20 Romantic Replies to “How Much Do You Love Me?”


You’ve been asked the unsettling, infamous question – how much do you love me? If you want to reply with a romantic undertone, you aren’t far from the solution you need. You are right where you should be. In this article, I have provided 20 romantic ways to reply to “How much do you love me?” no matter the situation that warranted the question.

Ready? Let’s get into it.

I Could Try But I Am Sure I Can’t Think Of A Measuring Scale To Use To Show “How Much” I Do

What measurement can be used to quantify the love you’ve got for someone? If you love them, there won’t be a better way to express how much than by saying “I could try but I am sure I can’t think of a measuring scale to use to show ‘How much’ I do.

Only Life Feels Like A Worthy Item To Quantify My Love For You.

Romantic Replies to How Much Do You Love Me?

Another way you can reply romantically when your partner asks you how much you love them is to say “Only life feels like a worthy item to quantify my love for you.” The gravity of this statement is so deep, that I am sure it would get them feeling happy and confident in your love for them.

If you think it sounds cliche, you could do away with the “I love you more than life itself.”However, for added depth, I’d say you keep it.

Even Shakespeare Wouldn’t Be Able To Say It In Words

We all know that Shakespeare is the greatest writer in the English Language, reckoned for his great command of English. Using him as a reference to how much you love someone is going to be an excellent idea. If you love them so much and Shakespeare won’t be able to say it in words if we had to, then you probably love them enough to not have them doubting or worrying.

This Much. You Know Why? Because Nothing Can Come Between Us

This reply requires some action. When you say “This much,” you should have your thumb and index fingers pressed together like you want to say “This close” but without any gap between.

So Much I Have Planned A Vacation To The Caribbean 

It doesn’t matter whether you have anything planned, you can just say it to let them know you love them well enough. If a vacation is not feasible, you can do something that may not be financially draining but meaningful to them. It could be a dress they’ve always wanted, a visit to their favorite spot, a road trip across the country, and much more.

Nothing Truly Comes Close To How Much I Do

Nothing truly comes close to how much I do” is another romantic reply that’s multipurpose. I mean you can use it whether they are your spouse or a prospect. You could use this when reassuring your partner about how much you love them. Also, if your crush wants to find out the extent to which you love him or her, you get the idea, yeah?

In My Next Life, I’d Still Want You. Not Someone Like You, But You, (Mention His/Her Full name)

Isn’t it sweet to know that our partners would choose us if they had to do life again? This is why this could be one of the sweetest responses you can give to someone who asks you to measure how much you love them.

The last part of this response requires some intentional move. When you say “Not someone like you, but you,” mention their names. Not nicknames, their government names. It will hit the bullseye.

If I Tried To Place How Much I Love You On Any Weigh In The World, It’d Break 

Since they are trying to ask how much you love them, why not refer to weighing the love you have for them? A response like “f I tried to place how much I love you on any weight in the world, it’d break,” would show that your love weighs more than any physical measuring scale that can be used.

Much More Than Anyone And Anything In This World And Beyond 

You could say that you love them more than anyone and anything in this world and beyond. There are lots of beautiful things and people in the world not to mention the other amazing things beyond our world.

You can bring it to their notice or quiz them by saying, “Think of something I love so much?” If possible, ask them to name as many things you feel you love before saying “I love you much more than anyone and anything in this world and beyond.”

If You Need Money And I Didn’t Have Any On Me, I’d Rob A Bank

If you need money and I didn’t have any on me, I’d rob a bank” is a good response to “How much do you love me?” but it does not promote theft or money heisting. The idea is about sacrifice. With this reply, you are letting them know that you’d do anything to make them happy, even if it means putting your life on the line.

You Remember Titanic, Yeah? I Love You Much More Than Jack Loved Rose

Everyone remembers the Titanic and the tragic tale of Jack and Rose, popularized as a symbol of sacrifice. This is what the goal of this response is. To show that you could make any sacrifice for them which validates the idea about how much you love them. Love is almost synonymous with sacrifice so it is not out of line to use this statement.

You Are My Sunshine. The Only Thing That Illuminates My Entire Life

Comparing them to something as massive as the sunshine is a great way to show them how much you love them. “The only thing that illuminates my entire life” gives context to the reason for the comparison. What you are trying to say is that they brighten your life and you are happy to have them in it.

You Want To Know The Truth? I Love You So Much If I Said It, I’d Look Like I Am Lying

One time I was telling my girlfriend how much I loved her and she felt I was lying. This made me realize that if we want to be sincere, some people can’t handle the truth about how much we love them without thinking we are only trying to flatter them or have our way with them.

That is why I’ll recommend this response: “You want to know the truth? I love you so much if I said it, I’d look like I am lying.” If he or she asks why, you can explain how they might not believe you when you try to express the depth of affection you have for them.

Not In Words. I Want To Show You How Much I Do

Romantic Replies to How Much Do You Love Me?

This is the perfect response for someone who is not yet your partner but is in the process. When your crush asks you how much you love them, you could tell them “Not in words. I want to show you how much I do.

Who wouldn’t want to be shown how much they are loved? So, you could use it for anyone but I believe it works better in conversations with a prospective partner than with someone you are already with.

So Much I Am Not Bothered By Anything Because I Have You For Life 

This is a very deep one. If someone sees you as a support system such that they are courageous enough to face life’s challenges because you are in their lives, then you’ve gotten them to love you deeper than you can imagine. When your partner asks you how much you love them, you could say “So much I am not bothered by anything because I have you for life.” They may need some clarity which is where you’ll need to talk about them being your support system, your pillar, and your confidant.

I Love You To The Point I Hope I See You In Jannah/Heaven

Who says there’s no romance with religion? If you are a Christian or Muslim and your partner or whoever is asking shares the same faith as you, you can reply with “I love you to the point I hope I see you in (mention your faith’s place of eternal resting).”

Christians and Muslims believe there’s a place to live after their lives on Earth. So it’d make sense to use that to show how much you love a person.

7/10. The Remaining Three Are For The Lovely Kids We’ll Raise Together

This response is going to make them smile and I recommend it for when you are talking with your girlfriend. This will let her know that you love her so much that you’ll want to walk her down the aisle. You are saying “Babe, I love you so much that I believe you are the mother of my kids.”

Don’t I Say It Enough? My Bad, Babe. I Love You And Words Won’t Do Justice To How Much

If your spouse asks you how much you love them, it could be because they feel you aren’t expressing it enough. Should this be the case, you don’t want to just say words but make them reassuring. Here’s how this response should work.

If I Had To Start My Life Again, I’d Do It Happily Cause I Know I’ll Meet You Halfway Through

Romantic Replies to How Much Do You Love Me?

You can also respond with “If I had to start my life again, I’d do it happily because I know I’ll meet you halfway through” to let them know how much impact they’ve had on your life. This highlights how much happiness they’ve brought into your life despite all the pain and struggles you might have gone through.

You Could Never Do Wrong By Me. That’s How Much I Love You

One of the clearest displays of love is when the other person’s flaws and imperfections can be easily ignored. With this response, you are showing them you love them beyond their weaknesses. Whatever they think makes them undeserving of the love you have for them doesn’t matter, you love them and it is all that matters.

Before You Go

When someone asks you to tell them how much you love them, they may be feeling insecure, unsure, or trying to make their minds up about you. Whatever the reason for their inquiry, I am optimistic that one of these 20 romantic replies to “How much do you love me?” will go a long way to help.

Romantic Replies to How Much Do You Love Me?

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