100 Funny Responses to “Happy New Month”


I don’t know if anyone else does but every new month, I wish my loved ones and friends a Happy New Month to let them know that I have not forgotten them and that I care about them.

However, only a handful have the proper response to give to my wish. Some just react to the message, some don’t respond at all and others don’t bother opening the message. It could be that they wouldn’t know what to say or I’m just excusing their bad behavior; I will never know.

However, one thing I do know is that if you are among those who don’t respond or open New Month messages because you don’t know how to respond, I have come to your rescue. After reading this article, you won’t ignore New Month messages anymore. You’re welcome!

100 Funny Responses to Happy New Month

  1. After surviving another month of adulting, I’m embracing my inner child this month.
  2. Another month to take a healthy dose of procrastination, and postpone working on my new year resolution.
  3. Aside from flexible deadlines, stable Wi-Fi, and a strong coffee, my life is otherwise a comedic chaos.
  4. It will be fine only if you do what you ought to do, need I say more?? Haha
  5. Your message reminds me of the unrealistic expectations that I’ve made for the month and that all I’m ever going to do is Netflix and chill.
  6. You don’t need to remind me, I’ve written down my to-do list for this new month and it includes eating parfait for breakfast and watching TikTok all day.
  7. I do not intend to break my bad habit of frugality this new month, so we will have a thicker wallet and no spending.
  8. Oh my, if I break into serious laughter during another meeting this new month, I may just sue the universe for conspiring to make me jobless.Funny Responses to Happy New Month
  9. I’m boogie-ing my way into this new month with random clubbing and impromptu karaoke sessions, everyone gonna be hearing a screeching cat more often.
  10.  I’m going to be sharing more of my comedic genius this new month, even if no one laughs, I’ll share them with myself.
  11.  I’ll make do with the consolation prize that this new month has to offer cause it definitely cannot give me what I want – a million dollars.
  12.  I’m on another journey of trying not to lose my mind this new month, I’ll be talking and arguing with myself a lot this new month.
  13.  I hope that this new month doesn’t get me in trouble with careless typos and embarrassing autocorrects.
  14.  Silly and carefree – my two watchwords for this new month. I hope we will finally have that water balloon fight and do other ridiculous things.
  15.  I can’t wait for this baby to pop out of me this new month, cheers to my journey into motherhood!
  16.  I hope Santa drops off a box of uncontrollable fits of laughter on my doorstep cause I’m ready for unexpected belly laughs this new month.
  17.  We’re on another journey to get those abs without having to step into the gym, the plan is just to eat our way into it.
  18.  I may need to start looking for a new job if I go through with my wicked plan to prank my colleagues and boss this April, at least laughter will be my alibi and April fool my excuse.
  19.  I hope the god of eternal youth takes away the aches from my joints and the easy tiredness I feel in this new month, I want to feel ten years younger.
  20.  Yup, and I’ll be accepting my honorary title as the “Honorable Minister of Happiness,” because I’ve been spreading lots of joy and silliness around.
  21.  Oh, thank you for wishing that my Mondays feel like Fridays, I needed something that would make this new month exciting.
  22.  As a single mum, this new month’s wish means a lot to me. If I could have the strength of Thor and the agility of a Spider woman, then I’d achieve a lot.
  23.  I hope I don’t turn into a pumpkin any more night this new month, I’m working too hard for the universe to be messing with my survival.Funny Responses to Happy New Month
  24.  Oh yeah, I’m planning a sit down with the power of the universe this new month, we need to have some talk about how they run things.
  25.  I need more grace this new month because my clumsiness is getting so bad that I have brain farts during important conversations.
  26.  More standing ovations this new month from my chicken fans. Working on a poultry farm has improved my one-liners, witty comebacks, and a general sense of humor.
  27.  If my life gets more adventurous than my Google search history and more legendary than my “dad jokes,” my family may likely disown me.
  28.  I’m going shopping in Paris to get the best accessories for my anniversary, there’s a rumor that they sell the best smiles in Paris.
  29.  I will be going to the studio this new month to finally record my soundtrack, I think the world is ready to hear the sound of my laughter.
  30.  I’m finally taking the big leap this new month, I’ll be unleashing my inner comedian while preparing for the tomatoes that will be thrown my way.
  31.  I’m about to take the stage of life this new month and remind people why I’m not yet married or a millionaire. I hope they find my explanations as funny as it sounds in my head.
  32.  I broke a record last month and I hope that this new month I don’t have any more clumsy moments that my inner klutz will threaten to unleash.
  33.  I hope I survive constantly tripping over stuff, carelessly breaking random things, and wearing my clothes inside out in this new month, thanks for the wishes anyway.
  34.  Someone said my laughter cures all his ailments, I will be going to the hospital this new month to try out some of my superpowers on patients.
  35.  I was going to shop for a samurai sword this new month, but I was told that my wit is sharper than that.
  36.  I have some jokes up my sleeve to conquer this new month, I hope my unbreakable funny bone gets me through this month.
  37.  I was planning to get Botox this new month but someone said that laughter keeps the wrinkles away so I’mma keep laughing.
  38.  I can’t wait for school to resume this new month so that the children can finally resume school, the amount of pranks and headaches I’ve had to go through during this short holiday…ugh!
  39.  I see the mischievous grin you put at the end of the message, so what plans do you have for us this new month…can’t wait!
  40.  I’m enrolling for boxing training this new month ‘cause I need more punchlines if I’m going to get into the comedy club.
  41.  I noticed that most people at the office need some humor in their lives, so I’ll finally be releasing my line of smiling toothpaste and humor candy this new month.
  42.  I’ll be achieving new feats this new month and my secret weapon will be the winks and laughter that I have stored up.
  43.  I’m going to the tailor’s to get my new dress for my special ceremony, I’ll be accepting my crown as the “Master of Mirth.”
  44.  There are so many events lined up this new month, but the only one I will be attending is my neighbor’s cere-money cause I heard there will be lots of cash going around.
  45.  You know how the Queen commands a room when she walks into it, that’s how I wish to fill every room with my contagious laughter this new month.
  46.  I mistakenly subscribed to a month of non-stop hilarity so I intend to make everyone I come across have a great laugh this new month so my money doesn’t go to waste.
  47.  Everyone had the flu last month from Tony in the office, I hope to spread my infectious laughter this new month instead.
  48.  I’ll be rich by all means this new month, I’m on an adventure to dig till I strike comedic gold.
  49.  All through this new month I plan to leave my ‘Hilarious mode’ on so that only those who intend to share laughter and joy can reach me.
  50.  If I survived the never-ending Monopoly and Candy Crush games, then I think I’m going to survive this new month, wishing you the same love.
  51.  As long as you continue to send me funny memes and hilarious videos, then rest assured, this new month will be a great one.
  52.  I’ll be visiting the doctor this new month to get my new dose of laughter medicine, they have kept me healthy these past months.
  53.  I’ll be having so many things to do this new month because I was recently appointed the ‘Chief Fun Officer” – so many responsibilities.
  54.  I’m on a journey to becoming a scientist this new month. I need to invent new ways to make people smile.
  55.  I’ve decided to be a better person this new month, so I’ll be sharing random acts of humor with everyone including strangers.
  56.  Until the laughter of my listeners echoes through the halls of time and the ancient court jesters resign, I’ll keep telling my bad legendary jokes.
  57.  I’ve gone through last month without turning to a meme on the internet, if I can survive this new month, then it will be a happy one.
  58.  I hope to create extremely great moments that are too good not to share in this new month.
  59.  The new month plans to forget what it feels like to frown, so I will be doing everything fun and embracing the absurdity of life.
  60.  You’ll be accompanying me home for Thanksgiving this new month, so prepare for a month of side-splitting stories and breathless laughter.
  61.  If I use any more puns this new month, I will become the pun-tastic staff of the month and win an award for the corniest dad jokes.
  62.  I’m going on an adventure to find the comedic gold dust that makes one succeed in the entertainment industry. I’ll spread the whole world with lots of this dust that there will be so much laughter in the world.
  63.  I want to start selling pancakes this new month as a side hustle, but I can’t flip a pancake to save my life and nobody wants a pancake that looks like the map of Australia.
  64.  The only thing I’m interested in learning this new month is parallel parking, if I could finally learn how to park without hitting the curb, it would make my whole month.
  65.  I’m in survival mode and if I can get through this month without applying toothpaste to my toast then I’m ready to conquer the world.
  66.  I’d love for this new month to be filled with “plot twists” of all my favorite crime shows, I’d love to finally scream “I knew it!” on the screen.
  67.  I’m on an impossible quest this new month to find all the missing socks and cutleries that I’ve lost, only when I’ve found them can this new month be considered “happy.”
  68.  Oh yes, there will be lots of shout-singing in the shower and dancing in the supermarket aisles this new month, thank you for the wish.
  69.  This new month, I wish for both of us that our lives finally become organized like a Pinterest board and that our hair always cooperates especially when we are running late.
  70.  Oh great! I have a whole month to perfect my dad’s jokes, or else my children will throw me out of the house and change the locks.
  71.  I hope this new month, awkward moments like getting wasted and accidentally sending texts to the wrong person – like our ex – don’t happen anymore.
  72.  As we freelance our way through this new month, may our fingers work high-paying jobs and our autocorrect be on its best behavior.
  73.  I’m finally embracing my inner superhero – Captain Procrastination, and sharing my acts of laziness to save anyone having a bad day. We all deserve a little bit of laziness here and there, we can’t all have our acts put together.
  74.  I discovered my hidden talent last month when I was singing opera in the shower, so this new month, I’ll be trying out for America’s Got Talent. I just hope that Simon and the other judges don’t get tone-deaf and ban me forever.
  75.  Imagine having a social life as strong as Hulk after a cup of espresso, my social battery will never die! I so love this new month’s wish, thank you!
  76.  I’ll finally be getting the promotion that I deserve this new month, from the Manager to the CEO of procrastination. I hope that there is an increase in pay alongside this new position, it will make it so worth it.
  77.  The only thing I want to achieve this new month is online greatness, flawless Instagram photos, and Snapchat filters. An unrealistic life and standard set by social media but what can we do as Genz’s right?
  78.  I’m aiming to find the talked-about thousand-watt light bulb so that I can make my smile and those around me shine brighter than the sun.
  79.  This new month I’m breaking all life rules like freezing all lemons thrown my way and throwing them back as hard as possible, taking all that belongs to Caesar, and eating my cake and having it.
  80.  I hope Cupid will finally bring my soulmate to my doorstep this new month, cause I don’t intend to stop being introverted anytime soon. This new month we are looking forward to a miracle to be able to meet our other half.
  81.  I hope that I finally keep to my diet this new month to achieve my dream body – just a bit of chocolate here and there, lots of pizzas, and a few more guilty pleasures.
  82.  In this new month, I also hope that we do not have any more embarrassing moments like hugging a stranger from behind or having our gym pants tear during squats.
  83.  I give up on going to the gym. This new month, I’m embracing my imperfections and tankful stomach, we cannot have it all. I mean, we are all about body positivity and accepting ourselves the way we are.
  84.  A new month to crash weddings, burials, birthdays, and every other ceremony that offers free food. The adventures will be plentiful, activities quite daring and wild, hope you are ready my partner in crime.
  85.  And to you, my friend, bless your heart for dating a chef. Cheers to a new month of endless delicious dishes, free meals anytime we want, and new recipes for preparing all Italian dishes.
  86.  A new month to finally attract all the early morning confessions we have been making – more money, vacations, meeting high-valued people, and eating as much junk as we want without adding weight.
  87.  The best month to turn my life into a reality show and make so much money watching so much drama that my life comes with – the storyline will keep you glued.
  88.  Thank God! A new month to try to convince our grumpy mum to let us explore more like learning to drive, attending more high school parties, and dressing in wild alte fashion.
  89.  The tarot card reader says that in this new month, we will find what we’ve been looking for. For me, that’s a mansion, a Lamborghini, and an endless supply of money.
  90.  This year did not start well at all, nevertheless, I hope this new month comes with lots of beautiful surprises like my annoying boss finally giving me a raise.
  91.  I’m grateful that this new month, you sent a message without much grammar, it means that this new month will start and end well indeed.
  92.  This new month needs to come with better opportunities, I’m ready to embrace those opportunities with so much open harm, hug them so tight, and never let them go.
  93.  I hope my destiny helper locates me speedily this new month cause if I find him/her before they find me, they will not find it funny – lots of explanations.
  94.  I hope that my goals and purpose align and that I have more clarity to know what to do with my life – maybe then, I’ll stop being a jack of all trades with nothing to show for it.
  95.  Every new month comes with a blank canvas, once I get my paintbrushes and colors, I’m painting Kevin Hart on it. If he recognizes and reacts, I either get fame or money – a shortcut to greatness.
  96.  I hope that in this new month, I take focused action toward all the goals I’ve been setting for over five years of my adult life – procrastination has nothing on me.
  97.  I hope my little terrors finally learn how to be grateful for everything Mummy/Daddy gives them this new month, imagine rejecting dinner I spent hours making, ugh.
  98.  May the challenges we face this new month be limited to wearing the wrong socks or wearing our clothes inside out, any other thing besides that, count me out!
  99.  I hope that in this new month, we all take a step towards achieving our vision and surpassing our expectations. For me, that will be finally buying a tele-vision and watching all the reruns of Grey’s Anatomy.
  100. This new month is my anniversary, and I’m hoping that Cupid gives us a getaway in Paris all-expense paid, pays up our mortgage, and gets us a new car – oh, the price of having a wild imagination!

To End With,

You have gone through 100 interesting and funny responses which have probably left you smiling. Now, go back and respond to all those messages instead of just ignoring them.

You don’t have to thank me, what are friends for? Also, we would love to hear just how much fun you had with any of our responses, so feel free to share with us in the comment section below.

Funny Responses to Happy New Month

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