20 Responses to “Any Plans for the Weekend”


The weekend is upon us and someone asks you if you’ve got plans for it. This could be after the close of work on Friday, or as you leave school, or something your partner or a friend asks you on social media. Whichever way, if you are lost for ideas about what to say in response to the inquiry “Any plans for the weekend,” I have curated a couple of interesting responses that would relay your plans, if you’ve got any, or deflect the question.

In this article, you’ll find 20 responses to “Any plans for the weekend.” They include creative, interesting, witty, and flirty replies you can give when responding to this query.

I’ll Probably Be At Home Doing Domestic Chores And Sleeping

If you don’t have plans for the weekend, you’ll spend your weekend at home. Being at home would mean engaging in house chores. Hence, you can respond to someone’s “Any plans for the weekend” question with a statement like “I’ll probably be at home doing domestic chores and sleeping.”

Need more ideas? See the examples below:

  • Hmph. I didn’t think about doing anything this weekend. Aside from cleaning the house and doing the laundry, I’ll be sleeping all through.
  • I’ve got a pile of things to do in the house and I doubt the weekend would be enough to complete the job.

I Just Can’t Wait For The Weekend Because It Has Been An Exhausting Week 

Responses to Any Plans for the Weekend

Some weeks can be so stressful you’d be happy to leave work on Friday. Even when you have plans, the timing of the inquiry “Any plans for the weekend” may be wrong because you either just want to go home or would only think about whatever plans after a good sleep on Saturday. Here, you can use a response like “I just can’t wait for the weekend because it has been an exhausting week.”

  • I am only happy I saw through the week. Don’t want to worry too much about the weekend.
  • There are plans but for now, I just want to be done with work for this week.

I’ve Got A Wedding To Attend, And There Is Enough Activity For Me Already 

Someone who’s asking you what plans you have for the weekend may want to know if you are free for something they want you to do with them. Rather than being snappy, you can explain something that genuinely proves you’d be busy. It could be that you would be attending a wedding, conference, or job function.

  • I am booked for the weekend. Attending my sister’s wedding and it is a big deal.
  • Not so much, yeah. I am going to be attending a summit.

Taking Some Paperwork Home So I’ll Be Busy This Weekend

I do this almost every week. Because I am unable to finish the week’s work on time, I am forced to continue during the weekend. This makes it difficult for me to continue with whatever arrangement I had originally made for the weekend. You can draw inspiration for your response from this angle.

  • My boss gave me some paperwork to handle this weekend. It is already looking like a busy one for me.
  • The fact that I am taking office work at home means there’s no furtherance on my plans for the weekend.

Do You Have Ideas For Me? I Am Open To Some 

You can ask the individual questioning you a question too. “Do you have ideas for me? I am open to some” is a way to say whether you have a course of action for the weekend or not, you’d like to know what the individual asking has in mind. This should get them to share whatever lofty plans they must have.

  • What do you have in mind I am not doing anything this weekend.
  • Now you are asking, I can expect there’s something better you’ve thought of.

Aside From Attending Church On Sunday Morning, I Am Free All Weekend 

If you are a religious fellow, you would go to church on Sunday morning. Whether you are attending service or not, you can use Sunday church service to respond to “Any plans for the weekend.” I have presented two directions such a response can go:

  • I would be attending service on Sunday after which I’d be going bowling. Saturday is the only day I am free.
  • Not free at all. When I attend service on Sunday, I’ll be too stressed for any other activity.

Nothing I Can’t Cancel 

Responses to Any Plans for the Weekend

Telling the person the nature of your plans for the weekend is another excellent way to respond. This is when you are sure the person has something in mind but you have better plans or aren’t willing to do what they expect. Aside from, “Nothing I can’t cancel,” here are other ways you can respond:

  • I know you always have amazing plans but for this weekend, my plans are set in stone.
  • Oh boy, yes, I do.

My Garden Needs Attention So I Am Dedicating A Weekend To It 

If you have a garden or any known hobby, it can be a perfect way to reply to someone’s inquiry. When it is a garden, “My garden needs attention so I am dedicating a weekend to it,” is going to be good. You can replace “garden” with any hobby of your choice. It could be knitting, sewing, or baking classes.

Decluttering My Space, What About You?

Almost everyone uses the weekend to declutter their space, clear out the garbage, or restore their homes into havens of tranquility. If you plan on joining the bandwagon of weekend waste managers, you can use this response. Also, following it up with an inquiry about their plans will continue the conversation instead of bringing it to an abrupt end.

I Plan On Taking It Easy. Might Hang Out With Some Friends On Sunday Night

You may be known for your fast-paced weekends, always on the go during the free days of the week. The person inquiring may want to know what kind of stuff you’ll be involved in based on your disposition. This is where a response like “I plan on taking it easy. Might hang out with some friends on Sunday night” comes into play.

  • I am going solo this weekend – having a party at my place but it is a calm, under-the-radar affair.
  • Nah. Not much. If anything crazier comes up, I’ll fill you in, dawg.

Rest, Nothing But Rest

Rest, nothing but rest” will also suffice when you have no plans for the weekend and want your rest. There’s no overcomplicating here. You’ve had an exhausting week and, understandably, you want to rest. So, you can use this reply without having to add context.

Anything Your Dirty Little Mind Wants To Do 

Flirty responses to “Any plans for the weekend” will spice up any conversation effortlessly as long as you are using it when interacting with someone who’s on the same plain. One of such response would be “Anything your dirty little mind wants to do.” This one does not need any context provided except they are not in sync with you.

I Live With My Parents So There’s Nothing Crazy I Can Do This Weekend 

As someone who stays with their parents, except you want to be sneaky, your weekends are going to be full of house chores and babysitting if you have younger siblings. If this looks like your situation, you can respond with “I live with my parents so there’s nothing crazy I can do this weekend” or use any of the responses I’ve outlined below:

  • You are asking like you don’t know I stay with my parents.
  • I am home now so there’s nothing too crazy I can do during the weekend.

I Haven’t Made Any Plans Yet, Been Waiting On You, Milady 

I haven’t made any plans yet, been waiting on you, MiLady” is a flirty response to use when your partner asks you what you have planned for the weekend. Even if you are not in a relationship with the individual who’s asking, you can use this response to flirt with them. It would work for both genders with a little tweak.

  • My King, I knew you’d have plans so I was waiting to get our itinerary.
  • Well, just so you know, I am free and ready to do your bidding this weekend.

Apart From Being Cuddled In Your Arms, I Am Not Sure 

Responses to Any Plans for the Weekend

Still on your flirt game, “Apart from being cuddled in your arms, I don’t have anything else in mind,” would be a reply that’d turn heads effortlessly. They are going to experience a moment of wandering in their imaginations and if they cannot get enough, you could be spending the day with your significant other.

Learn New Ways To Be Unhappy About My Job But Still Show Up On Monday 

I know a lot of people do not love their jobs and it is understandable. If you are not in this category, you can share a laugh with anyone who asks you about your plans for the weekend by saying “I will be at home learning new ways to be unhappy about my job but still show up on Monday.” You have to show up on Monday – happy or not.

Spending The Next 48 Hours In My Asylum Of A Home Is Enough Action For The Weekend

Instead of replying with a boring “I’ll be at home” or “Would be resting at home,” you can go the lane of sarcasm with a response like “Spending the next 48 hours in my asylum of a home is enough action for the weekend.” If you have a home as large and chaotic as mine, you already have context for this response.

Whatchu Wanna Do? Ruin Them?

Loose lips sink ships, so why do they want to know what your plans are? They could be plotting to ruin it. Hahaha. “Whatchu wanna do? Ruin them?” is just a sarcastic response you can try. Interestingly, it could be a putting-off depending on the delivery.

Do You Have A Lineup Of The Craziest Things To Do This Weekend? Cause I Am Down For Everything Crazy 

Allow them to take you places to fulfill your deepest desires with a response like “Do you have a lineup of the craziest things to do this weekend? Cause I am down for everything crazy.” You are letting them know that whatever they are down to, you are down with.

  • I trust you have things to do. Show me what’s happening and I’ll let you know the ones I can attend.
  • You know I am always ready to go crazy when it is the weekend.

Would Be Thinking Of You

Would be thinking of you” is another flirty response to “Any plans for the weekend.” This is a good way to let them know that they are on your mind and you are considering them as an option for your weekend plans. It can be a playful way of indicating your attraction to someone or expressing your desire to spend time with them.

Final Thoughts 

Now, you wouldn’t be confused about what to say when you are asked “Any plans for the weekend.” I am optimistic that these responses have captured a broad spectrum of scenarios and they are perfect for responding either in a formal way, sarcastic, or flirty manner.

Responses to Any Plans for the Weekend

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