20 Snappy Comebacks to “Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish”


“Good riddance to bad rubbish” is an idiom and it is used to express the feeling of relief or satisfaction at the departure of someone or something that is not wanted.

It could be used while referring to a person or thing. When someone or something has been a burden or nuisance, we want to get rid of them quickly. If it happens, we can use the statement “Good riddance to bad rubbish” to express the feeling.

We typically use “Good riddance to bad rubbish” when talking about the end of toxic relationships, when we stop an unproductive habit, or after the end of a challenging phase of life.

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How You Can Use Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish in a Sentence

The following sentences will show you how you can use the idiom during your conversations:

  1. Jane and Nate finally broke up and all I can say is that’s good riddance to bad rubbish.
  2. John said he was fired from his job. I wonder why he’s feeling bad about the situation, seeing it is good riddance to bad rubbish.
  3. I know you are sad and all but trust me, in a couple of weeks you’ll see that this was worth it. She was bad rubbish and this is a good riddance.
  4. Your computer really began to act up while you were on leave and we just had to get rid of it. I dare say it is good riddance to bad rubbish as the replacement is super cool.
  5. You’ve been holding on for too long, I just thought it was the right time to get rid of that bad rubbish of a person.

20 Snappy Comebacks to “Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish”

Good Riddance to You Too 

Starting mildly, you can respond to someone’s “Good riddance to bad rubbish” remark with “Good riddance to you too.” This means you see them as bad rubbish too and you are as happy as they are in cutting ties. It is easy to underestimate this response but if the other person was only saying “Good riddance to bad rubbish” in the spur of the moment, this supposed mild comeback would do a lot of substantial damage. Trust me.

  • Right back at you.
  • I should raise a glass to celebrate this riddance. It is well-deserved.

Only Rubbish That’s Being Rid Of Is You

Snappy Comebacks to Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

Another good comeback to use when someone tells you “Good riddance to bad rubbish” is to let them know that in the current circumstance, they are the actual rubbish. You can tell them that “Only rubbish that’s being rid of is you.” If they think they can turn on you, this response puts your feelings right back up, serving them their own medicine.

  • Nah, bro. The only bad rubbish that’s getting rid of is you
  • You are wrong my bro. You are the bad rubbish and I am done with you

Funny How I Expected So Much But You’ve Proved Why Some People Are Truly Undeserving

We can’t deny the fact that there are times when we trust people and they turn out to be complete bundles of frustration and vexation. When you are tired of the back and forth with such people and you decide to leave them, they may say “Good riddance to bad rubbish” and in such a context, you can respond with “Funny how I expected so much but you’ve proved why some people are truly undeserving.”

This is a good way to hit hard at someone who wasn’t worth the opportunity of friendship or association you offered them. Other ways you can say this are listed below:

  • Thanks for letting me know that you are among the millions of people who shouldn’t be trusted with access
  • I do not blame you one bit. I now know the Bible wasn’t wrong when it said do not give pearls to pigs

Not Everyone With A Brain Makes Use Of It And You Are A Prime Example

Not everyone with a brain makes use of it and you are a prime example” is going to deal a heavy blow on the individual if you deliver it articulately. Calling them a prime example of people who don’t use their brains is sick. Even as a joke, I never want to be told I don’t use my brain.

  • I honestly thought I wouldn’t find foolish people in Florida but cheers to being the first.

Whatever You Think I Am, You Turned Me Into 

Another comeback to “Good riddance to bad rubbish” credits the individual who turned you into whatever they now make of your personality. For instance, you can tell a partner “Whatever you think I am, you turned me into” when they call you bad rubbish maybe as they break up.

  • Oh dear, are you sad about it? But you made me this way.
  • Thanks to you. I am what you say because you treated me the way you did.

I Love The Transformation In Thought. Keep That Energy For Real 

In the heat of emotional outbursts, someone may say “Good riddance to bad rubbish”  you can always use this response. Imagine someone who said you were the best thing that has happened to them claiming you are bad rubbish. Sad, yeah?

  • I moved from “Significant Other” to “Bad Rubbish.” That’s incredible.
  • The way your thoughts about me has shifted, I hope you won’t regret it later.

Never Knew I Had Become So Bad, So Much That It Gladens You To Get Rid Of Me 

Another comeback to “Good riddance to bad rubbish” is “Never knew I had become so bad, so much that it gladens you to get rid of me.” This response may not have the sting you would want but if the person you are talking with is someone whom you share a deep emotional attachment with, you are going to trigger some remorse.

  • I used to be your Happiness. Now, I am what? Bad rubbish? Cool.
  • To think you are so happy about getting rid of my shows you were deceiving me all along.

When You Grow Up, You’ll Realize How Dumb You Are 

A lot of terms when I need a comeback on someone, one area I like to target is to question their intelligence and immaturity. This response, “When you grow up, you’ll realize how dumb you are” draws from that source. If someone tells you “Good riddance to bad rubbish,” express your surprise about their lack of maturity.

  • Looks deceive quite right but you could have made an exemption. How can you be all grown yet immature?
  • Your toes are bigger than your IQ. That’s how dumb you are.

Your Opinion About Me Proves You Are A Shallow-Minded Person 

Further into attacks on their intelligence, when someone says “Good riddance to bad rubbish,” an interesting comeback you can say in response is “Your opinion about me proves you are a shallow-minded person.” Anything they say about you from this point can be easily countered since you’ve already established their dullness based on their perception of you.

I Don’t Expect You To Value People Since You Place No Value On Yourself 

When a boss who’s letting you go says “Good riddance to bad rubbish,” you can hit them with a response like “I don’t expect you to value people since you place no value on yourself.” You won’t be in their good books but you would have salvaged some points before leaving.

It’s No Surprise That You Would Say That, Considering The People You’ve Encountered Throughout Your Life

Another general use case response to “Good riddance to bad rubbish” is “It’s no surprise that you would say that, considering the people you’ve encountered throughout your life.” As I stated, you can use this when talking to just about anyone who expresses excitement about losing you. This attacks them and their choice of association.

  • Not surprised you’d say that – your whole life has been full of sorry, daft people.
  • You have never met a high-value individual, so I expected this.

Is That What You Are Using To Justify This? How Foolish 

People say “Good riddance to bad rubbish” when they are trying to justify their actions which must have driven the person away. If you are sure this is the case, you can respond with “Is that what you are using to justify this? 

You Don’t Have The Right To Say That Because You Are A Disaster Of A Person And Everyone Agrees 

This response fits in the workplace environment but it can be used anywhere. “You don’t have the right to say that because you are a disaster of a person and everyone agrees” is a good comeback to “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” If it wasn’t obvious to them already, you can cite what everyone thinks about them. The bitter, the better.

  • You should ask around. People have negative opinions about you.
  • I should be the least of your worries. You are a terrible person to so many others.

Nah, I Am The One Leaving You For More Relevant And Important People. Can’t Waste My Life And Time With People Like You 

When someone says “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” This response would be excellent for partners, friends, and anyone you are leaving who isn’t worth it. You should try it out next time someone makes such comments.

I’d Be Surprised If You Acted Any Differently. Such A Low Life, Ugh!

I’d be surprised if you acted any differently. Such a low life, ugh!” is another part of a response you can use when someone tells you “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” I got the idea from someone who I feel is a master at winning arguments with insults that hit below the belt. This response is an attack on the person’s personality without any direct attempt at pinpointing a flaw.

You Can’t Help Making A Beast Out Of Yourself. Pathetic 

Snappy Comebacks to Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

This response will get the person thinking about themselves. I recommend you use it when referring to your friend or spouse. This will come in handy if there is a heated situation that leads to a “Good riddance to bad rubbish” remark.

  • As usual, you show why people always leave your life.
  • Why am I not surprised? Nobody wants to stay around you.

You Should Be Asking Why You Picked Up Garbage In The First Place 

You should be asking why you picked up garbage in the first place” is a snappy comeback to “Good riddance to bad rubbish” that questions why the person supposedly stooped low to be with someone they now think is “bad rubbish.” This is an exceptional one to use on your girlfriend/boyfriend.

  • Try not to pick up garbage next time.
  • What were you doing in the refuse dump to pick it up?

Life Truly Is Difficult For The Blind

Life truly is difficult for the blind” can be sent in the direction of anyone who says “Good riddance to bad rubbish.” This establishes your value amid whatever chaos that’s going on which led to the original statement. If they think you are bad rubbish, then they must be blind. I have listed some ideas:

  • Can’t be responsible for your optical impairment.
  • I know, right? When you are blind, you shouldn’t be expected to know what things are.

Things Become Bad Rubbish When They Have Bad Owners

Snappy Comebacks to Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

When your partner lets go of you with a “Good riddance to bad rubbish” remark, you can let them know that “Things become bad rubbish when they have bad owners.” There are a lot of scenarios where this response can be used aside from a love affair that has gone sour. You can use it with your team lead, a boss at the office, and even a parent.

I Know Your Brain Cells Are Too Immature To Understand The Concept Of Self-Respect And Boundaries 

Let’s wrap up this list of snappy comebacks to “Good riddance to bad rubbish” with a response that’s surely going to sting, “I know your brain cells are too immature to understand the concept of self-respect and boundaries.” Sometimes, you may be leaving a relationship, a conversation, or a job because you want to maintain your value. Not everyone will understand this. Hence, this response will do some damage.

Before You Go

Don’t let anyone get the better of you. When you are called bad rubbish, you’ll need something special to hit the back. Trust these 20 snappy comebacks to “Good riddance to bad rubbish” to help you strike nicely or as below the belt as possible.

Snappy Comebacks to Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

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