15 Interesting Ways to Invite Someone to be a Panelist


What does it mean to be in a panel? And what are you supposed to do when you are invited to be a panelist? A panelist has three jobs – to make a decision (as a judge), to give advice (from a place of experience), or to simply discuss their opinions as a form of entertainment.

So, before you invite someone to be a panelist, bear in mind that you are inviting them to do any of the three things above. How then do you invite someone to be a panelist in an interesting way?

In this article, you will learn fifteen (15) interesting ways to extend an invitation for someone to become a panelist in an event. Keeping your invite interesting guarantees a quicker positive response from the person you are asking.

Table of Contents

Would You Like To Have Some Fun Judging Talents In Our Upcoming Pageantry?

A person can only have fun as a panelist in pageantry if they love such events. It could be that when the person was younger he/she used to compete in pageantries.

So, they know all the rules and ethics that make a pageant queen, and they can easily spot the one that has those qualities.

So, asking them to relive those beautiful memories by sitting as panelists to judge younger generations would be quite interesting.

How Do I Invite You To Be A Panelist On One Of My Most Important Shows Without Spending A Dime? Oh Right, Zoom!

With more technological inventions, lots of things can be achieved online. Important meetings can be held online with the participants joining in from different parts of the world.

This means that you can host an event and have a panel of people from different parts of the world discussing a particular topic without necessarily being there physically.

This is the easiest way to have the panel you wish for without spending so much money on accommodation, logistics, venue, and refreshments.

I Need To You To Rsvp Me On A Panelist Role That Requires Your Expertise In Talent Recognition.

Here, you must have already sent an invite to the person you wish to invite and now you are waiting for them to RSVP you.

You must have known that the person would love to come to the event for you to send an invite first without waiting for a response. You must also know that the person has some level of expertise and is extremely good at what you are requesting from them.

I Trust Your Judgment On This Issue, So I Would Like You To Be Among The Panelists For This Occasion.

Interesting Ways to Invite Someone to be a Panelist

One of the first steps to making an invite interesting is by letting the person know that you believe in their ability to carry out that task effectively.

It means that you believe that they can make an unbiased opinion about an issue, or that they are they can give an intelligent opinion obtained from a wealth of knowledge and experience.

You could also add the fact that you have been observing them for some time and you have noticed their ability to address issues under the theme of your event, this will make them feel confident enough to accept your invite.

No One Does Drag Better Than You, So Will You Be A Panelist At Our Drag Event?

This method of invitation is quite straightforward as it shows that the event is a drag party, or a competition held in honor of drag queens.

Only a person who has ever been a drag queen can know how to judge a drag competition. An interesting way to further go about this is to send them a box with drag clothes and an invitation card that asks them to be a panelist at your event.

It Will Be My Honor To Have You As A Panelist At Our Talent Hunt Show, ‘cause I Trust Your Expertise In This Industry.

This sounds so formal, so we will just categorize it under an official but interesting way to ask someone to be a panelist at your event. You can send it through the mail email, fax, or telegram.

To make it more interesting, send a worthy gift alongside the invite to show them how much you will appreciate their presence if they honor your invitation.

You can make a public announcement, a post, or a video highlighting their achievements and how much value they will be bringing to an event to show them how high you rate them.

If I Don’t Have You As One Of My Panelists, This Show Won’t Make Sense, So What Do You Say?

Making someone feel important is an essential ingredient in making an invite quite interesting.

You can do that in different ways, but an effective method to use is to let them know in various ways that they are part of the things that will make your event extremely interesting. If you are close to such a person, you can be more dramatic in your invite by visiting them personally.

I Know That This Request Is Impromptu, But I Couldn’t Go Through This Event Without Inviting The Industry Giant As My Panelist.

Most times, when we don’t plan well we tend to make hasty decisions that may not go that well. Even when we plan properly, some unforeseen events can happen that will force us to think on our feet and opt for plan B.

For instance, a guest event that you invited can cancel at you last minute and you are left looking for a last-minute replacement. If you find yourself in such situations, then this is the most interesting way to extend that invitation.

After Looking Through Your Profile, I Am Excited At The Prospects Of Our Participants Learning A Lot From You.

Interesting Ways to Invite Someone to be a Panelist

This method of extending an invite shows that you have done extensive research on your guests and the information you have discovered about them excites you.

Letting your potential guests see how excited you are at the prospect of having them as a panelist can be quite infectious and will have them agreeing in no time.

Sustainability Has Been The Trend For Some Time, And We Need An Expert On Ecosystem Best Practices To Sit Among Our Panelists, Would You Do Us The Honors?

If your event surrounds sustainability and ecosystems, then it is wise that the guest you aim to invite is also an advocate for sustainability and adopts best practices in all areas of their lives.

You can accompany this invite with a pot of flowers or a solar system – a gift that will show your guest that you value their contribution to a healthy environment.

What Do You Say To A Six-Figure Pay, A Plane Ticket, A 5-Star Hotel Suite, And Being Our Panelist In Our Upcoming Event?

There is nothing more interesting than dangling the pecks of accepting an invite before your guest.

When you let your guests know that they will receive monetary appreciation and a top-tier service just by being a panelist at your event, it speeds up their agreement.

We Are Having An Event For Under 30 Ceos, And We Need A Successful Business Mogul Like You To Speak As One Of Our Panelists, Would You Do Us The Honors?

Most people have worked so hard to achieve everything they want, and some have made it as a CEO before they clock thirty years. Hosting an event that recognizes such people can be a way to acknowledge their efforts.

When you let such people know that you would want to honor them, it makes inviting them more interesting as they would have some insightful things to share.

Are You Free This Sunday Evening To Dazzle Us With Our Wealth Of Knowledge As One Of Our Panelists?

What better way to make your invite very interesting than to add a little razzle-dazzle in your invite? A great way to dazzle them is to make them feel quite important by acknowledging their wealth of knowledge.

You must be sure that the person you are inviting has garnered enough knowledge in that area either through experience or some formal means of learning.

What Could You Be Doing This Weekend That Would Be Better Than Sitting With Great Industry Minds In A Panel To Talk About The Recent Trend?

Even though this method of inviting seems assuming, it is also an interesting way to invite a guest to be a panelist.

You can be subtle in your approach so it doesn’t mean as if you are ordering them to cancel their plans for the weekend just to come for your event.

This method of invite gets interesting if you visit the person, call them on the phone and you already have a pre-existing relationship with them.

Why Don’t We Honor The Invitation To Sit In A Panel And Discuss Global Warming? I Bet It Will Be Interesting.

This is an invitation from an invitation because it shows that you were included in an invitation with a group of friends or acquaintances and you are trying to convince them to accept the invite.

It is like playing advocate for the person who extended to invitation to you people. This method of invitation is quite interesting cause it makes others curious about whether you were paid to convince others or whether there is an extra benefit in there for you.

To End With,

Saying a thing or two is not the only way to keep things interesting when extending an invitation to someone to be a panelist at your event.

You can send flowers, a basket of fruits, or sentimental gifts that the person will find interesting. It usually depends on the caliber of the person you are inviting and how important they are to your invite.

We have written fifteen (15) ways in our article, and we would love to hear from you, so drop some exciting and interesting ways you can think of in the comment section below.
Interesting Ways to Invite Someone to be a Panelist

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