20 Kind Words For Someone Having A Bad Day


Every one of us experiences days when everything seems to just go wrong. On such days, we need some kindness and encouraging words to see through them. When someone tells you they are having a bad day, you might be at a loss for what to say that’d uplift their spirit or get them energized to continue pushing on.

That shouldn’t be a problem anymore. This article is going to show you some of the best ways to motivate and comfort anyone who’s having a bad day. It is filled with responses that you can use for anyone regardless of their gender or status.

Some Days Are Like That 

Kind Words For Someone Having A Bad Day

Some days are like that” is a kind remark to tell someone who’s having a bad day. Many times we may not be sure what is going on and if we can’t get enough information to phrase a good response, we could just encourage them with such a response. It tries to make light of whatever they are going through but in a way that allows them to see the brighter picture.

You Got This, Believe Me, You Do

You could encourage the person who’s having a bad day by telling them that they are in control and can go through whatever it is that’s causing a bad day. The good part about this encouragement is stating that you believe in them. Voicing out your belief in a person is capable of infusing fresh energy and zest in them.

You Aren’t Overwhelmed 

Sometimes, saying the opposite of what they are going through is going to help them become happier and take their minds off the problem at hand. If they say they are overwhelmed, you could say “You aren’t overwhelmed,” and if they say they are having a bad day, you could say “No. You are not.”

It is important to note that this should come from a place of love. So, you’ll need to show your concern and care before giving them any response in this regard.

Setbacks Are Transient. Do Not Let This Bother You 

One of the most encouraging words I have ever been told when I went through a dark phase in my life was “Setbacks are transient.” It hit so hard that I was motivated to push further and get out of the loop I was experiencing. If you discern that the person who’s having a bad day says so because they are going through unexpected obstacles and retrogression, you could tell them that “Setbacks are transient. do not let this bother you.”

It Doesn’t Change The Fact That You Are Good At What You Do

Highlighting a person’s strength or celebrating them for something they are capable of doing is a good way to make them feel better if they are having a bad day. By reminding them that they are good at what they do and that whatever experience they are having doesn’t change that, they could be happier at the end of the day.

You Are Still My Darling And I Am Proud Of You 

If you are in a romantic relationship with someone and they told you they were having a bad day, you could appeal to their emotions by saying “You are still my darling and I am proud of you.” There’s hardly any motivation that can turn a bad day around than heartfelt encouragement from your partner. It works like magic.

How Do You Suppose You Can Turn This Around? 

Kind Words For Someone Having A Bad Day

In certain cases, people need to be forced into looking away from the problem and trying to find the solutions. Someone could be having a bad day but when they decide to think of how they can fix it instead of how bad their life is, they’d be surprised how things could change.

Take It Easy. When You Come Home I Will Have A Surprise Waiting For You

Another one for couples would be “Take it easy. When you come home I will have a surprise waiting for you.” If your significant other says they are having a bad day, you can encourage them by telling them you’ll be waiting for them.

You could add something you know brightens their mood like preparing a meal. Just letting them know they have something nicer waiting for them would keep their minds calmer and help them through the day.

What’s Going On? How Do You Suggest We Go About Getting It Fixed?

This response is for colleagues at work. Not only does it show you are trying to help them solve the problem, you are offering to help. If it turns out that you help them get better, they’ll not forget how supportive and kind you were.

Things Are Going To Get Better. Just Hold On, My Dear 

The desire to make ends meet could be welling up on someone and when they are having a bad day, they could lose it. During these times, encouraging them by addressing the main stressors rather than the day’s setback is going to be helpful. You could let them know “Things are going to get better” and they just need to hold on a little longer.

Whatever You’re Going Through I Need You To Know That I’m Here For You 

While this response feels suited for partners, I think it works for friends too. We won’t need one person for every problem in our lives. So, it is not bad if your friend told you they were having a bad day and you responded with “Whatever you’re going through I need you to know that I’m here for you.”  This is what friendship is about – being there for the people we love when they need us.

It Is Nothing You Can’t Handle. The Solution Is Within You 

Noting that they can handle the issue at hand may help bring that superhero in them. I remember one time when I had to study for a course and it wasn’t going as I expected. My mom called and when I narrated my ordeal, she laughed and said “That’s nothing you can’t handle.” It became something I could handle after that.

I Need You To Remember That You’re Going To Feel Good Again 

This reminder could be pivotal in helping them feel better and even turn their day around. “I need you to remember that you’re going to feel good again” will make them think about the times when they felt bad in the past and how it turned out. You could even remind them of some experiences if you are privy to them.

Take The Time Off So You Can Unwind And Recharge

It is not every time that staying on the problem brings the solution. Sometimes, you may need to step away from it, take a walk, rest, walk in nature, etc. If someone tells you they are having a bad day and you figured they might need to unwind to get a clearer grasp of what should be done. Many times, the answer to a bad day is rest.

No Matter How Long The Day Seems, I Need You To Be Encouraged That It’ll Soon Be Over

I tell some of my colleagues this. Nobody has a bad day that continues after work. A lot of times people feel better the moment it is 5 pm. While this response is quite sarcastic, it can help them focus on that positive angle to see through the day.  You could say “Look on the brighter side. We are just three hours to the end of the day.”

A Bad Day Isn’t A Bad Life. You Are Going To Have Better Days. Trust The Process 

I was listening to a podcast and they said the exact words in this response. Most people make a fuss about having a bad day because somewhere in their subconscious mind they think they’ve got a bad life. For some, because they are going through some challenges they assume they are disadvantaged. So, this response is a go for anyone who’s having a bad day no matter who they are.

Breathe, Girl. Breathe. You Got This. Best Believe You Do 

Breathe, girl. breathe. You got this. Best believe you do” is a good way to respond when your female friend calls you to vent about her day. Asking her to calm down and breathe is the first thing you should do. Then, you could let them know that they could handle whatever seems overwhelming. Let them see why they should believe in themselves and why they can do it.

Bad Days Are Part Of An Awesome Life. Don’t Forget That


I like this response so much that I say it to myself when I am having a bad day. “Bad days are part of an awesome life. Don’t forget that” doesn’t deny the presence of a bad day but helps the person you are talking to see the bigger picture which is having an awesome life.

Even though they are experiencing unprecedented obstacles, they aren’t doing badly in the grand scheme of things – this is the idea.

What Do You Say We Get Some Drinks At Your Favorite Spot, Tonight?

If you know something about what they do to relax or get over a bad experience, you can recommend that. For some people, going to a pub and having a couple of drinks does the magic, others would prefer eating good food, whatever the person’s desire, you can offer to treat them to it just to make them feel less sad about their day.

If It Is Any Consolation, I Could Buy You Lunch

No matter how bad my woman’s day is, she’ll be excited once I offer to buy her food. Whether the person is a foodie or not, if they are having a bad day and it is not lunch yet, you can decide to buy them lunch. When it is past lunch, buy them dinner. Food is, surprisingly, the solution to the bad days of many ladies. So try this one on ladies.

Before You Go

No one is beyond having a bad day but a dose of kindness and support can go a long way in turning that around. You may not be able to help or assist with actions, but choosing your words wisely – mixing some kind, thoughtful words together – could be the turnaround for someone’s day.

I trust that through this piece, you have found helpful statements that you can arm yourself with to relieve the burden of a bad day from someone’s shoulders. More importantly, if you can go beyond words to doing stuff that can ease their day, it’d make a lot of sense to them.

Kind Words For Someone Having A Bad Day

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