How to Respond to “Good Night”: 150 Great Responses!


When someone tells you goodnight, the most common response would be a good night. However, we can spice up our conversations a little bit such that instead of replying goodnight we could say something more interesting or creative.

In this article on how to respond to goodnight, I have highlighted a wide range of suggestions that you can use to make your reply engaging and less boring.

For easy navigation, I have divided the suggestions into five different categories including responding to goodnight from your boyfriend or husband, from your girlfriend or wife, from a crush, from a colleague, from an acquaintance, and witty responses to good night.

All of these responses I get towards ensuring that you do not just give the usual response when somebody tells you goodnight. Without further ado, let me walk you through the recommendations I’ve come up with.

How to Respond to Good Night from Boyfriend/Husband

How to Respond to Good Night

When your boyfriend or husband tells you good night just before going to bed, here are a couple of statements you can use in response:

  1. Sleep well my darling, and I will be right here when you wake up
  2. Do sleep well, Babe. You have a long day tomorrow and I need you refreshed and active to smash the day like you always will
  3. Can’t you stay up through another episode? I know you are tired. If you can’t it is fine, My Love
  4. Even though I would be sleeping beside you, dream of me
  5. Thanks for helping me tuck the kids in. You are even more of a helper than I am
  6. Please, tell me you shut the front door. You didn’t? You have to do it before you sleep. I can’t go downstairs now
  7. Did you set the alarm for 6 am or do you want us to sleep until noon tomorrow?
  8. Thankfully, I am sweet and nice in the dream so you can dream of me.
  9. Would you still want to sleep if I told you that I’ve got strength for you, my king?
  10. If you can just stay awake for 2 minutes I’d like to show you something
  11. I love doing life with you, my prince. Sleep as I know I’d get another chance to continue doing life with you. Good night
  12. Hey Lovie, sleeping so early. I understand you need to. I was only pulling your legs, my love
  13. I know you have to go to work tomorrow. But can’t you wait for me to feel sleepy too before you go to bed?
  14. Today, I remember the time when we were courting and you told me that you couldn’t wait to tell me goodnight and then we slept together. Well, dreams do come true, don’t you think?
  15. Thank you for the lovely day you ensured that I have. I find myself wondering how privileged I am to have you as my husband. Enjoy your sleep hubby
  16. I guess that means I have to go to bed or do you want to sleep without your Baby?
  17. Let’s say a quick prayer before you begin your journey to the dreamland
  18. Wait for me. Carry me upstairs. I want to join you in bed
  19. Alright Love. I’ll join you soon. I promise I won’t be long
  20. Yeah sure you have to get enough rest ahead of your big day tomorrow
  21. You should get enough rest. Your brain will need it for your test tomorrow
  22. Are you still going for the 8:00 a.m. appointment or did you succeed in postponing it? I need to be sure so that you don’t sleep beyond the time you’re supposed to wake up
  23. I would have forced you into a late-night activity but I can tell that you’re very tired so I just let you be for tonight
  24. You don’t have to feel guilty about who’s going to babysit the baby. I’ll do that myself
  25. Make sure you shower before getting on my bed
  26. Just to appreciate you, I’d be preparing something lovely for you for breakfast in the morning
  27. You were so helpful to me today and I just thought I should let you know how grateful I am about it. I always feel unworthy and genuinely privileged to be your wife/girlfriend
  28. Be careful as you walk up the stairs. Don’t miss your footing cause your eyes are already looking too heavy
  29. Just so you know, It is almost morning but I guess the remaining hours will be enough for you to rest. Sleep well, Babe
  30. I have been waiting for that. Alright, go to bed, darling. I think you should have been asleep a long while ago

How to Respond to Good Night from Girlfriend/Wife

If your girlfriend or spouse tells you goodnight, here are some ways you can respond:

How to Respond to Good Night

  1. My baby girl wants to sleep? Oh dear, all right. Have a Night full of please, my sweet
  2. I would have said you should dream about me but since you’ve already had enough of my trouble for the day just sleep well
  3. Time for one of my favorite pastimes – watching you sleep
  4. Since I’m right beside you I guess you would not have any difficulty dreaming about me
  5. When you wake up tomorrow, I promise to love you harder than I did today
  6. You don’t have to worry cuz I am here and I will be here when you wake up
  7. Wait for me in your dreams because I promise to be by your side always so I should also be in your dreams too
  8. Rest now, my angel. Sleep as beautifully as the queen that you are, my queen
  9. I’ve been waiting for this time since I get to spoon with you, my baby. Or do you want to sleep without spooning?
  10. Sleep my dear and when you wake up I hope you have all of the energy you need to face your day
  11. What should I do to make your night rest lovely? Do you want a more comfortable duvet or should I put on the mural lights?
  12. Having you sleep beside me every night feels like a dream too good to be true. I feel lucky to have you in my life darling. Sleep tight knowing that I’ll  always love you
  13. You really need rest, my dear. Should I give you a light massage to help you fall asleep?
  14. I know I don’t give you enough credit or support you around the house but best believe I love you and I am grateful for the sacrifices you make for me and the kids. Sleep tight, honey.
  15. Have you finished your night rituals? Gather yourself my angel and do it
  16. Should I sing you a lullaby oh I forgot you don’t like my voice.
  17. You can expect me to do the dishes and prepare the kids for school so you don’t have to worry about waking up early
  18. Let me give you a hug just before you go to bed so you don’t miss me too much
  19. Lucky for you I’ll be right next to you as I’ve always promised you
  20. Never have I regretted loving you and tonight as you sleep, I want you to know that you are the best decision I made
  21. Anyone who wakes up last makes dinner tomorrow night
  22. You finally decide it is time to sleep, eh?
  23. And let’s hope that you do not wake up with that attitude in the morning
  24. Another episode of this movie won’t crucify you, my dear
  25. If you don’t stay with me the bed box will bite you and it’s your flesh
  26. You’ve got just me and you want to leave me and go to bed. That’s really cool though
  27. You think you can run from this argument by going to bed early? But being your dreams to continue
  28. Because I’m the man of your dreams doesn’t mean you should leave me and go to bed all the time
  29. Why wouldn’t you want to sleep early? I knew you were cheating on me with someone else. Yes, the one you found in your dream
  30. I knew you couldn’t stay up past 9:00 p.m. I was even happy you were still up. I enjoyed it while you lasted

Witty and Sarcastic Responses to Good Night

Why not add a sarcastic or witty remark to a good night response? If you want to do just that comma I have a handful of suggestions to give:

  1. Some of us don’t follow the early to bed, early to rise idea. When it is time to be up we are up
  2. The bed bugs will bite and it is nothing more than you deserve
  3. I hope this sleep gives you the solutions we need
  4. Be gone, you peasant
  5. Oh great. It is good that you didn’t just sleep off tonight
  6. So what? Come on, get going, can
  7. Are you expecting that I’d come to sing a lullaby? Go to bed already
  8. Are you saying it so I can come tuck you in bed and give you a forehead kiss?
  9. Why, weren’t you planning on reading all through the night? Oh, you finally realized that sleep respects no one
  10. Good. Cuz I was no longer understanding what the heck you were saying
  11. You see this is what separates successful people like us from you lots. Goodnight anyway
  12. Are you fed up with this conversation or do you really want to go to bed?
  13. Sleep is for the weak but I’m not surprised you want to sleep now
  14. What do you want to do? Sleep? Nobody became rich sleeping at night, just so you know
  15. Is there a price for sleeping early at night? Cuz I don’t understand why you want to be sleeping by this time
  16. You better have something else to do offline cuz how can you say goodnight by 7:00 p.m.?
  17. Who will be watching over you tonight? I know God won’t, you sinner
  18. You are definitely going to be having nightmares because of your evils
  19. Save me the pleasantries and go to bed, boy
  20. Like telling me goodnight would make any difference.

How to Respond to Good Night from a Colleague

When your colleague at work says good night, there are a handful of things you can say to them. These are some of the suggestions I can recommend:

  1. It is the only thing we can do right now because I don’t see us making any progress today
  2. See you at work tomorrow and make sure you come very early
  3. Would you be driving to work tomorrow so I could tag along?
  4. You’re definitely going to have a good night I have to think about how to finish up my own part of the presentation
  5. I wonder how I’m going to have a good night knowing that I have to face the bosses tomorrow
  6. Yes the weekend is over and we are back to working round the clock again
  7. Oh well. Look forward to seeing you at work tomorrow
  8. Can you extend my regards to the family and I’ll see you tomorrow
  9. What’s the uniform for tomorrow? I seem to have forgotten
  10. Alright. We can continue tomorrow. There’s no problem at all
  11. If you get to work before me, please make sure you clock in the progress we have made
  12. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and morning promises to be stressful. So, get enough rest
  13. Just to be on the safe side, take the document we need for tomorrow and put it in your work bag so that you don’t take any chances. Please do that before you sleep
  14. You deserve to rest. To get all of the rest you need because tomorrow does not promise to be less easy
  15. I wish you didn’t have to go to work tomorrow but then we are going again

How to Respond to Good Night from an Acquaintance

When you recently met someone or you’re talking to somebody who is a regular acquaintance, these are some of the ways you can respond to their good night message:

  1. Thank you. Do have a good night as well
  2. Yes, byeee. See you in school tomorrow
  3. Wishing you the same
  4. Okay. Sleep well. Thank you for keeping me company
  5. Thanks, Bryan. Try not to let them bed bugs bite
  6. I’d be up for awhile. So, yeah, bye, and have a lovely rest
  7. Alright, stay safe and be good
  8. Oh well, thank you for spending the time with me
  9. We can kick off from here if you are still interested
  10. It was a pleasure. Thank you. Good night
  11. I’m also heading to bed now. Have a good night!
  12. You should rest since you complained about body aches and headaches
  13. You too Jake. Sleep tight
  14. Yep. You too. We’ll talk later
  15. Oh, you have to sleep? That’s fine. Have a blissful night’s sleep

Responses to Good Night from Your Crush

If you have a crush, you might want to spice up your good night responses to let them know what you think about them. The following are some of the best ideas I can recommend:

  1. Do text me when you wake up cause I’ll be expecting, xoxo
  2. Thank you for the really splendid time today. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow
  3. Since you’re going to bed, I should too
  4. Even though I wanted to speak with you some more, I get that you have to rest
  5. Okay Momma, sleep well. I’m going to save New York later
  6. I’d be on my pursuits from here on. Catch ya later
  7. God and His angels will be watching over you tonight as I’ve told them how I feel about you
  8. If you have given me permission, I’d be watching over you but I’ll leave that to the angels for now
  9. Yeah. You need to be all refreshed and not grumpy tomorrow
  10. I can’t wait for the night to be over so I get another chance to talk with you. Cheers and sleep well

How to Respond to Good Night Over Text

If you got a goodnight text, the recommendations below are perfect responses you can use. They comprise responses to partners, friends, colleagues, random people, etc:

  1. Good night Hun. I wish I was falling asleep in your arms and not just wishing you a good night
  2. Well, I guess it’s time for me to give you permission to dream about me
  3. Lovely night babe. I’ll be here to stand on business when you wake up tomorrow
  4. Good night BAE. If the bed bugs bite, don’t hesitate to call my phone
  5. Sleep well my love I’m going to have to go save the world
  6. I wish I didn’t have to tell you goodnight over text anymore but I have to manage this for now
  7. I know I’m not there with you but our hearts are joined together and you can rest assured I’m not letting you go. Good night my love
  8. If you need me, I’ll be one call away, my baby. G’night
  9. I wish I was there to kiss you goodnight and tuck you in bed
  10. Even though I’m not physically present with you, I need you to know that I am here and I’ll always be here
  11. Wouldn’t you want to continue the phone we are having in your dreams? Well, if you’re up for it, then I’m done with it
  12. This distance is sincerely killing me but then I guess I just have to say goodnight, Babe
  13. Wishing you the sweetest of light slips. When you wake up tomorrow, you’ll be feeling like the million bucks that you are
  14. I wish there was something I could say other than good night that will make your night rest lovely enough
  15. Is your bed comfy enough or would you want to use mine?
  16. Oh dear come on I wish I could keep you awake but I know you need to rest. Good night my love, sleep well
  17. Just a friendly reminder that you mean the world to me. Keep that in mind as you go to sleep.
  18. You have no idea how much you complete me and I honestly feel privileged to have you in my life darling. So, rest well, and I’ll text you in the morning
  19. Is it bad for me to wish that sleep wasn’t necessary or maybe I should reach to be with you instead, cuddled up as you sleep?
  20. Texting you goodnight is already becoming boring. I want to say it to you with the kiss and you in my arms
  21. I’m going to record a voice note singing a lullaby to you if that’s okay
  22. I love you so much that I always pray for you and even as you sleep tonight you can be sure that I’ll be praying for you
  23. Okay, Goodnight. You should text me once you are up tomorrow, okay?
  24. Good night to the most amazing boyfriend and the whole world. I pray that as you sleep tonight, may you enjoy complete relaxation
  25. If you see any strange girl in your dreams, tell them you’ve got a woman you love. Ain’t that right?
  26. Is there something you want to do tonight or are you really going to bed?
  27. May your night be peaceful and your sleep refreshing. Have a blissful night rest
  28. I wanted to share a few other details with you but if you really want to go to bed it’s fine. Have a lovely night rest
  29. Okay. I’d ensure that everything is ready before you are awake
  30. Cheers and enjoy your sleep

Final Thoughts

Going through all of the recommendations provided, I believe that you found several suitable responses that you can use the next time somebody tells you goodnight. I’m optimistic that the categories covered to find applications in various contexts and scenarios.

It is also important to note that even though these responses are tailored for particular groups of people as highlighted in the categorization, they can still be used when talking to friends, family members, classmates, teammates, and so on.

You might want to save this page or copy some of the responses you like so that you can deploy them easily.

How to Respond to Good Night

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