150 Ways To Respond To “I Miss You More”

Faith Ejeh

150 Ways To Respond To “I Miss You More”

When someone tells you “I miss you more,” they’re saying they want to be with you because they feel sad when you’re not around. It’s a way of saying they cherish your presence. This feeling is common in all kinds of relationships – with partners, friends, or family. But what if instead of just saying “I miss you too,” you respond in a more fun or appealing way? That’s what we’re exploring in this article. We’ll look at 150 different ways to respond to “I miss you,” ranging from funny jokes, and comebacks to heartfelt messages. Let’s go right in!

  1. I bet you don’t!
  2. I miss you the most!
  3. You know what to do. Come over!
  4. Oh really? Tell me to what degree?
  5. Stop it already! Making me blush!
  6. For real? I’ll be with you shortly okay?
  7. No way!
  8. How is that even possible? Stop exaggerating already!
  9. Babe, I miss you more than what I can put in words.
  10. It’s not possible!
  11. I feel hypnotized by you! How do I get over you?
  12. I miss you in such a way that it even feels surreal to me. Ways To Respond To I Miss You More
  13. We don’t need too much back and forth, just prove it already!
  14. How can you say that when you can’t even show it?
  15. I’ll be with you soon enough so I can validate your claim.
  16. You’ve said that a thousand times, can you prove it to me?
  17. I love how expressive you are! You don’t fake how you feel anytime.  I miss miss you!
  18. Honestly, I love that you miss me to this extent! I’m flattered.
  19. You know, you are my sweetest distraction and I love it!
  20. I just want to see your charming smiles and I’ll be alright! Any jpegs?
  21. A video call should suffice, pending when I get back to you yeah?
  22. Do you miss me more or do you miss the pastries I always come with?
  23. Oh, my darling! It feels so soothing to hear you say that and I just want to squeeze myself in your arms right now.
  24. Aww! You always know how to make me feel loved. You’re so sweet.
  25. Feels like our hearts are intertwined! I feel you right here with me, you are just out of sight. I can wait a little more, you know?
  26. Hey, do you just miss me or there’s something you are not saying?
  27. I’m just a call away from you, you know? Do the needful already!
  28. I can’t wait to hold your hand again. I love you, babe. Never forget that.
  29. I’m honestly not able to keep up with your absence, can we see already?
  30. Lol! Are you making it a competition now? I miss you more, more, most! I win yeah?Ways To Respond To I Miss You More
  31. Lol! Is this coming from you? I always thought you couldn’t express yourself.
  32. Please don’t keep me away from you for this long ever again, my heart can’t take it.
  33. You know I don’t like it when you exaggerate things just to make me feel special right?
  34. I truly wish you could see my heart! There is no thought of anyone else except you.
  35. I am so in love with you and can’t stay a moment without you.
  36. Just come to me already and prove to me how much you miss me.
  37. Do you miss me more? Are you sure? You can’t miss me more than I miss you because my miss-you-meter is off the charts!
  38. Yeah! I saw it in your eyes when we had our last Facetime. Your eyes were screaming “Come home, babe”
  39. That’s what all of you say! Aren’t you tired of that archaic line? Come up with something new, C’mon!
  40. I’m having a hard time concentrating on other things because of how much I miss you.
  41. Let’s go out by the weekend and make up for the time we missed over the week. Your favorite spot will do! Come along with all your energy because it’s going to be fun all along.
  42. Every night, I sleep hoping to wake up with you by my side. Can you make this fantasy of mine come true?
  43. Oh, I love this moment of truth! How long did it take you to admit that you miss me so much? Lol! I love this!
  44. Is that one of your ways of telling me to come over? Just spell it out already!
  45. It is funny how we are no longer together but miss ourselves this much. Don’t you think we should make up already?
  46. Lol! Don’t you think the world should hear about our love story? We miss ourselves less than 1 hour after we both leave for work! You driving me crazy babe.
  47. You’ve said this a thousand times and I’m still not convinced! You know what I want, do it already!
  48. I guess you mean the opposite.
  49. I can’t wait to see you again.
  50. “ And I will be with you soon enough.”Ways To Respond To I Miss You More
  51. “I always wish you were here so we don’t have to miss each other this much.”
  52. I love you beyond words can say and when I say I miss you, I mean you are all in my head.
  53. Oh really? You don’t seem like one who can miss someone that much.
  54. Your words feel surreal, what can you do to make me feel you?
  55. C’mon! When did you become this petty? You’d never admit you miss me.
  56. How did I love you this much that I can’t get you off my head when you are out of sight for just a moment?
  57. Did someone ask you to say that to me? That sounds so unusual! Anyway, I love it.
  58. It’s funny how we miss each other even though we were together earlier today.
  59. Dang! You are such a sweet talker! We both know you don’t mean what you just said.
  60. Now, that’s what I’m talking about! Now that’s how I feel when you are gone for too long.
  61. I like it when you feel this way about me because you treat me with more importance. I’ll be with you soon baby.
  62. We’ve been able to stay apart for a while now, we will see soon.
  63. Trust me, the way I feel right now is so intense! Didn’t know I’d feel your absence this much.
  64. Hahahaha what are you saying right now? I never expected that from you.
  65. I can’t wait to have a taste of your spicy meals again. No cuisine here tastes just like yours!
  66. If you miss me this much, then you’ll come all the way to see me. Your actions speak louder for me.
  67. Seems you woke up on the right side because I never expected such a response from you. That’s my way of saying I feel delighted that you miss me more.
  68. You know, I’ve noticed it and I’ve been waiting for you to say it and that’s why I started by saying “I miss you”. Oh well now that you’ve admitted that you miss me more, can we hang out before the end of the day?
  69. I know you don’t miss me. It is just one of your ways of getting something from me. Now tell me, what do you want?
  70. You know, I am going to be away for a long time, how do we manage not missing ourselves for so long?
  71. I’ve tried so hard to distract myself from thinking about you but I’ve concluded that you are so irresistible to ignore.
  72. Then home early today and show me how much you miss me. I’ll put on your favorite lingerie and you know what’s going down!
  73. You don’t mean it, do you? You didn’t give me this impression even though I was with you a couple of days ago. So don’t blame me if I find it hard to believe.
  74. Do you want to know how much I miss you? I slept with your pictures littered all over the bed just to appease my heart.
  75. The day we’ll get to see, you’ll have to forgive me for whatever I do because I just wouldn’t curtail myself. I miss you so much.
  76. It’s so funny how you complain about my nags all the time and begin to miss me whenever I leave for just a few minutes.
  77. I’m so proud to be with someone like you and won’t be disturbed by the level with which I miss you. You deserve it.
  78. But seriously, if we’re talking about missing each other, I’m over here counting down the minutes until I can see your smile again. Can’t wait for that moment!
  79. Babe you know whatever is keeping us apart is for a worthy cause right? Just hang on a little longer for me. We’ll be together soon enough.
  80. I have a lineup of activities we’re going to engage in when you’re here. The longer you delay coming around, the longer that list gets! I miss you much more and can’t wait to see you.
  81. Is that the new line you learned? I’m impressed though! Just make sure it’s genuine and not because you were taught to say it.
  82. You don’t have to say it because we’re in the same shoes and I can relate perfectly to how you feel. I can’t wait to be with you again.
  83. I felt I was going to keep up with the distance and it’s just a few weeks but feels like a year.
  84. I love that you don’t hide your feelings towards me! It’s a reassuring feeling that you’re vulnerable and you are drawn to me this much.
  85. You know, I’ve been trying to get out of this state of missing you but I give up now! Let’s hang out tonight and make out for the whole time we’ve been apart. Deal?
  86. Could you make me understand better? Because It feels like one of your jokes. Why do you miss me this much?
  87. Just so you know, this is my threshold and I can’t stay one more day without seeing you. I don’t mind taking a day off work, I truly miss you.
  88. Oh dear! Is there anything special you’d want me to do when we meet such that It’ll have a lasting effect on you and you’ll not have to me this much so easily?
  89. Then come home to me! When you are right here, You’d have no cause to miss me this much. Trust me, I will be all up in your face and we’ll have the time of our lives.
  90. I was told not to be vulnerable with people I love but right now I can’t hold back. I truly wish to be with you every second of the day.
  91. You fill my heart with laughter, joy, and excitement! Right now it is so obvious that I don’t have you around because these components are missing. No matter how I try, it is the only thing that can make me feel good and I just want you right now.
  92. Whenever you talk like this I know what you want, let’s make it a date by evening today. We’ll have a swell time, trust me!
  93. Let’s do something more interesting this weekend, I truly miss your company and it’s telling on my performance at work and my response in general to people.
  94. You are my favorite person, and that translates to my heart feeling like it’s found its home. Your absence makes my heart feel outside its home and I can’t wait to have you back.
  95. Hell No! Are you testing out something on me? Or trying to see my reaction? Tell me already! We both know this isn’t real.
  96. The rate at which we talk about missing ourselves feels like it will be explosive when we meet next! I truly can’t wait. Ways To Respond To I Miss You More
  97. Honestly, you can’t comprehend how much I miss you. The words “I miss you” just can’t encapsulate how I feel right now.
  98. I made cereal last night and couldn’t take it because it felt so different having them without you. Can I have you here already?
  99. I miss you till infinity and I am seriously longing to be in your arms without you having to leave me for a second.
  100. C’mon, saying “I miss you more” is old school! Bring your best game on!
  101. Tell me something better to validate your claim because all I feel right now is that you are trying to engage in word banter.
  102. I wish I could see through your heart and validate your claims because you seem indifferent about what you are saying.
  103. I am delighted to hear you say this! You just validated my thoughts that we’ve been apart for quite a while and need to see each other again pretty soon. When is our next hangout?
  104. I can barely do anything because you’re not anywhere close. You are my motivation, you? This is the extent to which I miss your company.
  105. If I get to see you anytime from now, I will just hop on your and squeeze you in my arms not caring who is there. I just don’t miss you, I miss your hug because you give the best hugs.
  106. If you truly miss me this much then come to me already or are you having any challenges? Tell me!
  107. I am not so sure of your claims, your action negates it. However, I can vouch for myself because I know how I feel and I even show it!
  108. I’m perplexed you’ll say this! I just left you a few hours ago and you neglected me.  How do I believe you miss me more?
  109. Please tell me I’m not daydreaming! Are you for real? I never thought you’d feel this way about me. Though I sensed it, I needed you to validate it. I miss you even more than you can ever think.
  110. Tell me you miss my food and not make me feel like you miss me for something valuable. I’ll make some porridge for you by the weekend.
  111. Lol! Do you mean the level at which you miss me is more than how much I do? If yes, you are right because your actions say so. Don’t get me wrong, I do miss you but indeed you miss me more!
  112. I’m sorry but you’ll have a lot of provings to do. I’m sure you’re aware that these kinds of words don’t move, not until they are actualized and I am convinced beyond doubt that it is true.
  113. Oh, dear, you don’t know how fulfilled I feel that you said: “You miss me more.” You’ve been all in my head and all I’ve always wished for is that you feel the same way and this is one validation.  Love you!
  114. Then come over! My space is enough for us to do our favorite thing, Or are you scared we’ll make babies? Lol! They’ll represent how much we miss ourselves, just come already!
  115. Come back home for your vacation. I am so sure that I am not the only one who misses you. Your absence has been felt greatly and it’ll even be epic if your next visit comes as a surprise.
  116. Trust me, I am not exaggerating when I say I think of you every second of the day! You’ve been the only thing on my mind lately, I want to be with you, as soon as I can.
  117. Trust me, my colleagues at the office know so much about you because your name is always on my lips. I am so engrossed with you and this distance is doing me no good.
  118. I thought I needed a break from you to feel better, I never knew I was taking myself away from my joy, peace, and happiness. I’m sorry I just didn’t know how much I needed you around, but now I know. I miss you more than you can ever imagine.
  119. Come off it! I said “I miss you” because I didn’t have any company at the moment. Don’t take it to heart because that was me expressing boredom.
  120. I would love it if you told me this more often! It’s not just about the words “I miss you more,” for me, it shows that you can express how you feel about me anytime, any day.
  121. I am delighted that I have captivated your heart and I am all you think about all through the day. How about I tell you that I have been less productive over the past weeks because the focus is far from me? I honestly can’t bear staying away from you for this long.
  122. You want to know how much I miss you/ It’s so obvious that my mum suggested we hang out by the weekend. Yes! She could see that all I yearn for at the moment is to spend quality time with you.
  123. Please, tell me you mean it! You rather not give me endearing words than lie to me because I take these things to heart. Now tell me, are you serious about missing me this much, or it’s just one of your jokes?
  124. I didn’t need you to tell me, I stumbled on your piece on how much you miss me while I checked through your journal. I felt so lucky to have you. I’ll be with you ASAP.
  125. You are my dream partner, you know why? I’ve always wanted someone who would tell me how they feel without mincing words and you do just that. I truly adore you.
  126. I’m loss for words because I least expected that absence would make any difference to you. We should spend some more time together, yeah?
  127. I always had the notion that you are not so into me and that’s why I kept my cool all these while. Right now, I am the happiest soul on earth because I was wrong all along. I love you, so much.
  128. You always have something to say and this makes it very hard for me to believe this claim of yours. It may be one of those of your usual chattering and I truly don’t fancy it.
  129. Try this in someone else because it honestly ain’t working on me.
  130. It feels like a hundred years since I had you wrapped in my arms and I truly can’t cope with it anymore. I need to spend a lot more time with you. I miss you like never before.
  131. I wish we could get married already and have our honeymoon for about a year. That’s how much I miss you never want to leave your sight.
  132. Oh dear! The most I can do is send you some recent pictures of mine, pending when we next see. I am sorry for my absence.
  133. I thought we’ll be together by now but the outcome of things is overwhelming. I do all it takes never to be away from you for this long ever again. I truly miss you.
  134. It’s funny how you know what to do to prove that you miss me this much but won’t do it. I don’t understand how you want the words “I miss you more” to suffice.
  135. I am not someone who takes people by their words, you should know that already. It’ll only make sense to me when you show me that you miss me.
  136. For the first time in a long while, you admit that you miss me so much. Trust me, I am delighted because I’ve waited for this moment.
  137. I respect the fact that we’re apart for a worthy cause and all I can say is to hang on for each other. In no time we’ll be together again and this time, happier than we’ve ever been.
  138. That’s so loving of you dear! You just made me smile and anyone who comes across me right now will be right if they say I’m all “Lovey Dovey.”
  139. One thrilling thing about you is how you make our relationship seem like we are competing to love each other the best. It’s thrilling, yet I love it.
  140. Come on, just give up already! You know the extent to which you miss me is nothing compared to how much I miss you. Stop the banter already.
  141. I need you to tell me outrightly, how do you want me to prove how much I miss you? It’s the only way I show you that I am dying to see you again.
  142. It’s so soothing to hear this from you. I’ll clear my schedule just so we can have some time to ourselves and catch up with things we’ve missed.
  143. I’m just one call easy and you know it. If you truly miss me, then why are you hesitating to call me over?
  144. I feel so loved and special on days like this when you express the way you feel about me. Thank you for not holding back. I truly miss you.
  145. I am perplexed how  I have been able to keep calm in your absence. Every bit of our apartment reminds me of you and I can’t wait to have you back.
  146. It feels so cold anytime you are not with me to cuddle me.
  147. The distance between us has made me cherish the great times we had together. I wish we could recreate them again. I’m dying to meet you again babe!
  148. Lol! I told you that you’ll miss me when I am gone but you proved adamant. Right now, I am loving it! You need to appease me to be with you again.
  149. Oh, baby! I am making arrangements to be with you in the nearest time possible. Be rest assured that we’ll be having the time of our lives.
  150. Oh dear! You just don’t understand what I meant when I said “I miss you.” Your pictures have been all over my social media platforms every single day. I want the whole wide world to know that I miss someone so close to my heart.

Before you Leave

There you have it – a whopping 150 ways to respond to “I miss you more”! With a variety of lovely, funny, and playful responses to choose from, there’s something for everyone in this collection. So go ahead and bookmark this article for easy reference the next time you find yourself in need of a clever comeback to “I miss you more” – no stress required!

Ways To Respond To I Miss You More

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