25 Best Responses You Should Give When Someone Says “Drop Dead Gorgeous”


Every woman is going to get told that they are gorgeous at several points in their life. You may have just been told that you are drop-dead gorgeous either by an admirer, a spouse, a colleague, or some random person.

When someone uses the phrase “drop dead gorgeous” to describe something or someone, it generally means they find that person or thing extremely beautiful or attractive.

They are probably telling you that because of your attractive look, outfit, or elegance. To be drop-dead gorgeous means to be so beautiful that it is impossible to be noticed.

If you’re responding to someone who’s used this phrase to describe you or something related to you, here are 25 ideas on how you might reply.

Thank You So Much. I Really Appreciate That

The best response to someone telling you that “you look drop dead gorgeous” is to tell them “thank you.” This is the most acceptable and appropriate response.

Being polite is the best way to reply to any compliment and saying thank you will do the job of showing your appreciation for what you’ve been told. There’s no need to overcomplicate your response.

Here are a few examples to show your appreciation after you get a compliment like this:

  • Thank you very much darling.
  • Several thanks, dear. I truly appreciate that

Oh Wow. You Just Made My Day

how to respond to drop dead gorgeous

Oh Wow. You just made my day” is another response to being called drop-dead gorgeous. The idea is to let them know how their compliment may have changed the direction of your day positively.

This is quite a common response owing to the fact that nice remarks shape our day and so many other outcomes for the better.

Other ways you can respond to drop dead gorgeous as regards your day include:

  • I was having a really bad day but you just made it a lot better
  • That just made my day. Nothing can go wrong from now on.

Really? Why Do You Think So?

Really? Why do you think so?” is a good reply to someone who says you are drop dead gorgeous. Whether it is the first time you are hearing you are drop dead gorgeous or not, you can move from the typical thank you and try to initiate a thoughtful conversation.

I often do this with people I am very close to. If I get a bizarre compliment, while I appreciate them, I humbly try to find out why they think so.

This would make them open up and pinpoint something they think makes you drop dead gorgeous and it can help you appreciate their compliment better.

  • That’s new. Why do you think I look so gorgeous?
  • I do appreciate your compliment. But what’s the reason you feel I am so gorgeous?

You’ve Given Me Butterflies In My Belly

Expressing your excitement is one of the ways to respond to someone who just told you that you are drop dead gorgeous. One of the best ways to express that feeling is to say “You’ve given me butterflies in my belly.

The goal is not to just tell them how their compliment made you feel but to appreciate them for their remarkable use of words.

See the following examples to know how it works:

  • You made me full of excitement. I am finding it difficult to contain my joy
  • You really have a way with words. This compliment has made me happier than I thought I could be

You Know What? I Feel The Same Way About You

I feel the same way about you” is a sweet reply when someone tells you that you are drop dead gorgeous. It isn’t bad to show some courtesy and tell the person who just gave you a lovely compliment the same thing as a reply.

You can tell them how astonishingly beautiful they look instead of just saying you feel the same way about them.

Check out these examples to see other ways you can respond with a similar reply:

  • I was about to say the same thing. You look so gorgeous
  • Now, that makes two of us cause you look dazzling as always

Is There Something You Suppose Made Me That Gorgeous?

Of course, there are many reasons why people may tell you that you are drop dead gorgeous. A good way to respond to a comment like that is to try and find out what made them assume you are.

Politely asking them why they think you are so attractive will help you see from their perspective and aid a better appreciation.

Other examples of a reply like “Is there something you suppose made me that gorgeous” include:

  • Thank you, dear. What do you think made me this gorgeous? I think it’s my hair. Or isn’t it?
  • Is it about my clothes? I didn’t think they were that beautiful

That’s A Very Sweet Gesture. I Love It

When someone compliments you by saying you are drop dead gorgeous, a good way to reply to their nice words is to tell them “that’s a sweet gesture.” Then, you can make references to how much you love what you are told.

By default, anyone saying something nice to you wants to be sure that you like it and you feel good about what they just told you and a reply like this can help you communicate that feeling.

Look at the following examples for more insight:

  • I am deeply touched by that gesture.
  • You had me on that one. That was a very thoughtful gesture

Oh Dear. That’s Cute. I Was Only Trying To Just Look Good

how to respond to drop dead gorgeous

Being modest and full of gratitude is often the best response to give when you get compliments. One of the ways to show modesty and give a response when you are told how beautiful you are is to say “that’s cute. I was only trying to just look good.

From the way I phrased the compliment, you can see that it is not about just pretending to be unassuming but first appreciating the individual who’s trying to elevate your mood.

These examples will further emphasize the point:

  • Goodness me. That’s lovely. I was just trying to appear presentable
  • Oh my, that’s absolutely overwhelming. I simply wanted to look my best. Glad it is good

That’s Very Kind Of You To Say

That’s very kind of you to say” is a polite way to acknowledge someone for calling you drop dead gorgeous. A lot of times people pass compliments to other people not because they want to flatter them but because they are trying to be kind and courteous.

So, telling them about how kind they are to say that to you is a good answer to give. It shows your appreciation without necessarily using the traditional “thank you.

Other ways you can say “that’s very kind of you to say” in response to drop dead gorgeous are outlined below:

  • Your words are truly heartwarming. It is very kind of you to say that
  • I am really happy you said that. You are a kind soul to be so thoughtful

You Just Made Me More Confident

Another way to reply to drop dead gorgeous is to say “You just made me more confident.” I am sure I am not the only one who gets a confidence boost when I am told how good I look.

Nice compliments make me feel safe and I know you’ll feel that way when you are told you look drop dead gorgeous.

If you do, you can respond to the compliment with an expression of how they’ve made you more confident and probably add why it was important.

For inspiration on how to respond in this regard, see the following examples:

  • I wasn’t so confident about my looks but this has given me the boost I needed
  • Something in me wants to disagree with you but you seem pretty honest and I’ll take that. It is the best thing I can hear today

You Always Make Me Happy. Thank You So Much

If the person who told you how gorgeous you look always tries to make you feel good with such nice comments, you can craft your response in a way that appreciates their efforts.

You can use the main example to sum up how their lovely compliments have always made you feel good or say something like “You just made me really happy” in response to the present comment. Don’t forget to sprinkle in some appreciation.

Check out the following examples to give you ideas:

  • You never cease to wow me with your compliments. I appreciate all of them
  • I can’t help but smile whenever you are around. You know the right words and effortlessly make me happy

And That’s Thanks To You. You Deserve Some Credit For Your Efforts Too

People who contributed to how gorgeous you look may want to express their thoughts and make you feel good about it. “And that’s thanks to you. You deserve some credit for your efforts too” is how you can reply to their comments.

From the way this reply is phrased, you know it is directed to your makeup artist or hairstylist who’s trying to compliment you.

Also, it could be someone who paid for the makeup session. So long as the person contributed to your current look, a good response will be to appreciate them for their contribution.

These remarks will help you understand better:

  • I owe it to you. Thank you so much for your contributions
  • That’s so lovely. I wouldn’t have been possible without you

Wow. This Is A Lot Coming From You

You know that feeling when someone you hold in high esteem says something nice to you, right? It can be a lot and you may want to say something that truly communicates how much the compliment means to you.

One of the ways you can express appreciation is to say “this is a lot coming from you.

For other ways to respond to drop dead gorgeous, here are a few examples:

  • I feel so valued sir. Thank you very much
  • This is unbelievable coming from you, ma. I holds your words in high esteem

You Just Made Me Fall In Love With This Dress. I Thought It Wasn’t Good Enough

Because being called drop dead gorgeous may be from how good your dress looks, you can respond by saying “you just made me fall in love with this dress.

It may not be as unassuming as the main example. You can say “Oh thank you. I could do with some validation for the dress.

And if the dress is not why the person thinks you are drop dead gorgeous, they will be forced to say exactly why they feel so and you can get the confidence boost you need.

The following examples show how you can use a response like this:

  • You’ve made me fall head over heels with this dress. I must say I underestimated its appeal
  • I didn’t give myself enough credit for it. Thank you for your sweet words

I Never Thought I Was Anything Close To Gorgeous. It Feels Special To Hear This

Some compliments can be unexpected and if you truly were not expecting to be told you look drop dead gorgeous, then you can say “I never thought I was anything close to gorgeous. It feels special to hear this” as a reply.

While it may look like you may have low self-esteem, there’s no harm in expressing yourself to someone in this light who already thinks highly of you.

You can try out the following examples:

  • I never considered myself beautiful. You have no idea how you just made me feel
  • It is truly awe-inspiring to hear that from you. I didn’t think I had any form of physical appeal

Awwn! I Am Absolutely Excited. This Is Unreal

Your excitement is enough response to anyone who tells you that you are drop dead gorgeous. You can tell “I am absolutely excited. This is unreal” while doing the girly giggle.

The reason your physical excitement is quintessential is because you can’t be talking about being excited and your body language says you really don’t care.

So, both have to be in tandem for a response like this to be worth sharing. Other ways to craft your response have been provided below:

  • Oh my goodness. I am thrilled beyond words. I can’t believe you see me that way
  • Oh dear. I am trying hard to contain my joy. You have no idea what you just did

I Am Really Flattered. Thank You So Much

I know we often associate flattery with the negative connotation of insincere praises but that’s not all it is about.

Someone trying to make you feel honored and pleased is what flattery is about and if they tell you that you are drop dead gorgeous, you can reply with “I am flattered” and then follow it up with sincere words of gratitude.

If they are succeeding at it, you can answer their drop dead gorgeous compliment by stating how you are flattered by their comments while appreciating them.

Some may try to tell you how they aren’t trying to flatter you cause they are being sincere. Use the education you just got to let them know you understand and that you weren’t referring to what they were doing in the negative sense.

Here are other ways you can say how flattered you are after been told you are drop dead gorgeous:

  • I am quite flattered by your words. They are uplifting and I am grateful
  • So honored by your kind compliment. It is incredibly satisfying

I Don’t Think I Look That Good. You Are Very Nice But I’ll Take That. Thank You

Not every compliment comes from a place of sincerity and you can respond with “I don’t think I look that good but thank you” to anyone who wants to use negative flattery on you.

It is not hard to detect flattery, especially when it is from guys. Boys will go to any extent and say anything to get a woman they like. I know this because I am a guy as well. Sometimes, it is downright flattery and while you can try to be accommodating, be quick to dismiss such unnecessary attitudes.

There’s no point lavishing inaccurate compliments on someone because you want to sweep them off their feet. Appreciate them for their compliment but make it clear you don’t think you are that good.

It is important to also cite that you shouldn’t be all dismissing when you get compliments as some people may be actually trying to put a smile on your face.

Refer to the following examples for added guidance:

  • That’s nice of you to say but that’s too much a compliment.
  • Some sincerity would be really appreciated. Thank you anyways.

That’s So Sweet Of You. Thanks For Noticing It Too

Suppose you go out and more than one person tells you that you are drop dead gorgeous, you can say “that’s so sweet of you. Thanks for noticing it too” to the second person or anyone after the first person.

This answer appreciates the individual for being sweet and thoughtful while noting they weren’t the first. It could spark further conversations and if the person is really sure how drop dead gorgeous you are, they could sing your praises some more.

The following examples can be used as well:

  • You are the third person saying this to me. I really appreciate your kindness
  • Goodness, you feel that way too. Thank you so much.

I Really Appreciate That. There’s A Bizarre Story Behind It

A thoughtful reply to someone who says you look drop dead gorgeous is “I really appreciate that. There’s a bizarre story behind it.”

This adds a little more depth to your reply as you are not just appreciating them but interested in telling them something crazy that you had to do or an event that occurred that may have led to their alluring look.

You won’t do this with just any admirer or regular acquaintance passing you a compliment. It is something for people you must have built a rapport with that may effortlessly relate to your gist.

Here are a few ways you can use this response:

  • Girl, you need to know what happened at the makeup studio. I almost had my hair burnt
  • Thank you so much. It is funny now cause something really happened

It’s Been A Long Time Since Someone Told Me Something That Really Made Me Blush. Thanks

You are definitely going to blush if you are told you look beautiful. Hence, a perfect response would be admitting you haven’t blushed in awhile and the person has succeeded in making you do so.

It also doesn’t matter if that’s the first time, as long as they made you blush, you can appreciate them for doing so. Thank them and add that they made you blush.

For clarity, here are a couple of ways to phrase your response:

  • I honestly can’t remember the last time someone made me blush. Thank you so much
  • It’s been awhile since someone’s words got to me in this manner. It is so kind of you. Thank you

OMG. I Am Really Speechless. I’ve Got No Idea What To Say

One of my go-to responses for bizarre compliments is “I am really speechless. I have no idea what to say.

I typically use this line when I get a compliment that I feel I do not deserve. It is not really about not knowing what to say, it is about not being sure whether my response would be cool enough to match the impact of the compliment.

Drop dead gorgeous is quite a bizarre compliment and if you want to send a reply that captures your excitement and appreciation, “I do not know what to say” is a good one.

Check out the following suggestions for better ways to use this reply:

  • I am genuinely lost for words. The only thing coming to mind is Thank you.
  • Oh my. I am utterly dumbfounded. What am I gonna say?

That’s Downright Lovely To Hear. I Guess I Got Lucky Today

That’s downright lovely to hear. I guess I got lucky today” is another way to respond to drop dead gorgeous, especially if you are someone who rarely gets compliments about how attractive you are.

When it happens, your mind starts to ponder over something that may have prompted your appealing look.

Instead of saying you got lucky, you can mention what it was. It could be that you dyed your hair, tried a new makeup routine, or adopted a skincare formula.

If you still don’t get the idea, the examples below will explain better:

  • Luck smiled on me cause no one had told me I look drop dead gorgeous before
  • I rarely get compliments about being beautiful. It is amazing.

Well, That Means My Makeup Artist Did A Great Job. Thank You

As a response to drop dead gorgeous, you can say “that means my makeup artist did a great job” which gives credit to the person who made you look that beautiful.

Depending on what the person says is the reason you are looking that gorgeous or what you think the reason is, it can help to inform your response in this manner.

If it was your clothing, you could say “I spent the whole summer looking for something like this” or “I saw this hairstyle idea on Pinterest and I thought it would look good on me” if it was your hairdo.

Whichever thing it is, this idea aims to acknowledge a person or an event that made your gorgeous look possible.

I Know, Right. Hahahaha

You can say “I know, right” in response to a friend who tells you how gorgeous you are.

Sometimes I like to be sassy when my friends pass me a compliment. They could be like “Bro, you look so good” and I could hit them with a bizarre “Yea, I know.” It gets them all the time.

I only recommend you use this one on friends and people who understand that you are only trying to be sarcastic and not proud.

You can refer to these examples for more inspiration:

  • I get that a lot and you know it, man. Hahaha
  • I am aware. What else?

Every response I’ve provided in this piece has an undertone of appreciation, except the last point which is supposed to be a funny response.

how to respond to drop dead gorgeous

This shows that in trying to reply to drop dead gorgeous as a compliment, the first thing that must be in place is a heart of gratitude. It is from that point, you can accurately come up with befitting replies.

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