50 of the Best Responses to Give When Someone Wishes You a “Happy Good Friday”


Good Friday is a solemn event in the Christian calendar that remembers the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. But despite the somber event, “Happy Good Friday” is used to extend good wishes to others.

It’s a way to honor Jesus’s sacrifice and celebrate the renewal and redemption that Christians believe it brings.

In this article, we’ve compiled a variety of responses for you to use when someone wishes you a “Happy Good Friday.” These responses range from short, expressive, and sweet to warm and joyous which are excellent for friends, family, or coworkers.

Let’s go right in!

50 Great Responses to “Happy Good Friday”

how to respond to a happy good friday wishes

  1. Oh That’s thoughtful of you. May the significance of the celebration find expression in all your endeavors.
  2. Happy Good Friday to you too. I pray we don’t forget the reason we are celebrating.
  3. Thanks a million! I need you to take time to reflect on the grace you have received from the sacrifice made by Christ for us all.
  4. May the peace of God calm your heart and your mind, through the fears and trials you may encounter. Happy Good Friday!
  5. Happy Good Friday to you too. Today we are reminded of the essence and power of sacrifices. Take some time to ponder on it.
  6. Such a wonderful Good Friday! My joy knows no bounds each time I read about the crucifixion story. I am even more joyful on a day like this when I get to celebrate it.
  7. I hold this day with great significance because it is the foundation of my salvation story. I wish you a hearty Good Friday!
  8. My prayer for you on this day is that God grants you divine understanding to comprehend the essence of this great sacrifice of Love. Happy Good Friday!
  9. I am most grateful for your kind wishes. The love of God is something we may struggle to fathom but on a day like this, we are reminded that he holds us so dear to his heart. I pray God helps us to Love each other just as he Loves us. Happy Good Friday!
  10. Thank you! Let us look upon this day with utmost gratitude for a great sacrifice that was made for us all. Gratitude shows that we are not oblivious to what was done for us. I hope you and your family have a blissful Good Friday.
  11. I always look forward to this day every year because it holds a great significance in my christian journey! If there were never a Good Friday, there wouldn’t have been redemption. So it is everything to be grateful for. I wish you a pleasant Good Friday Celebration.
  12. Thank you for the hearty wish, I’m glad we are able to see another Good Friday hale and hearty. May God’s grace continue to abound.
  13. This is a season to reflect on love, sacrifice, and humility. You can take topical studies of these three and I assure you, your view of Good Fridays will change. Happy Good Friday!
  14. Good Fridays are emotional periods for me. The whole event that turned out over 2000 years ago feels so surreal that I tear out each time I think about it. I wish you a blissful Good Friday anyway.
  15. I count myself blessed to experience this day. I am even most grateful that you are also in the Faith as a result of this great sacrifice that was made for us all. We are blessed indeed! Happy Good Friday.
  16. My prayer for us all on this special day is that God grants us grace to really understand the essence of this great sacrifice. May it not end as just an emotional ritual because of the piteous scenes that took place. Happy Good Friday my dear!
  17. Good Fridays are days when I am in total awe! As much as I am grateful for this show of love, I am blown away by this height of sacrifice. It is absolutely beyond my comprehension but I am challenged to make significant sacrifices too. Happy Good Friday to you too.
  18. Oh thank you so much for the hearty wish. On this precious day, I’d love you to always recall the hope we have in difficult times. Just like Jesus was able to pull through the most challenging moments of his life on earth, we also can pull through because his grace abounds in us. Happy Good Friday, enjoy bountiful grace!
  19. Happy Good Friday to you too! Although the event that played out on this day, thousands of years ago wasn’t quite pleasant,  I am forever grateful for it. Good Fridays are my most pleasant time of the year because I am at peace with God as a result of this great sacrifice.
  20. May the Good Lord bless us all and grant us the blessing that comes with this day. For it is a blessed day to reckon with. Enjoy bliss on this Good Friday.
  21. Happy Good Friday to you too. I imploy you to take out time to reflect on the event that played out on this day. Think of every stripe on his body, the crown of thorns on his head, and the humiliations even when he was innocent. This way, you will understand and value God Fridays even more.
  22. Yeah, it’s Good Friday but I’m sorry, I can’t understand why it is being referred to as “good”. Having watched the passion play and seen Jesus’ trial, suffering, and death, I really don’t understand why it is called “Good”. However, I am so touched that someone could make such a huge sacrifice for me. It brings me to tears.
  23. The essence of Good Friday to me is Great Love. It is Love that has reconciled us back with God and I am challenged to expound every iota of Love To everyone I meet, Indeed God is Love! So much Love.
  24. Oh my dear! Happy Good Friday to you too. Although our Saviour was crucified today, it was a painful experience, for a glorious destiny. So let us celebrate with this understanding.
  25. Oh that’s so thoughtful of you, Happy Good Friday to you too. Can we take out time to watch the passion play? I’ve not really been able to watch it since I was a kid because of the disturbing scenes. However, I am ready to have a pictorial scene of everything that played out, I just need to watch it with someone. Do you mind?
  26. Happy Good Friday to you and your family. I was thinking we could spend the evening telling our children about the crucifixion story. They really need to learn about what went down on Good Friday.
  27. For me, this is a bittersweet experience. I am confused and unsure whether to be sad or happy. The whole event turned out to be the crucifixion makes me cry my heart out. However, I am glad that he died because it birthed a more glorious dispensation.
  28. Happy Good Friday to you too my dear! This is thoughtful of you. I am glad we are all able to see another Good Friday in one piece. I pray we see even more and may God help us to keep staying in him. May we never be oblivious of the sacrifice that was made for us.
  29. Indeed, it is a blessed Friday. On this day, thousands of years back, the redemption of mankind was initiated and it didn’t end there. I pray we don’t trivialize this great sacrifice that was made for us. No one else could make such a great sacrifice. Have a blissful Good Friday experience.
  30. Thank you for the beautiful Good Friday Wishes! I pray this day brings you peace and hope as you ponder on the magnitude of the sacrifice made for us. I employ not to make this Good Friday one of those religious and casual ones. Be intentional and you’ll have a life-changing perspective.
  31. I am blessed to have you by my side this year’s Good Friday. It is such a joy to behold that you also acknowledge the significance of the death of Christ. Indeed we have hope and I pray this hope continues to strengthen your conviction and Faith in God. Have a blessed Good Friday!
  32. What do you look forward to doing on Good Fridays? For me, it is time for retreats, so I get away from the hustle and bustle and take time to reflect. You could also take out some time for a retreat since you’ve got a break at work. Trust me, your perspective about Good Fridays will take a total turn.
  33. Happy Good Friday buddy! I pray that the sacrifice that Christ has made for us will continually reflect in our lives as we allow him to find expression through us. Please ensure you never stop acknowledging this great gift that has been given to us, for it is by it we can be Sons of God. Do have a blessed Good Friday.
  34. Oh! Thank you so much for your warm wishes. I am glad to know that you also hold Good Fridays with great significance. For me, this period speaks about humility! A king so great left his throne and made a sacrifice so great for mankind May we also receive grace to live a life that reflects humility always. Happy Good Friday my dear.
  35. Thank you for the wishes, every Good Friday is a moment of reflection for me. Do you mind taking a few days off so we can reflect on the significance of this great day?
  36. Blessed be God who did not withhold his precious son to redeem man from sin. This is indeed the confidence that we have to call him Father. My dear, on this Good Friday, I employ you to be steadfast in your love and relationship with God. This way, you maximize this great sacrifice that was made for you and I. Enjoy an amazing Good Friday.
  37. That’s thoughtful of you, Happy Good Friday my dear! This is a season where we are reminded of the love that God has bestowed upon us. We are encouraged to also replicate this show of love to everyone around irrespective of their religion, race, or skin color. This indeed is the essence of the death of Christ.
  38. Happy Good Friday to you too my friend! Although, usually, people watch the passion play on a day like this, I’d want us to take some time out and give to the needy. Giving is one of the essence of Good Friday because God GAVE his son for us. Although, whatever we want to give, can’t reciprocate what God gave to us in the same measure, I’m sure he’ll be pleased to see us do it. What do you think?
  39. Thank you for reaching out to me on a day like this. May the blessing that comes with this day rest upon you and your family. I pray you all to continue to yield to the finished works of Christ and bask in his presence all the days of your life. Do have a wonderful Good Friday celebration.
  40. Oh, I was just going to wish you a “Happy Good Friday” but yours came in first. I love the spirit! And in this spirit of Good Friday, may our gaze continually be fixed on the cross so that we will not forget the sacrifice that was made for us in a hurry. May we continue to enjoy God’s peace that surpasseth all understanding.  Happy Good Friday and my regards to your family.
  41. As we celebrate Good Friday, I am reminded of a scripture that says ‘better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof’. Although Good Friday is the day where Jesus’ trial and death took place, his resurrection has become our saving grace. So I look away from the humiliation he received on his death and picture a more profound act of sacrifice and redemption. Happy Good Friday I pray God grants you a greater understanding of his Love for you.
  42. Your wish is a hearty one and I deeply appreciate you. May we always be in reverence and remembrance of every single event that played out on this day for the sake of redemption. God’s blessings continually rest in your household even now and Forever. Amen!
  43. Happy Good Friday to you too. Truthfully speaking, I am better off celebrating Easter because I really can’t take in all that played out during Jesus’ trial and death period. However, I am not ungrateful for this act of Love. I look forward to Easter, it’s a happier time for me to celebrate.
  44. Oh dear! This is so thoughtful of you! Indeed ‘there’s no greater love  in this life for such a man to have laid down his life for his friend. Please ponder on these words as you celebrate Good Friday. Such a great Sacrifice was made for us and the least we can do is live in gratitude for it. Enjoy an excellent Good Friday.
  45. It is yet another Good Friday, I’d love us to go camping up until Easter day. We’ll have all the time to ourselves and we can be away from the noise and distractions. This way we can spend more time with God.
  46. Thank you for the wishes but you are in the habit of reaching out to me only during Good Fridays. As much as I appreciate your kind gesture, I would be glad if you reach out more often and even check up consistently. Enjoy a great Good Friday Celebration.
  47. I am grateful for you and I pray that God grants you the grace to be a total expression of His love. May you look back on this Good Friday and leap for joy because it brought you closer to Christ. Happy Good Friday.
  48. I am glad to see you on another Good Friday! And I am most grateful to God for preserving us all. I pray that we don’t go through this day with just a casual approach but bask in its essence. Happy Good Friday dear! God bless you!
  49. Happy Good Friday! I need us all to make commitments to tell as many people as we can about this great sacrifice of Love!
  50. Oh, thanks a million! I wish you the best on this day. I am so thrilled by your love for God, you are someone I look out to when I need to reassure myself that I am reconciled with God and I can benefit from the Finished work of Christ even as a new convert. Happy Good Friday, I pray God strengthens you even more.

how to respond to a happy good friday wishes

Despite the solemnity of Good Fridays, endeavor to share good wishes. However, in your attempt to do so, respond with something that resonates with you.

For this reason, we’ve provided you with the 50 best responses you can use when someone gives you a hearty “Happy Good Friday” wish. Hence, there’s something from everyone.

Do well to bookmark this page so that you can easily come back to it when you need a “Happy Good Friday” response.

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