20 Touching Responses to “How Much Do You Miss Me?”


You shouldn’t be boring and unexciting when you want to respond to “How much do you miss me?” The question in itself calls for creative replies. If someone asks you this question, you want to make sure you are giving an answer that communicates the state of your heart or a desire you’ve been wishing to express. This is why how you respond and the choice of words you use are very important.

All of these should not be a worry for you. Do you know why? Well, in this article, I have curated 20 touching responses to “How much do you miss me?” that are fitting for a variety of scenarios and contexts. It doesn’t matter whether you are talking to an ex, a friend who has not been in town for years, a relative, a course mate, etc, these responses can help you communicate how you feel about their absence in your life.

I Always Felt Like There Was A Deep Void In My Life 

Touching Responses to How Much Do You Miss Me?

Like the expression, this has a deep meaning. By saying “I always felt like there was a deep void in my life” you are letting them know that they are an important piece of your life and their absence has created a void that can’t be filled.

I Am Not Sure I’d Be Able To Say It With Words

Saying you do not know how to express how much you miss them in words is a sure hit. The idea is that you miss them so much that words won’t be able to help you in conveying how much. They’d understand this part without stress.

Every Second, Every Spare Time, I Think Of You 

This is one of the sweetest things you can tell a person. I’ll recommend you use this line as a guy trying to explain how much you miss someone. When you say “Every second, every spare time, I think of you,” you are saying you miss them at the slightest opportunity. This is a good way to factor in how you are always on your goal, working your way to the top, but still creating time to entertain lovely thoughts about them.

I’d Do Anything To Be Right Where You Are

This response isn’t entirely touching as it bears some flirtatious undertone. Nonetheless, it’d convey the message of how much you miss them. You should use this response when you are a considerable distance apart. Maybe they are in college and you are over 500 miles apart. By telling them, “I’d do anything to be right where you are,” they’d get the message.

Every Moment I Spend Without You Feels Like Eternity, More Than A Lifetime

This is a true feeling and if they were really special and important to you, this is how you’ll feel about them. “Every moment I spend without you feels like an eternity, more than a lifetime” highlights how time passes slowly or how one’s life feels elongated unnecessarily due to the absence of a person. You won’t miss this one especially if it is a romantic entanglement.

My Days Have Felt Meaningless Without You 

If you need to not just give a touching response when someone asks you how much you miss them, you could say “My days have felt meaningless without you.” This means they added meaning to your life and now they are miles apart or no longer with you, it feels as though your life has no meaning.

If I Tried To Say How Much, I’d Be Lost For Words 

You do not need to use words to try and quantify how much you miss a person. They may not be impressed by what you’d say. You need to make them create the idea of how much you miss them by themselves. To do this, you should say “If I tried to say how much, I’d be lost for words.” Their minds would swing into action wondering how much he/she misses me which is hard for him/her to say.

You Have No Idea How Difficult It Has Been Doing Life Without You

If your spouse or girlfriend traveled and they spent so much time away and probably as y’all catch up, they ask you how much you miss them, tell them “You have no idea how difficult it has been doing life without you.” They are going to instantly become touched and feel sympathy for leaving you.

I Can Only Wish We’d Meet To Catch Up Soon  

I can only wish we’d meet to catch up soon” is another touching and mildly needy remark about how much you miss me. It attempts to deflect from the question but produces a subtle message that says “I miss you so much I want us to meet up sometime.” You can use this response when you don’t want to be forward and hope they’ll get the message regardless.

If There Was A Trophy For Missing You, I’d Always Win It 

You can be direct and open with a response like “If there was a trophy for missing you, I’d always win it.” Here you are stating that you miss them so much that you’ve become a champion at it. When you say you’ll always win it, what you are trying to communicate is an undying affection for the person.

I Miss You So Much Everyone Around Me Knows It 

You know how someone’s absence from your life can be so pronounced that everyone knows it? It could either be because they observe the changes in your life or because you talk about how much you miss them for other people to hear. Well, whatever the reason, “I miss you so much everyone around me knows it” is going to show them how much you miss them.

I Didn’t Know You Had A Chokehold On My Feelings Until You Left

If you are trying to be touching and romantic, you could say “I didn’t know you had a chokehold on my feelings until you left” when responding to “How much do you miss me?” You know how they say you’ll never know how much you need something until you lose it, this is the idea behind this response. And it is suited for interactions with someone you like or would want to have a relationship with.

So Much So That It Hurts Me 

So much so that it hurts me” is another way to tell someone how much you miss them. Our heart aches when we miss someone, even more so, when we do not know if we could be with them again. This is a brilliant line if you are working your way back to an ex. It will show them how much you still love them.

All I Can Say Is I Need You And I Want You Back 

You would be hitting the gas with this response if you were talking to an ex and they asked you how much you miss them. “All I can say is I need you and I want you back” is a response that goes straight to the point and bluntly lets them know that you miss them so much you’d want to have them back. If they were considering the idea, a few affirmations from there could get you back into the relationship.

I Am Counting Down The Days Till I Get To See You Again

When you are confident you’ll see them again either because they traveled or went to college and will soon return or because you’ll be joining them where they are, you can say “I am counting down the days till I get to see you again” when responding to their inquiry about how much you miss them. They’d feel excited that you are looking forward to being reunited with them.

I Always Find Myself Reminiscing On The Moments We’ve Spent Together 

Touching Responses to How Much Do You Miss Me?


“I always find myself reminiscing on the moments we’ve spent together” is another touching way to respond to “How much do you miss me.” The goal of this response is to relate to them what happens now that you both are apart. If you find yourself constantly drifting into thoughts of the lovely moments you shared, then you miss them. You can use this response to express how much you do.

It Feels Like You’ve Rented A Space In My Mind And I Can’t Get You Out Of It. I Wouldn’t Want To 

When you say “It feels like you’ve rented a space in my mind and I can’t get you out of it,” it may feel as though you aren’t exactly happy about the idea of having them fill your mind. Adding “I wouldn’t want to” makes them realize that you are happy to have them in your mind that much. It gives them an idea about the extent to which you miss them as well.

This Distance Is Making Me Realize How Much You Know 

You could also respond with an indirect answer, especially when the person you are talking to is not someone you hold any romantic ties with. One such response in this regard would be “This distance is making me realize how much you know.” It is almost like saying “You aren’t physically available that’s why I miss you.” It doesn’t attempt to be all emotional.

So Much That I’d Do Anything To Make Us Work If I Get The Chance 

Another way to tell your ex how much you miss them if they ask is to use this response. In the response, you highlight that you want to have them back because of how much you miss them.

I Couldn’t Say It But I Could Show You

You can set up a date with this response. Well, that’s the goal. To meet and catch up with them since you miss them so badly. You are doing this because you feel like that’s the only way to express how much you miss them.

Final Thoughts 

Long lost friends, our pals we had to separate from, those that needed to travel, exes we wanted to make up with, and a lot of other people could ask us how much we miss them. Don’t be caught off guard. Arm yourself with these responses so you can easily deploy them when the opportunity presents itself.

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