20 Sympathetic Replies to “I Have a Lot of Work”


It is an obvious fact once we reach a reasonable age, we start having responsibilities that suit our age and the older we are, the more responsibilities we have.

This shows that we always have something to do. As a teen, you have schoolwork and some chores at home. As a young adult (youth), you may even start working plus more house chores.

As a married person, you need to cater to your spouse, children, house chores, and bills. I mean, does it ever end? This means that whenever you hear that someone has a lot of work, you can easily relate and will immediately feel sorry for them.

How then do you communicate your sympathy? This is why I am writing this article – to help you with twenty (20) sympathetic replies that you can give to a person who says, “I have a lot of work.”

Table of Contents

Oh My, The Life Of A Mother Right? I Hope You Remain Strong And Motivated As You Navigate Through Home Duties And Your Career.

Sympathetic Replies to I Have a Lot of Work

This custom sympathetic reply is meant for mothers because they always have a lot of house chores to do.

If this is said to the mum when she is in the sitting room surrounded by laundries she’s yet to fold and babies that need diaper changing and feeding while still hoping to sleep early for work the next day, it will be the perfect scenario.

I Would Have Loved To Help But I’m So Far Away, Please Do Take Care Of Yourself.

When you sympathize with someone, the next best step is to help them out if you are in a situation. It will be a real bummer that you have it in your power to lessen someone’s burden and you choose not to do that – words are powerful but actions are memorable.

You Seem Tired Already, Why Don’t You Take A Break?

Imagine a person who has worked so hard for so long and is already looking tired telling you that they still have a lot of work to do. You will feel sympathetic towards them and suggest that they rest first before they continue.

That’s Quite Obvious, But It’s Still Important To Take A Shower And Find Something To Eat So That You Don’t Break Down.

This sympathetic reply is more advice from concern than feeling sorry for the person. Most times, people are so obsessed with finishing a series of tasks that they forget that they are human and need rest.

So, while you are sympathizing with them, be sure to remind them to take a shower and eat.

I Don’t Know How You Manage Seeing As You’re The Only One Left To Handle These Responsibilities, But Kudos To You.

It may be work, at home or school, but if you see someone who is left to do all the job in a particular place, don’t hesitate to sympathize with them cause it always sucks to be left to handle all the responsibilities in a place.

Maybe You Should Rest A Little; Your Eyes Look Tired And Your Body Weak.

While being sympathetic, this reply is also used to gently instruct the person to get some rest. It signifies that the person has worked so much that the stress is physically showing on his/her face.

  • “Maybe you should rest a little…”
  • “I will.”
  • “…your eyes look tired and your body weak.”

You’re Quite The Workaholic, Maybe It’s Time For A Holiday.

There are people who are addicted to working like they cannot stay idle without doing something. They don’t have a social life and personal retreat for a massage, shopping, or a holiday.

This reply suits them best, but it mostly works when you have some sort of influence on the person.

  • “You’re quite the workaholic…”
  • “I’ve been called worse.”
  • “…maybe it’s time for a holiday.”

After Working All Night, Do You Still Have A Lot Of Work? You Deserve An Award.

Imagine having a roommate or a spouse who you know worked all night while you slept, and when you wake up, they’re still complaining that they still have lots of work to do.

I don’t know for you, but I will sigh in awe cause I can never work that hard.

  • “Lol, I do.”
  • “You deserve an award.”

Are You The Only Family Member Who Does All The House Chores, You Should Take Some Time For Yourself.

Have you ever come across someone who seems as if he/she does all the chores in the house while his/her siblings do nothing?

I have and most times, I don’t know if I should applaud them or be irritated by the other siblings, but the safer option is to sympathize with them with this reply.

  • “You should take some time for yourself.”

What Can I Do To Help You? I Don’t Want To Hear You Broke Down From So Much Work When My Two Hands Are Free.

While this reply aims at being sympathetic, it also has a little humor underlying it and it is mostly used with a person you are extremely familiar with.

  • “What can I do to help you?”
  • “There’s so much to do.”
  • “I don’t want to hear you broke down from so much work when my two hands are free.”

No Wonder Your Hands Are Rough And Your Back Bent, I Feel For You.

When a person works so much, it shows how rough their hands are and probably a bent back from having to bend a lot. The type of job that people do could tell on them, especially their hands.

You Are The Perfect Example Of What It Means To Be A Father, Making Extreme Sacrifices For Your Children. I Hope They Appreciate All These Sacrifices When They Grow.

Sympathetic Replies to I Have a Lot of Work

This sympathetic reply goes out to all fathers because they also make great sacrifices for their children.

  • “You are the perfect example of what it means to be a father, making extreme sacrifices for your children.”
  • “Well, somebody’s gotta do it.”
  • “I hope they appreciate all these sacrifices when they grow.”

After All The Work You Did Yesterday? Oh My, I Wish You The Strength Of A Thousand People Cause I Can’t Imagine How Stressful It Must Be.

Imagine someone being on their feet all day, and then the next day, they are still complaining about having lots of work to do – it’s worth sympathizing over.

  • “(Shocked) After all the work you did yesterday?”
  • “Yeah?”

Nah, You’re Not Doing This Alone Cause I’m Not Going To Have You Break Down Under My Watch.

The best way to sympathize with someone is to help them out. It goes beyond just saying it to them to showing them through your actions.

  • “Nah, you’re not doing this alone because I’m not going to have you break down under my watch.”
  • “Lol, thank you.”

Wow, Does The Management Assign To You All The Terrible Jobs That No One Wants To Do? What A Bum!

This sympathetic reply suits a person who works in an office and does most of the responsibilities like a busboy.

I Don’t Know Why You Stress Yourself Doing All This Work That Does Not Pay, So Much For Chasing After Your Passion.

Most people start out doing a job that they are passionate about but does not pay much. At that stage, most people will not understand the need to work so much for something that pays little or nothing.

  • “I don’t know why you stress yourself doing all this work that does not pay…”
  • “It’s the passion.”
  • “…so much for chasing after your passion.”

As A Lazy Person, It’s Quite Tiring Watching You Work So Much, How Do You Survive?

If you are as lazy as I am, it will stress you out watching someone move around and work a lot. It’s actually a humorous way of sympathizing with someone.

  • “As a lazy person, it’s quite tiring watching you work so much…”
  • “Haha.”
  • “…how do you survive?’”

Well, If We Were Rich, We Would Pay People To Do All The Minor Jobs For Us, But Here We Are, I Wish You All The Best, My Love.

You only have a lot of work to do because you don’t have the resources to pay someone else to do it – what a weird way to sympathize with someone.

No Wonder You Have Been So Busy, I Hope You Do Take Care Of Yourself, You Need To Stay Healthy To Reap The Fruits Of Your Hard Work.

Sympathetic Replies to I Have a Lot of Work

If you don’t get talking with friends, you will never know how cramped up they are with work and you will think that they are ignoring you. They could be so busy that they barely have time for other things.

Ah, Despite The Fact That You Need The Money To Survive, You’re Overworking Yourself, Do Take Care.

We all need money to survive which makes some of us work harder than others and this reply helps to sympathize with such people.

  • “Ah, despite the fact that you need the money to survive…”
  • “Real talk”
  • “…you’re overworking yourself, do take care.”

To End With,

There are not enough words to sympathize with a person who has so much work to do. This is because most people would choose to have a break from the life of continuous back-breaking work but circumstances will not let them.

Showing them that you are sympathetic, will communicate that you are a thoughtful person and will make them feel so much better as it’s always nice to receive encouraging words from someone who understands your situation.

Sympathetic Replies to I Have a Lot of Work

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