20 Best Responses to a “LOL” Text


When someone sends you lol while texting you might be wondering how to respond to them in the best way possible.

We have gotten used to using LOL while we text and even though it means laughing out loud, there are several situations where the person replying might not be pointing to anything funny.

I am not ruling out the fact that it might have been a funny thing you said. So, in this article, I am going to be showing you 20 of the best ways you can respond to lol over text.

I have taken into consideration possible scenarios where someone may tell you LOL and what responses would be appropriate in such contexts.

That Is Exactly What I Thought. How Funny

If what you were saying to the person was funny or you were telling them about an experience and your thoughts about the experience were hilarious and they responded with LOL, you can reply with a statement like “That is exactly what I thought. How funny.

You Should Have Seen My Reaction When I Had It. I Almost Laughed Myself To Unconsciousness

How to Respond to a LOL Text

Another way you can respond to LOL over text is to say “You should have seen my reaction when I heard it. I almost laughed myself to unconsciousness.”

This is a pretty good response especially when the events might not have been funny and they laughed.

It can help you eliminate the awkwardness they might feel for laughing at something they would have after thinking about doing.

Letting them know that you also laughed will make them feel a lot more comfortable with the conversation you are having.

Your Reaction Isn’t Close To Mine Enough. I Found It Extremely Hilarious

This is another response to give when you feel like what you said was too funny. You know that moment when you are interacting with someone and saying something that is downright hilarious?

There’s no hiding the fact that it was funny and when they say that they are laughing out loud and you’re sure they are been sincere about it, then you can say that you also found it extremely hilarious.

Imagine How Hard It Must Have Been For Me to Hold Back My Laughter With The Way You Are Laughing Currently

If you’re recounting an event or a supposed amusing scenario and somebody responds with LOL, you can reply by saying “Imagine how hard it must have been for me to hold back my laughter with the way you are laughing currently.”

This supposed exaggeration of the event is going to make it even more funny. It is the kind of conversation you can have with a close friend.

There Was No Telling That They Were Very Unserious And I Should Get Out Of There

If you were telling a story about a particular event and they respond with LOL, you can reply with a statement about the event or something that you did.

It could be an action that follows what happened or your conclusion about the situation.

  • At that moment I couldn’t help but realize that I had wasted my time
  • I just looked at him shook my head and left

I See I Am Scoring Points In My Attempt to Make You Laugh

If you’re trying to make a person laugh and the person genuinely replies with LOL, you could reply with a statement like “Wow, so I am finally scoring points in my attempt to make you laugh.”

This statement is going to increase the bond between the both of you. You can also use this on somebody you’re having a crush on.

You Should Laugh More You Know Because Laughter They Say Is Good Medicine

This statement is one of my go-to responses when someone tells me LOL after I say something to them and I’m not sure what to say to continue the conversation.

By telling them that they should laugh more and that laughter is good medicine, I am attempting to carry on with the conversation even when I obviously feel stuck.

If the person you are texting is not boring or is also interested in the conversation, they are going to want to continue.

I was very Livid But I Had To Contain My Anger And Frustration

Imagine telling your friend about an event or something that occurred and they responded with LOL. It could be normal and merely a show of friendly banter.

In that case, you can respond to them by telling them exactly how you felt when the event took place.

It Is Funny Because I Am Narrating It Now. At The Time It Was A Heart-wrenching Situation

You know that point where you are narrating a life-threatening event and the person sent you a LOL reply. Well, as friends we do that a lot.

So, in this scenario, you can respond by telling them that while this feels funny at this point it was not when it was happening.

Hahaha. I Got You Good On This One, Right?

When you are sure that their response to your text with LOL was actually because what you said was funny and they were really laughing, you could blow your trumpet a little.

One of the ways to blow your trumpet is to say “Hahaha. I got you good on this one, right?” This reply takes guts and you have to be sure they are laughing otherwise you’re going to be the joke.

Making You Laugh Is One of The Many Things I Could Do To You If You Give Me The Chance

How to Respond to a LOL Text

If you were chatting with your crush and you made them laugh you could reply with “Making you laugh is one of the many things I could do to you if you give me the chance.”

This is a subtle way to let them know how you feel about them. People typically have a soft spot for those who make them laugh, so if you are doing that for them it might be scoring points, you know.

You Think I’m Funny? Wait, Till We Meet Physically And You Would Be Looking For Your Composure All Over The Place

If this is someone that you’ve not met with physically before, you can respond to their LOL text with “You think I’m funny? Wait, till we meet physically and you will be looking for your composure all over the place.

This is another way to blow your trumpet. It is also a witty way to request a date if you’ve not had one already.

Ummm, I Am Sorry But Did I Miss The Joke?

When your message wasn’t something that warranted a LOL as a response, you can inquire if there was a joke and you missed it. This will call the person to order letting them understand that you weren’t joking.

I Am Not Certain About What Is Funny Right Now

Another way you can respond to a LOL text message when you were not trying to make a joke or what you said wasn’t funny is to say “I am not certain about what is funny right now.”

Sometimes you don’t need to mince words when attempting to put someone in their place over a misconstrued idea.

Forgive My Inattentiveness But I Don’t Seem To Get The Joke

This is another response that I will recommend you use when somebody might be taking you for a joke if you are trying to say something serious.

You already know that they were simply trying to joke around but you’d make it look like it is your fault that you are not paying attention to what the joke was.

This response is going to help them realize that they are wrong to think that you were joking about what you said and they probably apologize.

Please Tell Me Where The Joke Was So I Could Laugh Too Because Nothing I Have Said So Far Has Been Funny

If your relationship with this person is formal and they responded to a message you sent to them with LOL and you’re not trying to be funny, you can tell them to show you where the joke was so that you’d laugh because nothing you’ve said so far had been funny.

Do You Really Find What I Said To Be Funny Or Is LOL a Way To Respond And Not What I Think It Means Anymore?

This response is you assuming that maybe LOL means something. By asking them if they really find what you said amusing or if LOL had a different meaning, they will get the message that you weren’t trying to be funny and you don’t intend to be taken that way.

I Used To Interpret LOL Over Text Without The Following Up To Mean ‘Boring’

If you didn’t know, some people respond with LOL because they are tired of the conversation.

So, when someone tells you LOL as a response, you can use this reply to find out if they were actually laughing and would want to continue the conversation.

The idea is that LOL should not just be the response they give.

Well, There Goes My Cue To Stop Texting You

When you’re texting and the conversation becomes dry because of their LOL response, you can say “Well, there goes my cue to stop texting you.”

This is going to do two things: save you and your dignity as you stop texting somebody who doesn’t want to respond to you or help you find out if they are really interested in chatting with you.

I’m Very Sure You Don’t Find What I Just Said Funny But It Is Calm

You can be frank and tell the truth, even to yourself. There are times when someone might just respond with LOL and it is not because anything you said was funny.

If you don’t want to sound like there’s a problem with their response you can simply say “I’m very sure you don’t find what I just said funny but it is calm.”

Final Thoughts

I’m optimistic that you found enough suggestions on how to respond to a LOL text.

Reading through you must have noticed how these responses fall into different scenarios and contexts. I believe you can use them appropriately when the need arises.

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