20 Sweet Replies to “Let Me Treat You Right”


When someone’s trying to flirt or woo you, they may use a line like ‘Let me treat you right.’ This is an invitation to let them come into your life so they can show you how good they are going to be to you. Accepting their request can be exciting but it can be difficult to respond appropriately.

There are a handful of ways you can respond but this article looks at 20 of the sweetest replies to ‘Let me treat you right.’ In this guide, you’ll find responses to the request when you want to show them that you are willing to see how they’ll treat you right.

Are you Sure You Won’t Break My Heart?

If they are trying to be your partner, you can ask them if they are not going to break your heart. This doesn’t directly say yes to their request but you can use it to show that you are interested in allowing them to treat you right. A question like this encourages them to reaffirm their intentions for you.

Boy, Don’t Be Messing With Me

Sweet Replies to Let Me Treat You Right

Quite informal but saying ‘Boy, don’t be messing with me’ is another sweet reply to ‘Let me treat you right.’ As a lady, a guy might be flirting with you when they say this to you. It is important to be sure they are doing so and not commit long-term to something that’s intended to be a fling.

  • I feel you dawg, but I don’t want to play games with any dude.
  • If I was going to let you treat me the way you want, I do not want it for a short time.

How Do You Want To Do That?

Show an interest in knowing what they mean by treating you right. People have different opinions about how to make someone else feel special. Because of this relativity, you want to be sure the way they want to take care of you is just the way you want it. So, you can reply with ‘How do you want to do that?’ and listen to their answers.

  • Tell me, what do you mean by ‘treat me right’?
  • What if our ideas of being treated right do not align?

You Drive Me Crazy And I Think You Know And Enjoy It 

If this is someone who has been on your case for as long as you can, and they’ve impressed you with their style, words, or whatever it is that has you falling, you can respond to their ‘Let me treat you right’ remark with a statement that validates them. Such a statement would be ‘You drive me crazy and I think you know and enjoy it.’

My Momma Warned Me About Sweet Boys Like You 

Another way to validate them if they have been unprecedentedly good is to say ‘My Momma warned me about sweet boys like you.’ It doesn’t matter if your Mom warned you about sweet boys or not, the focus of this response is not on the warning but on the fact that the person is sweet. You get the idea, yeah?

I Don’t Know What To Say. Just Get On With It Already 

Maybe they’ve swept you off your feet and you really just want to get locked in with them, you can respond with ‘I don’t know what to say. Just get on with it already.’ This is a good way to approve of their request without saying ‘Yes.’

It Feels Like A Lie But I Will Give It A Try 

You may be in doubt about this person’s intentions but if you consider giving them a chance, you can say ‘It feels like a lie but ama give it a try’ when they ask to treat you right. Some people’s intentions give up this ‘too-good-to-be-true’ feeling but then, we don’t care if we get hurt or if it lasts for a short time.

  • There are no absolutes in life but I think I will give this a try.
  • Even though I don’t see how you want to treat me right, I can’t help but say yes.

If You Are Real With Me, I’d Be Locked In Forever

Don’t just show them you want to be treated right, let them know you want what you both share to be long-lasting. A response to communicate that thought would be ‘If you are real with me, I’d be locked in forever.’ There’s no harm in being vulnerable if that’s what this desire communicates.

Promise Me You Won’t Mess This Up 

Another way to respond to ‘Let me treat you right’ would be to ask them for a promise that things won’t go wrong. We have all experienced this scenario: someone makes incredible promises to us and when we begin to go out with them, they switch up. Also, if you are making up with an ex and they ask to treat you better, you can also use this response.

  • Last time, you ruined everything, what’s there not to think you’ll do the same thing again?
  • If you promise to not hurt my feelings, then I’ll let you.

You Have My Permission, Blow Me Away 

Sweet Replies to Let Me Treat You Right

Nothing stops you from being direct when responding to someone’s ‘Let me treat you right’ appeal. A response like ‘You have my permission, blow me away’ gives the permission the person is looking for plus a request to do it well. By saying ‘Blow me away,’ you are asking to impress you, surprise you, or take your breath away. The idea is they have your permission for as long as they keep impressing you.

I Expect So Much. Think You Can Cope?

You can make demands, after all, they are the ones trying to get their way with you. ‘I expect so much. Do you think you could cope with that?’ will show that you are interested in letting them treat you right while bringing to their awareness that you may demand much from them. There’s nothing wrong with adding this disclaimer so that anyone who’s not ready to put in the effort will steer clear of your path.

  • I make a lot of demands. Are you sure you can handle them?
  • You may not stay when I begin to make my demands.

Always Make Promises You Can Keep

Cautioning them to be careful about making promises they won’t keep is another way you can respond to ‘Let me treat you right’ in a sweet manner. The intent is somewhat masqueraded. It is you letting them know you want to let them but they have to make sure they keep their promises.

  • You making all these promises, and I hope you can stay true to them.
  • These promises, Is it until you get tired?

I Have Been Hurt So Many Times. What’s To Think You Won’t Treat Me Like Others?

I have been hurt so many times. What’s to think you won’t treat me like others?’ will be the right response if you’ve found yourself in situations like this before. Matters of the heart are quite tricky and while we get painfully hurt, someone comes with the promise of healing us from our past. They sometimes do this only to go back on their words after a while. Use this response to reaffirm they won’t treat you badly when you accept them into your life.

I May Just Be The Dumbest Person For This But I Am Willing To Give You The Chance 

When your ex is trying to get back with you, they may ask you to let them treat you right. If you are considering their request, your response would be something like ‘I may just be the dumbest person for this but I am willing to give you the chance.’ No one’s ever cool with their friends going back to an ex, so they may think you aren’t thinking straight. That’s why this is a good reply to ‘Let me treat you right.’

  • Everyone says I shouldn’t be with you, but I am willing to give this a try.
  • You may be playing me but a second chance is possible.

It’s The Bare Minimums That Count, You Know, Right?

Another way to give your consent to someone’s ‘Let me treat you right’ request is to let them know it doesn’t take much to do so. They may get carried away thinking they need a fat bank account or must go out of their way to sweep you off your feet. If this isn’t the case, you can tell them that ‘It’s the bare minimums that count, you know, right?

  • I want expensive dates, vacations at five-star hotels, and so on, but you don’t have to break the bank to please me. Trust me.

And You Can Expect Me To Do The Same To You Too 

If they are making the effort to treat you right, you should too. After all, relationships break when they become one-sided. You can reply to their ‘Let me treat you right’ remark with an indication that you’ll do the same for them. This shows them approval and could help them become confident you got them too.

I Am Excited Thinking About It Already 

Another way you can say yes to someone who tells you they want to treat you nicely is to show that you are happy about it. This response comes in handy in a variety of situations because they may just want to take you on a date and aren’t trying to commit to a long-term affair. In such a context, you can respond with ‘I am excited thinking about it already.’

You Always Tell Me How Cool Your Intentions Are. I Hope They Never Change 

Maybe this person is always about the nice things they want to do to you and for you. When they tell you to let them treat you right, you can respond with ‘You always tell me how cool your intentions are. I hope they never change.’ Change is constant but in this case, we expect the change to be positive such that their actions get better and not go sour. So, putting that out there isn’t out of place.

  • I hope you are not about talk only but will really treat me as well as you promise.
  • You give me butterflies in my belly but I know talk is cheap.

That’s A Very Tempting Offer, And I Won’t Refuse It 

Sweet Replies to Let Me Treat You Right

You cannot help thinking about how well this person is going to treat you and you want it to begin immediately. This is where you use a response like ‘That’s a very tempting offer, and I won’t refuse it.’ No need to over-complicate it. You know it may not be guaranteed but you don’t want to pass on the chance of feeling loved.

Yes. Show Me What Being Treated Right Means

Let’s be direct, shall we? This response doesn’t shy away from anything or tries to cut corners. It goes direct. You are saying since you want to treat me right, get on with it and show me what you mean by that. It is almost like putting them on probation. Whatever it is, you like them but want to see them make full proof of their promise.

Final Thoughts 

Anyone who wants to treat you right should be sure about it and do it. While you may be carried away by their promises and these sweet replies to ‘Let me treat you right’ have helped you give them consent, they shouldn’t say one thing and do the other.

Cheers to more fruitful relationships.

Sweet Replies to Let Me Treat You Right

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