30 Appropriate Replies to Give When Someone Wishes You a “Happy Labor Day”


Labor Day (officially known as International Workers Day) has become a national public holiday to celebrate the achievements and contributions of workers around the world.

It is sometimes held on the first Monday of September or May which also gives it the name ‘May Day.’ If you are wished a ‘Happy Labor Day’ or any of the other variations of the day, this post contains 30 carefully selected responses to use.

These replies to give to someone who wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day’ have been grouped into three sections including hilarious responses, polite responses, and prayerful responses.

Depending on where you find yourself and who sends you the Labor Day wishes, you’ll find helpful suggestions to use in response instead of a boring ‘Thank You.’

Table of Contents

Hilarious Responses to Happy Labor Day

The following are 10 hearty answers to use when you want to respond humorously to ‘Happy Labor Day:’

  1. It’s a good thing we have a holiday and not riots
  2. Cheers to more fulfilling labor with better paychecks
  3. Today, we drink and tomorrow we can face our fears
  4. Wouldn’t be the rest I desire as I get to take on a full-time house husband role
  5. I wish it was the same for me. Unfortunately, I have to be in my shitty ass uniform serving coffee today
  6. How’s it a public holiday and everywhere is this busy?
  7. What novel plans does the government have for us? More debt in the form of credit?
  8. I don’t think a day is enough. We should have the whole week off
  9. It’d be great if we got a pay raise
  10. Oh yeah, about time where we march out to defend the rights of the hustling folks

It Is a Good Thing We Have a Holiday and Not Riots

This may be considered dark humor but it can be funny depending on the delivery. Before Labor Day was established there were several riots with killings.

You can use this to respond to someone who wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day.’ To make it funnier, you can talk about how you wouldn’t last if you had to join a protest to defend workers’ rights.

  • Good thing we are not rioting like history teaches. I’d have my ass smoked in minutes
  • I rather be at home watching TV and sipping my favorite beer than be on the streets with placards

Cheers to More Fulfilling Labor with Better Paychecks

What’s a public holiday without a backyard grilling and a few bottles of beer to go around? In such a scenario, when someone says ‘Happy Labor Day,’ you can respond by raising your glass or bottle and saying ‘Cheers to more fulfilling labor with better paychecks.

This is definitely going to boost the mood and create ripples of laughter across the atmosphere.

Today, We Drink And Tomorrow We Can Face Our Fears

Another way to respond humorously to ‘Happy Labor Day’ is ‘Today, we drink and tomorrow we can face our fears.’

It comes in handy whether you are with your friends or one of your colleagues salutes you with a wish for the day. Other ways you can reply in this manner are highlighted below:

  • All I want to do is sip my Boba and get ready for my fears tomorrow
  • For today, I am going to sit in my front yard, sip cold beers, get drunk, and repeat the work cycle from tomorrow

Wouldn’t Be The Rest I Desire As I Get To Take On A Full-Time House Husband Role

Wouldn’t be the rest I desire as I get to take on a full-time house husband role’ is another way to reply to someone who says ‘Happy Labor Day’ if you are looking for something funny to respond with.

You may not necessarily speak about being a house husband. The goal is to express how something at home wouldn’t let you enjoy the day off.

  • With the backlog of work in my backyard, there’s no way it’d be as restful as I hoped
  • Sandra has already itemized a long list of things she expects me to do on May Day since I won’t be going to work. Sometimes, marriage is a burden

I Wish It Was The Same For Me. Unfortunately, I Have To Be In My Shitty Ass Uniform Serving Coffee Today 

While there’s a public holiday on Labor Day, not every worker gets to enjoy the holiday. For people who work in eateries or as security agents, Labor Day doesn’t mean anything.

If you are in this category of workers, you can respond with a statement about how Labor Day is another day in the office for you. For instance,

  • Labor Day or not, I’d be at work tomorrow and pretend to be happy
  • If I didn’t have to sell breakfast meals to people, I’d say it would be a happy Labor Day

How’s It A Public Holiday And Everywhere Is This Busy?

Some public holidays never look like holidays and Labor Day is one of them. Hence, a response like ‘How’s it a public holiday and everywhere is this busy?’ would be a funny but true way to reply to ‘Happy Labor Day.’

You can say this to someone who wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day’ while you are at work or as you commute.

  • Are we all working on Labor Day? What’s this traffic for?
  • I think other workers decide to stress me on a day workers should be resting

What Novel Plans Does The Government Have For Us? More Debt In The Form Of Credit?

Another sarcastic way to respond to ‘Happy Labor Day’ is to ask about the plans of the government for workers.

You can ask the person ‘What novel plans does the government have for us? More debt in the form of credit?’ You can use any current trend at the time that relates to workers to make a joke.

  • Is the employee satisfaction forecast looking any better?
  • Another time for the government to make promises they’ll never keep

I Don’t Think A Day Is Enough. We Should Have The Whole Week Off 

Holidays are never enough and when it is just for a day, well, that’s even too short. You can reply to a ‘Happy Labor Day’ wish with ‘I don’t think a day is enough. We should have the whole week off.’

Such a response works best when you are talking with a colleague or someone who’s a worker too.

  • Even if we won’t get the week off, at least, three days
  • How do we celebrate our contributions with just a day’s holiday? Things like this should take a week, a month even.

It’d Be Great If We Got A Pay Raise 

Everyone desires a pay raise. When you are talking with a colleague and they tell you ‘Happy Labor Day,’ you can reply to them with ‘It’d be great if we got a pay raise.’

They are going to share in your desire and if you want to make it funnier, you can try any of the sentences below:

  • My wallet’s feeling lighter by the day. Labor Day with a pay raise will be a good one
  • Nothing better than bonuses to mark the celebrations.

Oh Yeah, About Time Where We March Out To Defend The Rights Of The Hustling Folks 

If you are a freedom fighter or like to participate in Labor Day activities, you can say ‘Oh yeah, about time where we march out to defend the rights of the hustling folks’ when someone wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day.’

Even if you are not any of that, you can use this angle to draw inspiration for hilarious responses to ‘Happy Labor Day.’ For example,

  • I’d be supporting whatever agenda y’all bring up from the comfort of my sofa
  • To those defending our rights, I’ll be raising my bottle in solidarity

Polite Responses to ‘Happy Labor Day’

When someone who’s highly placed, a senior colleague, or your boss at work wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day,’ your response has to be polite and formal.

Here are a few suggestions of 10 of my favorite polite responses to ‘Happy Labor Day’ that you can use:

  1. Thank you so much. I wish you a Happy Labor Day too
  2. A Happy Labor Day to you too even though I’d be working today
  3. It is a thing of joy, I must say, that we get a day to recognize our efforts as workers and professionals
  4. What are you looking forward to doing with the day off?
  5. Have a lovely Labor Day celebration, mate
  6. Thank you Sir/Ma. See you at work tomorrow
  7. It is so cool you remember me today. I feel truly honored
  8. What do you say we visit that spot you talked about last time?
  9. I am excited about the day because I am joining an entourage of representatives to visit the Congressman
  10. If we are being honest, we need more than a day to celebrate workers

Thank You So Much. I Wish You A Happy Labor Day Too

Every wish has one polite response – ‘Thank You.’ This is the case with ‘Happy Labor Day’ wishes. You can reply to someone who tells you ‘Happy Labor Day’ with a show of appreciation and a response that wishes them the same.

  • Happy May Day to you as well. Thank you
  • I appreciate that and I wish you a Happy International Workers’ Day too

A Happy Labor Day To You Too Even Though I’d Be Working Today

how to reply to happy labor day

If you aren’t getting the day off during Labor Day, you can respond by saying ‘A Happy Labor Day to you too even though I’d be working today.’

It is a polite way to say that while you appreciate their Labor Day wishes, you won’t be enjoying the break that’s given to commemorate the event.

  • Have the best of Workers Day celebrations. I have to run two shifts today even though it is a public holiday
  • Thank you. I wish I could say the same for myself as I’d have to report for duty today

It Is A Thing Of Joy, I Must Say, That We Get A Day To Recognize Our Efforts As Workers And Professionals 

When your boss sends a message or during a call wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day,’ one of the polite ways to reply to them is to say ‘It is a thing of joy, I must say, that we get a day to recognize our efforts as workers and professionals.’

It doesn’t necessarily have to be your boss or someone at the place where you work. If you need a good polite response to ‘Happy Labor Day,’ this is one.

  • Even though not much is done, we can be happy that we have a day where we are celebrated and recognized
  • I think it is a good thing to have May Day, allowing us to look at the values of nation-building and how we can contribute to the fulfillment of the American Dream

What Are You Looking Forward To Doing With The Day Off?

Another formal response to give to anyone who tells you ‘Happy Labor Day’ is to ask them what their plans for the day are.

You can ask a question like ‘What are you looking forward to doing with the day off?’ and tell them of your plans after they inform you of theirs.

  • You look like you’ve got a lot planned for the day
  • I would not do much but I am open to any plans that may spring up

Enjoy Your May Day Holiday, Mate

You can respond to a Labor Day wish with ‘Enjoy your May Day holiday celebrations.’ May Day is another phrase for Labor Day, especially in countries where it is celebrated on the first Monday in May.

It is not celebrated in May in your country, you can always use the prevalent phrases as the goal is to tell them to enjoy the day.

Thank You Sir/Ma. See You At Work Tomorrow

If your boss wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day,’ one of the polite ways you can respond would be to appreciate him or her and tell them you’d be seeing them when you come to work tomorrow.

Except there’s an extra day of holiday which is hardly ever the case, a response like this is excellent for workplace interactions.

It Is So Cool You Remember Me Today. I Feel Truly Honored 

Let’s say someone calls you out of the blue to wish you a ‘Happy Labor Day’ or someone you weren’t expecting gives you a Labor Day remark in recognition of your efforts as a worker, you should respond politely.

I’ll recommend telling them ‘It is so cool you remember me today. I feel truly honored.’

  • I am so happy you are saying this to me. Thank you
  • Oh dear. Thanks so much. Happy International Workers’ Day to you

What Do You Say We Visit That Spot You Talked About Last Time?

If you’d be having the day off during Labor Day and your colleague tries to send his regards to you, it can be an opportunity for y’all to do something you’ve always put off because of work.

Hence, a polite response in this direction would be ‘What do you say we visit that spot you talked about last time?’ It could also be something they’ve been thinking of doing for a long time.

  • I guess you can now make that trip downtown with the midweek break
  • Perfect opportunity to Kayak without the holiday crowd

I Am Excited About The Day Because I Am Joining An Entourage Of Representatives To Visit The Congressman

You can inform the person who wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day’ about your plans for the day.

The idea is that you are part of a team or something that may be doing official work during the Labor Day celebrations or among the activists fighting for better workplace policies.

  • I’d be joining the rally we’d be having at the stadium later in the day
  • Our union is hosting a meet and drink. I have to ensure everything is going according to plan

If We Are Being Honest, We Need More Than A Day To Celebrate Workers 

If we are being honest, we need more than a day to celebrate workers’ is another polite and thoughtful way to respond to a ‘Happy Labor Day’ wish.

As you interact with your friend or someone you’ve got a good relationship with, you can use this reply to get the conversation going.

  • Frankly, Workers day should be more than a day
  • If workers get more than a day to be recognized and celebrated, I think it is worth it

Prayerful Responses to Happy Labor Day

You can also respond with a heartfelt prayer when someone wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day.’ If you need prayerful responses to use when replying to someone’s Labor Day wishes, I have listed 10 suggestions you can try:

  1. May our labor continue to be fulfilling and our rewards commensurate
  2. Cheers, buddy. Here is to wishing we live long enough to achieve our goals and aspirations
  3. A very beautiful one to you too, and may our paychecks become larger and our bank accounts fatter
  4. Yes, and may we look beyond not just gains, but building momentum for impact across other spheres of human endeavors
  5. I hope it is a start of better working conditions for all of us
  6. Thanks, and I wish we become celebrated and recognized even more
  7. May the little we do yield immense rewards
  8. Happy International Workers Day to you too. I pray that the unemployed find opportunities to make a living for themselves
  9. May struggling workers find the strength and wisdom they need to make a headway in their fields of endeavor
  10. I’m wishing that our families will become more understanding of the pains and struggles we have to go through to make ends meet

May Our Labor Continue To Be Fulfilling And Our Rewards Commensurate 

When interacting with someone who’s a friend or colleague and you want to respond to their Labor Day wish with a prayer, I’ll recommend you say ‘May our labor continue to be fulfilling and our rewards commensurate.’

Cheers, Buddy. Here Is To Wishing We Live Long Enough in Good Health To Achieve Our Goals And Aspirations

Cheers, buddy. Here is to wishing we live long enough to achieve our goals and aspirations’ is another good prayerful response to a ‘Happy Labor Day’ wish from anyone who’s close to you.

A prayer for long life and good health is one that everybody wants. Hence, you can use this prayer whenever you want.

A Very Beautiful One To You Too, And May Our Paychecks Become Larger And Our Bank Accounts Fatter 

This is another good way to prayerfully respond to your co-worker’s Happy Labor Day remarks to you or someone who you know is a worker like you.

You are wishing them a Happy Labor Day too and following it up with a prayer about better paychecks and corresponding bank accounts. Every worker will love this one.

Yes, And May We Look Beyond Not Just Gains, But Building Momentum For Impact Across Other Spheres Of Human Endeavors 

One time I attended a seminar on growth and leadership and this prayer was the closing remark of one of the speakers.

It is also valid if you need to respond to someone’s May Day wishes. The goal is to make them understand that there’s more to life than the 9-5 and we must look above our work cycle for other areas of impact.

I Hope It Is A Start Of Better Working Conditions For All Of Us

how to reply to happy labor day

If there’s one thing on the mind of every employee it would be to get better working conditions.

It feels like an unattainable hope so praying that there would be better working conditions for every worker is a good one during Workers Day.

Thanks, And I Wish We Become Celebrated And Recognized Even More 

Whether you are talking with a worker like you or someone who’s just saying Happy Labor Day, you can respond with a prayerful wish like ‘I pray we become celebrated and recognized more than we do today.’ This prayer is going to resonate with anyone so you can use it freely.

May The Little We Do Yield Immense Rewards 

May the little we do yield immense rewards’ is a good prayer to say when another worker wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day.’ Everyone wants to be happy that the work they do yields enough for them to have a comfortable life which is why this response will resonate with every one who’s working.

Happy International Workers Day To You Too. I Pray That The Unemployed Find Opportunities To Make A Living For Themselves 

A lot of people are out of jobs and this is a good angle to draw inspiration for a prayerful wish during Labor Day. You can phrase your prayer in this way by saying ‘I pray that the unemployed find opportunities to make a living for themselves.’ This can be followed with a ‘Happy International Workers Day’ remark.

May Struggling Workers Find The Strength And Wisdom They Need To Make A Headway In Their Fields Of Endeavor 

Praying for workers to be strengthened and become more capable of handling their jobs would be a perfect response to ‘Happy Labor Day.’

As a worker, you know how hard it can be sometimes when at your job. Imagine how happy you’d be if someone sent you a text or note saying they wish you get the wisdom you need to overcome any challenge you may be facing at work. Chills, right? Exactly.

I’m Wishing That Our Families Will Become More Understanding Of The Pains And Struggles We Have To Go Through To Make Ends Meet 

As someone whose family didn’t really understand what I had to go through to support them, this is one prayer I always said to myself.

If more people understood what workers have to go through at work, they may become less critical and demanding, knowing that it isn’t all that easy and these guys need all the support and encouragement we can give.

Just Before You Go

Anyone who wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day’ deserves a thoughtful answer and not the regular ‘Thank You’ or ‘Same to You’ response. This is why I do what I do here at Reactfully.

I want you to have loads of creative responses and answers to give when you have to. And I am optimistic you’ve found good ways to respond when someone wishes you a ‘Happy Labor Day.’

From me to you, Happy Labor Day, and may the Universe align in your favor, rewarding you bountifully for what you do.

how to reply to happy labor day


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