21 Best Responses to a Love Confession


When you get told a love confession, there are chances that you would be flabbergasted, surprised, and at a loss for words.

It could be hard to contain the excitement and the bubbling emotions that follow a genuine love confession.

This makes giving a reply an uphill task. Well, this would not be a problem anymore after reading through this piece on some of the best ways to respond to a love confession.

In this article, I have pointed to discussed 20 of the best responses to a love confession.

Regardless of how the confession is made, provided it is an expression of one’s love for you, you will find a suitable response in this post.

I have taken into consideration three possible perspectives for the replies which include an acceptance, a rejection, and an uncertain stance.

Table of Contents

Your Choice Of Words Is Captivating. Who Could Say No?

A love confession could come in the form of love letters, speeches, a love song, or a physical meetup.

Since it involves words, it is easy to use a response that appreciates them for their choice of words.

So, when you say “Your choice of words is captivating. Who could say no?” You’re essentially indicating your appreciation for how they have communicated or expressed their feelings to you and also letting them know that there could be some positive feedback for their profession of love.

I Had No Idea But I Am So Happy You Told Me

Another way you can respond to a love confession is to say “I had no idea but I am so happy you told me.

Now the good thing about this response is that it doesn’t necessarily give a yes or no answer to the love confession but makes it look like you appreciate them for what they’ve told you and that it made you happy.

You Chose Your Timing Perfectly And I Must Give You Credit For It

If you think that their love confession came at the right time probably because you were already considering someone else or you were tired of waiting for them to profess their love to you, you could tell them “You chose your timing perfectly and I must give you credit for it.” This is when you are sure that the profession of their feelings for you is because they want something more.

For How Long Have You Been Nursing These Feelings? Is There Something I Did?

There are different reasons why people fall in love. And if you are not careful you may reciprocate a confessed love to someone who may not be in love with you for the right reasons.

This is why a response like this is very important. By asking them how long they’ve nursed the feelings for you or whether you did something to provoke it, you might get an idea of how genuine their love confession is.

Which will also inform your decision to reciprocate.

I Thought You Weren’t Going To Ask. Been Waiting For You To Say It To Me

When their love confession is followed by a proposal to say, they love you and would want you to be their partner, your response could be “I thought you weren’t going to ask. Been waiting for you to say it to me.”

What this response does is to let them know that this is something you’ve been expecting which gives them the idea that it is all good on your end.

I Am Stunned, To Say The Least. I Didn’t See That Coming. There Was No Indication

Another response that can be used to reply to a love confession when you really do not have an answer to give, in other words, you are uncertain about what to say is “I am stunned to say the least. I didn’t see that coming. There was no indication.”

If they are really interested they could try to convince you about how genuine their love is or give you time to process and be sure how you feel.

Even If I Wasn’t Interested Already, Your Confession Would Get Me Hooked

Sometimes, giving credit to how the love confession was delivered can be your response. It could be that the way the person delivered the confession was amazing or the words they used.

This excuses you from trying to respond to the love confession directly. By being appreciative of the delivery, you can stall whatever response they might be looking for at the moment.

I Have Always Admired Your Way With Words And This Confession Proves That I Wasn’t Wrong About You

This response is another good way to appreciate the confession rather than give a direct answer to it. If this is someone you have always heard talking before, you can appreciate the fact that they have their way with words.

From the compliment you can see that there’s no indication of the fact that you are game or what they might want. It is also a good way to respond when the confession is not a direct request.

If You Took Any Longer It Might Not Have Been Necessary

How to Respond to a Love Confession

I know as a lady you might have been there. That point where you’ve been waiting for this guy to pop the question to tell you about how much they love you and it seems to be delaying.

Then another guy comes around and he is moving fast. In the nick of time, the first dude comes up to confess their love for you.

You’re going to want to tell them that they were almost on the losing end, right? You get the trajectory of such a reply.

Not That I Don’t Want This, I Want Us To Take It Slowly. Just A Bit

There are times when somebody’s profession of love for you might be too fast. You are probably just getting to know this person and they are already talking about how much they love you and want to spend the rest of their lives with you.

If you do not see them as unfit or not matching the idea you have of a desired partner, you can let them know that you do want to accept their love but feel like they should take things slowly

I Feel Bad About You Going Through The Effort Considering What My Answer Would Be

You might not be interested in the person who is confessing their love for you. This can be a dicey situation especially if they put in a lot of effort in confessing their love for you.

In such a scenario, a response like “I feel bad about you going through the effort considering what my answer would be,” is an empathetic way to reject their proposal.

It is important to understand that this comes in handy when their confession of love is followed by a request.

This Is So Sweet Of You And While I Appreciate This Gesture, It Hurts Me To Tell You It Won’t Work Out The Way You Imagined

If you’re not willing to accept their proposal after a love confession you can respond with a direct rejection like this response.

Notice how the response begins by appreciating the person for the gesture before going into the rejection.

Also, you can see that the rejection is masqueraded by thoughtful and empathetic words.

It is important to talk with empathy when you are responding to someone who might have gone through a serious ordeal to show you how much they love you.

Would Saying No Ruin Our Friendship? Because I Do Value Our Friendship But I Don’t Think I’d Want To Move From That

Sometimes, you could have a friend who you really like as that. They might want to move on from there, develop feelings, and ask you out.

When they give you their love confession but you aren’t sure you want to be more than friends, you could tell them “Would saying No ruin our friendship? Because I do value our friendship but I don’t think I’d want to move from that.”

I Don’t Intend To Hurt Your Feelings But Someone Else Already Has My Heart And Affection

When you already have a partner in your life and somebody professes their love for you it is important to not lead them on or try to hide that fact.

I don’t intend to hurt your feelings but someone else already has my heart and affection” is a response that directly tells them that you have someone in your life already.

This should let them know that you are comfortable in the relationship you are in and even though you appreciate them for being bold enough to tell you about their love for you, they have to come out of the fantasy world they must be living in.

If Any Consolation, Consider This A Sincere Appeal To Be Friends Which Doesn’t Rule Out Any Eventualities

For when the person who confesses their love to you is someone you’d want to just be friends with, you can let them know that by saying “If any consolation, consider this a sincere appeal to be friends which doesn’t rule out any eventualities.”

This response makes it clear to them that even though you want to outrightly say no you really value their friendship and would like to just be friends.

It Is Very Uncomfortable For Me To Want To Say No Considering How Far We’ve Come And The Effort You’ve Put Into This

It is possible that the person who is confessing their love for you is someone that you’ve been friends with for a long time, probably a high school sweetheart or somebody you’ve known since grade school.

This is where telling them how uncomfortable it is for you to say no can come into play. A lot of times, this response is going to force them into wanting to convince you more.

So, if you want to outrightly reject them, you might not want to use it.

Your Storytelling/Writing Skills Are Really Impressive. Unfortunately, That Won’t Be Enough To Woo Me, Buddy

Sarcasm and wit can do justice for responses. This response is a sarcastic statement. It appreciates the person’s storytelling or writing skills if they sent you the love confession through a letter or a song.

If you think you like them and just want to play around with them it could tell them that it would not just be enough to get you.

Let’s Be Sincere. Who Is Not Going To Want To Love Me?

If the person professing their love for you is a friend or close pal, you can easily banter with them with a statement like “Let’s be sincere. Who is not going to want to love me?”.

I will also suggest you use this reply when there is no formal request presented in the confession.

If There’s Anything You Should Take From This, It Is That You Become Bold Enough

You can also acknowledge the person for being bold enough to step up to you and tell you how they feel about you after they deliver their love confession.

It could be someone who you’ve always known to be timid or shy around you, who finally decides to embrace their fears and tell you how they feel about you.

If you are in no mood to say yes to their request, you can respond by saying “If there’s anything you should take from this, it is that you become bold enough.

What Movie Gave You This Idea? It Has To Be A Movie

This can be sarcastic but wild. Imagine confessing your love to somebody and they think that you got it from a movie and even though they are impressed they feel you are not a natural.

This is definitely going to be heartbreaking to whosoever summoned the courage to confess their love for you.

However, the person might understand the sarcasm and not feel offended. But if this is somebody you are not willing to be involved with then you are free to use this statement.

Do You Really Love Me Or Do You Just Want A New Play Toy?

How to Respond to a Love Confession

So that you don’t fall in love for the wrong reasons, it is also important to be sure what the person actually wants.

One of the ways to do that is to use an inquiry like “Do you really love me or do you just want a new play toy?

From their answer, you could tell if they were just trying to be flirty or if they wanted the one-night stand or were willing to commit to a serious relationship.

Sometimes, you need to pay attention to the person’s response and observe their body language because some people could go to any length to lie just to have their way.

Final Thoughts

There are so many ways that a love confession can be sent to you. Whether it is sent in a song, love letter, or a speech, whatever means it was sent as long as it is a declaration of their love and fondness for you, I have stated a range of answers and responses to give them depending on what you think about them and their confession.

The responses outlined and discussed in this article include those that speak of acceptance, rejection, uncertainty, sarcasm, and humor.

Deciding which to use is up to you but I am optimistic you are not going to lack responses to give at the behest of a love confession

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