100 Correct Responses to “Happy Monday”


I don’t know if there is anyone who feels as much dread as I do when I hear the word ‘Monday’. Maybe it is because Mondays mean that I have to get back to work and that my weekend is already over. Why is the weekend so short anyway? We should have five (5) days for the weekend and only Saturday and Sunday as our workdays. That’s by the way.

I don’t think I know anyone who gets excited at the thought of a Monday, but I’m shocked to hear that they exist. So, how exactly do you respond when someone wishes you a happy Monday? In this article, I will be listing one hundred (100) correct responses to the wish ‘Happy Monday’. It will include sarcastic, exciting, serious, and professional responses.

100 Correct Responses to “Happy Monday”

  1. Yeah, I finally arrived at work for my weekend shift. Oh, don’t be confused, Saturday and Sunday are the only reasonable days that I recognize, every other day is considered a weekend.
  2. I’d like to return the wish, but Monday is on my list of “Things I don’t like,” so what can we do?
  3. Only an unemployed person will be happy on a Monday, so I’m not surprised by your enthusiasm, maybe you should go find a job.
  4. A gentle reminder that fun and games are over and I have to put a bra back on.Correct Responses to Happy Monday
  5. Today is the day of the week when I give my 14% at work, this way, it can be 100% at the end of the week.
  6. Remind me the name of the shortest horror story we ever heard – Monday!
  7. Really? When did Monday become happy? When we add the sleep, subtract the irritation, multiply the check, and divide the work.
  8. Guess how long it finally took me to get off the floor after rolling out of bed…forever!
  9. Ugh, do you see me smiling? No? That’s because it will only take an alien wearing my skin as a disguise after probably killing me to get me to smile on a Monday.
  10. If Selena Gomez could dump The Weeknd on a Monday, who am I not to dump work on a Monday?
  11. I heard the most depressing sound today – the sound of an alarm clock.
  12. Oh dear Monday, everyone likes me, but no one likes you – you don’t belong here.
  13. Today’s Valentine, but I can’t be romantic on a Monday cause it’s always so hard on Mondays.
  14. The only best part of Monday is finally relaxing on the couch after such a long day at work.
  15. As far as I don’t die this Monday and every other Monday, I will keep being financially empowered.
  16. I’ve watched a thousand movies and witnessed hundreds of villains, but none ever surpassed Monday.
  17. I would never wish my worst enemy to step on a Lego, but Monday gets my best wish.
  18. I know you are only wishing me a Happy Monday because you hate me.
  19. If you love Crocs, you should love Mondays cause they share some similarities.
  20. We are asked to be grateful because every day is a gift but I would love to return Monday and exchange it for another Saturday or Sunday.Correct Responses to Happy Monday
  21. If February 14th falls on a Friday, it is a blessing, however, if it falls on a Monday, it is a curse.
  22. No matter how strong a chain is there is always a weak link; for the days of the week, Monday is that week’s link.
  23. As a remote worker, Monday is the only day I never leave the house until the day is over!
  24. If Monday was a form of exercise, it would be a punching bag cause lots of people need to get some things off their chest.
  25. If having a three-day weekend was up for a vote, it would win, maybe then, Monday wouldn’t be so strenuous.
  26. Some people who have been canceled by the society still had supporters, but Monday has been canceled and not one person supports it.
  27. There are five days of the week and then there is Monday again, so what’s happy about it?
  28. You would be excited that the weekend is near, just for you to blink and oh, there’s Monday again.
  29. I’ve never seen anyone so jobless as Monday, we see it around ALL THE TIME.
  30. I’m not spiritual but I believe that the word demon was culled DE-MONday.
  31. It’s one of those meatless Mondays, no Zoom meetings, no office meetings, no management meetings, just meet-less.
  32. Someone’s at the door and I’ve been expecting Heymonday, seems like she is finally here and happy even.
  33. Once the clock strikes 12, there’s no escaping the horror that is coming next – Monday.
  34. Instead of voting for irrelevant things, we should probably vote Monday out of the days of the week.
  35. I’m sure the judge is getting ready to break his pen into two because he has passed his sentence and it’s time to be headed to work.
  36. Monday is not all that bad because if you do the work that I do, weekends are the days that give me a run for my money.
  37. I was going to return the wish but then I remembered that Monday is like uprooting one’s teeth with a plier, quite painful when you think of it.
  38. Oh my God! Yuck! I just stepped on the filthiest thing ever, I just stepped on a Monday!
  39. There are peanuts, nuts, milk, pollen, latex, cockroaches, insects, medicines, and chemicals, but the only thing that I’m allergic to is a Monday.
  40. I’m glad someone likes Monday as much as I do! You see, whenever I hear someone say something bad about something, I always say, ‘Who knows? Maybe Monday doesn’t like you as much as you don’t like it.
  41. I have ten things on my Monday to-do list and numbers one through ten are coffee, coffee, and coffee, just enough to get me through the miserable word day.
  42. I am an introvert and I can still boast of at least two friends, I don’t think Monday would boast the same if it were a person.
  43. Mondays only happen once a week but once is enough to spoil a person’s good mood for the rest of the week.
  44. Some people are easily let off on bail for minor crimes, but trust me, prison meets anyone who commits the crime of Monday laundering.
  45. My favorite fruit is cashew, maybe that’s why Monday always drives me nuts, haha.
  46. Oh, you just reminded me of something hilarious that happened to me a time ago. I called in sick one Monday and my boss asked if I was feeling rotten, and I replied no, he then said, well if you are not a zombie, you don’t have a right to stay at home.
  47. I was looking rather pale on Monday and I was advised to eat more beetroot cause I was always looking so uptight!
  48. If I were to choose an animal I’d like to be, I would be a wolf, so that I wouldn’t have to work on Mondays cause I’d be too busy howling on the Moon-day.
  49. The last will one day be the first and vice versa, so the Sunday may come before Monday in a calendar, but in the dictionary, Monday takes the lead.
  50. You know, I love the convenience and comfort that Monday brings. I traveled for a weekend getaway with my friends on Saturday, stayed just for a night, and returned on Monday…yeah, I named my Rolls Royce, Monday.
  51. To wish me a happy Monday, I’m going to give you the best advice you’ll ever get for the new week – take the week Mon-day at a time!
  52. I’m sure the good Lord called it a day after creating man on a Monday; it’s always the tedious jobs on Mondays.
  53.  When it comes to who wins ‘the most disliked day of the week’, Monday always beats the weekend because it is a weakday.
  54.  If only employers and the government knew how much Garfield hates Mondays, they would convert it to a public holiday unless they want casualties on that day as superheroes will be out of action.
  55. I wish I was Irish, but then my weekend would start on Monday nights where I get drunk, start fights, and skip work the next day.
  56.  Wishing you the same too. Anyway, since the usual Monday staff meeting is about to start, you may want to prepare the champagne…I mean, a coffee table for the meeting.
  57.  Anyone who uses like or love with Monday in the same sentence is either psychotic, retired, or on vacation.
  58.  Monday is hated so much not merely because of its position but because of what it has represented to so many people, which means that if Monday were to switch places with Friday, it would still be hated.
  59.  I will share with you my trick for getting through every Monday – so, what I do is I always tell myself, ‘Well, Friday will soon be here, obviously.’
  60.  I have a friend who loses a fight every single time, so we started calling him Monday because, in a fight with Sunday, Monday always loses. After all, it is a weekday.
  61.  I have watched so many boring movies, but none beat the particular one called Monday. It was so long and boring that I cried cause I thought that I would die from boredom, I’m not sure anyone would ever want to watch such a movie.
  62.  I have never really liked rainy seasons, but I would choose a rainy Friday or Saturday over a sunny Monday. The dread that I feel every time I remember that I have to go to work on a Monday beats the joy that I get from having a clear sunny day.
  63.  My boss has a problem with me every Monday ‘cause I’m always late, and when he asks me what reason I had for coming late, I give the same reply every single time – I over-swept.
  64.  I once had a colleague who was not just a morning person, but was also very energetic and excited on Mondays, especially when duties were assigned to him. We all thought that he was an alien who randomly appeared on Earth and didn’t know how Monday works.
  65.  I get that you are so excited today because you recently just got this job. Once you contract the case of Mondays after six months on the job, your hyperactiveness will be cured and you will understand why the rest of us look angry or bored every Monday. So, happy Monday to you too at least as long as the excitement lasts.
  66.  The hatred that Monday receives lasts only till the vacation, where it receives the love that the weekend receives because you get to do the same thing you do every day – wake, eat, have fun, and sleep. But right after the vacation, the anger and disgust return twice as hard cause then you remember that you need to work to sponsor another vacation.
  67.  I have a Monday joke for you, so, here goes – “knock, knock,” ‘who’s there?’ ‘Monday,’ ‘I’m not interested, go away’, and here’s the plot twist – Monday is a friend of mine and he did knock on my door, haha!
  68.  No matter how many Mondays are on the calendar, no one ever gets used to it. Maybe because it comes with a different kind of stress and unpleasant activities every single time. It is not even consistent in how it stresses people, so sleeping is unpredictable.
  69.  You know the way we are given a choice to do certain things, they would say that it is optional and we are not under compulsion to do it if we don’t want to…yeah, I was we were given Monday as an option and I can bet you a million bucks that no one would ever go for the crazy arse.
  70.  I had a funny experience on the subway on my way to work on Monday. A young lady had a panic attack because she would be going to work on that day (as if she doesn’t go to work every other day), so I held her hand and told her to pretend that that day was not Monday and to think of herself on a vacation in her favorite country. Needless to say, she felt better after a few minutes, I guess I did a great job.
  71.  I’m sure that if the days of the week were not forced to stay beside each other in that particular order, Tuesday would have found a reputable partner because it gets blamed for everything Monday does and gets the spillover of the jobs that were not completed on Monday.
  72.  You know, back in school, we had a nerd in our class that we nicknamed, Tom, the magician. This is because every Monday, our teacher would give us trick questions in certain subjects and he never failed one question.
  73.  If your boss ever tries to give you extra work on a Monday and you don’t want to do it, I have a trick you can use to get out of doing it and it is called throwing a clock!
  74.  In high school, we had a ghost that kept tormenting the students and wouldn’t leave no matter what we tried to do to get rid of it, the rumor was that it was killed on a Monday so we nicknamed it the school spirit.
  75.  When you are woken up from sleep on a Monday to go to work or school and you say that you don’t want to get up, does it mean that you want to permanently go on a journey to the afterlife or that you wish to lose your job?
  76.  At school, my daughter was asked to write the first thing she says when I wake her up for school on Monday, and she wrote, ‘Mum, eye don’t want to get up!’ which makes me wonder if she is a cyclop.
  77.  Everyone would prefer that Valentine’s Day fell on a Friday, but when it falls on a Monday, it is called a moan-day because everyone knows what goes on on that day and the result speaks for itself in nine months.
  78.  My uncle tells the worst dad jokes so much so that he once called Monday, Monday-ne. Do you get the joke? No? Exactly! He is trying to say that Monday is a mundane, ugh, story of my life.
  79.  You know that feeling you get when someone visits you a lot and overstays their welcome, and you just want to tell them to find a hobby, that’s exactly how Monday behaves. It always comes around even when it knows that it is not welcomed, instead of going to find a hobby so that it doesn’t have to come back all the time.
  80.  Someone once asked me why I hated Monday so much and never responded to any Happy Monday wishes. I responded that I had always loved Monday until I lost a good friend to cancer who wished me a happy Monday every week even though she did it weakly.
  81.  I have an innovative idea of building a robot that prints money for me whenever I need it so that I won’t have to work at all, but building a robot is quite expensive and time-consuming so I will need to wait till Cyborg Monday to get the parts that I need on a discount.
  82.  When I heard that NASA wanted to launch a rocket, I thought to myself that needed to do it on a moon day to make it more memorable but I was wrong. There is a superstition that rockets that fly on Moon-days always crash.
  83.  My daughter enjoys watching the Sonic cartoon which shows every Monday and I thought that I could use it to get her to do her school work so I asked her, “Chamil, what do you think Sonic does on Mondays after school?” and she replied, “She goes around giving hedge-hugs!” Ugh.
  84.  I don’t listen to the news a lot, but I wish that one of these days, they would announce that Monday has been canceled and permanently removed from the days of the week. That would change my mind about watching or listening to the news.
  85.  I have heard people say the sweetest, strangest, and funniest things ever, but never for once have I heard someone say “Yay, Monday!’, even if their birthday fell on a Monday.
  86.  Thank you for the beautiful wish, you know, I was so unmotivated to go to work today and someone reminded me that Friday is the reward for every Monday, I mean, it’s not enough reward but we can manage.
  87.  I tried pranking my friend today so I told her that I finally found someone who was excited about Monday, she couldn’t believe it and bet me a hundred bucks if I could give her a name, so I told her that the person is called, “No one.”
  88.  I think that when humanity offended the gods, they put Monday in the calendar as a curse to put us in our place. Centuries of people have tried to break the curse and finally agreed with the gods to have the weekend as a break.
  89.  If you understand that Monday ushers in the other days of the week that you enjoy, you probably won’t hate it anymore. It is like a gate through which we can enter on other days of the week, so if the gate is closed, we won’t have other days either.
  90.  If you ever think that your life is over, just know that you have a new opportunity every week as Mondays offer new beginnings for fifty-two weeks in a year.
  91.  Instead of hating Monday or being sad every time you remember that you have to go to work, just keep in mind that you are in control of your life and you have it within your power to stop Monday from being manic.
  92.  When it comes to how I feel about Monday, It’s a mixed feelings. Most times, I hate the day and the stress it brings, however, I get thrilled when Monday comes with payroll and cheques. Like, I dance to the office knowing that I’ll become a lot richer than I was when I started the day.
  93.  Life is like a smooth road that begins when one is born and continues smoothly with a little pothole here or there until one dies, and I can boldly say that Monday is one of the potholes that life comes with.
  94.  No matter how many stressful Mondays you’ve had, always be optimistic that you will one day have a great Monday in the history of Mondays. I was once as resentful as you are about Mondays but after getting a long-awaited promotion on a Monday, I now love the day more than the other days of the week.
  95.  Whoever made the rule that Mondays have to be hated cause they suck was not a rebel cause if you are a rebel like me, you will make the rules yourself and have a great Monday anyways.
  96.  You seem excited about this Monday. It seems like you have a mission because only people with a mission are happy on a Monday. Whatever mission you may have, hope it includes lobbying the government into turning Monday into a permanent public holiday cause that’s what the world needs right now.
  97.  When I meet new people, I’m always able to tell whether or not I will be friends with them for a long time or at all. I met Monday on the day I was born and we’ve never been on good terms, but we’ve agreed to live cordially with each other.
  98.  Whether you love or hate Monday depends on which path you are taking in life. Rich people don’t love Monday, but the poor who have to go to work dread it every Monday. So, if you don’t like the path you are walking on, you can pave a new path and love Mondays forever.
  99.  If I’m ever to die, I would like to die on a Monday or even on a Sunday so that I wouldn’t have to go through the stress of going to work just to die on my way back, it would be better for me to stay back.Correct Responses to Happy Monday
  100. Employers will always expect you to be enthusiastic on a Monday and carry that excitement throughout the week, but they will give you too much work to do with little pay, such audacity!

Final Words,

For every single Monday you come across for the next hundred weeks, you are guaranteed a suitable response; is that not just exciting?

It is our job to ensure that you never run out of something intelligent to say in response to a Happy Monday. There is a response for every situation so be assured that you will never run out of something to say in the next hundred Mondays.

Correct Responses to Happy Monday

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