20 Cool Replies to Give When Someone Says “Just Chilling”


The phrase “Just chilling” can be used to connote a state of relaxation. You could get this response from someone after asking them a question about their day or what they are doing.

Also, someone could tell you “Just chilling” in response to something you said to them.

Considering these two perspectives, I have compiled 20 cool responses to “Just chilling” that will equip you to answer the phrase regardless of the context.

Let’s get into it.

Well, You Only Live Once So I Try To Avoid The Pressure And Just Take A Chill Pill 

One of the ways to respond when someone tells you “Just chilling” after you give them an update about what you are doing or if you gave them the response is to say “You only live once so I try to avoid the pressure and just take a chill pill.”

This suggests that relaxing is important as life is too short to always be pressured.

That’s What The Weekend Is For. Chill And Recharge, Mate

Another cool response to give to “Just chilling,” regardless of the context is to say “That’s what the weekend is for. Chill and recharge, mate.”

This will come in handy if it is the weekend. Anyone would want to chill during the weekend after a long week working so this response is quite relatable.

Come Over To My Place. I’ve Got Better Ideas For Chilling 

If the person tells you “Just chilling” but they are your friend and you’d like them to come over to your place or a location of your choice for a collective chilling experience, I’ll recommend using this line.

I’ve got a friend who’s always calling me to come over to his house because he enjoys my company and doesn’t care if I want to chill on my own. That’s his line always.

I Was Thinking Of Visiting That Spot We Talked About. Wanna Come?

Because “Just chilling” could mean “I am not doing anything significant,” you can see it as an opportunity to get the person to join you in carrying out a plan you guys made prior.

Suppose the both of you had plans to visit an eatery or check out a relaxation spot, you can respond to them with “I was thinking of visiting that spot we talked about. Wanna come?

Sounds Like Fun. Hook Me Up, Buddy Let’s Do The Chilling Together 

If they said “Just chilling” and it didn’t sound like they were just sitting idly in their home, you could ask them if it was possible to join them.

It could be that they were outside enjoying themselves alone. You can use this example or ask for a location. If they are willing for you to come over, they’ll tell you how to meet up with them.

This is something you should do with your best friend and not a random acquaintance.

On A Monday? You Are Living The Dream Brother. You Are, No Cap 

Imagine someone telling you they are just chilling on a Monday. That’s another level of chilling. In this kind of scenario, you can respond by saying “On a Monday? You are living the dream brother. You are, no cap.”

Simply acknowledging that they are living the dream when they should be on the move like every other person doing 9 to 5 is enough to answer their “Just chilling” remark.

Since You Are Not Booked Solid, Isn’t This A Good Time For Us To Get Our Little Thingy Done? 

If the individual you are talking to says they are “Just chilling,” it could connote that they are not busy.

When you might have made plans to do something in their spare time, this would be a good time to remind them of it. You can do this by saying “Since you are not booked solid, isn’t this a good time for us to get our little thingy done?

Nice. You Always Seem To Have Solid Control Over Things. What’s Your Secret?

Some people seem to never be doing anything or exercising absolute control over their lives. You will hardly get them pressured or trying to fix stuff going out of hand.

If such a person tells you “Just chilling” when you ask them what they are up to, you can use “Nice. You always seem to have solid control over things. What’s your secret?” to respond.

What’s The Occasion? I Am Up For Anything Fun 

When their “Just chilling” message was indicative of having fun, you can say “What’s the occasion? I am up for anything fun” to sign yourself up for the activity they might be engaging in.

Not everyone says “Just chilling” because they are sitting in front of their TV doing nothing.

In Your House? Let’s Hit The Bar Later Tonight

If someone tells you they are “Just chilling” and you find out they are only at home and there’s nothing more they are doing, you can invite them to meet you up for drinks later for a proper ‘chilling’ experience. This is something you can try with friends and close associates.

I’ve Got Nothing Planned So If You Fancy Any Fun Activity, I’d Be Very Much Available 

When you tell someone that you aren’t doing anything and they respond with “Just chilling,” if the person is someone who seems to always have something up their sleeves, you can reply with “I’ve got nothing planned so if you fancy any fun activity, I’d be very much available.”

This will let them know that whatever they want to come up with is okay by you since you aren’t doing anything at the moment.

Now You Know What My Secret Is: I Work Hard And Play Harder 

Like the context I explained in the previous comment, if there’s a switch to say: you are “Just chilling” but then doing something fun rather than just sitting in your home, you can respond with “Now you know what my secret is: I work hard and play harder.”

It is a cool way to let them know that you take your fun time as seriously as you take work time.

I Wasn’t Expecting A Different Answer From Just Chilling. Have Fun

How to Reply When Someone Says Just Chilling

If you called or texted someone on a weekend to find out how they were doing, you can rightly expect them to say they were just chilling, right?

This is why a comment like “I wasn’t expecting a different answer from just chilling. Have fun” isn’t out of place.

It recognizes the fact that they must be unwinding and wishes them a great time doing whatever they are doing to relax.

When Do You Think You’d Be Done With Your Personal ‘Chilling’ Time? I Have Just The Best Weekend Escape For Us 

Sometimes, when someone says they are just chilling, you can give them the allowance to enjoy their time alone if you intend to make them join you in the same venture later.

Giving them time to ‘Chill’ alone and hinting that you expect them to join you soon would make them eager or let you know whether they can’t. If you are lucky or your plan is exciting, they could abandon theirs and join yours.

Don’t Be Deceived By The Snaps I Sent. There’s No Chilling Here

You know how social media updates can make someone assume we are having a great time? If you are told “Just chilling” in response to some updates you made, you can refute it with a statement like “Don’t be deceived by the snaps I sent. There’s no chilling here.”

You can tweak your response depending on the social media platform the interaction is happening on.

What Else Would I Be Doing, Mate? I Deserved The Rest, Ngl

You could tell someone that you are resting and they’d respond with “Just chilling.” Here, a perfect response would be this one in the example I just provided.

This emphasizes the idea that it’s not about being lazy, but rather about taking a necessary break or resting in order to recharge.

Was Going To Put A Call Through. You Wanna Come? 

If you told someone you were doing something fun and they said “Just chilling,” you can let them know that you wanted to call them to come join you with a statement like this example.

If your friend wants, they are going to jump at the invitation or if the promise of the activity is fun enough, they might not need any more convictions.

I Am Just Recharging. There’s A Lot I Need To Get Done But I Am Not In The Mood To Do Any Work 

When I am too lazy to work and I tell someone I am just lying down or something and they say “Just chilling,” I quickly retort with “I am just recharging. There’s a lot I need to get done but I am not in the mood to do any work.”

You can try this when someone wants to assume your chilling connotes being lazy. Even if it does, let’s not say it, hahaha.

There’s No Chilling Around Here Man

Maybe you traveled and after telling your friend they claim you are “Just chilling.” If you really are, then you can accept but if you aren’t, you can state why you traveled.

It could be because of work or something that doesn’t involve chilling as they suppose. You can start by saying “There’s no chilling around here man” then proceed to tell them what took you there.

I Can’t Complain. Thanking God for Blessings Both the Ones We See and Don’t See 

How to Reply When Someone Says Just Chilling

I once heard this line from a rap song but I can’t remember which exactly. It is another good way to respond to “Just chilling” probably after telling someone what you were doing.

The idea of this statement is to show gratitude to God for life and the blessings that relate to why you are “Just chilling.”

Final Thoughts

Are you just chilling or did someone tell you they are just chilling? Whichever way, if you want to respond to “Just chilling,” I am sure you’ve found enough suggestions to help you respond appropriately.

You shouldn’t be stranded when you want to respond to this phrase in whatever context it was spoken.

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