30 Clever Responses to “How Was Your Day?”


Instead of giving boring replies when someone asks you how was your day, you could sound a bit more creative and thoughtful.

That is why in this article, I have written and discussed 30 clever responses to use when you want to answer the question “How was your day?”

These responses will get the conversation going and show the person inquiring that you aren’t trying to just answer them but to keep the vibe alive.

Table of Contents

On A Scale Of “I Did Great” To “We Go Again Tomorrow,” I’d Say I Did Great. Everything Went So Smoothly

How to Respond to How Was Your Day

If you had a less stressful day and you wanted to communicate that, you could use a statement like this.

Saying this statement will mean you are painting a picture to the person inquiring about how well your day went by. 9/10 is a very impressive score as it is only a point shy of perfection.

I Had The Craziest Of Encounters In The Morning While In Traffic. Didn’t Even Know The Best Way To React Sincerely 

People living in busy cities who have to drive to work can encounter all sorts of things while on their way.

If you drive to work, chances are you had a crazy experience in traffic. You can use this reply to relay what happened and how you reacted to the event.

For Snippet’s Sake, I Ran Into An Old Classmate And You Needed To Be There To See How Amazing It Was

This is a witty way to respond to “How was your day?” Notice the first part of the comment which says “for snippet’s sake.”

The idea is that you are telling the person a summary of what your day was like. You may decide to end there or if they are close enough go into the details of the day.

Depends On What You Want To Hear Cause My Day Was A Mix Of Awkward, Hilarious, And Crazy 

When your day was full of activities and you are in the mood to spill the beans about it, you can say “Depends on what you want to hear cause my day was a mix of awkward, hilarious, and crazy.”

A comment like this means you are asking them to choose what part of your day’s gist they want to hear and to brace themselves for it.

This Has To Be The Strangest Day Of My Life. First, I Missed My Train. When I Got To The Office, I Realized There Was A Document I Left At Home

No one can claim to have not experienced days when it seems like the universe is at war with them.

If your day was a rollercoaster of disappointments, stiff-necked situations, or constraints, you can begin your response with “This has to be the strangest day of my life” then go on to explain the events that transpired.

It Was Pretty Much Uneventful. Nothing Out Of The Blue. I Was Binge-Watching YouTube videos As I Didn’t Have Anything To Do Today 

Some days just go by because you were sitting idly. It could be that you spent most of the day on social media or watching YouTube videos and Instagram reels.

You can reply to “How was your day?” by saying “It was pretty much uneventful. Nothing out of the blue. I was binge-watching YouTube videos as I didn’t have anything to do today.”

You Wouldn’t Believe It If I Told You. I Actually Ran Into My Ex And The Rollercoaster Of Emotions Was Downright Crazy 

You could single at a particular event, something exceptional that defined your day. This could be like running into an ex or bumping into an old friend.

Anything that had the defining statement in your day can be singled out to discuss how your day went.

Nothing Much. Had Plans To Step Out With Friends And They Canceled Last Minute 

A canceled outing could be used to talk about your day. Whether it defined the day or not, when you had plans to go out and something came up that disrupted the plan, it can be a good place to draw inspiration to talk about your day.

My Morning Was Quite Productive. I Finished Almost Everything I Planned To Do. But After My Lunch Break, I Just Snapped Out Of The Work Mode

Some days just have this productive vibe to them. You could have gotten to work and before you know it be done with a large chunk of the day’s work even before lunchtime.

That’s another aspect with which you can tell someone about your day. If there was any interesting detail, you can add that to give your gist some depth.

Do you Remember The Meeting I Told You About? Yeah, That One. I Had It Today And It Was The High Point Of My Day 

If you had told them about your plan for the day and they asked, you can remind them of what you told them and share details about how it went. It would make a lot of sense if the event was one of the best parts of your day.

It’s Sunday. The Only Thing I Do On Sundays Is Go To Church And Spend Time With My Family, Recharging For The New Week 

If you are religious, your Sunday would typically be spent in church and when you are back you are likely going to want to spend time with your family or as a corporate worker, rest in preparation for the new week.

So, this response, “It’s Sunday. The only thing I do on Sundays is go to church and spend time with my family, recharging for the new week,” is going to suffice when someone asks about your day on a Sunday.

Today Was Quite A Slow Day. I Didn’t Even Realize How Fast Time Went By Until Everyone Began To Leave Work

Instead of responding to “How was your day?” with a boring detail about your work, you can say “Today was quite a slow day. I didn’t even realize how fast time went by until everyone began to leave work.”

This kind of response will come in handy when it feels like the day just went by and there wasn’t anything significant that happened.

Are You Ready To Hear It? Cause I Am About To Rant About How Bizarre The Last 12 Hours Have Been 

When your close buddy or significant other asks you about your day, you are allowed to go on and on about it.

Well, just before you do that, you might want to give them a note of warning, an instruction to brace for impact.

That’s what this response is about, letting them know that you are about to give them a full rundown.

I Spent The Day With The Love Of My Life And I Don’t Want You To Get Jealous Otherwise I’d Have Gone Into The Deets

If your single friend asks you about your day and you spent it with your partner, you might want to give them a friendly reminder about how it may get them triggered.

That’s why this is a good way to respond when someone asks about your day.

Most Of What I Did Today Was Gardening. There Were So Many Overgrown That Needed Trimming 

Another thing you can use to describe how your day went is to talk about a hobby you engaged in. It could be gardening like the example, knitting, decluttering, writing, etc.

Anything you did during the day that isn’t a regular job could be used to discuss how your day went.

It Was A Very Stressful One. I Just Want To Relax Tonight. What’s Good?

Sometimes when you are not in the mood for long chit-chats, you just want to give a response that exonerates you from doing so. “It was a very stressful one. I just want to relax tonight. What’s good?” is an example of a perfect response to “How was your day?”

I Was Literally Running Against Time As There Were A Lot Of Demands On My Time. Anyway, I Am Glad I Made It Through The Day

When you had a very busy day and someone asked you how was it, you could say “I was literally running against time as there were a lot of demands on my time. Anyway, I am glad I made it through the day.” With this response, you are letting everything out in one text while adding a bit of appreciation.

You Wouldn’t Believe Me If I Told You But Today Has Been Like My Best Day At Work. For The First Time, My Boss Was Nice To Me And I Even Finished A Significant Percentage Of My Tasks For Today 

You could use a very surprising experience at work to talk about how your day went. For instance, the example I provided talks about how one’s boss was being nice to them and how they finished most of what they needed to do.

In your case, it could be how you got along with a colleague, someone buying you coffee, someone paying for your lunch, and so on.

Today Is Honestly One Of Those Days I Am Grateful Is Over. I Mean, I Ran Into One Hurdle Or The Other. I Wish Tomorrow Would Be Better

We all experience days like this – where you just wish the day was over. For those who work, this could be because they were experiencing too many difficulties at work or bottle-necked situations.

When you use a statement like this, you are insinuating that your day wasn’t the best but there’s an undertone of gratitude and optimism.

Terrible To Say The Least. I Got Into A Fight With My Best Friend And We Are Going To Bed Without Resolving The Issue 

Not many people care about things like this but if you do, then having an unresolved fight with your partner or close friends is capable of ruining your day.

If this is the case, you can say “Terrible to say the least. I got into a fight with my best friend and we are going to bed without resolving the issue” when someone asks about your day.

If I Could Give Myself A Grade For What My Performance Was Like Today, It’d Be B+ And That’s Me Trying To Be Modest 

How to Respond to How Was Your Day

For those who work, you can judge your day based on your performance at work. For me, a good day is one in which I work well enough.

When someone makes an inquiry about how your day was, you could use your work performance to measure it as this comment signifies. It can also be used by students as well.

You Made My Day. Sending Me Lunch Was Really Thoughtful Of You 

This is another way to talk about your day. From the nature of the comment, you already see that the person who’s asking made your day.

If someone did something remarkable for you during the day and asked how your day was, you could make them feel special by telling them that they made the day go well.

The Only Good Thing About Today Is The Fact That Everything Is Now Over And I Can Rest. I Just Want To Get The Day And Its Woes Behind Me Already 

When you’ve just had a terrible day and someone asks how was it, you can respond with “The only good thing about today is the fact that everything is now over and I can rest. I just want to get the day and its woes behind me already.”

A statement like this lets them know how bad your day must have been.

You Know When The Professor Told Us This Semester Would Be Stressful? It Was Today I Knew How Much

College can be stressful. Although not every day is, some days seem to be designed to sap life from you.

If you just had one of those days, you can make it clear to the person asking how was your day by using a comment like this.

Well, I Had To See The Doctor Today But Aside From That, Everything Was Cool You Know 

Maybe the only activity you had going on for you during the day was an appointment and nothing significant again.

You can use this to talk about your day, letting them know what sort of activity you engaged in and how that was the only thing you did the whole day.

I Can’t Really Say. While There Wasn’t Anything Too Remarkable, I Would Say It Was A Good One

This is a good suggestion for when you do not have anything unusual to say about your day. So, when someone is asking about your day, you could just tell them “I can’t really say. While there wasn’t anything too remarkable, I would say it was a good one.”

It may seem unrevealing but then if nothing happened, do you need to lie that something did?

Not The Best Of Days. There’s This Bug I’ve Been Trying To Fix But I’ve Not Enjoyed Any Breakthrough. Maybe Tomorrow 

As a programmer, graphic designer, or creative, when going about your business during the day, you may encounter challenges.

These challenges can be used to talk about how your day went. The idea is to talk about a challenge you faced during the day and whether you had it fixed or not.

Good Thing You Asked. I Am Working On a Little Something And I Need Your Input. Can We See Tomorrow At Noon So I Can Give You The Details? 

Sometimes, the person asking about your day might be someone whose help you need, or their asking reminded you of something you had planned to tell them.

This is a good way to talk about your day. Your day’s activity has to be connected to them for such a comment to work.

I Couldn’t Even Put Words To It If I Tried. It Literally Just Went By

Maybe your day was just there – you couldn’t explain even if you tried. This is another way you can let a person know how your day went. No law says you must elaborately talk about the day.

Safe To Say My Day Started Some Two Hours Ago. I Was Sleeping Through The Most Part Of Today 

This has happened to me so many times. I could be sleeping all through the day because I worked all night.

For instance, I am writing this part of this article very late in the night and I’d probably sleep until noon today.

When I wake up, I’d go on social media and my day’s work may begin in the evening. So, when someone asks me about my day, say around 7 pm, my response would be “Safe to say my day started some two hours ago. I was sleeping through the most part of today.”

Final Thoughts

As you let them know how your day went, it is also important to ask them about theirs. Just going on and on about your day without trying to find out about theirs isn’t a healthy practice.

You want to show that you are invested in them as much as they are in you. When you are narrating the events that made up your day, inquire about theirs as well.

How to Respond to How Was Your Day

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