150 Great Responses to “Good Morning, Beautiful”


If you are looking for the best responses to “Good Morning, Beautiful,” you are going to find 150 examples that can inspire you.

These responses can be used over text, after sleeping over at your boyfriend’s place, in response to your spouse, when a co-worker greets you in the morning at work, when a random person greets you, and so on. I have also added a section for just wit and sarcasm.

50 Perfect Responses to “Good Morning, Beautiful” From Your Boyfriend/Husband 

When your man tells you “Good Morning, Beautiful,” here are 50 ways you can respond:

  1. Hey Love, I am so sorry I didn’t respond quickly. I have this presentation at school that requires some finishing touches. I’ll call you soon.
  2. The absolute love of my life. I hope you are as strong as I need you to be because the love I am bringing your way today is going to be overwhelming
  3. Hey Baby. Did you dream about me? What was it like?
  4. Good morning, my Knight in an armor so shiny it is blinding.
  5. Hey Baby. Guess what day it is today? Of course, it is our anniversary. And you know what? I have the perfect surprise for the man of my dreams
  6. Top of the morning, Love. You always flatter me. Nobody does it better. Muah!!!!
  7. You know, if I have to do life all over again, I’d be happy since I’d do it with you
  8. Good morning, my sparkling dose of bliss and joy. You were up so early. How are you doing?
  9. I could tell you woke up a long time ago to look at me. Felt your eyes piercing through my body. Hope you slept good.
  10. Oh Baby, Come give me a hug. It is a better way to greet me right now
  11. This morning, I woke up happy because I got another chance to show you how much I love you. Good morning, King
  12. Getting a text from you before I wake up is always the high point of my day. Thank you, Lovie, and a Lovely morning to you
  13. My Big Baby. Good Morningggg. I am sure you didn’t sleep well. How would you sleep well when I am not there with you, LOL
  14. Beautiful morning to you. I hope your day is as amazing as your sweet soul. Rise and conquer, my love
  15. You always make me want to talk to you. And I am happy I get the chance to do so every day. Lovely morning, My Bebe
  16. For how long have you been staring at me, hahaha. Good morning Bae
  17. You were something else last night. Just the perfect sleepover for me
  18. Not with the way my hair is scattered. Hahaha.
  19. I knew that was the first message you’d send me after doing me wrong. It won’t suffice. No, it won’t. You’ll have to do more than just hit me with flattery
  20. Stop with the flattery, Baby. Is this what beautiful looks like? Don’t worry. When I make my hair, I’d agree. Muah
  21. You left me hanging last night only to come with this because you knew it would appease me. I am still angry but Good Morning anyways
  22. I didn’t know when you came home. Slept off waiting for you.
  23. I heard the doorknob open last night but was too tired to open my eyes. When you kissed my forehead, I knew it was you and I slept off in that instant. Beautiful morning
  24. What’s a better way to start my morning than waking up next to the man I love? I love you, honey. Happy Tuesday
  25. If I don’t receive any messages today, I know my Baby is going to send one. Lovely morning, darling.
  26. Don’t beautiful me. You didn’t say goodnight to me before you slept off
  27. Good morning, Baby. Could you help me get some items from the mall when you drive back from work? We’re short on some supplies
  28. Waking up beside you is something I always look forward to. You make me fulfilled. Good morning, Habibi
  29. Hey Handsome. If I am really beautiful, take the kids to school. Hahaha
  30. Heyyyy. Going out already? Have the best of days at work, Hun
  31. Good good good morning. At this point, you must be on your way to work. Do have a blast of a day, My Superman
  32. Babe, Good Morning. Today’s open day at Anderson’s school. We are going together, right?
  33. My cuddle bunny. A lovely morning to you. My Bedsheet still smells like you. When are you coming over?
  34. What would my life be if I didn’t get married to you? Thank you, Babe. Good morning
  35. You know what I love about your morning voice? It makes you want to stay wrapped in your arms. Merry Good Morning Love
  36. What’s that smell? You made breakfast. Awwnn. That’s my hubby. Good morning, Babe
  37. Buenos Dias my Heartbeat. You are up so early and dressed up already. I don’t remember you telling me you were going out this early.
  38. Hey Baby. Are you prepared for one of the most remarkable days of your life? Well, Smash it cause you know why? Your queen will be right here waiting for you
  39. Save me the Beautiful talk. Why didn’t you call me before going to bed last night? I stayed up waiting for you like a zombie
  40. G’morning. Are you just waking up? That’s unlike you or did you do something before texting me this morning?
  41. Babe, you won’t believe what happened to your Baby this morning. I didn’t see the forecast and stepped out without an umbrella. I am so drenched
  42. Easy for you to just come this morning to say “Good morning, Beautiful” because you know you’ve offended me
  43. Good Morning, Habibi. Hope you didn’t miss me too much. I’ll be seeing ya soon. Be good, okay?
  44. Oh Sweet. To think that you were the first person I thought about the moment I woke up and your message just popped up before I could pick up my phone
  45. See who’s awake and it is not afternoon yet. Hahaha. Or do you need me to change your diapers, my Big Baby?
  46. Hey Mi’Love. You know I always look forward to your morning messages. I wish that instead of texting back, I could give you a deep, passionate kiss
  47. Another morning with the absolute love of my life and it is nothing but a perfect one. A very good one.
  48. Hi Hubby. Lovely morning to you My Heartbeat. You slept so soundly that I knew you were tired
  49. You, My Love, are past your wake-up time. Look outside, do you see how blazing the sun is? Well, that’s because it is no longer morning. So, get off that bed and into the shower
  50. Wakie Wakie. You’ve slept enough. Remember there’s a lot you and I need to do around the house today

45 Perfect Responses to “Good Morning, Beautiful” From a Co-worker 

You might not want a “Good Morning, Beautiful” from a co-worker. So these are some ways you can respond which can also be used on a general basis:

  1. Andrew, let’s keep things professional. Can we?
  2. Are you fighting with your woman or do you want to get into a fight?
  3. Good morning sir. Good to see you today
  4. A beautiful morning to you, sir. Work should be just fine too
  5. Good morning, my fellow colleague. It is another day at work so let’s make the most of it
  6. Good morning, Moses. My boyfriend sends his regards to you today
  7. I really do not appreciate some of your flirty remarks and I am sure I’ve made it clear enough
  8. My name is Sarah and not Beautiful. Let’s stick to that for the sake of our work relationship
  9. Thanks for the compliment even though I don’t find it appropriate considering the setting. Can we get into the business that brought us here
  10. I know you like to pass compliments but in a corporate society it is not all that appreciated
  11. You let our superiors hear exchanges like this and you will put us in a lot of trouble. Can’t you keep things professional? At least, at the office?
  12. Good Morning Sam. How’s your wife and kids?
  13. Good morning. Should I bring the items you asked for or would you want to get settled first?
  14. Hey girlfriend. You wouldn’t believe what happened. Catch ya over lunch break
  15. Good Morning, Mr. Johnson. Do we have to go over work etiquette every morning? I’d let this one slide though
  16. Good morning, My Gorgeous. This dress is so good on you. You’ll have heads turning today
  17. Wow, Sharon. I’d say you outdid yourself on that outfit. It is simply gorgeous. Good morning and get settled in.
  18. Hey Handsome. While I do not appreciate your flirty remark, I must commend you for the progress you’ve made on the project
  19. Maybe I don’t say it too often, but Charles, we are colleagues at work and I’d appreciate it if you refer to me without any endearing words
  20. Did I just hear what I think I heard you say to me? “Good morning, Beautiful?” That’s a first and it should be the last, thank you
  21. If the word ‘Beautiful’ or any other endearing words escape from your mouth when referring to me, I’ll waste no time in taking up the matter as harassment and you know I don’t just make threats.
  22. Is that the new vocabulary on your flirty boy resource? You better think of something better. I wonder why I am encouraging you. Face your day, please
  23. Good morning Jakes. We are late today and calling me Beautiful isn’t going to keep me from pointing it out. Why are you late?
  24. Lovely morning, yes. What are we doing today aside from the backlog from yesterday which I have cleared?
  25. Maybe I wasn’t clear last night. All that happened was a moment and it is in the past. This is present and present means boss and employee. So, it should be “Good morning, madam or Kate” and not that thing you just said
  26. When you are ready to start holding conversations that don’t pull on any strings, I’d be so happy to interact with you. Anyways, Good morning
  27. It is funny to think that I have repeated this to you so many times but you never listen. Maybe, I’d show you how unappreciative I am of such remarks at work
  28. That didn’t just come out of your mouth. Did it? Woah, it takes guts. I give you credit
  29. Woah, hold your horses, young fellow. Who’s your beautiful? Please, I would appreciate some professionalism and if that’s too much, just respecting me would do
  30. Welcome to work. You saw the update on Jira, right? Get it done and write a letter stating why your way of greeting female office colleagues is downright flirty. Have a great day
  31. When I saw you smiling and approaching, I knew you were up to some mischief, and from your greeting, I could tell where this was going. For both our sakes, let’s not move on with the idea. Good morning and bye
  32. I am going to deny you and anything you have in your head faster than Peter denied Jesus if we are queried for any form of misconduct. It’d be your word against mine and you know who they’ll believe when I play the harassment game. Of course, me!
  33. Just “Good morning” is enough. This is the third time I am telling you this and you are really becoming a thorn in my flesh by insisting on this
  34. I’ve got an idea you are absolutely going to love. Wanna hear it? How bout we skip these rather unpleasant pleasantries and get to work when we come here? Sounds good, right?
  35. That’s a very weird salutation to give your colleague at work. I’ll pass. What brings you to my table this fine Thursday morning
  36. New guy, are we going to have a problem? Because if you continue with the Good morning Beautiful vibe, we are
  37. Tell me you made a mistake that you didn’t mean to say “Beautiful”
  38. John, I am not friends with your wife. She might not get that there’s nothing going on. So, can we keep our relationship as professional as it can be?
  39. Oh please, save me the flattery and sugar-coated words that always come out of your mouth. This is work hours and you should know that. So, get to work. Good morning
  40. For anything, for the fact that I am a married woman, that should give you some fear. Isn’t that enough reason not to be flirty around me?
  41. If you want to have a job and keep seeing this Beautiful, then say Good Morning without adding the word. Is that clear enough?
  42. Texting me with your flattery doesn’t change the fact that you shouldn’t be calling me Beautiful or any of the many endearing words you use. I’d like to keep our relationship as professional as possible
  43. You aren’t going to like my reaction the next time you say Hi to me with such endearing words
  44. Don’t mistake my friendliness for an allowance to be unruly. I am quite a principled person and I do not appreciate such endearment from colleagues
  45. Would it hurt to just say Good Morning? At best, you can mention my name. My name and not beautiful or the other clauses you add to your greetings

20 Perfect Responses to “Good Morning, Beautiful” from Random People 

  1. Oh, thank you. And Good Morning to you
  2. That’s so lovely, sire. Thank you very much. Have a nice, lovely day ahead
  3. Good morning to you too. Wishing you a wonderful day ahead!
  4. That’s so wonderful of you to say. Thank you very much. Top of the morning to you
  5. Hi there. You look really great today. I’d say you
  6. Always saying nice things to people. Thank you, Fred. Have a great day at work today and Good morning
  7. Thank you so much. You have a way to melt my heart every time I come to this cafe. I am always looking forward to what you say about me
  8. This is the sweetest thing I know I’d hear today. Thank you so much. Trust you had a good night
  9. Thanks, mate. Do you work here too? Oh, I thought I knew everyone who works in this building. Nice to meet you
  10. It is a beautiful morning, isn’t it? Let’s hope to make productive use of it. Byee…
  11. You know who else looks beautifully dressed today? You, my dear. Rock on with pride
  12. Oh, please. Don’t start with your flattery today. I wish you a splendid day ahead. Thanks
  13. Who else, if not the one who’s always ready to say Good Morning
  14. What’s that thing you usually say when people leave? Right. Today’s gonna be a great day if you choose to let it. Good morning, Harry.
  15. Good morning, Beautiful. It’s a beautiful day and your smile makes it even more beautiful
  16. If it isn’t the ever-beautiful barista, who else would it be? Trust you are doing as good as this lovely day. Don’t let nobody take your energy, girl
  17. Good morning. Today is sure going to be a lovely one. It’d be indeed lovely, you know
  18. That perfume you are wearing exudes luxury. It has a subtle scent that is hard to miss
  19. Thank you for such a recognition. Good morning. Do have a great day
  20. You are quite a sweet soul. I wish you a day that’s as amazing as you. Cheers

15 Cute to “Good Morning, Beautiful” When it is from Your Crush 

If your crush tells you “Good Morning, Beautiful” either physically or over text, you can respond with the following lines:

  1. Hi. You look like the deal today. I wouldn’t take anything out of this package
  2. This feels like a dream. Umm, sorry if I was being too forward. Good morning.
  3. I’m concerned that this might lead to some trouble for us. Lovely morning though
  4. I’m not certain that I could defend myself if I were to be attacked by an upset girlfriend. Anyways, Good morning
  5. I’d take that as a random compliment just so I steer away from muddy waters
  6. Your salutations are quite tempting but I refuse to succumb. You won’t be the reason I get into trouble
  7. Good morning. Wow. Umm. Are you on your way to class? Can we walk together?
  8. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe you called me Beautiful. That’s really amazing, to say the least
  9. I am literally starstruck. Umm. Good morning to you too. Umm. I guess that’s it
  10. Good morning Sunshine. If I keep getting messages like this from you, I’d be the happiest person in the whole Universe
  11. The way words flow out of your mouth is remarkable. It is like honey poured from a jar. You can feel the taste in your mouth as it drops. Oops, forgive my attempt at poetry. Good morning
  12. What did you just say? Beautiful? You think I am beautiful or are you just a sweet-talker?
  13. If you didn’t mean it, you might as well not use it. Or just say Good Morning so that you don’t raise my expectations and dash them later
  14. Awwwn. That’s so lovely. You are going to make me fall more than I already have
  15. Good morning. I’d have added what’s in my head but let me not expose myself too soon

20 Witty Responses to “Good Morning, Beautiful”

These are some of the witty and sarcastic ways you can respond to “Good Morning, Beautiful:”

  1. Oh yeah. You should say that again
  2. May your day be as beautiful as you think I am (blows kisses)
  3. That’s an understatement. I am not just beautiful. I evoke splendor. Hahaha. Good morning, Buddy
  4. Who’s that? Oh me. Yes, it just has to be me. For a second I thought someone else was trying to take my place
  5. Bow before me, you heathen. How dare you look in the face of the one called “Beautiful.” Hahaha
  6. It is good y’all are learning to appreciate how difficult it must be to be this beautiful. Anyhuu, lovely morning to you and the other earthlings who know this fact
  7. Call me Beautiful and I’ll pay off your student loan. Unhun, all of it. Well, you doubted me so nahh, I won’t be doing that anymore
  8. Since we are doing formals with a touch of affection, Good Morning to you, Habibi
  9. If you cared to look at the timepiece on your wrist or the large clock just down the hall, you’ll realize it is afternoon already
  10. What’s that supposed to mean? Beautiful? Nah. Call me Angelic. I can’t look like this and just be Beautiful
  11. Well, the sun looked on me with its beauty so I decided to just let it shine
  12. Since you’ve acknowledged me, you can expect your day to be as beautiful as it can be
  13. I have been taking care of my skin with some fine skincare products. So, you aren’t wrong to think so. LOL
  14. Wanna know my secret for looking so stunning every day? Well, I don’t bother about what doesn’t concern me. Hahaha 
  15. Your day is going to be as beautiful as you think I am. Can I get an Amen?
  16. Even I am amazed at how effortlessly gorgeous I can be when I want to
  17. You wish you could fall before me, kiss my fingers, and worship, right?
  18. You don’t have to state an obvious fact over and over again. Although, I appreciate your consistency. LOL. Good morning
  19. If it isn’t my best buddy, who else? Aren’t you grateful you are friends with this gorgeousness?
  20. From one Beautiful to another, Good Morning, Beautiful

Final Words

You can save the best that you’ve found or bookmark this page to come back to it when you want responses to “Good Morning, Beautiful.” I am sure you won’t lack creative replies to this greeting with my suggestions.

How to Respond to Good Morning, Beautiful

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