20 Best Responses to Say When Someone Asks “Did You Dream About Me?”


Are you thinking of the best ways to respond to ‘did you dream about me?’ You just got asked if you dreamt about a person and don’t know how to respond to them.

I’ve got you covered because in this article I have provided the best responses to ‘did you dream about me?

Hahahahaha. I Am Lost. Why Should I?

Someone coming out of the blue to ask you whether you dreamt about them can be an awkward situation. One of the best ways to respond in situations like this is to let out a laugh and ask them “why should I?

They’ll either try to explain why they feel you should have dreamt of them or look for a new line of interaction.

You can use the following as responses:

  • I have no idea why you think I should dream of you.
  • Lol. You don’t mean this, do you?

Nah. My Sleep Was Just There 

If you’re having none of what they intended you can respond to ‘did you dream of me?’ with “my sleep was just there.” You can use this response to express your displeasure or steer the conversation in a different direction.

Other examples include:

  • I slept peacefully and I didn’t dream of anyone.
  • No. I just slept through the night

Was I Supposed To?

Was I supposed to?” is one laid-back response to give when you’re not ready to entertain any conversations about dreaming of the said individual. It would show how uninterested you are in that line of conversation.

Refer to the following examples for more inspiration:

  • Why in God’s holy heavens would I dream of you?
  • Am I going to get some sort of trophy if I did?

You Want Me To Have Nightmares?

How to Respond to Did You Dream About Me

Do you want me to have nightmares?” would be a savage response to ‘did you dream about me?’ The person would never expect this one and it could throw them off balance. For other ways to use this example, see the suggestions below:

  • If I did, it would be a really horrible dream.
  • I would prefer having nightmares than dreaming about you

Oh Please, Come Up With Something Better. Isn’t That Too Old?

For someone who is a flirt, ‘did you dream of me?’ could be their way of starting a conversation with you. If this is the case, I’ll recommend telling them to come up with something better than that.

You could say “Isn’t there something better to say?” or “You should do better cause that’s quite old.”

You can also use the following suggestions:

  • That’s weird. Is that your bright idea to woo me?
  • I can’t believe people still ask questions like that. This is the 21st century, bro

I Don’t Know. What Really Were You Expecting Me To See With That?

I don’t know. What were you expecting me to see?” is another response to ‘did you dream of me?’ especially when you want to give the conversation a chance and wouldn’t want to shut the person out.

Here, you’re trying to be as open as possible and if they get it they could proceed with whatever novel ideas they’ve got up their sleeves.

Check the examples below:

  • Huh? Is there something you expect me to say?
  • That’s strange. What am I supposed to see?

Well, I Am Not Sure I Should Tell You Because It Is Kinda Inappropriate

Whether you dreamt of them or not, one of the best responses to ‘did you dream of me?’ is to say “I am not sure I should tell you because I find it inappropriate.”

This reply is going to lead them on and make them curious to know what the dream is about. You could decide to tell them or act like you are keeping the dream to yourself if you didn’t dream of them.

Here are other ways to tell them:

  • I don’t think you want to know
  • Are you sure you want to find out what the dream is about?

I Could Tell You About It If We Grabbed a Drink

If they are trying to make advances at you or you fancy going on a date with them, you can use a response that opens the door to a date night. Such a response could be “I could tell you about it over a drink or two.”

Other responses in this direction as specified below:

  • If we went out and I got beer, I may get drunk and tell you about it
  • You could get me to spill the beans later tonight over some drinks

Yes, I Did But I Can’t Remember It Anymore

How to Respond to Did You Dream About Me

You can affirm that you dreamt about them but add a little twist in your response by saying “I did but I can’t remember it anymore.” Their interest would be piqued immediately as they would want to force you into remembering what you saw.

Try any of the following to achieve the same results:

  • Oh shoot. I really can’t remember what it was about again
  • Oops. I have forgotten it. When I recall, I will tell you

Just Ask Me About My Night And Not All These Silly Questions

Just ask me about my night and not all these silly questions” is one unpatronizing response I’ll recommend to use when you are in no mood for unhinged jokes or flirtation.

With responses like these, you are not just blocking their attempt to make advances but completely preventing them from any future moves.

Here are other suggestions to use:

  • A simple “how was your night?” would have been great
  • I do not fancy such silliness. If you want to ask me anything, ask me if I slept well

I Don’t Need To Dream About You Cause You, My Dear, Are Always On My Mind

This is a nice response to ‘did you dream of me?’ when it is coming from a partner or your spouse. They probably want to feel good about themselves and hope they hold as much value as you have in their lives.

By telling them that they are always on your mind, it saves you from dampening their mood if you didn’t dream of them.

See the examples below if you need more ideas:

  • Oh babe, you fill my thoughts already and my dreams aren’t complete without you in them.
  • I wouldn’t have enjoyed my sleep if you weren’t in my dream

You Are Always in My Dreams 

How to Respond to Did You Dream About Me

If my partner ever asked me if I dreamed about them, the best response I can give if I didn’t dream of them is to tell them that they are always in my dreams.

They are surely going to feel special and wouldn’t care if you didn’t dream of them the night before.

See the recommendations below:

  • Our interactions continue even in my dreams and their as lovely as when we are in the present
  • You don’t need to ask because I always do

I Did But I Ain’t Telling You

You can also respond with “I did but I ain’t telling you” or “I did but you won’t get it from me” to someone who asks you if you dreamt about them.

I will suggest using this response when you dream about the person but aren’t prepared to say what it was about. Maybe because you feel like the dream isn’t something you’re comfortable sharing with them.

You can also try the responses below:

  • It is one experience I never want to recount
  • I did but beat It cause I’m not telling you about it

If I Saw You In My Dreams, You Wouldn’t Like What I’ll Do To You

Another way you can respond to a ‘did you dream about me?’ message is to tell them “if I saw you in my dreams, you wouldn’t like what I’ll do to you.”

It is designed to harshly communicate your desire to not be spoken to in that manner or to sarcastically dismiss the thought.

I’ll recommend using such a response when the individual asking you that question is someone you don’t want to have such conversations with.

Other ways you can communicate your intention in this direction include:

  • You would have had a broken limb if I saw you in my dream
  • I am not gonna have this conversation with you, bro. You? In my dream? Not a chance.

No, I Didn’t Maybe I Get to Do So Tonight 

No. I hope I do when I sleep tonight” is another way to respond to a partner when they ask if you dreamt of them but you didn’t.

Depending on the kind of partner you have, you can also be a little bit sarcastic by saying “Bro, you worry me in the day and still want to worry me at night.”

I have listed order alternatives you can try:

  • Not sure but I did some night back and I forgot to tell you
  • It’s not every night I dream about you but maybe this night could be different

I Did Dream About You and That’s Why I Am Chasing You

As a guy, you may want to sprinkle some rizz into your response when a lady asks you if you dreamt about them. You can say “I did dream about you and that’s why I am chasing you around.

The idea is that they were in your dreams and you are going after them because you were told to chase your dreams.

Sounds cool, yes? See other suggestions below:

  • Yes, miss and that’s why I am chasing you cuz I was told to chase my dreams
  • Yep and it’s already too late to turn back because you are now the girl of my dreams

You Should Quit Flirting With Me

No matter how cool some people’s advances are, we just don’t want to have any of it.  “You should stop flirting with me” is a straight-to-the-point way to reply ‘did you dream about me?’ text. Even if it is not a text, you can also use this response if you want the individual to never try flirting with you.

The following recommendation to help you craft your responses:

  • I am not interested in this games you are trying to play
  • Stop trying to flirt with me. I am so not interested

If You Are Trying To Get Me To Confess How I Feel About You, You Need To Do Better

If you are trying to get me to confess how I feel about you, you need to do better” will be my recommended response if you would want the sender to do something better and unique in the attempt to woo you.

What you are trying to achieve with a compliment like this is to encourage the individual to be more clinical in their approach or let them know they do not have game in them.

Want more ideas? There are two below:

  • You’ve got to step up your game. No girl is going to fall for you when you ask questions like this
  • Is that all you’ve got? I expect more

Send Me A Text Like This Again And I Will Waste No Time In Blocking You

Suppose you want the person to stop texting romantic messages to you or anything that’s flirty, you can tell them that “if you send me a text like this again, it would be the last time you hear from me.” They will immediately get the message and if they try to test your patience, you can stay true to your word and block them.

Refer to the point below for more creative ideas:

  • This is the very last time I will condone receiving a text like this from you
  • I never want to see a text like this from you. Do so and I’ll  block your number

That’s A Very Inappropriate Question To Ask A Coworker. Don’t Do It Again

If your colleague at work asks you if you dreamt of them, you can say “that’s a very inappropriate question to ask your coworker.” This is a formal response to ‘did you dream of me?’ You won’t be crossing any lines with a response like this.

For more examples, see the suggestions below:

  • You should understand workplace ethics. How can you ask me if I dreamt about you?
  • Stop being flirty at work like that. I’ll report you if I get questions like this from you again

I believe you found suitable responses to ‘did you dream of me?’ This article presented several scenarios and possible responses that fit into each circumstance. I am optimistic you can now respond accordingly when you are asked ‘did you dream of me?’

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