20 Funny Replies to “How Tall Are You?”


A simple reply on your exact height is the expected ‘how tall are you?’ response, but you can try something fun by describing yourself in a magnified manner to show if you are tall or short.

Before you do this, employ your creative mind and keep your steeze in check so you can describe your height in the best way possible to show that you are super comfortable with it.

After reading this article, you can tap into a creative flow to know 20 funny responses to ‘How tall are you?’ and generate yours as you so desire.

Table of Contents

1. I Am So Tall That I Have To Stoop Low So I Won’t See Stars When My Head Hits The Doorcase

how to reply to how tall are you

When someone asks to know how tall you are, you can humorously tell them that if you do not stoop so low when passing through the door, you will definitely hit your head against the doorcase.

This obviously describes you as someone who is super tall and proud of your height. However, if this is not true, it is best to tell them reality so they see you less than they expected.

2. I Make Children Love Me Even When I Don’t Have Cash By Lifting Them To See What Is Over The Fence. 

A playful response like this will not only give someone a vivid picture of how tall you are but also how well you show empathy to people around you, especially children.

This fun response shows that children get super excited when they see you as a result of your height.

They know that you’ll lift them high to see what they can’t see on their own, and they love that feeling since it gives them an idea of how they can have an advantage to see things they shouldn’t have due to their height.

3. I Am So Tall That I Assist Almost Everyone I Come Across In The Library To Get A Book From The Topmost Part Of The Shelf.

Your height can be an advantage everywhere you go, but when you become a close assistant to the librarian as a result of it, it is quite funny and interesting at the same time.

You can describe your height by how you help individuals who come to study at the library get the books they desire to look into from the top of the shelf.

On a normal day, picking books from the top of the shelf can be a challenge, but you can brag that, as a result of your height, you can effortlessly be a solution at the library.

4. I Reach Out For The Sky Every Evening When No One Is Watching. Maybe One Day I’ll Get There.

This is hilarious. A number of individuals try things they won’t be proud to do before others, either in secret or when they are alone.

It may not necessarily be evil things, but sometimes it is just a test to know what something feels like.

Also, people can hide themselves in order to try something dramatic. In whichever category you fall in, you can tell someone that you aspire to reach the sky some day, and although you’re close today, you know you’re not too far from reaching the sky.

5. I Am So Tall That Pregnant Women Ask Me What I Eat So They Can Give Their Unborn Children

how to reply to how tall are you

In response to how tall you are, you can say to someone who asks you that question that your height is so admirable to the point that pregnant women seek to know if it’s your diet that has made you this tall, so they keep asking for what you eat in order for their children who are yet to be born to eat it also.

This shows that you have gathered a lot of attention because of how attractive you look, and you can’t wait to show off.

6. I Am Highly Sought-after To The Extent That My Neighbours Want To Harvest Their Oranges From The Toppest Part Of The Tree.

It is always beautiful to amplify the fact that you have an advantage that makes you relevant to yourself and the people around you.

Your response to someone who seeks to know how tall you are can rest on how much you have deployed your height to help the people around you.

You can talk about how your neighbors book you to help them harvest the fruits at the topmost part of their trees. If possible, let them know how you feel anytime your neighbor beckons on you to give them a helping hand.

7. My Height Has Added So Much Flavour To My Basketball Skills, And So When I Step Onto The Field, Other Players Tremble.

This is a great way to give a response about your height if you are a tall basketball player. The response does not dispute the fact that there are tall footballers who underperform or do not do as much as expected.

But you can use this reply to state that your height has improved your performance as you are skilled and balanced in other areas as well.

To buttress what you have said, you can describe how, when you step into the field, other players tremble for fear of your height and skill combined.

8. I Think I Should Ask The Person Standing Close To Me How Tall I Am.

You must not give a direct reply to how tall you are when you are asked the question. In that case, you can inject humor by saying that you think it is best to ask someone who is closer to you to ascertain what your answer should be like.

More often than not, when the person closest to you is a stranger who is free-minded, asking them that question can give a funny response at first; nonetheless, they may eventually answer if you persuade them to.

9. I’m 6 ‘8 And Less Than Half An Inch; I Think You Calculated It On My Behalf.

If you know exactly how tall you are, nothing should stop you from saying it if you want to.

However, if you must make your reply funny, do not fail to include that you are not just 6’8 but less than half an inch.

Added to the first is your total height. You shouldn’t just leave them imagining at this point; ask them to calculate it on your behalf as well, so they will get to know your exact height.

10. I’m 100 cm. Get Me Some Heels To Improve My Height.

When considering how tall an individual is, most times, it may not be so far from how many years they have spent on earth. 100 cm may be just fine for children around the ages of 3–4 years.

Nevertheless, as an adult, you can say that you are 100 cm tall to add humor to your discussion. If it is true, you can stop there.

You can take it further by saying that you need heels to artificially improve your height, so they should get you one.

11. My Height Makes Me A Perpetual Backbencher

how to reply to how tall are you

In place of giving a direct answer about how tall you are, you can describe scenarios that will give a vivid picture of your height to the one who asks to know.

Tell them that you have become a perpetual backbencher as a result of how tall you are and that whenever you sit at the front, you tend to distract others behind since they may not follow the activities going on at the front as they ought to.

12. With A Token, I’ll Change Your Light Bulbs Without A Ladder Or Any Aid At All.

Much more like a fun talk about how tall you are, you can say to someone who asks to know your height that you do not need aid to change a light bulb.

This is profound, and it simply means that you are super tall and active. The playful tone in this reply is when you ask for a token.

It further means that you can use your height to create opportunities for yourself where you can make money.

13. I Can’t Wait To Hug You, Ducking. That’s How Tall I Am.

An enticing thing you can say to someone with whom you are in a conversation but have not seen physically is that you can’t wait to duck while hugging them.

It in turn means that they are short while you are tall, or simply that you are taller than them, and the difference will be obvious when both of you cannot stand straight, hugging yourselves when you eventually meet.

14. I Am Often The Last Person Standing In Group Selfies. 

In group selfies, if the individuals who are shorter in height do not stay at the forefront of the camera, there is a high chance that the only thing that will be seen about them is their hairdo or a part of their clothes at one corner that no taller person occupies.

With this in mind, you can say to someone that you are usually the last person at the back of others during group selfies. If possible, say you hold the camera if you do.

15. No One Is As Short As I Am In My House. So I Can Easily Fit Into Hidden Areas.

You might not be as tall or as tall as someone expects you to be, and so, when they ask you how tall you are, simply say to them that no one in your house is as tall as you see. You can include that although tall people have an advantage, you also enjoy the fact that you can easily fit into hidden areas without getting noticed.

16. I Am Vertically Challenged. Whatever That Means To You.

Saying you are ‘Vertically challenged’ is a funny way to present yourself as being short, not even average.

However, you can leave it to the discretion of the person who wants to know how tall you are to decipher what that means. And let their perception be your bus stop, except if you have something else to say.

17. I Can’t Really Say, But I Can Walk Under Tables Standing Upright.

Expect an outburst of laughter when your response to ‘how tall are you’ is ‘I can’t really say, but I can walk under tables standing upright’.

It shows that you are so tall, but you are comfortable with your height and love to have fun with it since you can do just a few things on your own accord to increase in size.

18. I Can Look At The Top Of Almost Everything In My House, Even Though The Ceiling Is A Limitation To Me

You can flirt with your height by saying how things in your house look so short to you, as you can look on top of them with ease.

If need be, add that the only limitation you are faced with is that you can’t see what is on top of your ceiling, but you supersede everything else in terms of your height.

19. My Shadow Appears On The Street Next To Mine Anytime I Stand Outside My Kitchen.

Try a humorous reply like ‘My shadow appears on the street next to mine anytime I stand outside my kitchen’ to state the extent of your height.

You can use this statement to brag about how tall you are to the point that your shadow extends to as far as the next street.

20. I Was As Tall As The Tree At The Front Of My House, But Immediately I Started Dieting; My Height Reduced Drastically To Average. 

You can make your response about how tall you are an interesting one. There are a few things you can creatively say.

Also, you can draw a clear picture of yourself to look as tall as the tree at the front of your house, but when you started dieting, your height eventually decreased, making you average in height.

Final Words

During your casual day-to-day conversations, you can find a way to inject humor to ease tension and create memorable moments.

You can also use any of these funny replies to ease tension during periods when people are permitted to be free-spirited in formal settings.

In whichever situation, ensure you paint the image in your mind vividly so others can see and have fun.

how to reply to how tall are you

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