15 Ways to Request Someone to Sing a Song


When you want to ask somebody to sing a song you have to first consider your relationship with the person. Is the person in the position to sing a song for you? Can the person sing? Will the person like to sing then?

These are the things you need to consider when you want to request someone to sing a song for you.

You cannot control; you can only determine some of these conditions but one thing you can determine is your approach and mannerism in asking them to do it for you.

Many times depending on your approach you could get them to sing even when they did not want to.

Table of Contents

Someone Said You Sing Like A Nightingale. If It Is Not Much Of A Burden, Can You Sing Something For Me?

One of the best ways to convince somebody to sing for you is to compliment them about their singing.

Telling someone “you sing like a nightingale” is going to soften their heart already and when you make your request it may be too hard for them to say no to you.

Today’s My Wife’s Anniversary And She Loves Your Songs. She’d Be Elated To Know I Met You. Her Favorite Song Of Yours Is “Mention Song.” Do You Mind Singing It For Her?

A person you are looking to request a song from may be your idol or in this case your wife’s idol.

You could easily get them to sing a song by expressing your love for them, talking about a favorite song of theirs that you know, and asking them to do the song.

This is a good way to get someone to sing a song, especially if you are in the club or at a musical performance.

Loosen Up, Dearie. Karaoke Nights Are For Singing And No One Cares About Your Musical Prowess

Another place where people can be asked to sing a song is during karaoke. At karaoke nights you can have somebody shy to sing and if you must have them sing, you will need to convince them that there’s no problem with them singing no matter how their voice sounds.

I Know It Is Not A Talent Show Or Something But I Think You Are Good. Good. Can You Do A Song? Anything, Your Choice. 

If you’re trying to get somebody to sing whether it’s for you or not and the situation is not entirely ideal for them to sing, you could attempt to convince them to do so by letting them know that there’s no problem with them singing in the event.

This is one way to make them feel comfortable before requesting the song.

Don’t worry. We Don’t Care Whether You Are Good Or Not. You’ve Got Nothing To Fear 

Sometimes, you would observe that the person you are trying to make to sing a song for you may not feel confident about their singing skills.

This lack of confidence may make them refuse to sing even if they want to. You can help fix this by telling them that they’ve got nothing to worry about and helping them see reasons why they should believe you using a statement like this one.

You Are An Incredible Talent And Some Of The Teachers Have Asked That You Sing During The Musical

Another scenario where you can ask somebody to sing a song is at a musical.

Suppose your school is making plans for a musical and then there is a talent who has refused to participate because they have one reservation or another, you can convince them to sing by telling them that everybody believes they are talented and even though they are not going to be an integral part of the planning they could still feature if they wanted to.

Just Before We Go, Can We Have A Final Session Featuring You? 

Probably the person you want to request a song from is a talented musician and you guys are at a rehearsal or a musical event, one of the ways you can ask them to sing either for you or with you is to request a session with them on the spot.

You will have to wait until it’s like the final thing to do that way they must have enjoyed the program and it will be too hard for them to say no.

There’d Be A Musical Interlude At The Event. Do You Fancy That As An Opportunity To Show Us What You’ve Got?

How to Request Someone to Sing a Song

There’s going to be a musical interlude at the event and we’re hoping that you could sing a song for us” is another way you can request someone to sing a song.

Maybe you have a conference or an event at the office, you can tell a colleague who is very good at singing to show the company and guests what they are made of. When you give people such an opportunity, if they are willing to sing, they’re going to jump at it.

This Is A Big Stage And I Get You May Have Stage Fright But There’s No One As Sensational As You Are And We’d Like To Ask You To Sing A Song

Sometimes before you ask somebody to do something you are sure they are going to be scared of doing, you would want to make them feel comfortable already before dropping the request.

If you observe this example closely you notice that it begins by attempting to exploit the problem but magnifies the individual as bigger than the problem. After which it presents the request. This is a subtle way to convince somebody to sing especially when they are likely going to refuse.

If You Could Sing Any Song To Save Your Life, What Song Are You Singing? That’s Cool. Can You Sing It For Us?

You could be at a hangout with your friends and ask one of them to sing a song. To do this, you might have to ask them what song they would like to sing if they had to save their life. When they answer, ask them to sing the song.

Since it’s a friend’s hangout, it will be pretty much difficult for them to refuse or say no.

The only way I’d Forgive You Is When You Sing For Me

In a romantic relationship, you can get your partner to sing a song for you.  Let’s assume that your boyfriend hurts you or made you angry and they’re trying to apologize.

You could tell them that the only way you’ll forgive them is when they sing for you. If they are sorry and want to make amends for what they’ve done they’ll sing regardless of how their voice sounds.

  • If you want me to forgive you, your only option is to sing for me.
  • I won’t let you off easily. You’ll have to sing and be dramatic with it.

You Have Been Exceptional Already. If It Is Not So Much Of A Burden, May We Ask You To Do Another For Us?

If somebody has been singing and you still feel like asking them to sing some more, one of the ways to get them to do so is to tell them how good they have been.

Complimenting them about what they’ve done so far is going to help you not to feel overburdened by you. After complimenting them and asking them if it is alright, you can then tell them to sing a song for you.

Hearing Your Voice Makes My Day, Especially When You Sing For Me. Would You?

This is another way to get somebody to sing a song for you if they are your crush or your partner.

By telling them that hearing their voice makes your day, you will be forcing them into desiring to speak with you.

If you add that their singing makes it better they will not care how they sound. All they would want to do is to make you feel good and then they’ll sing for you.

  • You know what’s going to make my day? You, singing our favorite song.

Let’s Get The Groove In This Bus Started Already. Jason, Would You Lead This Choir Today?

You can ask somebody to sing a song for you while on a bus trip. If you see someone who looks like they’d be great at starting a fun singing session, just stand up and say, “Let’s get the groove started in this bus!” If the person you ask is great at singing, or if there’s already an exciting atmosphere on the bus, they will most likely take you up on your offer.

  • It is very boring here. How can we have the band in here and there’s no music? Nate, can we get things running?
  • Does anybody want to lead this makeshift choir? Samantha, the nightingale, what do you say?

I Have Been Asked To Sing But I Feel Like There’s A Frog In My Throat

If you have been asked to sing but don’t feel like it, you can request your buddy to help you sing a song.

This is another scenario where you may be forced to make a request. The goal is to make them see the reasons why they have to help you.

You could complain about feeling pains in your throat or feeling too weak to stand and sing. Just anything that could get them to understand you and help you do the song.

Final Thoughts 

I can’t guarantee you’d be able to get them to sing because that’s left for them to decide but one thing is sure, these suggestions provide reasons why they should oblige but it still depends on their desire to do so.

Sometimes, getting them excited could work, being polite is another point to note, and putting them on the spot.

These are some of the angles that this article has covered. Always remember, you have to respect their decision if they choose to decline your request.

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