20 Great Comebacks To “I Don’t Like Your Attitude”


When someone says to you ‘I don’t like your attitude’, endeavor to respond as the situation demands. You can make fun of it by giving them a cheeky reply or go straight to the point saying that their behavior towards you called for it. 

Also, making clear that their opinion does not matter so much to you can be a great comeback as well. Simply read through this article to gain more insight into 20 practical great comebacks to ‘I don’t like your attitude.’

Deal With It! I Could Care Less About What You Think. 

Great Comebacks To I Don’t Like Your Attitude

‘Deal with it! I could care less about what you think’ is a great comeback to ‘I don’t like your attitude.’ It tells that you are not looking for acceptance or validation from the person as you are simply being yourself. In a broader sense, it shows that your priority is not to change yourself to please others, but rather to remain true to your thoughts and attitudes.

You can also say: 

  • What you think about my attitude does not move me. 
  • I think you should deal with it and leave me out of it.

Oh Dear! Should I Be Interested In Your Opinion?

‘Oh dear! Should I be interested in your opinion?’ is another great comeback to ‘I don’t like your attitude.’

It subtly suggests that you don’t value the other person’s opinion enough to be concerned about it. You can use it to assert that you aren’t seeking validation from someone who dislikes your attitude. 

Similarly, you can say:

  • Should your opinion matter to me at all?

That’s Okay, My Attitude Doesn’t Suit You Either

‘That’s okay, my attitude doesn’t like you either’ is a perfect response to ‘I don’t like your attitude.’ It flips the criticism back on the person delivering it and communicates that your attitude is simply a reflection of how they perceive you. 

This comeback is indeed a witty and straightforward way to establish boundaries and challenge the validity of the other person’s opinion.

In the same vein, you can say:

  • It’s fine. I don’t like your attitude either.
  • It’s great. Your attitude doesn’t suit me either.

Good Thing My Attitude Isn’t Contagious

If you want a brilliant comeback to ‘ I don’t like your attitude,’ then  ‘Good thing my attitude isn’t contagious is your best pick.  It implies that your actions are not the cause of the other person’s distress; rather, it is a personal issue. It’s a playful way to wave off criticism and show that you don’t care what other people think.

You can also say: 

  • It’s a great thing that you won’t change my attitude.
  • You should be grateful that my attitude isn’t contagious. 

I’ll Try To Adjust It For People Who Matter

Great Comebacks To I Don’t Like Your Attitude

‘I’ll try to adjust it for people who matter’ is more of a sharp response to ‘I don’t like your attitude.’ It outrightly communicates that the opinion of the person expressing dislike isn’t significant enough to warrant a behavior change. This comeback lets them know that you aren’t willing to behave in a certain way for someone who doesn’t hold value in your life.

You can also say:

  • It’s adjustable for people who matter only.
  • I’ll improve if and only if you matter to me.

Funny, My Attitude Feels The Same Way About You

‘Funny, my attitude feels the same way about you’ doubles as a clever and humorous comeback to ‘I don’t like your attitude.’  It not only counters the criticism but also turns it back on the person who commented.

This way, you let them know that they may not like your attitude but that same ‘attitude’ mirrors their demeanor. So they may be right about you, but they are no way better than you.

You can say something like;

  • It’s so funny that I feel the same about you.
  • Guess what? I don’t feel different about you. 

If My Attitude Were A Currency, You Still Couldn’t Afford It

Want a comeback to ‘I don’t like your attitude’ that will make the person feel less of themselves? Try ‘If my attitude were a currency, you still couldn’t afford it’. 

It depicts your ‘attitude’ as something important, and the person who criticizes it cannot handle or appreciate it. This is a perfect way to make them cringe!

Similarly, try something like:

  • It’s still too costly for you to afford.
  • You cannot afford my attitude so why complain about it?

Well, Someone Has To Keep Life Interesting

Perhaps your attitude is intentional and for bringing life to the room, then ‘Well, someone has to keep life interesting’ is a subtle yet meaningful comeback you can give when someone says ‘I don’t like your attitude’. When you respond this way, you frame the attitude as a necessary element for adding interest to life, hence, making the other person’s criticism unwarranted or misplaced. 

Similarly, you can say: 

  • I still think I make things interesting for you.
  • Someone like me has offered to keep the place fun. 

I’ll Consider Your Feedback When I Start Caring About Your Opinion

Perhaps you’d prefer brilliant comebacks, then you should try ‘I’ll consider your feedback when I start caring about your opinion.’ It downplays the person’s review of your attitude and implies that their opinion holds little weight to you. Therefore, you are uninterested in seeking validation from someone who doesn’t hold importance in your life. 

You use similar responses like:

  • When I have some time for you. I’ll give you feedback.
  • You should expect a response when I start thinking about your opinion.

That’s Okay, My Attitude Isn’t Here To Impress You

Great Comebacks To I Don’t Like Your Attitude

‘That’s okay, my attitude isn’t here to impress you’ is a direct yet striking comeback to ‘I don’t like your attitude’ you can try. It expresses your independence and confidence in unapologetically being yourself. In other words, you prioritize being yourself rather than conforming to please others.

You can also say: 

  • It’s just fine. I’m not here to impress you.
  • Alright. My desire is not to make you feel at home.

Thanks For Letting Me Know. I’ll Add It To The List Of Things I Don’t Care About

‘Thanks for letting me know. I’ll add it to the list of things I don’t care about ‘ is another direct yet assertive comeback to ‘I don’t like your attitude.’ It lets the person know that their opinion has no significance whatsoever to you. In a broader sense, you are uninterested in whatever they think about you. 

You can also say: 

  • I’m glad I now know your perception is towards me.
  • I will not do it and act accordingly.

Funny, I Was Just Thinking The Same Thing About Yours

‘Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about yours’ is a clever comeback to ‘I don’t like your attitude.’ It mirrors the criticism back to the other person and tells that you have a similar opinion about their attitude. This way, they’ll get to know that their character is just as objectionable.

In the same vein, you can say:

  • The truth is that you look the same to me.
  • Funny enough, I’m thinking the same about you.

Don’t Worry, It’s Not Permanent. It’ll Change Once Your Opinion Becomes Relevant

You can make someone have an idea that you do not take their opinion of you to heart, especially when they say that they do not understand your attitude. Simply urge them not to be worried about anything at all because you will not be on their face for too long. To take things to another level, you can add that you will change once their opinion about you becomes relevant.

You can also say:

  • No problems. It will improve when I consider what you say to me.
  • No qualms, it’ll change once your opinion becomes relevant.

I Wish You Would Behave Better, I Could Have Considered Behaving Differently

In response to ‘I don’t like your attitude’, you can make someone feel that you do not mean to behave unfavorably to them by saying ‘I wish you would behave better, I could have considered behaving differently’.

This shows that you reacted based on their disposition towards you. You can take it further by saying that you will do better next time. 

Similar responses are; 

  • If only you behaved better, all these wouldn’t have happened.
  • Next time behave differently for a better reaction.

If My Attitude Bothers You, You Should See My Dance Moves

You can try a cheeky response to ‘I don’t like your attitude’ by saying ‘If my attitude bothers you, you should see my dance moves.’ It is a provoking way to show that you are not interested in how they feel one bit. Make it practical by displaying some moves and await their response if possible. 

You can also say:

  • Maybe my dance moves should give you a real picture of my attitude.
  • If my attitude bothers you, you should watch my new style.

It’s Called An “Attitude” For A Reason. It’s Mine, Not Yours

Great Comebacks To I Don’t Like Your Attitude

You can boldly talk about the way you do things as your attitude and encourage others to allow you to own your space. Something like ‘It’s called an ‘attitude’ for a reason. However, it’s mine, not yours.

In that case, compliment your response, continue to insist, and own your decision saying that it’s your choice and what you desire.

Similar responses are:

  • It’s my attitude and not yours.
  • Since it’s not your attitude, let me be.

I Wish You Were So Important, I Would Have Listened To You

If need be, you can inject some unexpected ideas into your ‘I detest your attitude’ response. In this case, you can try to clarify that someone’s words mean little or nothing to you. You can use this response to cut off from someone who you do not want to have a relationship with. 

You can also say:

  • If only you were relevant to me, I would have given you my ears.
  • I would have given you listening ears but you are not so important.

Sorry, It’s A Limited Edition. Only Those With A Sense Of Humor Can Appreciate It

In response to ‘I don’t like your attitude’, you can begin by saying a hypocritical apology to someone. Indirectly, you can further say that they do not like anything fun and playful. That’s why they have an issue with you and only those with a sense of humor can appreciate you.’

In the same vein, a similar response is:

  • Sorry, you either enjoy my sense of humor or allow me to express myself.
  • I apologize for my faults but, you can only experience a version of me.

That’s Fine, It’s Not Like I Signed A Contract To Be Your Mood Booster

One thing you shouldn’t try to be continuously in someone’s life is being a mood booster. This is because everyone needs to find avenues to grow and stay happy always. In this case, you can say to someone who says they do not like your attitude that It’s fine so long as you are not their mood booster.

You can also say: 

  • Alright, I am not here to make you feel good all the time anyway.
  • Cool, I’m not your mood booster in the first place.

Oh dear! I Would Have Taken Your Review, But My Mum Has Never Complained About It Before. 

This ‘I don’t like your attitude’ comeback reveals how much regard you have for your mum. It also points to the fact that you do not hold their remarks in high esteem so they shouldn’t think about it. Using this comment, you completely nullify what they say about you since it is not coming from someone who is highly regarded in your life.

Similar responses can be;

  • Whatever my mum doesn’t complain about means nothing to me.
  • So long as my mum hasn’t complained, your review matters less.

Before you go,

Beyond shutting up someone with a hurtful response when they say to you that they do not like your attitude, try to look inward to get insight into what they are trying to point out. If you consider it as constructive criticism or a misinterpretation of your identity, then make things clear if you have the opportunity. In all, ensure that you are on a journey of growth.

Great Comebacks To I Don’t Like Your Attitude

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