20 Reflective Responses to “Why Me?”


There are loads of reasons why someone may say “Why me?” It might be seen as a representation of misfortune, inadequacy, or surprise resulting from an unforeseen event for certain individuals.

Also, people can use the phrase when they are trying to assess how qualified they are for something that happened to them or is about to happen.

After reading this piece, you should not lack words to respond to “Why me?” because, in this article, I have curated 20 good responses that can help you reply properly.

These responses are a blend of timely, inspiring, and empathetic responses that can help you make the most out of the conversation you are having, whether they said “Why me?” because of a sad situation or a happy event.

Table of Contents

Sweetheart, Hardships Are A Part Of Life And You Shouldn’t Feel Disadvantaged When You Go Through Them

One of the many times when someone might say “Why me?” over an event could be because of hard times.

If they’ve consistently gone through unexpected situations, you can expect them to feel unworthy of anything good and in such situations, one of the best ways to respond to them would be to say “Hardships are a part of life and you shouldn’t feel disadvantaged when you go through them.”

Believe Me, You Don’t Have To Feel That Way. This Phase Will Pass, I Know It Will

For someone who has had a series of negative experiences in their lives you can say “Believe me, you don’t have to feel that way. This phase will pass, I know it will,” when they ask “Why me?”

This encourages them to be hopeful and believe that whatever they are going through is not going to last for long.

That’s Because You Are Equipped To Face These Problems. I Believe You Are Built For It, Mate

Sometimes, people don’t just need you to speak about their situation when they are going through hard times.

They need to know that they are well-equipped to face any problem. A lot of times I have seen people become bolder to go through whatever challenge they are facing just because they see how strong they are or realize that they have got all they need to see through the circumstance.

So, this response works beautifully.

Trust Me When I Say This Is Just A Phase And You Are Going To Come Out Of It Before You Know It

How to Respond to Why Me

Another reflective response that you can give when someone asks why me is to say “Trust me when I say this is just a phase and you are going to come out of it before you know it.

This is nothing but the truth because it doesn’t matter what they’re going through, they are going to come out of it and most times they will do so faster than they ever thought about it.

God Might Be Allowing You To Go Through This Just Because He Wants To Build Something In You That Would Stand The Test Of Time. Trust Him And Follow His Leading

If the person is Christian or a bit religious, you can use these words to encourage them.

Since they believe in God, it’s going to be easy to convince them that whatever they are going through might just be God’s plan to make them better persons and to build in them the character they need for where He is taking them.

And this is nothing but the truth. Some of our experiences are designed by God to shape us into being the people he wants us to be.

Nothing Can Come Your Way If It Is Not Something You Can Handle. The Reason You Are Going Through This Is Because You Can Handle It

How to Respond to Why Me

Another thing you can say to comfort somebody who might be going through a difficult time is to tell them that whatever comes their way only does so because they are equipped to handle those things.

Helping them understand that if they go through anything it is because you can handle it. This will spur them to hope and believe so they can face their situation.

I Understand All You Must Be Going Through But I Want You To Stay Positive And Optimistic. You Should Look Forward to Things Getting Better

This is another way to respond to someone when they say why me. Sometimes, all they need is to understand how to stay positive.

A lot of times the problems we are going to do not necessarily require the solutions we think they need. A little positivity and optimism can drive the changes we want to see.

If This Will Be A Consolation For You, I Need You To Know That I’ll Be Here If You Need Someone

Depending on your relationship with the person, you can let them know that if they need a shoulder to cry on, or someone to help them through the period, you are available.

Knowing that we’ve got friends we can rely on when we go through challenges can help us sometimes.

We All Go Through Situations That Test Our Resolve But The Good Thing Is We Have Friends And Family Waiting To Share That Burden With Us

How to Respond to Why Me

Reminding them about family and friends could help them become less anxious or depressed about what they must be going through.

This response could come in handy if you are sure they’ve got the backing of their friends and family or if you are in this category.

I Can’t Say I Understand What You Must Be Going Through But There’s One Thing I Am Sure Of – You Are Strong And This Is One Problem I Know You Are Coming Out Of

Frankly, I am not comfortable with people telling me they understand what I am going through.

To avoid saying that to someone, you could tell them that you believe they are strong and would come out of whatever they are going through. This is better than trying to show them you relate to their situation, even if you do.

Nobody Deserves Any Pain Or Misfortune. However, Life Happens And We Cannot Run From It. Yes, We Must Face It Headlong And Hope For Better

Because the person might be feeling like they do not deserve anything good in life obviously because of how much they’ve suffered unfortunate circumstances, you can tell them that “Nobody deserves any pain or misfortune.

However, life happens and we cannot run from it. Yes, we must face it headlong and hope for better.”

There Are No Words That Can Be Comforting Right Now But Look Around You. There’s Hope

In certain scenarios like the loss of an opportunity or parent, you might never be able to find the right words. So, when someone asks, a good way to respond would be to say “There are no words that can be comforting right now but look around you. There’s hope.”

I Know You Must Be Tired Of Hearing ‘It Will Be Okay.’ But You See That’s A Good Thing. It Shows You Have People To Hold You And Support You Through These Trying Times

If an unfortunate incident happened, you can expect them to have heard “It is okay” or anything related so many times.

Instead of going with the trend, you can say “I know you must be tired of hearing ‘It will be okay.’ But you see that’s a good thing. It shows you have people to hold you and support you through these trying times.”

The goal is not to sound new but to help them see how that is a sign for them.

Nobody Else Deserves This As Much As You Do. Take Pride In The Work You Have Accomplished

It is not every time that “Why me?” is used in a negative sense. Sometimes, it could be as a show of surprise over a supposed undeserved honor.

In that kind of scenario, you could say “Nobody else deserves this as much as you do. Take pride in the work you have accomplished.” This is to let them know they’ve put in the work required to attain that level of recognition.

If It Wasn’t You, I’d Say The System Is Rigged. Congratulations, Mate

If they were in some sort of contest or competition and they won and in trying to express how surprised they are say “Why me?” You can let them know that if it wasn’t them, you might have thought the system was rigged.

Using this response acknowledges the fact that they deserve the win and congratulates them for it.

Mention Another Person Who Deserves It Other Than You And I’ll Give You Reasons Why It Had To Be You

Another response that can be used in the same scenario or something similar to the previous example is “Mention another person who deserves it other than you and I’ll give you reasons why it had to be you.”

This statement affirms how deserving they are of whatever honor or reward they are receiving.

I Know You Want To Be Modest And All But Then You Are Now Getting The Flowers You Deserve. It Is A Win For You, Mate

This is another way to respond to someone who says “Why me?” after an honorary action. It is letting them know that they are beginning to enjoy the recognition and rewards they deserve and they should be willing to embrace it.

You Are The Embodiment Of Everything I Want In A Woman And More. That’s Why

Another context where “Why me?” could be said is when someone is wondering why another person wants to be with them.

It could either be a feeling of unworthiness or just a check to confirm the person’s intentions.

Whichever way, a statement like “You are the embodiment of everything I want in a woman and more. That’s why” will be a good enough answer.

I Can Only Think Of One Reason: You Make Me Feel The Best Way I Have Ever Felt With Anyone And I Do Not Want To Lose It

Next time your crush asks you “Why me?” tell them that you can only think of one reason which is that they make you feel the best way you’ve ever felt and you aren’t willing to lose it.

This is going to give them butterflies and a sense of importance.

Because When I Think About You, I Am Confident You Were Specially Made For Me And There’s No Flattery Intended

How to Respond to Why Me

I’d wrap this up with one last one for your crush. This one considers them to be specially made for you. Adding that you aren’t trying to flatter them will add some seriousness to your words so they know you are for real.

Final Thoughts 

You’ve now seen some of the best ways to respond to someone who says “Why me?” The responses I have provided cater to three distinct scenarios where the phrase can be used. Use them accordingly and they’ll make your conversations more impactful and engaging.

How to Respond to Why Me

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