20 Heartwarming Replies to “Happy Friendship Day”


It is Friendship Day and one of your friends or your best friend sends in a lovely “Happy Friendship Day” wish. This is not the time to respond with “Same to you” or give them a boring response in return. It is a time to show them how much you love them and are grateful they are your friend.

You don’t have to worry or start racking your brains to come up with a sweet response as I have put forward some of the coolest and heartwarming replies

Table of Contents

Today, We Celebrate Friendship And I Am Proud To Call You My Friend 

One of the best ways to celebrate your friend is to let them know how proud you are to be their friend. “Today, we celebrate friendship and I am proud to call you my friend” expresses this thought effortlessly. You could also tell them something they do as your friend that you are proud of.

  • The way you always come through for me is something that makes me proud of having you as my friend.
  • For being a solid pillar supporting me, thank you. My ego is boosted because I’ve got you by my side.

Nobody Has Shown Me What True Friendship Is Like You Have 

While it may be hard to define what true friendship is because of subjective opinions and biases, there are a few traits we can all agree a friend should possess. From empathy to selflessness, kindness, loyalty, and much more.

If your friend embodies these traits or those you feel should determine true friendship, you can tell them “Nobody has shown me what true friendship is like you have.”

In My Next Life, I’d Still Pray Our Paths Cross

Heartwarming Replies to Happy Friendship Day

In my next life, I’d still pray our paths cross” is a deep and heartwarming response to “Happy Friendship Day.” You are saying that you’ll want to be friends with the person even in your next life. It implies that you are satisfied with being friends with them and you love them so much, you’d want to be friends in your next life.

There’s A Special Day For That? I Don’t Care. I Love And Celebrate You Every Day 

Whether you know there’s a special day for friends or not, you can respond with a remark like “There’s a special day for that? I don’t care. I love and celebrate you every day.” The emphasis is on the fact that you love them and celebrate your friendship with them, friendship day or not.

It Doesn’t Matter How Far We Are From Each Other, You’ll Always Have A Special Space In My Heart 

This is a good way to reply to a friend who’s far from you. It could be that they went to college or moved to another state. If you both still consider yourselves friends despite the distance, friendship day is a good time to remind them that you are not bothered by the space between you guys as they’ll always be in your heart.

It’s Been How Many Years? You Keep Showing Me I Wasn’t Wrong To Be Friends With You 

Take them back in time to the first day you met. It wouldn’t be bad to reminisce over the events that led to your meeting and what transpired that made you friends with them. From there, you can add “You keep showing me I wasn’t wrong to be friends with you,” which points to the fact that you are happy being their friend.

  • Thank God I spilled my coffee on you 9 years ago. I wouldn’t have known what a good friend is like.
  • I am happy I wasn’t too proud to not say Hi when we first met. Look how far we’ve come. BFs for life.

Even Though We Met Recently, You’ve Redefined What Friendship Is To Me 

Some people can be fast in moving up the timelines in the friendship lifecycle. A good percentage validate their speed up the cycle with worthy actions. If this is the case of the person who’s wishing you a happy friendship day, you can respond with “Even though we met recently, you’ve redefined what friendship is to me.”

Anyone Who Has You On Their Side Can Face Any Challenge And I Am Grateful I Have You On Mine 

We have friends who will always stand by our side no matter what we go through. These guys make us confident to face life’s challenges unflinchingly. “Anyone who has you on their side can face any challenge and I am grateful I have you on mine” is a good way to recognize their impact on your doggedness and appreciate them for it.

You Are A Reliable Friend, Babe. I Count Myself Lucky That You Are My Friend 

Even though it feels like a reply to someone who’s your girlfriend, “You are a reliable friend, babe. I count myself lucky that you are my friend,” will work in a variety of situations. You can say it to your partner or your friend. I prefer it to come from a lady to another lady. However, it will work for anyone regardless of whatever status they hold.

I Wish You A Happy Friendship Day Too. Cheers To Us And All The Crazy Things We’d Continue To Do 

I wish you a happy friendship day too. Cheers to us and all the crazy things we’d continue to do” is a way to celebrate your friend while replying to their Happy Friendship Day message.

One of the things this response notes is how you guys must be doing a lot of crazy things. If your friend is adventurous and makes you do the most bizarre things, what better way is there to celebrate them than by acknowledging you’ll readily engage in more crazy stuff with them?

No One Puts Up With My Crazy Self Like You Do. Thanks, Girlfriend 

Generally, it isn’t easy to put up with a girl. If you are always a pain in the butt yet your friend still stays, you had better be grateful to them on friendship day.

Thanks, And Because You’ve Been A Loyal Friend, Let’s Grab Some Drinks. Bills On Me

Heartwarming Replies to Happy Friendship Day

Taking your friend on a date on Friendship Day is a good way to celebrate them. If you can handle the bills for both of you, then I’ll suggest going on that date. You mustn’t go to an expensive restaurant. Just somewhere you can chill with your friend, trade woe stories, and relive some of your memories together.

You’ve Shown Me What It Means To Have A Friend That Sticks Closer Than A Brother

There’s a popular proverb in the Bible that says “There’s a friend that sticks closer than a brother.” Some of our pals have stayed with us for as long as we can remember. Also, it may not be about longevity, but also availability.

When this friend is someone that will show up whenever you need them. You can respond with “You’ve shown me what it means to have a friend that sticks closer than a brother.”

If I Could, I’d Give You The World. Thank You For Being My Friend

Desiring to give them the world shows they are deserving of any good thing life has to offer. It would help them realize how much you value them and elevate their mood.

You Are An Embodiment Of Kindness. Cheers 

Another way to give a heartwarming response to “Happy Friendship Day” is to talk about a trait your friend has that’s positive. It could be kindness like the example I just provided, loyalty, compassion, selflessness, etc. The goal is to call them either the “perfect expression,” “embodiment,” or “epitome” of whatever trait it is.

The Love Between Friends Is One Of The Most Cherished Bonds Of Life. Ours Is Even More Remarkable. 

Your reply to “Happy Friendship Day” can be poetic and inspiring like this one, The love between friends is one of the most cherished bonds of life. Ours is even more remarkable.”

Putting Up With Me Every Day Can Be Difficult But You Are Always There. Thank You For All You Do.

Heartwarming Replies to Happy Friendship Day

If this friend is someone you’ve put through a lot by being difficult, when they wish you a “Happy Friendship Day,” you should use that time to appreciate them for being unnerving. Even though they may not be complaining, they are going to feel happier, especially because you are finally recognizing their importance in your life.

There Are Not So Many Things Or Persons That Make Me As Happy As You Do

Our friends make us happy and smile. You can take the praises of your friend up a notch on Friendship Day by making use of this reply.

I Am Proud To Call You My Support System. Thank You For Making College/Work Easy 

Friends who support us at school or work deserve accolades for their efforts. On Friendship Day, you can use the opportunity to celebrate your friend for being a supportive individual. You could say “I am proud to call you my support system. Thank you for making work easy” if they are your co-workers. If they are your course mate or whatever relationship that involves helping you out, you could easily replace work for it.

I Can Boldly Say I Am One Of The Luckiest Persons On Earth Who Had The Privilege Of Experiencing What True Friendship Is Like

As funny as it sounds, not everyone in the world is going to experience what true friendship is about. This is a good way to reply to “Happy Friendship Day.” You can explain how it is hard to find a good friend today while stating that you are lucky to have one. Use the statement, “I can boldly say I am one of the luckiest persons on Earth who had the privilege of experiencing what true friendship is like” to express this thought.

Before You Go

If you have good friends, trust me, they are worth celebrating. Our friends put up with a lot of things other people wouldn’t take from us. Hence, with every opportunity we get, we should celebrate these guys. You mustn’t wait until it is Friendship Day before you recognize the importance of your friend.

And on Friendship Day, you can make the day more significant by doing something memorable to celebrate them. Saying nice things to them is good but actions speak louder than words. So, do something to make them feel special.

Heartwarming Replies to Happy Friendship Day

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