20 Best Responses to Give When Someone Says “Drive Safely”


If you are going on a trip or about to drive off somewhere, loved ones or people around would tell you “Drive safely.” They are using this phrase to express their care and concern for your safety while driving. 

If you are not sure how to respond, I created this resourceful guide to show you some of the best responses to ‘drive safely’ that will communicate your gratitude, adherence, or sarcasm – depending on whatever angle you want to tilt towards. 

Oh, Thank You. I Will Do Just That 

One of the simplest responses to ‘drive safely’ that I highly recommend is saying “thank you”. Showing appreciation is a good way to respond to any compliment or wish and there are other ways you can go about doing that:

  • I appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern. I will drive carefully 
  • Thank you for always looking out for me. I am sure going to drive safely 

Well, You Know I Am A Grandma Kind Of Driver 

Best Responses to Drive Safely

When someone tells you to “drive safely,” consider responding with a cheeky “Well, you know I drive like a grandma.” This response implies that you are a careful driver, just like a typical grandma. It’s a great way to reassure your well-wishers that you take road safety seriously and that they can trust you to drive confidently and responsibly.

  • I will take my time and drive carefully, like Grandma Lois 
  • No need to worry, I’ll be driving like a grandma 

You Don’t Have To Worry About Me. I’ll Be Fine 

The person telling you to drive safely may be doing that out of genuine, deep concern for your well-being while you drive. For this kind of people, they aren’t trying to know whether you’ll drive carefully, they want to be sure you’ll be fine. 

  • I am capable of taking care of myself while traveling.
  • I’ll make it safely, my dear, don’t fret 

I Have To Get Back To The Woman I Love So I Can’t Drive Recklessly 

One of my close friends came up with a charming and practical response for his girlfriend when she sent him a text telling him to drive safely. It’s a sweet and thoughtful gesture that could be used to express affection and care to your significant other, or even to a stranger as you part ways. I find it quite endearing and a wonderful way to show someone that you care about them enough to take care of yourself.

  • I don’t want you worrying over me so, yeah, I’ll drive carefully 
  • My momma is waiting for me at home and I have to get there in one piece 

You Are So Kind. Thanks For Your Well Wishes 

Another way you can respond to “drive safely” is to show your gratitude for the person’s kindness. Acknowledging their kindness would probably be because they are new acquaintances, and you are letting them know you do not take their kindness for granted. It can open the door for more friendly interactions in your relationship with the person. 

  • That’s kind of you. I am grateful for that 
  • You are such a thoughtful person. Thanks a bunch 

My Driving Skills Are Now Top-Notch But I’ll Be Careful 

Maybe the person asking you to drive safely is doing so because they do not trust your driving ability. This response makes them understand why they should not doubt you while still informing them that you do recognize the need to be careful as you drive. 

  • I have become more skilled, Dad. Notwithstanding, I am gonna be careful  
  • I am now a better driver but I know I need to be careful 

I Am Surely Going To Stay Within The Recommended Speed Limits 

One of the ways you can affirm driving safely is to say that you’ll drive within the recommended speed limit. Driving following speed limit regulation is important when driving through populated areas, but regardless of where you are driving, you can use a response like this one to communicate how safely you plan to drive. 

  • I won’t drive above 80km/h, trust me 
  • You can count on me to stay within the speed limit, officer

I Had Serious Plans To Go Overboard But Since You’ve Said It I’ll Be Careful 

If you’ve premeditated driving like a speedster and someone tells you to drive safely, maybe a spouse, this is one reply that will hit the home run. By saying “I had serious plans to go overboard but since you’ve said it I’ll be careful,” you would be revealing the plans you had established for your trip and making them believe their counsel has changed your mind.

  • I was going to drive like I was in a race against time but not anymore 
  • I had planned to drive in such a way that Lightning McQueen would seem like a slow car.

Lately, I See Driving As Something That Requires All My Focus. So You Can Expect Me To Be Safe Out There 

Such a thoughtful response is one I’ll suggest you use when the person who tells you to drive safely does so with a deep concern for your safety and well-being. It is important to help them know that you’ll be safe and why you believe you will be. The goal is not to just inform them you’ll be safe but to let them know why. 

  • I’ve recognized the importance of giving my undivided attention to driving, so I’ll be extra cautious
  • Driving has become a task that warrants my complete focus, so rest assured, I’ll be driving safely

After The Last Episode On The Road, I Don’t Need Anyone To Tell Me To Drive Safely 

Another way to respond to “drive safely” is to recount an episode that recently made you change your mind about driving with reckless abandon. You may decide to say what happened or just stick to saying “After the last episode on the road, I don’t need anyone to tell me to drive safely.” 

  • I almost had an accident while exiting the freeway last week. It’d have been terrible and I can only imagine the devastating effect it’d have had. I am now committed to safe driving 
  • No one needs to tell me to drive safely after my near-death experience some weeks ago 

I Truly Appreciate Your Concern For Me. It Is Lovely To Know

This response can express your gratitude to the person while acknowledging how lovely it is to know they are concerned about your welfare and safety. The response lets them know that you are well aware of their good thoughts toward you and find it lovely. It is a good reply to give when you are looking for nice things to say to someone. 

  • Nice. That’s so thoughtful of you. You are a sweet soul 
  • Thank you. It is so cute to know you care that much 

With The Current Statistics Of Road Accidents, I Have To Just Drive Safely 

With the current statistics of road accidents, I have to just drive safely” is another good response to “drive safely.” Here, you are bringing in a significant reason why you are going to be careful as you drive. Road accidents will always be a thing so you can use this response at any time of the year. 

  • I saw the number of road accidents in the news and I don’t want to be a contributor
  • Every year, the rate of fatal car accidents in the US is above 30,000 and so is the death toll. I can’t afford to drive recklessly 

I Am Not In A Hurry So I Am Going To Drive Safe

Oftentimes, we speed while driving because we are trying to get to a far destination in the shortest time possible. If you do not plan on driving fast because you won’t be going too far to get to your destination, a response like “I am not in a hurry so I am going to drive safe” will be good enough. You can also say:

  • Since I’m not in a rush, I’ll prioritize safety and drive responsibly.
  • No need to worry, I’ll be driving cautiously because I have plenty of time.

The Road Has Got A Lot Of Sharp Turns. I Have To Be Careful 

Something about the route you are taking could be the reason why you are going to drive carefully. It could be the sharp turns like my anchor example, speed bumps, children crossing, residential buildings, checkpoints, and so on. Whatever is on the way that warrants you driving safely, you can craft a response from it. 

  • I would be passing through 5th Avenue where there’s a school so I wouldn’t be going too fast 
  • I would be forced to drive slowly due to the sharp turns and speed bumps on the road 

Just For You, I’ll Drive Safely 

Best Responses to Drive Safely

If you are looking for a flirty response to “drive safely,” you can say “For you, I’m going to drive safely.” Whether you are talking to someone who you are flirting with or your girlfriend, you can go with this response and it’ll make them feel special and loved. 

  • If driving cautiously would make you happy, I will do my best to meet that expectation.
  • As milady wishes 

Not Gonna Lie, I Am Not Sure I Can Make That Promise 

Let’s face it, there are times when we wouldn’t listen to anyone who asks us to “drive safely.” In such scenarios, you can use a response like “Not gonna lie, I am not sure I can make that promise.” However, I won’t advise you to use this when talking with your parents or partner. It may be rude and disrespectful.

  • Drive safely? If you mean driving under the speed limit, that’s not gonna happen 
  • I can’t guarantee that I will drive like you want me to 

Well, I Am Not The Roadrunner I Used To Be 

Best Responses to Drive Safely

If the person telling you to “drive safely” used to know you as someone who drives recklessly, you can use this response to let the person know you have changed. 

  • I have changed my ways. Not the speedster I used to be 
  • I now drive responsibly. I have a family to live long for 

In All Seriousness, I Am Going To Do Just That 

This is one response I’ll recommend when you need to make the person believe you will adhere to their request to drive safely. By saying “In all seriousness, I am going to do just that,” you are implying that you are serious and willing to drive without unnecessary recklessness. 

  • Take my word for it when I say prioritize safety and drive carefully without any compromise
  • Genuinely, I mean it when I say I am going to drive safely, man 

Accidents Are Common At This Time Of The Year And I Am Not Taking Any Chances 

During winter months, accidents are common. This is a good time to say “Accidents are common at this time of the year and I am not taking any chances” when responding to someone who tells you to “drive safely.” 

  • During winter, there are a lot of accidents due to fog and snowy winds. I am only driving because I need to. So, I will be careful 
  • Given the statistics of accidents during this period, I’m going to be especially vigilant behind the wheel

By Driving Safe, Do You Mean No Tailgating And Wheelies?

Another sarcastic response to “drive safely” is to say “By driving safe, do you mean no tailgating and wheelies?” This reply can be used to reveal some of the things you do as a driver that may be dangerous and deemed unsafe. Depending on the one you are guilty of, you can respond in any of the following ways:

  • Do you expect me not to perform a wheelie while driving today? 
  • Driving safely means driving boring. I am not sure I want to do that today 

Final Thoughts 

It is important to drive carefully, obey traffic rules, and put the needs of other drivers and commuters ahead of yours. If you are asked to “drive safely” by anyone at any time, I know you’ve found suitable responses to use. 

Best Responses to Drive Safely

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