20 Genuine Responses to “How Have You Been?”


Someone who asks you “How have you been?” is trying to find out what’s been going on with you over a period or starting up a conversation when it has been a while since you both spoke. If you want to give them a genuine response that would help them understand what’s been going on with you, you’ll find a couple of recommendations in this article.

You can respond to this query in many ways, but if you want to say it as it is, then this is the article you should read.

I Am Exactly How You Left Me

Genuine Responses to How Have You Been


I am the way I was when you left” is one good way to respond to a friend or a lover. When the interval between the time they are speaking with you and the last time they did isn’t long, telling them that you are the way they left you give them the idea that nothing exceptional changed about you while y’all weren’t in contact.

No One Has An Idea How I Have Managed

If things haven’t gone according to your expectations and you’ve had to stay strong to not be swept away by life’s pressures, here’s a good one to use when you want to respond to this question. “No one has an idea how I have managed” will let them know there’s more you aren’t saying and if they care, they’d get you to talk to them.

If You Asked Me, I Wouldn’t Give A Proper Answer

You know that scenario where someone is trying to find out what’s been going on with you but you aren’t ready to let them know? That’s when a response like this comes in. Anyone should get the message that you might be going through a lot but aren’t willing to let them know what it is when you say “If you asked me, I wouldn’t give a proper answer.”

You Should Know That It Hasn’t Been Anywhere Near Perfect

You should know that it hasn’t been anywhere near perfect” is another good way to respond to “How have you been?” The goal of this response is to tease them about how you have been especially when it has not been all rosy. While it can open the door for more exposition, you can use this to keep them from asking any more questions.

Terrible But I Guess That Will Change Now That You Are Here

This is a sweet response to “How have you been?” I’ll recommend you use this response when you are talking to your partner or a very close friend. It could be that the person is a huge part of your life and when they left, you had a hard time. “Terrible but I guess that will change now that you are here” is a lovely reply to give in this scenario.

I Think I’d Say Better Than I Deserve

I think I’d say better than I deserve” is another good way to respond to this question. I learned this response from a podcast host and my interpretation of it is that you are noting the fact that you have been better than you think. For instance, someone who keeps stressing himself so much but still manages to stay strong can use this response effortlessly.

Words Can’t Fully Express How I’ve Been

This is a good way to deflect while attempting to answer genuinely. “Words can’t fully express how I’ve been” suggests that there could be a lot going on but then you aren’t able to say how it is or what’s been going on. It is a way to acknowledge the sway of emotions that have rocked you ever since they might not have been physically present with you while stopping short of providing a detailed explanation.

In Summary, Better Than Bad

Another way to stop short on details when you are responding to this inquiry is to say “In summary, better than bad.” With this response, you are suggesting that things may not have been bad but you hoped they’d be better. I’ll recommend you use this response when you want to maintain a certain level of vagueness while responding genuinely.

You could also say:

  • I have been okay, although I wish things were better.
  • Good, but I hoped for better.

Apart From When I Fell Ill In May, I Have Been Doing Awesomely Well

If you were sick during the hiatus you guys had and they aren’t aware, this is a good opportunity to let them know. By telling them “Apart from when I fell ill in May, I have been doing awesomely well,” they’ll get to know the setback you suffered in your health but now you are doing better. You could also talk about a trip you had, a vacation, or something that didn’t go according to plan.

The Short Answer Is Okay, But There’s A Longer Version

The short answer is Okay, but there’s a longer version” is another good response to “How have you been?” You know how we generally give the “Okay” answer when someone asks about how we fared or are doing? This follows the same pattern but has a different closing remark. It hints at the fact that the first part is a cliche but if they are interested there’s a detailed explanation.

This allows them to choose whether to listen to your longer version or stay with this response. In most cases, they’d go with the former but that’s if they care enough to find out what it is you have gone through.

Not Fine Since You Left

One flirty response to ‘How have you been?’ is to say “Not fine since you left.” It is flirty because you are hinging the fact that you’ve not been fine in their absence. You are saying “I have not been fine since you left.” Since we are talking about genuine responses, you can only use these lines when you are talking with your spouse or crush.

Great, I Started The Garden I Told You I Wanted To Start

Great, I started the garden I told you I wanted to start” gives a one-syllable response to the question but you are adding details by mentioning a milestone you achieved or something you were able to accomplish. The nature of this response is such that they must have had an idea what it is or how much you might have stalled doing it. So, you are using this with a friend and you could tell them about a variety of things from school to work to family and much more.

Not As Good As I Believe You Have Been

When a colleague or friend asks you “How have you been?” and you respond this way, it shows you have not been too good or the person has been doing better than you.  Do you get the idea?

I Have Been Better

When you weren’t doing all so well. By saying you have been better, you are trying to be positive while pointing to the fact that when compared to previous times, you hoped things were better. It is a good reply to someone who knows you very well or anyone who is getting to know you.

Now That You’re Back, I Feel Good, Safe, And Happy

Now that you’re back, I feel good, safe, and happy” is a sweet and flirty response to “How have you been?” It doesn’t directly answer the question but it would tilt the conversation away from inquiring about you. It is a good reply if the person might have known that you weren’t fine but wanted to hear from you. Just tell them how you feel now and enjoy the moment.

All Good, Boss

In formal settings, you want to keep your responses short and crisp. You do not need to go overboard with emotions and open up about stuff that shouldn’t be said in a corporate space. Aside from “All good,” you can also say “Doing just fine, thanks for asking me” or “All is good on my end.”

Well, I Can Say I Am Fully Rested And Roaring To Go

This is another way to respond to “How have you been?” when you are in a workplace. You could be asked about your welfare after you took a break for a while. Whether you went on a sabbatical or a study leave, as long as you were away from work for some time, you can use “Well, I can say I am fully rested and roaring to go” to respond to whoever asks you “How have you been?”

It’s Been How Long? Goodness

If you are meeting with a long-lost friend and they ask you how you have been, you may not directly answer their question but attempt to talk about how long it has been since y’all have been separated. You can tell that when you are meeting with someone after a long hiatus, it can be hard to sum up how you are doing.

Coping, Managing. Things Will Be Okay Soon

Coping, managing. Things will be okay soon” is another genuine way to answer “How have you been?” Here you are letting them know that most of what you’ve done has been to manage through. You are not stating exactly what’s been going on but they will get the idea that things weren’t going to smoothly. It is a lovely way to spread positivity regardless of the challenges you are facing.

You Are Familiar With The Expression “Bearing the Brunt,” Right? 

Genuine Responses to How Have You Been

This is one statement I picked up some years back. It is not something you can use all the time but it is explanatory enough not to have to explain how you have been in clear terms. The idea of bearing the brunt is an idiomatic expression that suggests that you are facing severe challenges or forced to take on difficult aspects of a challenge.

Other idioms you can use include:

  • Going through the wringer.
  • Weathering the storm.
  • Navigating rough waters.
  • Facing an uphill battle.

Before You Go

“How have you been?” is a question that lets you share a glimpse into your life and connect with the person asking. It could be an opportunity to let them know what has been going on and I have provided responses in that direction.

Aside from trying to open up about your life when replying to the question, you may want to answer without giving too much detail or with some formality. Whichever way you want to, I am optimistic you’ve found responses to “How have you been?” that can help you achieve communication effortlessly.

Genuine Responses to How Have You Been

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