20 Best Responses To “Kapeesh” In English


The word “Kapeesh” sounds rude, but it is often used to create a sense of humor. It’s a casual way of saying “understand” or do you get’ and can be included in day-to-day conversations, particularly informal ones.

To keep a conversation going and make interactions more engaging, one can respond to ‘Kapeesh’ using any of the following replies:

I Do, Clearly

In response to “Kapeesh”, you can say ‘I do’ to show that you are not confused or in a state of dilemma about what someone has said to you. By further adding “clearly”, you state how you understand the subject matter being asked or discussed. 

You need not add too much content; just replying “I do, clearly” to “Kapeesh”, you give your consent and accept what is on the ground.

Other related responses are: 

  • I understand you so well.
  • Nothing is holding the plan down anymore. We are good!

All right

Most times, you do not need to prolong a conversation by adding words over and over again. You can simply go straight to the point by saying “All right” in response to Kapeesh. It is most suitable in formal conversations and scenarios where your input is needed for an action to be taken swiftly. This response further reduces instances of ambiguity.

Other expressions that are as concise as “alright” are:

  • Yes, I do.
  • Very well!

 I Grab 

Your conversation must not always be formal and overly serious. When someone says “kapeesh” to you, your response can be “I grab”. This reply introduces a fun vibe that shows you understand the message passed clearly. You can use this reply when having a chat with your friends too, and sometimes accompany it with a nod if you are responding offline.

Similarly, try:

  • I get your point!
  • I grab what you said.

No Need To Repeat

When someone says “Kapeesh” to you in the form of a question, you can let them know if you get the message already or if you want them to go over it. When you detect it’s a check to know if you have gained clarity, you should tell them that you don’t need to go over it again if there is no need to, and say the opposite if need be.

You can also try:

  • Oh! I’ve gotten your point already!

 I’ve Gotten The Message

Best Responses To Kapeesh In English

Something like “I has gotten the message” is a great way to respond to “Do you get”. In this scenario, the word could be used to describe your perception of a matter. You can say that you are clear on what is being discussed by saying, “I’ve gotten the message.” If possible, explain it according to your understanding and be innovative about it. This will make them more assured of your perception.

 You can also respond by saying, I’m super clear on this matter.

  • Yes, you don’t need to go over it again. I’ve gotten the message.

Yes, Yes, Work Will Begin Already

You can affirm that you understand what someone says to you. However, beyond saying yes to them or repeating it for emphasis, you can include something progressive. An inclusion like “work will begin already” takes it a step ahead of the usual affirmation. Further, map out strategies concerning what you perceive so that they can make their input. 

Other similar responses are:

  • We are good. Can we start something to that effect?
  • Yes, let’s begin work already.

There Is No Need To Repeat Yourself. You Can Move On

 There are no qualms about you coming point blank to someone who says to you “Kapeesh” that there is no need for them to repeat themselves. This response shows that you are in line with what they have shared, and they can move on to the next agenda item if there is any. In a way, you can make it clear that you do not have an issue with what has been discussed so far. It may aid the conversation.

In the same vein, you can say:

  • We are progressing, simply continuing.
  • There’s progress in our conversation. You can go on.

I Am With You

It is always heartwarming to know that someone is right by your side when you are set to embark on a worthwhile venture. This is why “I am with you” is a suitable response to Kapeesh. You can say that you are with them to ensure that they do not feel left out in the discussion they are having with you. It’s important you say this with all sincerity. 

You can also say:

  • I am here with you.
  • My attention is on you.

Well Understood 

This is a direct way to respond when someone says “Kapeesh”. Since they want to know if you understand what they are discussing, you can simply say you have well understood. This means you are quite clear on the subject of discussion. Ensure you say this with all confidence so your gesture and perception can be appreciated and acknowledged.

Other expressions you can use are:

  • I understand you so well.
  • Trust me. Your point is well understood. 

I’ve Noted Your Concerns

Best Responses To Kapeesh In English

I’ve noted that your concerns are a witty way to say that you have paid attention to what you have just said. It means that your ears are on the ground and you are concerned about what they think, so you have noted what they said to you.

This response is a great way to show that you are not careless about what someone has said from beginning to end. You can show your attentiveness to details using this response. 

Similar responses to this one are:

  • I am set to do as you have said.
  • Your concerns are duly noted.

I’m Right On Track

You can talk about your position in the midst of what someone is telling you to do. In place of saying yes, you can say “I’m right on track” to indicate where you are currently in the matter of discussion. You can pledge your support or commitment to what is in view. Say something like, I’m right on track. I will try to make things work better for you.

You can also say:

  • I’m right on track; what more do you want of me?

Yes, Sir Or Ma, I Get

A formal way to give a reply to “Kapeesh” is to say, “Yes, sir or ma, I get”. This is suitable for straightforward conversations and sometimes for day-to-day discussions. It simply passes the message that you grasp the discussion so well. Saying this makes you look quite official and set to take action.

Other similar responses are:

  • Yes, sir/ma, I understand you so well.
  • Yes, sir or ma, we can move along.

Let’s Do This!

You can say a very simple response to “Kapeesh” like, ‘Let’s do this!’. It is a super proactive reply that goes beyond your affirmation to say you’re set to make a move already. By saying this, you point out the fact that you do not want to lag in the plan, and you are ultimately set to make things work.

You can also say: 

  • Let’s make this work.
  • Yes, we can move on with this plan.

Absolutely! I’m With You

If need be, you can say something different from ‘absolutely’ instead of yes. It sounds quite formal and interesting. 

You can include the fact that they are not alone in the concept they have introduced to you, but you are with them. “Absolutely! I’m with you” in this case means that you do not just buy the idea; you seek to be a progressive part of the plan.

Similarly, you can say:

  • Officially, I am in this with you.
  • On this matter, you can count on me at any time.

Your Point Is Well-Acknowledged

Another suitable response to “kapeesh” is “Your point is well acknowledged”. This response is straight to the point and quite interesting to use on formal occasions. Say that you recognize what they have said to you and that you have noted their comments. In this case, you must not make a promise to be involved in their plan, but you must recognize their sayings to you.

In order, you can say: 

  • Your ideas are well noted.

Sure! I Am On The Same Path As You

Best Responses To Kapeesh In English

Sure! is a great affirmation that backs up your understanding of what is being discussed. It’s a great addition to include that you are on the same path with them. The response “Was sure! I am on the same path with you” is reassuring and sounds great and inspiring to someone who says to you, “Kapeesh”. 

You can also say:

  • Exact! I’m right beside you on this matter.
  • Sure! We are good to go.

There’s No Problem At All

When you say “there’s no problem at all” you make it clear that you are interested in what they have to say and there is no problem at all. You must not directly say you have taken note of one issue over the other or that you completely agree with what they have said. Simply put, there is no problem at all with what they have rendered. 

Other related responses are:

  • There’s no issue at all.
  • We are good. There’s no problem at all.

I Got The Message In Detail

It’s a great thing to say that you have gotten the message passed. This response will convince the speaker that they have not wasted their time and that you are deeply into the message they have shared with you. Saying ‘I got the message in detail’ gives a vivid idea of where exactly you stand.

Another option you can employ is:

  • I got everything you said to me.
  • I understand you in detail. Thanks!

It’s All Good

You can make your response to “Kapeesh” easier by saying, “It’s all good”. Saying that you have understood may not always be where you should begin and end. You can simply say it’s all good to show your approval of what they have said and state that it resonates with you somehow. 

Similarly, you can say: 

  • It’s super interesting!
  • We can do it. It’s all good.

Yes. I Understand You

Best Responses To Kapeesh In English

When someone says to you “kapeesh” in return, you can affirm and say that you understand what is being said. You ought to say this convincingly, and if possible, prove that you understand what is being shared. If need be, you can add some information to spice the conversation and say you do not understand if you don’t.

In order, you can say:

  • Yes. We are on the same page.
  • Yes, we can do this!

Parting Words 

In this article are the 20 best responses to “Kapeesh” in English. Some are straightforward, while others are formal. In whichever case, simply ensure that you say you understand when you do, or seek to get more insight if you are not clear on what is being discussed. 

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