20 Great Responses To “Snitches Get Stitches”


The phrase “snitches get stitches” is a threat that is used to warn someone that they shouldn’t say something that they know to someone else. And if they do, something bad will be the consequence. 

‘Snitches get stitches’ is a verbal warning that originated in African-American neighborhoods. It was a violent threat among gang members to shut them up from disclosing certain secrets.

In this article are 20 great, playful, and witty responses to “Snitches get stitches.”

You Mean, I Must Be Silent, Right?

Great Responses To Snitches Get Stitches

As I said previously, silence is golden. The same applies to this case. When someone says to you that “snitches get stitches” you can stylishly ask if they mean you must be silent. You can say this when you do not know what exactly their intentions are, but you want to flow with the tide and remain safe.

 Similarly, you can say:

  • I will be silent if that is what you want.
  • What do you mean by those threats? I must be silent.

I Would Not Want Anything To Go Wrong With My Skin

Funnily, you can confess that you do not want to be involved in any form of trouble by saying, “I would not want anything to go wrong with my skin.” This saying goes side by side, saying that you will protect yourself from hurt at any cost. Beyond your literal skin’, it shows that you are ready to protect your threatened loved ones and belongings.

You can also say: 

  • I won’t spread the news. I don’t want anything to go wrong with my skin.
  • I’m all in; leave my properties and family out of harm.

What Do Gossips Pay In This Case?

In a bid to show that you are daring and not scared by someone’s threats, you can face their challenge and ask them, ‘What does gossip pay in this case?’ in response to ‘Snitches get stitches’. This reply shows that you are not scared of their threats, and you might have had worse experiences than the encounters they are challenging.

Other related responses are: 

  • And what if I spread the information?
  • I guess the punishment is different for gossip.

I Promise To Keep It Locked

Great Responses To Snitches Get Stitches

You can come across as saying that you will avoid the consequences attached to sharing some things that you are expected to keep secret. Simply say, ‘I promise to keep it locked, and you will be justified before the theater. 

The responses show your promise not to share any information due to the warning you have received, a personal decision, or certain circumstances.

Other related responses include:

  • I won’t share any information. Trust me.
  • On this matter, I will keep my lips zipped.

I Will Not Let The Needles Prick My Skin, Not To Mention Pass Through Them

Something thrilling like “I will not let the needles prick my skin, not to mention passing through it” is a witty way to say that you will not disclose information at any cost. 

You can say that you will keep your mouth completely shut to stay out of trouble, and you’re not in the category of people who stay open to experiencing tough moments, but you will rather zip up.

Another related response is:

  • I am so delicate in matters like this, so I won’t let it slide.
  • No need to worry; the needles won’t prick my skin or pass through it.

For No Reason Will The Needle And I Get So Close

Another thrilling response to “snitches get stitches” is “For no reason will the needle and I get so close.” It simply means that when someone threatens you that you will get hurt when you divulge information, you can say that there is no reason at all as to why you will get punished. Furthermore, it means you will do your best not to disclose what they want to be kept secret. 

You can further say: 

Can I Know The Content Of Your Mind?

The crafty response “I would love to know what’s in your mind” is a sneak peek to know what someone has in mind. It further points to the fact that you want to know what is fueling their threats and, if possible, why they want the information to remain a secret from someone or the public.

Other related responses are:

  • Why do you say the things you say?
  • What fuels your threats and caution towards me?

You Know What? I Will Simply Remain Silent On This Matter

There is a thrilling way to engage someone who says to you, “Snitches get stitches” and one way is to say, “You know what? I will simply remain silent on this matter.” In this case, you come plain and agree to keep the secrets without saying anything related to anyone at all. This response is said conversationally

Similarly, you can respond by saying: 

  • I will not spill the beans at any cost.
  • Trust me on this matter. My lips are completely sealed.

I Will Keep It Under The Carpet

Great Responses To Snitches Get Stitches

You can inject a comedic effect by saying that you will keep the conversation under wraps. It shows that you will not discuss it with anyone, and it remains a secret as long as you are concerned. This response also shows that you are doing everything in your power to ensure that the news does not get into the ears of someone else. 

You can try something related, like:

  • I will not disclose this information at any cost.
  • All you need to know is that the information is under the carpet.

Something Related Must Be Involved. Maybe Knitting 

A funny response with a touch of tailoring jargon can spice up your ‘snitches get stitches’ response. When you say, “Something related must be involved, Like knitting,” you try to shy away from the fact that there is a punishment attached to telling on someone. 

However, this case playfully shows that you are not completely pushing away the fact that there is punishment involved, but this time around, it’s knitting, not as intense as stitches.

Also, there are suitable responses you can try. Such as:

  • Is there no lesser punishment, just in case?
  • I suggest you should make room for an alternative.

Can We Put An End To This Discussion?

When someone approaches you with a threat or cautions you rudely about sharing information, your reply to that disposition may not always be shying away or running to hide. You can request to put an end to the conversation. This approach shows that you do not feel threatened by what they choose to challenge you with. Simply ask politely or as the context demands, and anticipate a reply.

You can also say:

  • I am not interested in this discussion.
  • Can we talk about something else instead?

I Choose To Be Vocal When I Want To

You can boldly come up with something when someone threatens you that “snitches get stitches” and you choose to be vocal when you want. The treats may come since you look like someone who would stay fragile and vulnerable to their punishment. Besides, you can prove them wrong by saying you will be vocal when you choose to, and there is nothing they can do about it. 

You can try the following alternatives as well:

  • I am not under any obligation to remain glued to your threats.
  • You can’t shut me up. At any cost.

I Promise To Stick To My Part Of The Bargain

If you promise someone that you will keep the information they entrusted you with a secret, then you can remind them about your promise to stick to your part of the bargain when they begin to warn you that “snitches get stitches.” 

Also, you can say this if you think they feel you have a different opinion or if you have plans to back off or go against the agreement. Remind them that you are a person of integrity.

You can also say:

  • I will remain glued to the plan.
  • Nothing has changed. 

Who Says I Will Get Caught?

In response to “snitches get stitches,” you can try a cheeky reply like “Who says I will get caught?” This question could be an unexpected one; however, it is quite daring. It shows that you view things from different perspectives, including the fact that worse-case scenarios can occur. And in that situation, you will love to know what will follow suit.

Some more responses you can try are:

  • I may not get caught, you know?
  • I’m not the only one with this information, remember?

I Guess It’s My Time To Remain Dumb. 

This is a humorous way to reply to someone who warns you, saying, “Snitches get stitches”. It points to the fact that you have chosen to be so far from anything that seeks to cause you pain or discomfort. It sounds like a joke, but it plays a role in reaffirming your position in a situation where you seem to feel pressured. 

Other related responses you can try are:

  • I will not disclose any information, as I said.
  • I will remain dumb on this matter.

What If It’s The Case Of A Whisper?

Great Responses To Snitches Get Stitches

You can inject some fun and a sense of laughter into your “snitches get stitches” response by asking what the compensation will be if it is a case of a whisper and not necessarily disclosing the information publicly. This can invite a sense of humor into your conversation, depending on who you are discussing with.

 Similarly, you can try any of the following:

  • What if you don’t trace the source to me?
  • If I am not caught in the act, will I still get stitches?

You Can Confirm That My Lips Are Sealed

When saying “You can confirm that my lips are sealed” in response to “Snitches get stitches,” you can illustrate by pinning your lips together and wearing a remorseful face. By saying this, you signify that, as long as you are concerned, no secret will spill from you to someone from whom they are keeping information away.

You can also say: 

  • It’s not news that I will not say anything about what I know.
  • Even if I am tortured, I choose to stay true to the plan.

I’m Not A Snitch In The First Place, So There’s No Need For Stitches

You can clarify terms by highlighting who you are, and you can use this claim to protect your integrity. When someone says that ‘snitches get stitches’, it is the perfect opportunity to let your identity shine. In this instance, you can boldly say, “I’m not a snitch in the first place, so no need for stitches.” This gives more credit to your personality and saves you a lot of money.

Furthermore, you can add:

  • Don’t worry about this matter. You can bank on my personality.
  • Simply trust what I told you. There is no need for stitches.

What If I Take Other Options?

Snitches get stitches Conversations can take a different turn when you ask for other options. Aside from being a cheeky reply, it shows that you are ready for anything that comes your way. If possible, your “What if I take other options?” could mean that you need more tough punishment and that their treats do not scare you.

Why not try related responses like:

  • Is this the least punishment that I can get?
  • What if you make it more tough?

I Still Stick To The Plan And Choose My Words Carefully

 To put an end to the conversation of “Snitches get stitches,” you can simply state in surrender that you will still stick to the plan and choose your words carefully. Ensure that they get to see your sincerity to reduce or stop further threats, so you can get on with what you plan to do.

In the same vein, you can say: 

  • Nothing has changed from the plan we made earlier.
  • I get you. I still choose my words carefully.

Parting Words

If you tell others, you may not always go free. The threats or warnings you may get may include the popular “snitches get stitches.” However, whatever comes your way, you shouldn’t give up or fall flat when you sense danger. Simply use the right language in the appropriate contexts, which is quite explained in this article, to respond to someone who says to you, “Snitches,  get stitches.”

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