150 Great Responses to “Happy Friday”


When someone tells you “Happy Friday,” it’s typically a friendly greeting or expression of relief and joy that the workweek is ending. It’s often used to celebrate the upcoming weekend and the break from work or school.

Everyone looks forward to Friday from Parents to students to corporate workers, and so on. If you asked anyone what the best day of the week for them is, they are probably going to say it is Friday.

This is why many people love to greet their friends and colleagues with “Happy Friday.” When you get a wish like this, your response should be positive, a reciprocation, or an announcement of your plans for the weekend.

In this article, I have compiled 150 responses to Happy Friday that will give you enough inspiration about how to reply to anyone who greets you in this manner.

30 Perfect Responses to “Happy Friday”

how to respond to happy friday

These are formal responses to Happy Friday – the sort you use as an adult or parent when someone sends Friday wishes your way:

  1. That is very thoughtful of you. Enjoy your weekend
  2. What is good about Friday aside from resting all weekend?
  3. No work, less stress. Happy Friday to you too
  4. My garden needs some attention and that’s what I plan to do with my weekend. What about you?
  5. Shipping the kids to their grandparents. I want the weekend to myself and hubby
  6. The best thing about Friday is that I can binge-watch Netflix without the fear of being unproductive due to a lack of sleep
  7. Time to relax, refresh, and recharge
  8. Wishing you a weekend that is full of vibe and love
  9. I deserve the weekend and I am going to make full use of every minute
  10. How are we getting the weekend groove started?
  11. Thanks! I hope your Friday brings everything you’re wishing for
  12. I hope the weekend comes with all the goodness you wish
  13. Oh well, I am going grocery shopping. It is hard to truly enjoy my weekend when I am a mom
  14. Thank you for your well wishes cause that’s what it is to me at this point
  15. Felt like yesterday when this week started. Now, look at us. The weekend is here
  16. This weekend I am letting loose and I am not doing it in a small way
  17. Have a lovely Friday and a restful weekend
  18. Yes, don’t forget to keep the Sabbath day holy
  19. Thank you. You are hyped up about this Friday. What could be the reason?
  20. Cheers to a refreshing weekend
  21. Friday opens the door to the weekend where we unwind and relax after the stress of the week
  22. I am in a frenzy and TGIF
  23. I am not even in a Friday feel. Too exhausted for any excitement
  24. Oh, you know the vibe. Fridays are always happy, at least for me
  25. A good Friday is a sign that the weekend will be good, don’t you think?
  26. I wish the weekend would be as long as the week was
  27. It is always family time for me that’s why I like Fridays. Kids are home, I and hubby aren’t going to work. Can be chaotic but I love it.
  28. I am grateful for life and whatever the weekend has to offer
  29. It is going to be a long day for me. Thank you anyways
  30. Have been waiting for today like I was waiting for the second coming of Jesus. Hahaha 

30 Sweet Responses to “Happy Friday” from a Colleague

When your colleague at work wishes you a “Happy Friday,” here are some ways you can respond to them:

  1. Should I be happy that I don’t get to see you until Friday?
  2. Well, it is the end of the week and I am just happy to rest and unwind
  3. Still taking work home for the weekend. Not so much of a happy one for me
  4. Same to you, man. What’s your plan going into the weekend?
  5. I have just a special way for us to unwind today. Wanna get dirty tonight?
  6. This has to be the most challenging work week ever and today’s our salvation
  7. It is going to be a happy Friday once I get to the bar tonight
  8. Yeah, and thank you for your help on that project
  9. If you’ve got any plans for the weekend, just know I am available
  10. Thank goodness it is Friday
  11. No one’s as excited about Friday as I am
  12. If you knew half of what I have planned to do this weekend, you know it is a really good Friday for me
  13. I have waited long enough for Friday. This week should just wrap itself up already
  14. Is it? I am supposed to finish up with the project and submit a report on Monday
  15. Can’t say it is, you know. Would be battling with kids rather than resting the whole weekend
  16. That is for people who aren’t going on a work trip this weekend
  17. You know the vibe, man
  18. Good time for us to visit that spot you talked about on Tuesday. Sounds cool?
  19. It is Friday? I need to have my victory dance
  20. And the paychecks arrive today as well. Just perfect hahaha. 
  21. For the next two days, we take a breather from work
  22. Let’s make memories that we will share when work resumes on Monday
  23. Oh thanks but we need to finish up the work for this week and do so in grand style so we don’t have backlogs going into the weekend
  24. Just another day in the office. Thank you anyways
  25. You don’t know how long I thought Friday was from Monday. I am so happy today
  26. Here’s to a long, satisfying, and restful weekend.
  27. Here’s to hoping I don’t close my eyes and open them for it to be Monday
  28. The only thing I want to do is put work behind me and live out the best weekend yet
  29. No disputes. I am counting the hours till I leave work today, Hahaha
  30. Share fun ideas with me don’t just wish me a Happy Friday, dude.

30 Unique Responses to “Happy Friday” from a Coursemate or College Fellow

Your coursemate or friend in college tells you “Happy Friday,” these are some great responses to use in reply:

  1. Oh, the thought of not having to come for any classes early tomorrow morning. Priceless, hahaha
  2. When I think of Fridays, I am happy for Saturday night football
  3. Same to you, buddy. I am going to be unreachable this weekend cause I really need to catch up on sleep.
  4. Happy Friday and I hope to see you tonight.
  5. Not a happy one yet but I am sure it would be after my date with Brandon tonight
  6. You know what I really like about Fridays? It is the fact that Saturdays allow me to explore the city
  7. Oh yeah. What are we doing this weekend?
  8. I have had enough of the professors and teachers in this school for a week already
  9. And I hope that your weekend is as lovely as it can be
  10. While you are at it, make sure you find time for our presentation on Monday.
  11. Exams are approaching and this only gives me time to catch up on coursework
  12. If it is not too late, would you mind joining us for a pool party tomorrow night? Let’s enjoy the weekend
  13. It is a much-needed break from everything school
  14. What is it you love doing for fun when it is the weekend?
  15. There’s this concert that I am going to attend during the weekend. It is tomorrow night and I think you should come with me
  16. Cheers to making memories that we can talk about when we resume school
  17. There’s a hike tomorrow morning. Not sure there’s a better way to start the weekend.
  18. Lucky for us, lectures end by 12 pm today so we have enough time to get the weekend started
  19. I would have been happy if I didn’t have to work on my presentation for Monday. Thanks though
  20. Thank you so much. I am not so happy today but it is good
  21. You are always hyped about Fridays and I wonder why
  22. Is there something about today that you aren’t telling me?
  23. I heard there is going to be a hangout tonight. Can you give me the deets?
  24. Yes. it is time for me to get into the series I have kept aside because of schoolwork
  25. I have my girlfriend over. So, yes, it is going to be a happy Friday. Hahaha
  26. Enjoy the weekend cause in the twinkle of an eye it will be Monday
  27. It would be a good Friday and a lovely weekend if you attended the house party with me
  28. If you will, I can make the weekend a really happy one for both of us
  29. I know it is supposed to be a Happy Friday but not with exams fast approaching
  30. Not one for the Friday vibe but I am happy today

30 Funny Responses to “Happy Friday”

how to respond to happy friday

Want to add humor to your conversation and response when someone tells you “Happy Friday”? The following are suggestions you might want to try:

  1. The only day every one of us, without fail, expects more than anything. Hahaha 
  2. I am so ready to nap all day and do nothing tomorrow
  3. Yeah. Today is the day I remember I have a social life to lead
  4. Always the last day where I bother about being an adult
  5. One of the laziest days in the work week as I have to pretend to work when all I actually think about is what I will do throughout the weekend
  6. Bout time. Time to go AWOL on all things work and responsibility
  7. I am happy I get to rest after Friday which is why I don’t want to get married. At least, not yet.
  8. I only have one decision to make: how hard do I want to party?
  9. I am not saying I am excited but if I get a two-day break from the tyrant of a boss I’ve got, I’d take that
  10. The procrastinator in me has been waiting patiently for the day. Hahaha. Yes, I get to postpone everything until Monday
  11. Chill mode was activated the moment I woke up. I am only here to mark time.
  12. Thanks for reminding me that it is time to celebrate the weekend
  13. Is it a happy one for you? Don’t you have kid problem to deal with? Hahaha 
  14. You know why I like Fridays? Everyone just wants to chill at work and do nothing. It is like the weekend starts on Friday
  15. Whew! Thank you. What a week it has been but the weekend will make up for it. I am sure it will
  16. Oh yeah. Is there an award for surviving the week? Cause I think I deserve one!
  17. When this week started I wanted it to be Friday already and my wishes have come to pass
  18. You know what Friday is for me? A time to forget about being an adult and just live as a child
  19. Read my lips: Friday should be the only day in the week, only day.
  20. My alarm clock is already turned off. I do not want any interruption to my sleep this night
  21. Happy to throw everything in this week behind me and party like I don’t have a worry in life anymore
  22. I’d be happy if the weekend would be twice as long as the week
  23. I went through hell this week and Friday is my salvation
  24. Happy is an understatement for what Friday is to me.
  25. You wanna know what’s truly Happy about this Friday? There’s a national holiday on Monday
  26. I have no plans for the weekend but who needs to create a plan?
  27. Imagine if we worked on Saturdays. There would be nothing Happy about Fridays
  28. Can’t believe the weekend is here already. Oh, I actually believe it. I fasted and prayed for it. Hahaha 
  29. For how quickly Friday came, let’s hit the bar. First two rounds are on me
  30. Oh, the joy of Fridays. Chills, literal chills

30 Flirty Responses to “Happy Friday”

how to respond to happy friday

Do you want to spice up your reply with some flirtatious comments? Here are 30 flirty responses to “Happy Friday” that you can use:

  1. I have got just the perfect date night planned if you will be willing to join me for tonight
  2. This just brightened my day. I’d hope you will make the weekend like that also
  3. I am now looking forward to some fun this weekend, with you obviously
  4. Can we move it from Friday to Fri-yay?
  5. Hope you know that being with you is my favorite thing to do every weekend.
  6. I have always wondered what it would be like to be in your arms all weekend
  7. If you have made plans for the weekend, I’d like to be fixed into it
  8. Oh, so today is Friday? Well, you make every day feel like Friday for me
  9. Allow me and I will make this weekend one that you will never forget in a hurry
  10. It is even a happier Friday now that you said it
  11. Talking with you is simply the thing I want to do this weekend
  12. Happy Friday to my favorite person
  13. Wanna know what I like about Fridays? You come over and I get to cuddle up all day
  14. The best part of my Fridays is you. Why? Come home tonight and you’ll find out
  15. Coming from my “Weekend Highlight,” it already feels like I am going to be the happiest man in all of New York today
  16. Would be a happy Friday if we spent the night under the sheets
  17. What do you say we make it a date night? Not sure I’d be doing anything after the close of work
  18. You should know that I have been waiting all week to see you
  19. This message just made it perfect
  20. You are the reason I am happy it is Friday
  21. I have got a feeling this weekend would be a lovely one already
  22. When do you come over, tonight or tomorrow morning?
  23. Only happy since you are going to be in it
  24. You can make it a happy one truly by coming over tonight
  25. Permit me to spoil you this weekend. That’s all I want to do
  26. Can we be together and make up for the time we stayed apart during the week?
  27. I’ve got plans for you. Really naughty plans
  28. I have not forgotten you said you will be spending the weekend. I hope you won’t be giving me excuses today
  29. You and I, Netflix and Pizza, tell me what else is the perfect combo for the weekend
  30. Show me how happy it can be

Is Happy Friday Professional?

Happy Friday may not be considered professional in certain circles and companies but then it is a friendly and positive way to acknowledge the end of the workweek. 

If you are not sure whether your company allows “Happy Friday” to be used as a professional greeting or salutation, it is best you stick to other formal ways of greeting or sending well wishes.

When you need to say “Happy Friday” in a professional way or while sending an email, I have a list of suggestions to show you.

How to Say Happy Friday in an Email

The following are suggestions on how to say “Happy Friday” in an email or while trying to be professional:

Hope You Are Having A Wonderful Friday 

When it is still Friday and you want to salute them, you can ask them how their Friday is going with a statement like this.

For example:


Hope you are having a wonderful Friday.

I am writing to inform you that we have sent the last batch of products to the client in Boston.

Kind Regards.

Cheers to a Fabulous Friday 

Another good way to say “Happy Friday” in an email or in a professional setting is to say “Cheers to a fabulous Friday.” You could be talking to a colleague or superior and as part of your greetings, use this statement.

For example:

You asked me to send you the report on our Q2 campaign. I just did that.

Cheers to a fabulous Friday.


Hope Your Friday is Starting Off Nicely

This is another example of how you can begin your greeting instead of “Happy Friday” when sending an email.

Hope your Friday is off to a great start,

I am reaching out from the marketing department because we have not received a notification from you about how the budget was determined.

I hope to hear from you before the close of work today.

Yours Faithfully,

Nora from Marketing.

Do Have a Lovely Weekend 

This statement works well as an alternative to “Happy Friday” when you need it to be a closing remark. Either as a way of closing your email or saying goodbye to someone on Friday.


I know you are buzzing for the weekend but before you close your tabs and shut down your computers, I need you to prepare the proposal for Altech and send them over.

Also, give me a report on how far you and your team have gone with the bulletin publication.

Do have a lovely weekend.

Enjoy Your Friday To The Max

Finally, you can tell someone to enjoy their Friday to the max when you are trying to sound professional. Here’s how you can do it:

  • I know you are buzzing for the weekend. Here’s to wishing you enjoy your Friday to the max
  • Enjoy your Friday to the max and don’t forget that you still haven’t sent the documents I told you to analyze

Final Thoughts 

There’s no way you will be stuck for ideas when you want to respond to someone who tells you “Happy Friday.” I am confident there are enough options for you to choose from depending on any scenario you find yourself in.

how to respond to happy friday

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