15 Correct Responses To “May The Lord Be With You”


The comforting salutation “May the Lord be with you” is a common greeting in many Christian communities, households, and gatherings. It expresses well wishes and a sense of shared faith.

But how do you respond appropriately without being redundant? Well, that’s why this article is being put together to guide you on how to respond in the same energy to “May The Lord Be With You” greetings.

This article offers 15 Correct Responses To May The Lord Be With You greetings that include traditional responses, heavenly responses, hilarious, empathic responses, and warm and respectful responses.

Sit back and enjoy your reading!

“And also with you.”

Perhaps you’re in the gathering and your pastor told you “May the Lord Be With You”, respond with “And also with you.”.  This is a commonly and universally accepted response to the greetings.

You can also say:

  • And also with you and your family. Shalom.

“And with your spirit.”

Correct Responses To May The Lord Be With You

If you are an assistant pastor or a man of God yourself, and another man of God says “May The Lord Be With You”, you can use the above lines as your response. “And with your spirit” is a traditional response to use. It is often used in Catholic liturgies.

  • “And with your soul”

Thank you, and may He bless you as well

Here is one of the most universal and common responses you can use in the house of the lord. As a man of God, aside from spiritual gifts your vocabulary and choice of words go a long way too. With this response above, you can’t go wrong at all as not only does the response show appreciation, but it also blesses the speaker.


Here is a short and straight-to-point answer if you are a member. When your pastor or a prophet tells you “May The Lord Be With You”, say Amen. “Amen” is a simple yet powerful word that signifies agreement and acceptance of the blessing.

Thank You For The Blessing

Another response you can give as a non-Christian is “Thank you for the blessing.” By using this line, you are acknowledging the sentiment without necessarily mirroring the specific religious reference.

  • Grateful for the blessings.

May Peace Be With You

Correct Responses To May The Lord Be With You

Do not repeat words, It portrays you as someone who is vocabulary deficient. When someone tells you “May The Lord Be With You”, there are hundreds of different responses you can give them. One of them is “May peace be with you.” If you don’t want to use that, you can say;

  • May his peace abide with you.

And Also With You! 

If it is on a different day, then there is another response to give them. Say “And also with you!” to expand a wider the blessings to them.

Absolutely! We Need Him Now More Than Ever.

As a sister in the house of the Lord, you need to learn simple conversational hacks that include correct responses. When someone tells you “May The Lord Be With You”, respond with “Absolutely! We need Him now more than ever.”

Indeed, His Presence Is A Comfort.

You and your associate pastor just finished having a conversation and he told you “May The Lord Be With You”, “Indeed, His presence is a comfort” is another accurate response to give. By this, you are further expressing appreciation for the reminder of God’s presence.

May We All Walk In His Light.

A believer just told you that the Lord be with you? Bow with courtesy and say “May we all walk in His light”. This is another reflective response that emphasizes the importance of following God’s teaching.

Especially on Mondays

If your pastor is a youth Pastor that understands the Gen Z way of life then you can add humor to your response when he says “May The Lord Be With You”. Wink to your pastor and say “Especially on Mondays.”

You know how hectic Mondays can be. By using the lines above, you are humorously saying you need God more on Mondays. This joke will surely throw everyone into torrents of laughter.

Only If He Promises Not To Smite Me With Homework

If you need another humorous response to the greetings “May The Lord Be With You” then “Only if He promises not to smite me with homework” is the perfect humor for it. You can use this humorous response to tease your pastor. This response will also evoke laughter from your pastor and everyone listening.

With All My Heart! May We Feel His Presence Throughout Our Day.

With a respectful nod and a bow, express your heartfelt response and emphasize the importance of God’s presence and a shared desire. You can use “With all my heart! May we feel His presence throughout our day” as a suitable response to the greeting; “May The Lord Be With You.”

  • Totally and Completely! May his presence be with us

He Is Already With Us, According To His Word. (Matthew 1:23)

Also, you can reference a specific scripture passage and demonstrate your knowledge of the Bible while responding to the greeting “May The Lord Be With You.”

Use these lines- “He is already with us, according to His Word. (Matthew 1:23)”

Iy Contigo También! (Spanish For “And With You Too!”)

You can also go beyond your local language to respond to the heavenly greeting: “May The Lord Be With You”. iY contigo también is a creative response in Spanish that means “And With You Too”

Final Words

Finally, “May the Lord be with you” is a potent salutation that cuts across religious boundaries and promotes a feeling of unified faith. This guide has equipped you with 15 diverse responses, ranging from traditional and respectful to warm and enthusiastic. Keep in mind that selecting the best response depends heavily on the situation as well as your values.

Thus, the next time you hear this blessing, feel free to reply with a sincere “And also with you” or, depending on the circumstance, a more imaginative “May his peace be with you.” Being truthful and courteous in your response is ultimately what matters most. You can develop a spirit of shared blessings and fortify your relationships with others by doing this.

Beyond the words themselves, remember the power of a genuine smile or a respectful nod. These nonverbal cues can also effectively convey your positive sentiments. With these tips in mind, go forth and navigate the world of religious greetings with confidence and grace.

Correct Responses To May The Lord Be With You

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