20 Perfect Responses to “I Owe You a Drink”


Someone has just told you they owe you a drink and you are wondering what would be a good response to give them. Instead of nodding in affirmation or shaking your head in disapproval, I have compiled a list of 20 best responses to ‘I owe you a drink.’

These responses are curated based on a diverse range of situations and I have explained their applications with more examples for a better understanding. 

    Thank You for Your Kindness 

    Perfect Responses to I Owe You a Drink

    Thank you for your kindness’ is the generally accepted response in a situation like this. You can thank the individual for their kindness especially when they are only trying to be nice and promising you a drink.

    • You are too kind sir. Thank you very much 
    • I am honored by your kindness sir. It means so much. 

    Of Course, You Do 

    If there’s anything I love to be, it is to be sarcastic. When a friend tells me they owe me a drink after I do something for them or achieve an astonishing feat, my go-to response is to say ‘Yes, there’s no doubt about that one.’ You can also use this response when interacting with your friends or someone familiar with your sarcasm. 

    • Oh yeah, you are 
    • Unhun, I was waiting for you to say that you do 

    And I Could Use A Bottle Today

    Another good response is ‘It couldn’t come at a better time than this cause I need a beer.’ While it is possible that the person only said they owe you a drink as per owing you a favor, you can make it a bit realistic with this reply. You can also use this response if you fancy a date. See other examples below for more guidance:

    • I would be so happy if you got me a cup of mocha on your way to work tomorrow
    • What do you say we hang out tonight and you get me the drink?

    Don’t Make Promises You Won’t Keep 

    Don’t make promises you can’t keep’ is another cool way to respond to ‘I owe you.’ If the person has a habit of making promises but never keeping them, you can use this reply to shade them and force their hand. Some scenarios this can play out are listed below:

    • I am already getting used to your promises which never materialize 
    • You keep making promises but never delivering on your words 

    Nah. It’s Nothing, Mate

    Perfect Responses to I Owe You a Drink

    Whether they are your friend or an acquaintance, you can tell anyone who says they owe you a drink that they shouldn’t bother about it. You can use this response to take their minds off whatever reward they plan on giving you because you do not feel like it is worth it. They may still decide to do it which is still a plus for you.

    • You don’t have to do anything for me. It is nothing. Cheers, man 
    • Oh please, forget it. It is nothing 

    Trust Me, You Can Reach Out To Me If You Need Me 

    This is another way you can respond when someone says ‘I owe you a drink.’ It is a response I’ll recommend you use with friends, colleagues at work, or your superior. You are portraying yourself as someone they can rely on when they need to handle a task or perform a responsibility. 

    • I need you to know that you can always count on me when you need anything done around here
    • Well, you should know that I am ever ready to help if you need me to 

    I Was Only Returning A Favor But I’ll Accept The Drink Though 

    You can say ‘I am only returning the favor you gave me the last time’ if you did what you did for the person because of something they had helped you with. In addition to stating that you were reciprocating their kind gesture, you can let them know that you are still going to accept their drink offer. 

    • You deserved my assistance so you don’t need to see this as something you have to repay me for
    • It was just me reciprocating your kindness towards me, but if you want to, I could use a can of soda 

    That Was What You Said The Last Time. You Are Now Owing Me A Lot Of Drinks 

    This is the perfect response when the person is always in the habit of promising you drinks without fulfilling their promise. You could also use the opportunity to force them into staying true to their word and getting you a drink. Here are other ways you can say this:

    • The number of drinks you now owe me could get me started on a liquor shop 
    • You are always promising me drinks but you’ve never given me one 

    Coffee, Please, And Add A Chicken Burger To It 

    Instead of just telling the person you could use a drink, you can state the specific drink you want and any other thing you’d like to accompany it. This is a way to respond to ‘I owe you a drink’ when the person is someone you interact with deeply. 

    • That sounds nice. I would want a cup of flat white coffee and some chicken nuggets 
    • If you are getting me a drink, make sure it doesn’t have caffeine in it. 

    There’s This New Spot Downtown. Maybe We Could Go There 

    There is every tendency that the person who just told you that they owed you meant he wanted to get you a drink like in a date setting.

    If that is the case your response could be ‘I know this spot downtown that makes the best Arabian tea. They’ve got some mochas and mocktails too.’ Other ways you can phrase a reply in this regard include:

    • If you have to, it should be Starbucks cause they’ve got this selection of cold brews that are lovely. 

    Yeah. That Sounds Great 

    If you do not want to be too forward in your response to ‘I owe you a drink,’ I’ll recommend you just approve of their statement. Something as simple as ‘Yeah, that sounds great,’ is enough to respond to them. They should get the initiative to do what they want to do or ask for your preference. 

    • I like the sound of that. 
    • It is calm, no worries. 

    I Am Looking Forward To It 

    When you want them to get the idea that you fancy a date with them, you can indirectly state it by saying ‘I will be looking forward to when we’ll be having that drink.’ Such a response will give them the green light to take you out on a date. However, do not expect it to work all the time.

    • I look forward to whatever novel ideas you may have 
    • Oh wow. Then you should know I’d love to go out sometime later

    What’s This New Transformation? You Owe Me A Drink? That’s Cool, You Know 

    This reply is the type you give someone when they are rarely ever appreciative of anything people do for them. Such a person could be a coworker, a sibling, or someone you’ve been friends with long enough to admit that they’ve got an attitude of being ungrateful. When they tell you they owe you a drink, you can say any of the following in response:

    • Did I hear what you just said correctly? That’s truly a first 
    • I can’t believe my ears. Did you legit just tell me you owe me a drink?

    I Was Only Doing The Job I Was Assigned To Handle 

    If the favor or the task you handled for the person was part of your job or responsibility, you could say that ‘I was just doing what I am mandated to do’ when they tell you they owe you a drink. It will make more sense when you add some gratitude and mention their heartwarming thoughts. 

    • Thank you for your kind consideration, but it is part of my duties here
    • You don’t sir. I was only doing what my boss assigned me to do. Thank you for your heartwarming gesture 

    Come To Think Of It, It’s Been A While Since We Hung Out 

    I’ll recommend you use this response when the person who says they owe you a drink is someone you used to hang out with all the time but have experienced a reduction in how often you guys go out. You can also flip the table to suggest that they were asking you out on a date. The suggestions below will give you more ideas:

    • It is cool if what you are trying to do is ask me to go on a date cause I am down for it 
    • The last time we were out together was a very long time ago. A couple of drinks wouldn’t be sad 

    Do you mean a drink or do you owe me a favor?

    Trying to get clarity about what they mean by ‘I owe you a drink’ is important, especially before you decide to make claims about wanting to go on a date or stating your preference for the kind of drink you want. When they give you a reply, you can then follow it up with what you may want. 

    When Am I Getting It? 

    If you are sure what they owe you is a drink, one good response to use in replying ‘I owe you a drink’ is to ask when you are getting the drink. You can also add specifications of the kind of drink you want. For more ideas, there are a few outlined below:

    • Really? When would you repay the favor and get me the drink?
    • If you can, I’d like you to buy a cup of cappuccino from the coffee truck at the intersection down the road

    I Know You’ll Do The Same For Me If You Need To

    You can also respond to ‘I owe you a drink’ with ‘I know you’ll do the same for me if you need to’ This is a statement that lets the person know that you were willing to do what you did for them because you believed they’d do the same thing for you. 

    • It didn’t mean anything to me because if there’s one thing I’ve known about you, it is the fact that you’ll always come through when your peers need you 
    • You are downright the most reliable colleague anyone can have so I couldn’t keep myself from assisting you

    You’ve Done Enough With The Gratitude You’ve Shown Me

    You’ve done enough with the gratitude you’ve shown me’ is okay for a response to ‘I owe you a drink’ when you do not want the person to go on worrying about how to show their appreciation for your efforts. Some wouldn’t back down in their bid to repay the favor so it doesn’t matter if they do or do not after your reply. 

    • As you’ve shown me how grateful you are, nothing makes more sense than that. So, it’s fine 
    • You don’t have to go out of your way because of what I did

    When The Time Comes, I’ll Need You To Hold Up Your End Of The Bargain 

    Last but certainly not least, you can always let the person know that you’ll ensure they follow through on their promise of getting you a drink. By saying ‘I will hold you up to your bargain when the time is right,’ they will get the message and be prepared to give you your drink when you need it. 

    • Expect me to force you to keep your promise when I need you to 
    • You are going to get me that drink but for now, thank you 

    Final Thoughts

    You are a kind and resourceful person for someone to tell you that they owe you a drink. Rather than be a boring person, I believe you can find the perfect response to ‘I owe you a drink’ in this article.

    Whether you did them a favor,  did your job, rendered a helping hand, or the person is just promising you a drink, this compilation is elaborate enough to cover any scenario. 

    Perfect Responses to I Owe You a Drink

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