here are two examples to explore:

  • What the heck does that even mean, bro?
  • Do you mean I am driving you nuts? Is that what this is about?

I Don’t Know How To Drive, So How Am I Driving You Crazy?

If you need a cheeky response to a ‘you drive me crazy’ text, you can say “I don’t know how to drive, so how am I driving you crazy?” It is not everyone that will understand this is a joke. So, make sure to only use it with someone who.

Other ways you can respond in this manner include:

  • The irony. I am driving you crazy when I don’t know how to drive
  • I guess it’s because I am not so much of a great driver

I Am Sorry. I Didn’t Mean to be Annoying 

Suppose the text implied that you were exasperating or rude, your response should be an apology. The sender may be your partner, your colleague at work, or someone you hold in high esteem. If the fault is coming from you, there’s no point being adamant.

Here are a few ways to apologize in response to a ‘you drive me crazy’ text:

  • I wouldn’t want to ruin our relationship with my attitude. I am sorry
  • I didn’t mean to annoy you. I know I’ve got some excesses. I promise to change

I Apologize But I Feel This Is Something That’s Affecting Our Workflow. Please, Forgive Me

A superior or colleague at work may feel like you drive them nuts. They may express themselves in a text and if you have to respond, you would need to do so formally and professionally.

One of the ways to compose your response is to apologize for your attitude and give a legitimate reason why you were acting that way.

See the following examples for a better understanding:

  • I am sorry for acting that way but you need to understand that it is in our collective interest to make it work that way
  • I know I can be a thorn in one’s side. However, if you objectively consider the term I propose, you’ll realize it is better for all the parties concerned

When You Have The Balls, You Come Say That To My Face

Someone once replied to my flirt texts with “When you have the courage, you can come and say it to my face.” Ladies can use this response however they like as it would suffice if you need to address a guy who keeps texting you but never dares to say it to you physically.

It may sound rude but if they care about you, they’ll man up and state their intentions in a physical meetup.

I’ve provided two more examples in this direction:

  • While I appreciate your texts, if you can’t be man enough to say these words to my face, then you aren’t ready
  • Next time you see me, tell me.

That’s Funny. How Am I Doing That?

That’s funny. How am I doing that?” is a sarcastic response. The intent is to mildly dissipate the sender’s advances or to show your surprise about that fact, maybe because they are merely an acquaintance.

Other examples to try are highlighted below:

  • That’s hilarious. How is that even possible?
  • We just met and I am driving you crazy already? That’s jokes

I Intend To Do More Than Just That

how to respond to you drive me crazy text

If the person is someone who you are also interested in, “I intend to do more than just drive you crazy” is a good reply. You are not only showing your interest but letting them know that what they’ve experienced is nothing compared to what you plan to do.

Need more responses, use the following:

  • You know, I could do more if you let me
  • Well, driving you crazy is only the beginning of the many things I intend to do to you

What Can I Say? This Crazy Chick Is In Love With You

Another response to a ‘you drive me crazy’ text is to express your love for the person. Whether you are a boy or girl, you can tell them that you do not intend to drive them crazy because you are trying to flirt with them but because you’ve developed feelings that you can no longer hide.

Do you get the idea? If you don’t, see the following examples:

  • I must tell you, I don’t just want to drive you crazy. I want you to be my girlfriend
  • Well, I am crazily in love with you maybe that’s why

How Long Do You Want This Ride To Last? I Am Thinking Forever

how to respond to you drive me crazy text

Another way you can respond if the person in question is someone you love is to ask them “How long do you want this ride to last?” Like in the main response, you can follow it up with your answer about the duration of the crazy ride or wait for them to give you their reply.

For more examples, see the options below:

  • And it is not a temporal ride. We are doing this for life
  • This car has no brakes. I can continue driving you crazy forever

You Are Constantly In My Thoughts

If you are in a relationship or you have a crush on someone and they tell you that you drive them crazy, it is a great opportunity for you to affirm your deep-seated emotion for them. A crush is going to get the message and if you are the lady, it gives them a nod to ask you out on a date.

Here are a few other ways you can respond in this manner:

  • I bet it is because you are always in my thoughts
  • With the way I can’t help thinking about you, I guess it’s me returning the favor

Is That Your Clever Way Of Asking Me Out?

When a guy who fancies his chance of being with you but is finding it hard to ask you out sends you a ‘you drive me crazy’ text, you can use that opportunity to let them know you are aware of their moves. This could also be a way to make him comfortable with asking you out.

If you need other replies, the following would help you:

  • Is that your way of saying you want me to be your girlfriend?
  • We could continue the talking stage or you could ask me to be your girlfriend.

Well, You Have A Hand In That, You Know

You could send a flirtatious text in response. “You have a hand in that” as a reply to a ‘you drive me crazy’ text is going to ignite some conversations and it will lead to deep resolutions. This reply implies that you aren’t driving them crazy by your efforts alone or you are simply returning the favor.

Based on the above, you can use any of the examples provided below:

  • If you didn’t fill my heart with so much pleasure, I may have never achieved that feat
  • It’s all thanks to you. I am only returning the favor

I May Be Driving You Crazy, But I Am Still The One You Love

I may be driving you crazy, but I am still the one you love” is the kind of response you give to your spouse or partner when they send you a message saying you’re driving them nuts. When they send you the text, you can also say “I am sorry but you choose to love me, darling.

Refer to the examples below:

  • We are in this forever. I am sorry for my attitude.
  • Are you still mad at me? I am sorry. It’s me, Babe

No One Is As Annoying And Frustrating As You Are

No one is as annoying and frustrating as you are” could sound harsh but when someone who’s equally infuriating you sends you a ‘you drive me crazy’ text, you can send a counter-response to say they are even worse.

I have listed two other ways to do so:

  • I doubt there’s anyone in the whole wide world that’s as unhinged as you are
  • You never cease to amaze me. I’ve never met someone as rude as you are

I Guess You Meant I Am Sweet, But I’ll Take Crazy 

Whether you don’t fancy the idea of driving someone crazy or you are trying to be a bigger flirt, “I guess you meant I am sweet, but I’ll take crazy” can be a reply to that kind of text.

You can also respond answer the text with any of the following suggestions:

  • Umm… Crazy? I do better than just crazy. Lol
  • Wouldn’t want to drive you crazy so we don’t crash. But I get you though

You Just Don’t Want To Admit That You Are At Fault

In heated conversation, “You just don’t want to admit that you are at fault” can be a good response to a “you are driving me crazy” message. This response is suited to be given to anyone who makes it a habit to pass blame even when they are clearly at fault.

Other ways to respond in this direction include:

  • Here we go again. You never admit it’s your fault
  • You are always playing the blame. I am not surprised

Your Manipulation Isn’t Going To Work This Time Around

Another response to a ‘you drive me crazy’ text when it is not a romantic message is “Your manipulation isn’t going to work.” You are just informing the person you are having the conversation with that their attempt to manipulate you and have you apologize to them isn’t working.

The following would show you how to respond to such situations better:

  • It is typical of you to blackmail me emotionally with messages like this. It isn’t happening
  • If this is the card you want to pull, I hate to break it to you that it doesn’t work anymore

I’d Block Your Number The Next Time I Get A Text Like This

Even though it is harsh, informing the sender that you’d block them if they try to flirt with you using a ‘you drive me crazy’ text is another way to respond. Suppose you aren’t ready to accommodate advances made by them.

Check out the suggestions below:

  • If I get a text like this from you again, you won’t be talking to me anymore
  • I don’t like messages like this. So quit sending them to me

Seeing that a ‘you drive me crazy’ text can mean two different things, I have outlined these responses to accommodate both contexts.

Thankfully, it is easy to know what’s the intent behind a text message like this and I am optimistic you’ll find the perfect response where needed.

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