20 Clever Responses to “The Eagle Has Landed”


There are two scenarios where people may say “The Eagle Has landed.” The first is when someone just arrives and the second is when a task has been accomplished or completed. “The Eagle Has Landed” is one of the most famous phrases from humanity’s space exploration. It was spoken by Neil Armstrong in 1969 when man first set foot on the moon.

Today, it has become a common phrase used in conversations. If you are looking for the best ways to respond to “The Eagle Has Landed” this post contains 20 clever responses with a bit of sarcasm that you can use.

Thank You For Such An Elaborate Welcome

When you are visiting someone or attending a meeting, you could be greeted with “The Eagle Has Landed.” In such a scenario, one of the best responses to give is to appreciate them for the warm welcome you just received. There are a handful of other ways to show your gratitude:

  • I must say, that was a truly remarkable welcome note. Thank you.
  • Alright. You deserve a raise for that welcome.

You Honor Me So Much That I Can’t Help But Love You

We have people in our lives who eulogize us so much we feel special around them. It is easy for these people to say “The Eagle Has Landed” when we arrive and if you want to reply to a person who says that to you, I’ll recommend saying “You honor me so much that I can’t help but love you.” If you need more ideas, I’ve mentioned some good ones:

  • The way you honor me is unlike anything I’ve ever seen.
  • Thank you for always honoring me. I love you so much.

C’mon Mate, You Flatter Me So Well

Sometimes, “The Eagle Has Landed” may be a statement of flattery. Even when it is not, you can still respond with “You flatter me so well” which is a cheeky way to respond to them. They may mention that they aren’t flattering you and if that’s the case, you can laugh it off and appreciate them.

You Were A Significant Part Of The Success Of This Venture

If someone says “The Eagle Has Landed” when a delivery comes or after the arrival of a person and they were pivotal to its happening, you can use the time to show your appreciation for their input and how they have contributed to the success of whatever was going on. It is a good opportunity to eulogize them for being helpful.

  • I think I should use this time to tell you how important your contribution has been to this achievement.
  • Without your input, I doubt we would have come close to getting this done. I do appreciate you.

I Almost Couldn’t Make It, But Here I Am

When someone welcomes you with “The Eagle Has Landed” instead of telling them thank you, it is not out of place to speak about how much you were sacrificing to be there or the ordeal you had to go through to make it to the function or event. You can say “I almost couldn’t make it, but here I am” or go with any of the following ideas:

  • My flight was canceled twice. I honestly thought I wouldn’t make it here.
  • Had a hard time locating the venue. Thank God I made it anyway.

It Is Indeed An Incredible Privilege And I Am Happy To Be Here. Thank You For Having Me

Clever Responses to The Eagle Has Landed

If you were a keynote speaker at an event and someone said “The Eagle Has Landed,” your response can be “It is indeed an incredible privilege and I am happy to be here. Thank you for bringing me.” You are noting that you aren’t taking the invitation and the honor accorded to you for granted.

It Is Still Worth It Even If It Took Long

It took so long but it is worth the wait” is the response to give when whatever or whoever is considered the Eagle hummed and hawed before arriving. I prefer this application to be when something is arriving and not someone. If you wasted time, it may be a bit egotistical to say that.

  • I don’t know but I feel a sense of optimism that we won’t be pained by the delay.
  • It has finally arrived and there is a huge potential that it would be incredibly valuable.

Are You Neil Armstrong? Or Are We On The Moon? Hahahaha

You can give a funny and sarcastic response like “Are you Neil Armstrong? Or are we on the moon?” Neil Armstrong is credited for “The Eagle Has Landed” and making a joke about it in this manner is not out of place, trust me.

You Can Say That Again. I Can’t Believe I Am Here

This is another way you can respond when you are visiting someone or attending a function. With a response like this, you are simply affirming how excited you are about making the trip and ensuring you match the energy of your host.

And I Am Sure We Are Going To Be Impacted Thoroughly

Even if you are not the person who is referred to as The Eagle, you can respond thoughtfully. Suppose you are a co-host trying to invite someone up on stage and your partner says “The Eagle Has Landed,” instead of staying aloof and smiling sheepishly, you can respond with “And I am sure we are going to be impacted thoroughly.” If you have any information on something that distinguishes the person but hasn’t been mentioned, you can go ahead to add that in your response.

Yes, And We Are Making It Available Nationwide For Easy Access

As I stated, The Eagle Has Landed can be used for inanimate objects. If you are a CEO or part of a production team and after a product launch someone says “The Eagle Has Landed,” you can respond in affirmation and give any insider information about the product. In this example, “Yes, and we are making it available nationwide for easy access,” I use plans, here are a few ideas to study:

  • You are completely right. We have made it kid-friendly too.
  • You can say that again. Several modifications have been made and it is of top quality now.

It Wasn’t A Smooth Ride But I Am Glad I Could Make It

It wasn’t a smooth ride but I am glad I could make it” is another way to respond when you are welcomed with “The Eagle Has Landed.” This response follows the pattern of giving details about your coming or any difficulties faced while expressing your enthusiasm about being there.

  • I’ve never had more airport troubles than I have had on this trip. Nevertheless, I am so happy to be here with you all.
  • Remind me to never travel in a sedan across the country. However, I am elated to be in your midst.

It’s Been A Long Time Away And I Am So Happy To Return Home

Just returning home after a long stay away? You can respond to “The Eagle Has Landed” with a response like “It’s been a long time away and I am so happy to return home.” It mustn’t be home like where your parents live. You could mean home ‘figuratively.’ Whichever way this is a jolly good response to try.

I Hope I Landed In Time To Witness Your Big Moment

Clever Responses to The Eagle Has Landed

If you plan on attending a function to witness a performance or a play, such as a choral performance, you can respond to “The Eagle Has Landed” by saying, “I hope I landed in time to witness your big moment.” This shows you are interested in what they are doing and are looking forward to watching them.

  • Rightly so. I am sure I haven’t missed anything. Have I?
  • I just hope I didn’t miss your performance. I’d be livid with myself.

I Am So Optimistic There Hasn’t Been A Better Project Than This

Someone could respond to the release of your musical project, choral work, or art exhibition with “Finally, The Eagle Has Landed.” Aside from grinning from teeth to teeth and trying to appreciate them, you can add a bit of confidence to your reply by saying “I am so optimistic there hasn’t been a better project than this.”

  • I can’t argue differently. When you listen to this piece of art, you’ll know why it took this long.
  • In my books, this is my best work yet.

Let’s Get Down To Business Cause Time Waits For Nobody

Suppose you are there for a business deal or transaction and you have to respond to “The Eagle Has Landed,” you can try this response “Let’s get down to business cause time waits for nobody” to show your urgency and how it is required of y’all to get the job done rather than eulogize each other.

Already Gave My Word And There Was No Going Back

If the individual speaking was surprised you could show up, your response should be how you made the promise and ensured you followed it up to the latter. It proves you are a person of integrity and consider your word a binding agreement.

For Those Who Want To See The Eagle, I’d Be In LA with The Entire Team

You could be visiting somewhere and your host makes a publication on X (formerly Twitter) to say, you’ve landed. “For those who want to see the Eagle, I’d be in LA with the entire team,” is a good response to give. The idea is to affirm to the social media fans that you have arrived and will be at a function or event.

  • I am truly excited to be in Miami today. Can’t wait to see you guys at the Meet & Greet tomorrow. Turn Up!
  • Great atmosphere from the Airport. I hope I see you tonight.

But He Is Going To Be In Bed For At Least 24 Hours

Another cheeky response you can give is to say “Yes, I have landed, but I am going to be in bed for the next 24 hours.” It could be that you had a terrible journey to the place and needed to rest. Or you could just be messing with the people. I recommend using this when you are responding on social media.

I Look Forward To Having A Sweet Time Here In Miami

I look forward to having a sweet time here in Miami” is another social media or interview-setting response to “The Eagle Has Landed.” You are promoting the idea that you hope to have a great time with friends and fans in the location you just landed in or probably enjoy the sights and sounds.

  • When I came in, I could tell the hype about this place wasn’t cap.
  • What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Let’s have fun.

Before You Go 

Even though they aren’t Neil Armstrong and you aren’t the package landing in space that warranted the earlier remark, I am sure you’ve found enough clever responses to “The Eagle Has Landed.” As promised the responses provide a blend of sarcasm and formal statements to achieve meaningful conversations with everyone.

Clever Responses to The Eagle Has Landed

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