20 Clear Responses to “What Are You Looking For?”


One of the prevalent contexts where you might be asked this question is during a date or by a prospect. The question seeks to find answers about what your actions and intentions are.

Aside from the dating context, there are a handful of others and in this article, you’ll find ways to respond to the query regardless of the scenario. I have considered all the possible scenarios and each response in this guide attempts to answer appropriately.

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The Part Of Your Heart Reserved For Your Man

Clear Responses to What Are You Looking For?

Seeing that this question is usually asked in the dating scene, “The part of your heart reserved for your man” is a good response to give to someone who asks. As a guy, you want to let her know that you want to be her boyfriend. The good thing about a response like this is that you are declaring your intentions with a bit of wit.

A Chance To Be A Part Of A Working System And Contribute My Quota To Its Growth, Impact, And Relevance

A chance to be a part of a working system and contribute my quota to its growth, impact, and relevance” is another reply to give when you are trying to answer “What are you looking for?” in a job interview. This question can typically come in your job hunt and you can use a reply like this to give your interviewer something to ponder about while massaging their ego.

Nice, Since You Asked, You Go First

While on a date and someone asks you what you are looking for, you could flip the question on them before deciding to answer. “Nice, since you asked, you go first” Let them provide an answer to you first before you go ahead with your answer. The idea is to make them give you a hint about what they are looking for and from there you can rephrase your explanation to give a comprehensive overview based on what they’ve said.

I Only Need To Advance In My Career

This is another way to reply to “What are you looking for?” when it is directed to you in a work-related setting: “To rise to the pinnacle of my career.” You’ll need to understand the situation and whether the questioner is asking because they want to know what your ambitions are as regards your career or job.

Same Thing Everyone Wants, Genuine Love

Same thing everyone wants, genuine love” is a good way to answer when it comes to a dating prospect. No one would pass on the chance of finding genuine love. Hence, this reply is clear enough. Although it could be considered subjective, you may want to follow up your reply with an explanation of what you think ‘genuine love’ is about.

  • Genuine love is putting one’s needs above the others, being self-sacrificing, but knowing where to draw the boundaries.
  • For me, genuine love is to have a deep sense of respect, appreciation, and admiration for each other.

That’s A Good One. I Never Really Thought Of It. But Clearly, I Want Someone I’d Spend The Rest Of My Life With So We Must Complement Each Other

This response is one that opens up your intentions about what you should be looking for in a prospective partner. They should be someone you are happy to spend your life with and for that to be possible, they’ve got to be someone who makes up for your flaws and imperfections and vice versa.

Can You Point Me In The Direction Of Stationery?

Clear Responses to What Are You Looking For?

Ever been to a new store only to find yourself lost trying to look for a particular product or where an aisle is located? This happens to me all the time. Especially because I often go to pick up groceries for the family that I am unfamiliar with all the time. If you are in this situation where you want an item but aren’t sure what the name of the brand is, you could ask to be pointed to its direction or aisle when someone asks you “What are you looking for?”

Something Hot With A Lot Of Cream And Sugar

You could be at an eatery or a coffee shop and be asked this question. It could be from your date or the barista waiting to take your order. If you aren’t certain what it is you want but can describe it, then that should provide the inspiration for your response to “What are you looking for?” Aside from “Something hot with a lot of cream and sugar,” you could also say:

  • I was hoping to get something gluten-free but very delicious.
  • Anything that’ll get me going without too much sugar.

I Can’t Find My Pods

You could simply say what you are looking for when someone asks you. The person inquiring may have observed you are frantically searching for something. They could be your roommate, spouse, kids, or colleague. A good way to respond when they are asking what you are looking for is to let them know what it is. You might be surprised they’d be able to provide a solution for you.

  • There were some files I kept on the copier. I can’t find them anymore.
  • Yeah, I am looking for my headset. I need it for the gym today.

I Am Looking For A Moment Whose Worth Would Be A Lifetime

I am looking for a moment whose worth would be a lifetime” is another way to reply to being quizzed about what you are looking for. It is a good way to answer when you may not be sure about a commitment yet.

I Am Not Going To Be Cocky Or Masquerade About What I Am Hoping To Get. I Want To Get Married To You Because You Complete My Life.

People want to be sure they are not about to commit to someone who doesn’t have any desire to reciprocate that level of commitment. The way this response is phrased, it begins by portraying you as a sincere person before you let them know what your intentions are.

I Need Something That Improves My Workload. Having To Deal With All These Numbers Is Exasperating

You can also be asked this question when you need someone to help you create or develop software or an application. During the first stages of the app/software development process, the developer tries to find out what the challenge is or why you need the product developed. You could explain a desire you hope would be met while emphasizing the pain of the current process.

  • I want to get more done in a short time. There’s a greater demand and I am not meeting my quota.
  • The app should allow customers to order and get their items delivered to their locations. I want to eliminate the waiting lines on the premises.

I Saw A Website Where The Product Listings Are Simpler Than What I Have Going On For Me. Can You Do It Like That?

If you have seen something you want, you can show the person so they have an idea of what you are looking for. It could be that you need a website design like the response example suggests. In that case, showing them an already existing model will help you explain what you hope to achieve by contracting the service provider.

  • You know the Starbucks logo, yeah? I want the color scheme for mine to be like theirs.
  • Have you seen the new tees for Lowe’s employees? That’s what I want to get done for my staff members.

I Was Told I Could Find “Mention An Item Or Place.” But I Might Have Missed The Direction

Clear Responses to What Are You Looking For?

If you are looking for an address or something and seem to have missed your way, it is a good place to begin when attempting to answer someone who asks you what you are looking for. By mentioning the place or item, if they have an idea, they can help you navigate in the right direction.

Yes, I Am Looking For My Phone. Did You Help Me See It?

You could either be asking them if they saw it or requesting their assistance in helping you find whatever it is you are looking for. This is one clear response you can always go with.

Adventure. I Want To Go Crazy With You, Try New Stuff, Be A Child, Feel Free. 

Back to the dating scene. You may not want to date the person because of any commitment at the moment. I mean, you just want to live in the moment and enjoy yourself. By saying “Adventure. I want to go crazy with you, try new stuff, be a child, feel free.

A School That Isn’t So Expensive For Out-Of-State Students Or One That’d Provide Me With Financial Aid

As a high school student, someone may ask you what you are looking for in a school that’d be your choice. You can respond with one or more features about the school you’ll want to attend. For instance, “A school that isn’t so expensive for out-of-state students or one that’d provide me with financial aid,” suggests that the choice school should be affordable for students coming from other states or provide scholarships.

The Easiest Way To Get This Job Done. I’d Appreciate Any Input From You In That Regard

While at work or on a job, you can respond with “The easiest way to get this job done. I’d appreciate any input from you in that regard” when you are quizzed about what you are looking for. Who doesn’t want ease while working? They’d probably get the idea and if they are willing, recommend ways to achieve that.

I Believe I Am Not Demanding Too Much When I Say I Want A Love That Matches The One I Am Willing To Give

I believe I am not demanding too much when I say I want a love that matches the one I am willing to give” is another sincere response to “What are you looking for?” It gives the idea that you want to give love but have a desire for how the love should be reciprocated.

A Companion, Someone Who’d Stick With Me Through And Through

Last but not least, if you need to reply “What are you looking for?” you can say “A companion, someone who’d stick with me through and through.” This response lets the person understand your emotional needs and what you want. You are being vocal about it and if they are not cut out for such, they may as well use the backdoor.

Parting Words 

It is important to be sincere when the question is asked by someone who sees you as a potential partner. Your reply could be the reason they agree to your proposal or reject you. Don’t make promises just to get someone you don’t want to keep except they are also on board with your short-term plans.

Clear Responses to What Are You Looking For?

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