20 Thoughtful Responses to “How Did You Sleep?”


When someone inquires, “How was your sleep?” they want to know about your night. If you don’t want to go with the boring trend of answers a lot of us use, this article on 20 thoughtful responses to “How did you sleep?” will provide recommendations to try. Let’s get into it.

Table of Contents

When You Sleep Next To Me, You Should Expect I’d Not Have Any Complaints About My Sleep, You Know Right?

You could make your significant other feel special after they asked you how was your sleep by telling them “When you sleep next to me, you should expect I’d not have any complaints about my sleep, you know right?” This is definitely going to make them happy and feel special.

Buddy, I Slept Like A Log Of Wood. Soon As I Shut My Eyes, It Was Morning Already

After a long day, you could just lay on the bed and sleep off. It is even possible you didn’t get the chance to change into your nightwear.

If this sounds like how your night went, you could say “I slept like a log of wood. Soon as I shut my eyes, it was morning already.” This will let the person know there wasn’t much to how you slept.

It Was Pretty Much Uneventful. I Guess I Was Too Tired 

This is another way you can respond to “How did you sleep?” You might respond this way when someone asks about your sleep but you were too tired to remember how it went and fell into a deep sleep.

There’s No Way I Can Explain It. All I Wished For Was Morning And I Am Happy It Came 

The night before I wrote this piece was one where I would have used this response if someone cared to ask me how I slept.

I was experiencing a painful stomach ache and I just wanted the morning to come quickly.

So, if you have just experienced something like that and someone hits you with that question, you can use “There’s no way I can explain it. All I wished for was morning and I am happy it came” to reply.

I Feel I Should Go See A Doctor. It Is Becoming Increasingly Difficult For Me To Sleep At Night 

Another way you can respond to the “How did you sleep?” inquiry is to say “I feel I should go see a doctor. It is becoming increasingly difficult for me to sleep at night.”

Such a response can be used when you are finding it difficult to sleep at night and think it has something to do with an underlying health condition.

This Had To Be The Sweetest Sleep I’ve Had. I Now Have An Ultimate Craving – To Be Cuddled In Your Arms Every Night

How to Respond to How Did You Sleep

If you spent the night at your partner’s place and slept cuddled up in their arms, you can use this reply to blow their mind when they ask about your sleep.

Stating that it was one of the sweetest sleep you’ve had in a long time and mentioning being cuddled in their arms as a new craving, means they are going to feel loved and special.

I Could Barely Sleep. I Needed To Finish Up A Report I Was Working On. Submission Is This Morning And I Couldn’t Gamble It 

There are times when you have work to do and your night time is spent doing it. This doesn’t happen all the time so feel free to use it when someone asks you about your sleep.

You can stick to telling them you didn’t sleep because you were preparing the report or presentation and if they are really important, you can let them know why you had to spend your night time working on it.

On The Couch Because I Was Too Lazy To Go To My Room When The Movie I Was Seeing Finished 

I know this happens to a lot of single people and those living alone. You could come back from work and decide to see a movie or just pass out on the couch because you are too lazy to go to your room.

For me, I can’t remember the last time I slept in my room because I work in my sitting room and when I am too tired and want to sleep, the room feels like too much distance.

We Had A Sleepover At Sarah’s. It Was Chaotic. No One Slept Until Past 3 Am

If you had a sleepover, chances are you couldn’t sleep or barely had enough time to do so.

This is a good opportunity to talk about how the sleepover went and from the response, you can see how it gives a hint about how the sleepover was and why it was impossible to get enough sleep.

Depending on who you are talking to, you could give exact details about the event.

I Had This Crazy Nightmare That Repeated About Three Times. It Ruined My Night Rest 

You could talk about a bad dream you had when someone asked you about your night. I remember one time when I had a horrible nightmare, it was so real, that it kept me up all through the night even though I needed to sleep.

In your case, it might not do anything to your night so you can keep that part out and just say “I had this crazy nightmare that repeated about three times.

Aside From The Cat That Kept Meowing in my Backyard, Causing Me Unease, I Would Have Slept Well

You could use a pet or something unusual that happened to give deets about how your sleep went.

Everything may have gone well, but the noise from the cat or owl might have usurped the calmness of the night, giving you concern.

Depending on what it was, you could say “Aside from the cat that kept meowing in my backyard, causing me unease, I would have slept well” if you were asked about your sleep.

Do I Look Like I Had Any Sleep? Bro, I Was Up All Night And I Wonder If It Is Worth It

How to Respond to How Did You Sleep

For night owls or those who needed to meet deadlines or submit presentations, there’s the possibility that you didn’t sleep throughout the night but don’t think you should have stayed up.

This is one great reply when you fall in this category and the person asking you is your colleague or your friend in school.

Our Newborn Wouldn’t Let Any Of Us At Home Sleep. She Kept Crying And All Attempts To Make Her Calm Proved Futile

I remember when my Mom gave birth to my last sibling. It was a terrible period for all of us cause tell me why this baby would sleep all day only to disturb the whole family once it is time to sleep?

This could be your experience and if someone asks you how did you sleep, you would want to use a response like this one.

While Lying Down On My Bed With My Eyes Closed Or Is There A New Way People Sleep?

If you are looking for sarcastic responses to “How did you sleep?” this is one. It attempts to assume that you do not understand what they mean by the question and gives a cheeky answer to them.

I use this when my buddies ask me about my night so I’d recommend this if your friend asks.

If You Want To Know If I Feel Refreshed, The Answer Is No. I Don’t Feel Any Better From Yesterday. What I Need Is A Vacation And Not A Night’s Sleep 

Assume you had a lot of work to do the previous day and left feeling too tired and then the next morning your colleague works up to you asking about your night.

What they are clearly trying to find out is if you slept well and are feeling good. This is a good place to use such a response. You can say the opposite though if you did enjoy your sleep and rested well.

Maybe I’d Sleep Better If You Came Over And Spent The Night With Me 

This is a flirty response to “How did you sleep?” that you can use while talking to your crush or partner.

When you say “Maybe I’d sleep better if you came over and spent the night with me,” you are asking them to come sleep over or if they are your partner, they could invite you to come over to their place.

Either way that’s the goal – to pass the night together.

Well Enough. Nothing Beats A Good Night Sleep After A Long And Stressful Day 

This is a normal response to give to this question and it works for everyone including acquaintances and random people asking about your wellbeing.

If you had a good night’s sleep and were well rested, that is the purpose of the night time and you can state that in response to their inquiry.

I Wished Morning Wouldn’t Come. I Enjoyed My Sleep

When your sleep was so lovely and enjoyable that you wished morning wouldn’t come early, this is a way to say it. “I wished morning wouldn’t come. I enjoyed my sleep” will suffice when you are interacting with anyone, regardless of their status in your life.

It is a generally applicable reply to “How did you sleep?”

No Word In The Dictionary Can Best Describe How I Slept Like The Word “Splendid”

How to Respond to How Did You Sleep 

The first time I heard a sentence like this was when my High School teacher was trying to help me describe things.

I liked its application and I believe it can be used when you are asked to describe how good your sleep was.

You could try out other words depending on how your sleep was including cool, calm, okay, nice, extraordinary, restful, and so on.

The Only Reason I Got Out Of Bed Is Because I Had To Prepare Breakfast For The Kids And Get Them Ready For School. Otherwise, I Might Have Slept Until Noon 

As a parent, I know the temptation of wanting to sleep as long as you can but having children deprives you of that privilege.

When we are having a good sleep at night, we just wish it continues and even if morning comes, we almost don’t want to get out of bed.

The person you are talking with will certainly understand what you mean when you use this example in response to their “How did you sleep?” query.

Final Thoughts

Now, you can always respond to anyone who asks you about your sleep thoughtfully and cleverly.

The following responses have been crafted to give a brief and detailed overview of your night.

They can be used in different situations with different people. Also, remember to inquire about their sleep as well.

How to Respond to How Did You Sleep

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