20 Hilarious Ways to Remind Someone About Your Birthday


Are you thinking of the best way to remind somebody of your birthday? It is important to note that some people may forget your birthday not because they do not value you but because they have other things going on in their lives.

As such, it is not out of place to remind people of your birthday. The other reason why you may want to remind someone of your birthday is probably because you have a special request to make. Whichever way, this article is going to show you hilarious ways you can tell someone about your forthcoming birthday.

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This Birthday, I Am Not Accepting Well Wishes Only. I Am Accepting Wire Transfers

One funny way you can remind people about your birthday is to request how you want to be celebrated. We all know that people love to celebrate birthdays by sending well wishes goodwill messages and the like. You can turn it around and come up with a request for wire transfers instead.

There Should Be A Public Holiday On The 13th. Coz It’s My Birthday

Another funny way you can remind somebody about your birthday is to tell them that it should be a public holiday on that day. They will be curious as to why you think there should be a public holiday. If they ask you why you can answer them by saying because it is my birthday. It is bizarre to want to think that you should have a public holiday on your birthday. This is what makes this statement hilarious.

The Plan Was To Go On A Vacation For My Birthday. It Is Next Weekend And I Am Broke As A Shattered Glass

You can talk about the plans that you’ve made for your birthday and how they are not coming to fruition because of your financial state. By saying that you are planning to go on a vacation and it is not looking like it will be possible and using the broke as a shattered glass analogy, you’re going to get anybody listening to you to laugh out loud.

  • I planned to give myself a car for my birthday but the only car I can buy right now is a carrot.

Public Service Announcement, My Birthday Is Tomorrow. So No Excuses About Forgetting

One way you can make this statement sound funny is by delivering it at the most unexpected of times. For example, you could be in the company of your friends talking about something serious like a test score or a difficult subject, and amid the discussion, you could just stand up in the presence of all your friends and say “Public service announcement, my birthday is tomorrow so nobody should give me the excuse of forgetting about it.”

It’s That Time Of The Year Again Y’all And I Hope Y’all Sickos Make Me Happy 

If you’re trying to remind your friends about your upcoming birthday, you can tell them that it is the time of the year again and you hope that they will be able to make you happy. This is one way to make boys laugh. As a guy, your friends aren’t going to expect this and I guarantee they’d be laughing at you when you say it. Nonetheless, the idea is to remind them of your birthday in the most funny way possible so you have achieved the intent after all.

Around This Time Some Twenty-Something Years Ago I Was Forced Into The World. Obviously Against My Wish

This is another way to remind someone about your birthday in a humorous way. Nobody was born into the world because they wanted to so saying you were born against your will is going to crack your friend up.

Have I Been A Bad Human? Cause Why’s There No Anticipation And Excitement For My Birthday? Why?

I have seen some people whose friends make so much fuss about their birthdays from the first day of the month. Some even go as far as doing countdowns weeks before the D-Day. Hence, it is not out of place to ask if you have been a bad human because no one is anticipating and excited ahead of your birthday. I often use this to blackmail my friends into stepping up to help make my birthday a memorable one.

Y’all Better Mark Your Calendars. I Want To Feel Special On My Birthday

Another way you can remind people about your birthday is to sort of issue a threat. You could be like “I need you all to mark your calendars because I want to feel special on my birthday.” This level of entitlement and audacity is going to come off as being funny especially if you deliver it amusingly. Don’t sound all serious but make sure you are saying it this way.

My Birthday Is Next Month. That’s Enough Time To Prepare The Surprise Party, Isn’t It?

My birthday is next month and that gives you enough time to prepare the surprise party” is another way to remind someone of your birthday. Now what makes this funny is you demanding a surprise party. If you were expecting a surprise party, how is it still a surprise party? You get the idea, right?

Guys, If You Need Time To Prepare For My Birthday, I Could Postpone It

If your birthday is approaching, another way you can make people aware of it is to tell them that if they need time to prepare for the birthday you can postpone it. No one postpones their birthdays so this makes the whole idea amusing when you state that.

Are Birthdays A Big Deal Or Am I Not Cut Out For The Charade? Anyways, I’d Like To Be Celebrated On My Birthday

The first part of this example does not feel like a funny statement. By asking if birthdays are a big deal and assuming you are the problem people may think that you are just a problematic individual. It may get them to wonder the kind of person you are and what is going on in your mind.

While they’re in that state of amazement and trying to decipher what you are trying to say, this is when you follow up with “Anyways I would want to be celebrated on my birthday and I don’t care what other people think.

No Day Is As Boring As My Birthday. I Am Putting It Out There To See If There’s Any Change

This is also another go-to statement for me when it comes to reminding people about my birthday. Genuinely, my birthday is usually boring because I have always spent it with my laptop away from people. However, recently some of my friends have tried to make it a fun affair for me since I started using this line. So, if you need to remind somebody or your friends about your birthday this is a good line to try.

Jesus Steals The Attention I Should Get On My Birthday

Hilarious Ways to Remind Someone About Your Birthday 

If your birthday falls within Christmas, say December 25th or 26th, you can use this sentence and it is going to drive home the message with laughter as nobody would be expecting you to say something like Jesus steals the attention you should get on your birthday.

My kid brother was born on January 2nd and because it is New Year, there’s not much excitement around his birthday because there’s enough excitement for the New Year so this example is not just streamlined to Christmas alone.

If there’s a particular occasion that does not allow you to enjoy complete attention on your birthday you can use a statement like. It could be Easter, Independence Day, Juneteenth, etc.

Someone Said I Looked 20-Ish And My 50th Birthday Is On Tuesday. Looks Can Deceive

For people who are older but have a young appearance, a lot of people could mistake you for being young. This is a good angle to draw your reminder about your forthcoming birthday. Whether it was a recent compliment or not, it is funny to be considered a 20-year-old when you are ready to approach your 50s.

By making reference to this statement and telling them about your birthday, citing the exact day, you will not only pass a humorous line but also let them know when your birthday will be.

My Birthday Is Just Around The Corner And I Think It Is Time To Start Lying About My Age

Another thing that happens to older people is that they have to lie about their age for certain reasons. While we do not encourage lying, we cannot deny the fact that a lot of people lie about how old they are because they may be too old for certain roles, job functions, and terrains. It is going to crack your friend up when you say that the time has come for you to start lying about your age.

Old Age Is Coming For All Of Us But It Seems Mine Is Coming Faster Than Normal. How Am I 40 By Monday?

When talking to your friend or a group of friends, another humorous way you can remind them of your birthday is to say “Old age is coming for all of us but it seems that mine is coming faster than normal.” You can then follow it up with the exact details of your birthday. While in the example I used the age you are turning into and the day, you can tweak it this way:

  • I can’t believe the age I’m turning into on Wednesday

Someone Said Birthdays Are For Celebrating One’s Legacy Day And I Am Wondering What Legacy Would I Be Celebrating Next Week

I once heard somebody wish a person Happy Birthday by saying Happy Legacy Day. That statement has a weighty import and if we are going to go the way of sarcasm, you could say “Someone said birthdays are for celebrating one’s legacy day and I’m wondering what legacy I would be celebrating next week” is going to make a lot of people have. It’s softly mentioned your birthday while passing the hilarious remark.

This Year, My Birthday Is Going To Last More Than 24 Hours. All The Love Shouldn’t Be Short-Lived

This is another way to make people laugh when you want to announce your birthday. You can begin by saying “This year, I will make sure that my birthday lasts for more than 24 hours.” When you are asked why, you answer with “Because I want to experience the love for as long as possible.”

If your birthday is always special, this is a comment that will not be out of place. Because there’s no mention of a particular day for your birthday, the person you are speaking to should ask what day it will be before you mention it to them.

Thinking Of A Way To Trap The Heightened Love And Attention I’d Be Experiencing Next Tomorrow

This is another comment that follows in the same pattern as the previous one. It talks about the love and attention that we all experience during our birthdays and you can use it to say when your birthday will be and how you intend to preserve the love and attention you get

PSA Guys, If You Are Thinking Of A Birthday Gift For Me Just Give Me Food

Finally, if you want to make people laugh when you remind them of your birthday you can tell them that you are not interested in any gift apart from food. Everyone looks forward to getting keepsake gifts and when you decide to go by food no one would be expecting that and they’ll probably laugh at how funny it sounds. You can also add that you accept homemade food for those who would like to cook at home and are available to go out to any restaurant of your choice.

Final Thoughts 

If you are sure that most people will not remember your birthday, there’s no problem reminding them. People are busy and may forget things that could be very important to them. It doesn’t mean that they don’t value you, it just means that they have other things going on in their lives.

We can avoid conflict by reminding them of our special day and I’m optimistic that the 20 suggestions provided in this article on humorous ways to remind someone of your birthday will help you do so effectively.

Hilarious Ways to Remind Someone About Your Birthday 

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