20 Clever Responses to “WYS”


One of the most complicated abbreviations I’ve seen used on social media is ‘WYS.’ This is because it has so many meanings and people use it for different purposes. So, you may have a hard time figuring out the meaning of ‘WYS’ when you are told depending on the context. However, the popular meanings of ‘WYS’ include ‘Whatever you say,’ ‘Where you staying,’ ‘What you said,’ ‘What’s your status,’ and ‘What you saying’ to mention a few.

Based on the above meanings, I have gathered 20 of the best responses to ‘WYS’ that are surefire ways to get the conversation moving. For each response, I have discussed the various scenarios where they are applicable and there are safe responses that would fit in any context.

When someone tells you ‘WYS,’ you do not have to shy away from the question. Use any of the following answers to keep up with the convo:

You Do Not Seem to be Happy with What I Just Said 

Let’s say you are discussing with a classmate, colleague, or team member – sharing your idea or thoughts with them and they hit you with a ‘WYS.’ They could mean ‘What you saying’ as a way to express their displeasure or disagreement with what you are saying. Instead of going on the offensive, you can try to get their point of view by saying ‘You do not seem to be happy with what I just said, are you?’

  • From this reply, I guess we aren’t on the same page.

Is That Your Brilliant Way To Tell Me You Do Not Buy This Idea?

Clever Responses to WYS

Just like the first scenario explained above, someone may tell you ‘WYS’ in the middle of your narration to show that they do not agree with you on whatever you are saying. Now, you can go on the offensive, although cleverly, and say ‘Is that your brilliant way to tell me you do not buy this idea?’ One of the best ways to handle people when you are almost losing your cool is to ask questions.

  • Well, you have a way of showing someone you aren’t on board, what’s the problem now?
  • What novel idea have you got that wouldn’t allow you to hear me out?

If You Have A Problem With The Plan, You Should Share Your Concerns And Not Sulk Later

We are taking it up a notch. When you get a ‘WYS’ text that means ‘Whatever you say,’ you can respond by saying ‘If you have a problem with the plan, you should share your concerns and not sulk later.’ This would let them know you are opening the door for their contribution but would slam it in their face when they try to complain later without doing the needful.

  • This is the time to let me know whether you have any reservations. I won’t listen to anything you have to say when everything is set in motion.
  • You had better speak now or forever remain quiet.

Even Though I Am Expected To Call The Shots, I Do Appreciate Whatever Feedback You May Have For Me

If you are the head of a unit and a member of your team tells you ‘WYS’ to imply ‘Whatever you say.’ While this may be rude, you can let them know that ‘Even though I am expected to call the shots, I do appreciate whatever feedback you may have for me.’ Other ways you can put it include:

  • Your feedback is always welcomed. So, tell me what you think.
  • You know that I always appreciate your contributions, so spill, man.

There Are Modern Ways To Go About This And I’d Like Us To Consider Other Options

There are modern ways to go about this and I’d like us to consider other options” is another clever response when someone tells you ‘Whatever you say.’ You are implying that they could bring up other options and you are open to hearing their views.

  • I feel we can entertain other options if we can have them.
  • We can always have more ideas. It is never enough.

I’ve Got No Contrary Views. Let’s Get This Done

Someone may say ‘What you saying’ as a way of getting your opinion on something they are discussing with you. If you do not think otherwise, you can respond with ‘I’ve got no contrary views. Let’s get this done.’ For other ways you can say this, here are some ideas to try:

  • I concur with what you’ve come up with. I can work with it.
  • You already nailed it with the paperwork and presentation. Let’s do it.

You Know That Phrase ‘In Between A Rock And A Hard Place’? That’s A Description Of Where I Stay

An individual may tell you ‘WYS’ when they want to know where you stay, live, or where you currently at. You can use the popular ‘I am in between a rock and a hard place’ to define your location if you are not ready to divulge any deep details about your current location or place of residence.

I Am Handling A Few Tasks To Hit My Target Before Payday 

Sometimes, people ask ‘WYS’ when they want to know what you are up to per time. By ‘WYS’ they mean ‘What’s your status?’ It can be hard to discern whether this is what they are asking you of but when you hit them up with that response and it isn’t what they want, you can rephrase. Suppose this is the context, there are a couple of other examples to try:

  • Just trying to meet up with all the things I have to do before the event tonight.
  • I am struggling, exams are approaching and there’s still a lot of coursework I haven’t covered yet.

The Uncertainty Behind What ‘WYS’ Means Makes It Difficult To Ascertain The Reply I Am To Give You

Seeing how complicated the ‘WYS’ text can be, so that you do not mix up responses, you can respond with ‘The uncertainty behind what ‘WYS’ means makes it difficult to ascertain the reply I am to give you.’ This should give them the idea that they’ve got to clarify what they imply with the question they are asking.

  • What do you mean? I do not understand what WYS means.
  • Can you write in full? Not sure I know what you mean by WYS.

Nothing That’d Keep Me From Doing Something You Need Me To Do 

Clever Responses to WYS

Sometimes, the questioner may be trying to know your status because they need you to do something for them. In this regard, you can respond to ‘WYS’ by saying ‘I am not doing anything that’d prevent me from helping you out if you need me to.’

  • I am free if you need me.
  • Nothing much. Do you need me to do something?

If It Is Fun, I Am All In 

When someone shares their plans for a fun activity and they ask you ‘WYS,’ they would want to know what your take on the schedule is. You can respond with ‘If it is fun, I am all in,’ if you are interested in tagging along or decline if you wouldn’t want to.

  • I am free this weekend so whatever you say, I am on board
  • Nah. Thursday isn’t a good day for me. Can we do Saturday?

Green, And Roaring To Go 

Green, and roaring to go’ is a clever way to respond to ‘WYS.’ When someone seeks your opinion about something you both are supposed to work on achieving, you can let them know that you have no objection to it using a response like this one. Other ways to say this would be:

  • Say the word and I am a go.
  • I am fired up for action already.

If You’d Be Handling The Bills, Then I’ve Got Zero Issues 

The individual asking you ‘WYS’ may be doing so to get feedback from you about your status probably concerning a date or something related. I like to use a response like ‘If you’d be handling the bills, then I’ve got zero issues’ if I want to go but do not want to spend a dime of my money.

  • Agree to foot the bills and I’ll be with you shortly.
  • I have tapped out bro. If you’d be taking care of the cost, I’ll pull up.

I Think It Is Common Knowledge And No One Can Dispute That It Is What It Is 

Assume someone asks you ‘WYS’ so that they can hear your perspective concerning an issue, if you do not have a contrary opinion, you can respond with ‘I think it is common knowledge and no one can dispute that it is what it is.’ This answer can also be deployed in a work setting as it is a formal response to ‘WYS.’

  • Everyone knows this and I do not have a different opinion.

It’s About That Time 

‘WYS’ could imply ‘What You Say’ as the person posing the query may have just shared their plan with you and want to run it by you to be sure they are on track. In this scenario, I’ll recommend responding with ‘Yeah, it’s about that time, alright.’ This shows you think their idea is a brilliant one and they can go ahead with it.

  • This is top-notch. I wouldn’t even alter a single detail.
  • I love this. Go get ‘em.

This A Team Effort And We Are Supposed To Be On Board, Everyone In Unison 

Someone might retort a ‘WYS’ message to you after you ask them what their take on something is. You may be expecting them to contribute their opinion, probably as a team but their ‘WYS’ may be in defiance of that attempt. Here, you can reply with ‘This a team effort and we are supposed to be on board, everyone in unison’ to let them know that their input is fully welcomed.

  • If this thing fails, it will be on us.
  • This requires teamwork and all hands ought to be on deck. Your opinion is valued and needed.

Nothing. Just Chilling And Waitin’ On Spring 

Clever Responses to WYS

Another clever way you can respond to ‘WYS’ when it means ‘What’s Your Status’ is to say ‘Nothing. Just chilling and waitin’ on spring.’ You can tweak this response depending on the next season coming. You could also use holidays or observance in your reply.

  • I am chill. Can’t wait for Christmas.
  • I am just here. It is almost my favorite time of the way so I am quite ecstatic.

Somewhere In The West Where The Temperature Is Scorching As Hell 

‘WYS’ may mean ‘Where you staying’ and even though it is not so popular, people use it sometimes. When someone’s asking about your location you can tell them something that will get them thinking like ‘Somewhere in the West where the temperature is scorching as hell.’ For other general ideas, check the following:

  • A compartment with some people I call my family.
  • Somewhere called ‘None of your business.’

In A Toxic Relationship With My Book Cause, I Have To Graduate With A 3.5 GPA

In a toxic relationship with my book cause I have to graduate with a 3.5 GPA’ is quite a clever way to respond to ‘WYS’ as a student. This suggests that you are fully committed to achieving academic success, even if it means dedicating a lot of time and effort to studying. It could also be used as an indicator of your unavailability for a relationship.

Crazy Thing Is, I Had The Same Idea But Couldn’t Express It This Way 

We’ve been there – that point where someone says something that’s on our mind better than we do. If such a person asks you ‘WYS,’ you can tell them that ‘Crazy thing is, I had the same idea but couldn’t express it this way.’ A response like this lets the person who’s seeking your validation or input know that both of you are on the same thought frequency.

Last Words

When next you are in a conversation with someone and the person tells you “WYS” you will not run out of ideas. I have given the best responses to WYS, it is left to you to choose which of the responses I have shared in situations where it best fits.

Clever Responses to WYS

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