50 Best Ways to Reply When Someone Says ‘Happy New Year in Advance’


It is a few months to a new year, and you will soon be receiving New Year messages from family, friends, acquaintances, and even strangers. Some of them will not even wait for the new year before they start sending in their messages.

They wish you a happy new year in advance because they hope/strongly believe that you will all make it into the new year.

Another reason for wishing you a happy new year in advance is because they feel that they may not see in after the new year, so they rather wish you a great year now to cover up for when the new year comes.

So, when you receive the ‘Happy New Year in advance’ message, what are the best ways that you can respond? In this article, we will be educating you on fifty (50) best ways to reply when someone says ‘Happy New Year in Advance.’

50 Best Ways to Reply When Someone Says ‘Happy New Year in Advance.’

  1. Aww, hopeful that we will see the new year, are we now? I love that. While I am not as hopeful as you, I wish you the best in the coming year, and that you have the best of all that life offers, happy new year in addy to you too.
  2. We tried our best this year, but let us hope that this coming year we are able to achieve all our New Year resolutions and plans. Better yet, we will not set new ones, but will carry over other ones we did not achieve this year and achieve them this coming year, so here is to a great coming year, happy new year in advance to you too!
  3. Enjoy your holiday, and I hope to see you in the new year healthier, stronger, and happier because we will have so many things to achieve so you will need to be in your best form. Keep doing you and loving harder than you have ever done cause the world needs more courageous people such as you, happy new year in addy to you too.
  4. You really fought this cancer hard this year, I hope that we not only see you in the new year but that you beat this devil sickness next year. This coming year will be a year filled with so many to-do lists since you’ve had a second chance at life, let’s do well to make the best of it.
  5. Coming from my favorite person, this coming year must be a great year. You get me and always know the right things to do to make my day. I wish you a great happy new year too my love, keep prospering. I will be coming over to get a slice of love from your extremely delicious, custom-made apple pie, happy new year in addy to you!
  6. I’m grateful for the gift you and I hope that in this coming new year, you experience great favor and surprises. May this love that you’ve started to spread fill your heart and mind, and bring peace to anyone you share it with, wishing you a happy new year in advance too!
  7. It’s quite thoughtful of you to wish me a happy new year in advance considering the roller coaster we’ve gone through this year. You know when we thought that life would end on a rollercoaster ride, we found ourselves strong enough to overcome it, so I hope that this coming year births new possibilities.
  8. I’m quite pleased with how strong you’ve pulled this year, and I hope that next year brings you so many reasons to smile and be happy so that you can heal. I hope that in this coming year, you will no longer have a reason to be forcefully strong, but a reason to be in your pure feminine/masculine energy, happy new year to you too my love!
  9. What a great way to show your love and respect for me! I also wish that this new year brings so much happiness and blessings that are too many to count. I hope that by the end of this coming year when you sit to count your blessings, you will have every reason to be grateful for this coming year, happy new year in advance to you too!
  10.  I feel worthy of being among the people you remember to wish a happy new year in advance, and I wish you the same with much more love, favor, peace, and hope. For always remembering me, I wish that all those who need to remember you for your life to experience a positive 180-degree transformation will do so speedily, happy new year in advance to you too!
  11.  You were always a forward-thinking lad, and you didn’t disappoint this time. Thank you so much for wishing me a happy new year in advance, and I hope you continue to be such a sweetheart that you are. I hope that the difficulties of adulthood and the uncertainty of people’s loyalty will not poison your pure heart, happy new year to you too.
  12.  You never fail to wish me well and I love you for it. This year has been great for us all, and I hope that next year will be very mindful, very demure, and very modest for us all. Even as we try to keep up with the trend, let us live each day as it comes because you know we only live this life once, happy new year to you too.
  13.  Such a modest way to go about things, you’ve always been the most caring one in the group, and I hope that this new year rewards you in bountiful ways for all the good seeds you’ve sown. Many people including strangers show up for you whenever you need help, and let well-meaning individuals speak your name in rooms of opportunities, happy new year to you too my love.
  14.  Great way to remind me that your birthday is coming up on New Year’s Day. I’ve not forgotten and I’ve gotten you your birthday present, which you just have to wait and see. I have some things in mind to do for you, but still let me know what you want and if it is something that I can afford to get, I’ll buy it.
  15.  One of the things that I’m grateful for is that I get to see this coming new year and spend it with my family and friends who love me like you. I never take for granted the privilege of being surrounded by those that I love and appreciate, thank you for the good wish.
  16.  Your liveliness and positive energy have had a great impact on me this year, and I hope that this coming year birth forth greater things for you and your loved ones.
  17.  It’s a great blessing to have one as thoughtful as you in my space. You fill everywhere you are with so much joy, peace, and happiness, and I hope that this coming new year, your life will also be peaceful and joyful. Keep being pretty, hardworking, and good-hearted, cause you never know when all your good work will pay off, happy new year in advance to you too!
  18.  How kind of you to speak into the future with such positivity, and yes, we will also see each other in the new year healthy and happy, I love you! This coming year I intend to focus on the positive only including surrounding myself with positive people such as you, happy new year to you too!
  19.  I was expecting this message cause I know you never fail to wish me well in advance. I hope that in this new year, you finally lose some weight so that you can stop threatening to sit on me every single time. I know you only say it as a joke but I do take it personally, happy new year in advance to you too!
  20.  You have a beautiful heart to compliment your pretty face, thank you for your thoughtfulness and I hope that this new year, more money flows into your account.
  21.  I’m as excited as you are for this new year, cause of all the plans we’ve made. I hope that we finally get to achieve all these plans we keep setting every year, LOL!
  22.  I would have thought that you would wait for us to finish celebrating Christmas, but you’ve always been one step ahead of everyone, so I’m not surprised. Thank you for the thoughtful wish and I hope that this new year brings so many great things to your doorstep.
  23.  Aww, thank you so much, Kooch (or any other nickname). I just want to let you know that no matter how hard you try, I will not stop calling you Kooch especially in this coming year, happy new year in advance to you too!
  24.  Receiving this New Year message from you has made my whole day, and only you can pull that off, so I want to appreciate you and wish you the very best in the coming year.
  25.  Despite your dangerous lifestyle, you get to see the end of this year and are hoping to see next year. It would appear that we have different destinies, and I would hope that this coming year will come with the maturity that you need.
  26.  I’ve never seen someone work as hard as you do, and stay dedicated despite all odds against them, so from the depth of my heart, I wish that you finally have a reason to smile this coming year and that everything works to favour you.
  27.  Through this year, you’ve had nothing but kind words and good deeds for everyone, and I hope that the universe matches your energy this new year and rewards you with kindness and peace such as you have never known.
  28.  You remind me of myself at such a young age, so thoughtful of those around you and respectful of their feelings. That’s why you were thoughtful enough to send me this message and I hope that life favours you cause you deserve it.
  29.  Amongst many things you want from life, I sincerely wish that this coming year, life rewards you with a life partner so that you can finally leave my apartment and groceries alone.
  30.  I thought I had seen it all, but you are actually taking charge of your life by sending this thoughtful New Year message to me. Guess we are finally going to see the matured side of you this coming year, and I hope it lasts as long as possible cause you need it.
  31.  I’ve had the privilege of being surrounded by the best people on earth and you are one of them. Thank you for always having me in mind and I hope that as you are excited about the new year you will always have a reason to smile and be happy.
  32.  This is one of the best messages I’ve received today. For being so thoughtful, I want to appreciate your efforts and I hope that this coming year will come with a big bang for you.
  33.  Seeing your thoughtful message put a big smile on my face. You have always been poetic in your writings, and your message just proves that. The words had me gushing and wondering if it is still an advance New Year message or a love letter, thank you.
  34.  There are a few reasons to be grateful and having you in my life is one of the reasons why I am grateful. You have made life easier for me this year and I hope that the coming year comes with so much joy for you and for us all.
  35.  It’s been a great year taking risks that have both paid off and otherwise, and one of the best risks I’ve taken and I don’t regret till today is starting up the business that we did at the time that we did, cause finally it’s paying off.
  36.  Well, well, we were just in the month of March, and boom, we got to December. This is one of the fastest years we’ve had in a long time, but I’m glad I got to experience it with you. May this coming year be more patient with us and go as normal as possible, ciao!
  37.  I hope that this year, the odds will be in your favor (like literally), maybe then you can take it easy on the gambling. Nevertheless, my love for you is surer than your bet against my favorite club, and I hope that this coming year births great possibilities for you.
  38.  I didn’t know you had it in you to be this thoughtful, cause you always seem reserved and indifferent to what’s going on. I hope that this new year opens a new chapter in your life where you make more friends and achieve greater things.
  39.  It breaks my heart that we are not entering this new year with your father. He lived a good life and fought to stay alive, but I guess he was not destined to enter the new year. I hope that this new year does not come with such pain anymore and that we have a reason to make him proud as he watches us from heaven.
  40.  I have watched you unfold and blossom like a rare species of flower and you have fought through the challenges life threw at you this year. I sincerely hope that this coming year ushers you into your era of rest and peace all around cause you deserve it.
  41.  One of the best gifts that I’ve had to receive this year is you coming into my life, and as we finally get hitched this coming year, I hope that we both go through life looking for new ways to love and appreciate each other.
  42.  I’m yet to see someone as inspiring and self-motivating as you. You have proven every single time that everything is possible as far as one puts their mind to it. Thank you for the good wishes and I, in return, wish you the happiest New Year in advance.
  43.  Your New Year wish to me was the first message I saw and it put a big smile on my face throughout the day. It made me realize that you have been one of the reasons that I smiled a lot this year, and I hope that in the coming year, we both have reasons to be happy and fulfilled. Thank you for being special and I also wish you the happiest new year in advance.
  44.  After all you went through last year, you really blazed the trail this year achieving so many milestones. No wonder you are excited about the coming year, cause I’m sure that you already have plans to change the world, lol. Happiest New Year in advance to you too, and I will be seeing you next year.
  45.  You started this year single, and now you will be ending it as two and I hope that next year you will have one or two more added to you. So, thank you for wishing me a great year ahead, and I can’t wait to see what life has in store for you.
  46.  Roses are red, violets are blue and if we go by anything that has happened this year, next year will be huge. As we cross over together, I wish that all the milestones you have set for next year are achieved and more and that you will end next year bigger than you started it, so this is me also wishing you a happy new year in advance!
  47.  I’ve been counting my blessings and although I’ve lost count, I noticed that you appeared multiple times. You’ve been the reason I could face many challenges fearlessly and I’m grateful for the gift of you. I hope this new year comes with such great rewards for such an amazing person as you.
  48.  It seems like a dream that we are at the end of the year already, but here we are preparing for the new year. I have had so many second chances this year with escaping so many accidents and beating cancer, and now I can finally start afresh this new year fulfilling my purpose and spreading happiness around, cause you never know whether or not I will have such chances again, happy new year in advance to you too!
  49.  It appears as if I’m the only one who is not excited about the new year. I sincerely appreciate the New Year message and I hope for both our sakes, that this coming year is filled with pleasant surprises cause that’s all we need right now. So, here’s to a new year in advance, and cheers to the good life that we are about to have.
  50.  Finally! We have come to the end of this difficult year, and the very fact that we are still breathing proves that we are stronger than we think. I wish you the best in the coming and I hope that your life will be filled with so much ease and many reasons to be joyful, so that you can finally float through life and not fight through it, happy new year in advance to you too!

Final Words

It’s a few months to the new year and while you are preparing to respond to those who will wish you a great new year, what about those who will wish you a new year before then?

Well, we’ve got you covered, so you don’t need to worry about what best responses to those who wish you a happy new year in advance.

This article has compiled fifty (50) of the best responses you will ever give to anyone who wishes you a happy new year in advance. It is well thought out, mindful, and heartfelt so that anyone who reads it will fall in love with the words over and over again.

How to Reply When Someone Says Happy New Year in Advance

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