20 Best Responses to “My Jaw Dropped”


Surprises are an inevitable part of life. They have a way of taking one off guard, whether they are anticipated or unexpected.

But what do you say when someone shares that their jaw dropped as a result of an event? Coming up with the right response can be quite a lot to figure out.

Depending on whether the surprise was positive or negative, and if it caught you off guard too, your response may vary.

You might need to offer support, discuss the next steps, apologize, or simply share in their amazement.

In this article, you’ll learn 20 excellent responses to the phrase “my jaw dropped” that you can use when the unexpected happens.

Let’s go right in!

Table of Contents

I Told You! I’m Unpredictable. I’m Glad My Plans Pulled Out

It is quite tedious to give a “jaw-dropping experience” to someone who would never accept that you could give them one, especially because they feel they can predict every one of your actions.

However, when you can give them an astonishing experience, one way to respond is to let them know that you’ve been able to counterfeit their set notion about you.

Even though it wasn’t easy, you did it!

  • You can’t predict me as you think. I hope you’d agree with me now.

Would You Have Preferred I Never Told You About It?

If someone said their “jaw dropped” after you gave them unpleasant information about something, It is possible that what you said didn’t sit well with them.

Your response should let them know that not telling them about it wouldn’t change anything as they’d come to know of it. Hence, they have more time to get over it since you’ve told them about it.

  • If I had waited some more, it wouldn’t change anything. The deed has been done.

I Am Fascinated Too! Can’t Wait To Tell Everyone About It.

Perhaps the reason why the person is amazed also resonates with you, one hearty way you could reply is to let everyone involved know about it.

This way you express genuine astonishment and excitement for what has happened.

  • I am also amazed by what transpired. I’d tell everyone already.

I’m Glad I Achieved My Goal. It Took A Whole Lot You Know?

Not everyone is easily moved by surprises. It’d take a lot more ideas, creativity, and planning to make someone like this stunned.

So, a great way to respond is to keep it simple. Simply acknowledge that it didn’t come easy for you too but what really matters is that you could take them off their feet.

They will be pleased to know that you could put so much effort into making them happy.

  • It took a lot to get this done! But I’m glad I took you off your feet.

So What Should We Do About It Now That It Took Us All By Surprise?

A “jaw-dropping” experience can leave one right at a spot, not knowing what to do. Perhaps you are also in shock as a result of an occurrence, an excellent way to curb it is to shake it off.

This could also translate to a perfect response for someone whose jaw dropped as a result of the same event.

This way, you proffer a solution instead of leaving everyone bewildered by what has played out.

  • Please I need your suggestions on what we should do, since things have turned out this way.

I Really Don’t Know How To Feel About This Right Now! I’m Astonished!

Some “Jaw-dropping scenes” could leave you not knowing how to feel. You may want to cry, scream, laugh aloud, startle, jump, or even keep silent all along.

If you were also beyond surprised about what had happened, then your response should not be far-fetched from it.

  • I’m beyond perplexed! I honestly don’t know how to feel.

My Jaw Hit The Ground Faster Than You Can Think. I’m Also Astonished.

People react differently to surprises. While some are quick to show it, others may need to digest the whole thing happening. This doesn’t mean they weren’t taken off guard.

If you are one of such, then you can simply respond in such a way that lets the person know that you are even more amazed by the instance you learned about it.

  • I just didn’t show it but my jaw hit the ground faster than you think.

C’mon You Deserve Even More Surprises! You’re Amazing You Know?

If the reason why the person’s “jaw dropped” was because you surprised them, a good way to respond is to make them feel special.

Let them know that they deserve all the good things they could think about and you were only able to do a little.

  • You are deserving of every good thing you can think of. You’re special.

I Know You Don’t Like Surprises But I Just Had To Do It. It’s Your Special Day!

While many people anticipate surprises on their special day, some other people dread surprises. These kinds of people don’t like being taken off guard.

However, if you were able to put together a surprising scene for such a person, they’d surely admit their astonishment.

In response, admit that you know how much they dread surprises but you couldn’t help it because it was a day worth celebrating.

  • I know surprises ain’t your thing! But I just couldn’t let your special day go by without spicing it up.

Please Tell Me, Did You Get Blown Away Positively Or Are You Mad At Me?

The impact of a “jaw-dropping experience” could be either positive or negative. So if someone says that their “jaw dropped”, simply ask them if it was in a positive way that made them happy or in a negative way that pissed them off.

This way, you’d know what to do or avoid next time.

  • Please tell me how you feel about it.

Oh! As Long As You Don’t Get Hypertensive, Expect More Jaw-Dropping Scenarios

This is a more laid-back or informal way you can respond to “my jaw dropped”.  It lets the person know that as long as your surprises don’t impact them negatively, you are not stopping anytime soon.

Hence, they should expect more shocking experiences at just any moment.

  • Don’t expect me to stop with my shocking gestures provided you don’t pass out.

Oh! But I Thought You Were Aware Of The Situation? It Also Came As A Surprise To Us.

If the expression “my jaw dropped” came from someone you least expect because you feel they are knowledgeable of the situation at hand, then you can equally admit that you are also stunned at the outcome of things.

Although you expected them to be aware before now.

  • Oh, you weren’t told before now? I am equally enthralled.

It Is Really Unbelievable! One Must Have Some Super Powers To Achieve That Height

how to respond when someone says "my jaw dropped"

There are certain heights that someone would attain and they will be likened to possess some sort of superpowers.

This is because they exceeded the norm that a person is expected to attain and could be said to be a “jaw-dropping” experience.

Hence, if you come across such an event, you can also exclaim your astonishment in response.

  • Oh my! I never seen anything like it also!

I’m Sorry But You Taught Me How To Leave Someone Unapologetically Startled!

Pranks could also give someone a “jaw dropping” feel. If you pranked someone who is in the habit of pranking you, and they expressed their astonishment by saying “My jaw dropped”, your response in this context should let them know that you only reciprocated their usual gesture.

This way they wouldn’t feel so mad at you especially if you went too extreme.

  • Oh I’m sorry, I just decided to reciprocate your usual pranks

How Would You Be Surprised At Your Performance When We All Perceive You As A Genius?

It can be thrilling to know that someone whom you place high because of their outstanding performance doesn’t see themselves that way.

If such an individual is stunned about how they performed in maybe an exam or a task, simply respond surprised too.

When you show that you don’t believe they weren’t expecting a mind-blowing result, they’ll tend to value themselves and ability better.

  • I can’t believe you are surprised at your performance.

You Know I’ve Always Thought You’ve Got A Strong Perception Of Things, I Can’t Believe Something As Little As This Would Make Your Jaw Drop.

People who aren’t easily thrilled by surprises are thought to have a very high perception of things. So, if you are planning a surprise for them, you may be the one who would get the utmost surprise.

However, if you pull a little stunt on them and they fall for it, it is worth acknowledging. When they tell you how amazed they were, you can respond by letting them know that you didn’t expect it to be a surprise whatsoever to them since they proved hard to get thrilled by events.

  • Do you mean something as little as this could take you off your feet?

For a moment I felt I didn’t come up with the best surprise yet, but I’m glad you love it. You deserve more!

It is fulfilling to know that you were able to put smiles on someone’s face even when it wasn’t your best shot.

The moment the person expresses their astonishment, let them know that you intended to do even more because they deserve better.

This way, they’ll be very happy and highly valued.

  • I would have done better if I had some more time.

Oh, Spare Me That! You Know About It All Along. It’s Only Good You Acknowledge It.

We can’t take out people who show false surprise about events they already know about. If you are to respond to this kind of person, simply acknowledge that you know they are aware, hence they’ve got no reason to act amazed.

  • I know you’re aware! Stop faking your amazement.

Now Can You Acknowledge To The World That I Am The Genius In Planning Jaw-Dropping Surprises?

how to respond when someone says "my jaw dropped"

When you pull through with giving someone a jaw-dropping experience and they admit it, one excellent way to respond is to pride in your ability to take them off guard. You can jokingly tell them to tell the whole world especially if it took a lot to pull through.

  • Please say my name and tell the whole wide world!

I Didn’t Expect You To Be Surprised Because I Gave You Hints That This Was Gonna Happen. You Obviously Ignored It.

Lastly, If the reason why the person had a dropped jaw is for something they should have known because it was obvious, tell them about it.

This will let them know that although they were pointers, they neglected it and that’s why they were taken unawares.

  • If only you didn’t ignore the pointers, you should not be surprised.

Remember, surprises are a part of life, so learning to respond with care and understanding can elevate your relationships and help you get through difficult events.

Bookmark this article, so you can easily come back to it whenever you need a response to, “My jaw dropped”.

how to respond when someone says "my jaw dropped"

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