20 of the Best Responses to Give When Someone Says “You Drive A Hard Bargain”


When someone says ‘You drive a hard bargain,’ they are pointing out how tough you are at negotiations or admiring your skill in holding your ground when bargaining. 

Whichever the case, in this article, I have curated 20 of the best responses to ‘You drive a hard bargain’ so that you are not confused about how to respond the next time someone mentions it to you.

Your Resilience Is Remarkable Too. You Almost Got Me To Settle For Less

How to respond to "You Drive A Hard Bargain

Driving a hard bargain requires a level of resilience which makes saying “Your resilience is remarkable too. You almost got me to settle for less” a good response to use when someone tells you that you drive a hard bargain.

You are also acknowledging that the person is a relentless negotiator too and almost got you to agree to their terms.

See the following for other examples:

  • I must confess, you are one heck of a negotiator
  • You don’t back down either.

I Am Confident The Products You Are Getting Will Speak For Themselves 

I am confident the products you are getting will speak for themselves” will be a good response to ‘You drive a hard bargain’ for someone who feels that the product they are buying from you isn’t worth the price.

You can let them know that you are not just a tough negotiator because you want to make a profit but because the products are top-notch.

You can use the following for inspiration:

  • You are going to enjoy this product and realize that this price tag is good enough
  • When you begin to use this product, you will understand why it is worth this much

I Know How Much Value You’ll Enjoy From Using The Service You Are Getting

If you are a handyman and the person trying to contract you thinks you drive a hard bargain, one of the best ways to respond is to say “I know how much value you’ll enjoy from using the service you are getting.

This is you trying to give validation to the service you are offering and why the cost is justifiable.

Check out the following examples:

  • If you are still negotiating with me, it shows you understand my expertise in handling this job. You should pay that amount.
  • You know how important it is to get this job done properly. Anything that costs less will be equivalent to an incomplete and careless job.

I Am Only Representing My Client’s Best Interest While Hoping We Get The Best Deal Possible

Stating that you are only representing your client’s best interest during a negotiation after you are just told you drive a hard bargain is another response to give. It could be that you are representing a client or some group of people to negotiate a deal.

Consult the recommendations below:

  • I just want to settle for something my client would be happy with.
  • My only concern is to represent the best interests of my clients and secure a favorable deal

The Items Have Fixed Prices, And Even Though I’d Like To Negotiate For Less, I Am Unable To

It is possible that you are only a salesperson for a company and trying to market their product but then someone feels you drive a hard bargain. For such a person, you can let them know that “the goods have fixed prices and there’s nothing you can do to change or influence it.

If you need more examples, here are a few:

  • The only reason I am standing on this resolve is not that I am trying to make an outrageous profit but because the prices are fixed
  • I am not the one that decides how these goods are priced

I Wouldn’t Be A Good Salesperson If I Didn’t Know How To Drive A Hard Bargain

How to respond to "You Drive A Hard Bargain"

When someone tells you that you drive a hard bargain, you can use the opportunity to blow your trumpet and say “I wouldn’t be a good salesperson if I didn’t know how to.” An important quality of a good salesperson is the ability to negotiate and it shouldn’t come as a surprise when one does so with tenacity and resilience.

Other ways to say this include:

  • Everyone expects salespeople to be able to negotiate finely. I guess you now know how good I am
  • Well, I wouldn’t be a good salesperson if you had your way easily in the negotiations

I Will Take That As A Compliment. Thank You So Much

If someone says ‘You drive a hard bargain,’ you can reply with “I will take that as a compliment,” even if it wasn’t intended as one. This response lets them know that you appreciate what they said, regardless of their intentions.

You can also say:

  • Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate your compliment.
  • I’m glad to hear that and take it as a compliment.

There Would Be No Profit For Me At The Price You Want

There would be no profit for me at the price you want” is another answer to give when someone says you drive a hard bargain especially if they are trying to force your hand into selling at a price that wouldn’t yield any profits for you. In such cases, you are not necessarily trying to be a tough negotiator, so you can use this as a response.

Other ways to say this are outlined below:

  • The price you are pushing for doesn’t cover the initial capital. That’s why I can’t sell for that amount
  • It is worth more than this, mate

You Can Be Sure It Is A Quality Item And Not The Sub-Standard Products Making The Rounds

People often try to negotiate a lower cost because they’ve seen cheaper prices elsewhere. If this is the case, you can let them know that your product is top quality and cannot be priced at the same rate as other products on the market. So, when you are told you drive a hard bargain, you can respond by saying “This product is of top quality and the value is just right for it.”

For more examples, see some below:

  • This product is unlike others on the market. We pride ourselves in selling things that are better than the average market quality
  • The item you are comparing this one with doesn’t come close to its quality. This is better and the price point is perfect

The Cost Of Production Is Growing And We Have To Update Our Price Tags 

One of the ways you can respond to ‘You drive a hard bargain’ is to tell the individual how the cost of production is what has affected the cost of the product which is why you cannot go with their bargain.

Telling them that “the cost of production has increased and we cannot continue selling according to the older rate” is going to help them understand why you have to drive a hard bargain.

You can also use the following examples:

  • We can no longer sell according to the older rates. So sorry for the inconvenience
  • I am maintaining this stance because of how things have become so cost

Thank You For Understanding The Situation Of Things And Why It Has To Be This Way

Someone who has been engaging you in a back-and-forth over the price of a thing or the terms of a deal can tell you that you drive a hard bargain to indicate they are throwing in the towel and aren’t interested in going ahead with negotiations. “Thank you for understanding the situation and why it needed to be like this” is going to make sense as a reply.

Other replies include:

  • I am glad you realize why I couldn’t agree to your terms. Thank you for your understanding
  • Thank you for being understanding of the situation. We hope to continue serving you better

While I Want You To Patronize Me, There’s Nothing I Can Do To Change The Current Prices

If the person is trying to emotionally blackmail you by talking about how resilient you are at bargaining, you can let them understand that you appreciate their interest in buying from you but you have no way of influencing the cost and reducing the price tag.

The following suggestions will help you express this point:

  • Unfortunately, the prices are fixed and there’s nothing I can do to change it.
  • I recognize you are always patronizing me but then the current prices are based on market trends and I am unable to change that

I Hope I Can Help You Get A Good Bargain

If you really drive a hard bargain, people are going to want you to help them negotiate or carry you along with them when they go to buy something. My mom is that kind of a person.

The way she haggles with sellers, you wonder if she is unsympathetic to them. Anyways, if you are like that, when someone asks you to help them because you drive a hard bargain, you can tell them “I hope I can help you get a bargain you’ll like.”

  • You always flatter me. I am not entirely sure we can get a cheap bargain but I will try.
  • That’s a joke, man. Let’s see if we can get a good bargain

The Process Can Be Exasperating But The Outcome Is Satisfying

Another way to blow your trumpet in response to ‘You drive a hard bargain’ is to talk about your approach to bargaining or something interesting about the process for you. “You win some, you lose some” would also be a reply in this context.

You can find other ways to construct your response below:

  • It is not every time I get my way around bargaining. Some people are tenacious too
  • Bargaining can be difficult sometimes but when you succeed, the joy is encompassing

This Deal Is In The Best Interest Of All of Us. That’s Why I Am Adamant

Suppose you are trying to negotiate a deal and someone says ‘You drive a hard bargain’ suggesting that you are being selfish, you can state that whatever terms you are standing on are in the best interest of everyone concerned.

This takes out any notion of selfish interests, helping others see that you aren’t holding on to your position just because of what you stand to gain alone.

Refer to these examples for a better understanding:

  • If it was about my end alone, I would want to compromise. But I am sure these current provisions will benefit every one of us
  • While I agree with some of your terms, it is in our collective interest to stick with my earlier proposal

Wait Till You Meet My Wife. She’s Ruthless

If someone claims you drive a hard bargain, you can refer to someone else who you know doesn’t back down easily in a deal too.

Some people seem to be born for negotiations and no matter how good we are, we cannot help but acknowledge they are better. Here are other ways to phrase a reply for ‘You drive a hard bargain’ in this context:

  • So you think I drive a hard bargain? When you meet James, you’ll have a change of heart.
  • I am not half as good as my mom. She doesn’t give an inch when it comes to bargaining

You Are Always Trying To Undervalue My Products

How to respond to "You Drive A Hard Bargain" 

As a trader or someone who sells items, there would be customers who never agree with whatever price you place on your items, always trying to buy them for far less than their actual cost.

When someone like that tells you that “you drive a hard bargain,” you can let them know it is because “you are always trying to undervalue what I sell.”

  • While that is true, you do not make it any better the way you consistently undervalue my products
  • I have to because you are always trying to negotiate a lower price for the things I sell

I Reckon I Deserved It. You Know How Much I Am Worth And My Demand Is Not Out Of Place

“You know how much I am worth and my demand isn’t out of place” is a formal response to someone who says you drive a hard bargain.

It could be just after you negotiated terms for a new deal or a salary structure. Here are some alternative responses to “you drive a hard bargain” that are appropriate in a professional setting:

  • I believe my demands are fair and justifiable considering my worth. Don’t you think?
  • You know numbers don’t lie and my numbers speak for themselves

I Can Be Resolute When I Need To Be

I can be resolute when I need to be” is a bold way to respond to “You drive a hard bargain.” However, you have to be cautious who you direct this response to.

I recommend using it when talking to a colleague or friend as it can come off as pride to someone who doesn’t understand you.

If you need clarity, the following should be enough:

  • You know I can be uncompromising when I have to.
  • While I agree that I can be unwavering when I decide to, this was a worthy cause

I Honestly Value Our Relationship And I Hope This Won’t Ruin Our Partnership

There are times when your bargaining prowess may not sit well with the person who’s telling you that you drive a hard bargain. In such scenarios, “I honestly value our relationship and I hope this won’t ruin our partnership” would be a lovely way to calm them down.

This would reassure them that you aren’t trying to be a tough negotiator for selfish interests but because it is what’s best given the situation.

Other examples to use include:

  • I hold our friendship in high regard and sincerely hope this negotiation doesn’t affect it
  • While I value what we share, it is important you understand that my standpoint is not self-seeking but what’s best for all of us.

Final Thoughts

There are different reasons why people may tell you that “You drive a hard bargain.” It could be for good reasons or bad, in formal settings or casual.

The good thing is that I have taken all of this into consideration in drafting these responses to ‘You drive a hard bargain’ so that you can find one that will be the perfect response for the scenario you find yourself in.

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