20 Ways to Casually Invite Someone for Tea or Coffee 


Inviting someone to have tea or coffee with you is a cool way to spread love, build bonds, and make memories. How to present the request is largely dependent on your relationship with the person. You can be formal or casual about it but it all depends on who you are asking. If you want to be casual with your invitation, I have listed surefire ways to invite someone to have tea or coffee with you.

Whether you want to buy for them as you get a cup for yourself or you want them to come to your house or join you at your favorite tea or coffee shop, you’ll find a variety of ways that you can make your request in the most informal but convincing way possible.

I Am Going To Get Coffee. Do You Mind Joining Me?

Ways to Casually Invite Someone for Tea or Coffee 

You could get someone to join you for coffee by telling them you are on your way to get some. In the spur of the moment, if there’s nothing they are doing and they’d like some, they’ll join you. You can tweak this response for tea too. Just tell them you are going to get coffee or tea and ask them to join you.

You Sure Look Like You Need Coffee. Let’s Go Get Some Before The Day’s Work Begins

When someone is just getting to work or you meet a colleague on their way in, you can tell them “You sure look like you need coffee. Let’s go get some before the day’s work begins.” If they haven’t gotten coffee for the day, they’ll most likely want to get some. We all know how grumpy we can be before we get coffee in the morning.

Drop What You Are Doing. Let Me Treat You To A Tea Date

In the other two examples, you are requesting or sort of appealing. Here, you are almost commanding. Telling them to drop whatever they are doing and join you on a coffee or tea date sounds a bit authoritative.

So, I’ll advise you to only use it when you are talking to your buddy or a very close friend at work. They should be willing to join you if the work they are doing can wait. You could also volunteer to help them out with their tasks if they join you.

We Could Catch Up Later While We Sip Hot Boba Tea

If the person is a long-lost friend or someone who went away for a while, you can get them to drink tea or coffee with you by proposing a date in this regard. “We could catch up later while we sip hot Boba tea” is suggestive of the fact that they have a tea preference. If you know something they fancy when it comes to tea and coffee, you can use that to lure them, otherwise, just keep it simple.

There Is This New Tea Shop. I Heard They’ve Got Some Specialty Drinks That Are Worth Trying Out 

People love to try out new things and if this person is a tea or coffee fan, telling them about a new spot where they can get specialty beverages is going to tickle their fancy. Tell them “I saw a new tea shop. I want to try it. Wanna come?” or mention a unique detail that will get them interested. It could be something about the teashop’s decor or a particular tea that’s the person’s favorite.

If You Haven’t, Allow Me To Sponsor Your Caffeine Boost 

My friend knows I always want to have caffeine in my bloodstream every morning. When he is in high spirits, he will tell me to allow him to sponsor my caffeine boost. If you are sure the person is a coffee aficionado like I am, you can use this line “If you haven’t, allow me to sponsor your caffeine boost” to get them to join you for coffee.

Come By The House Tonight So We Drink Tea And See That Series 

The goal of this line is to entice the person. They may not be interested in tea but when you mention a series or TV show they’ve always wanted to see, they’d be forced to oblige. This is a good way to invite your friend over for tea. Aside from seeing a movie or something related, there are other reasons why you could get them to come for tea depending on your relationship with them.

  • When you come to the house tonight, I’ll make us tea and we will finish the assignment.
  • Tonight, we will drink tea and finish up our craft for the expo.

Forget Those Guys, I Know A Better Tea Shop. If You Care To Join Me, Let’s Try Them For A Change

Someone may have somewhere they always go to when they want coffee or tea. You can get them to join you for tea by recommending a different place. If they trust your judgment, you can be sure they’ll join you. I know a couple of people that when they tell me something like this, I wouldn’t give them the chance. So, you have to be sure this person believes you know your way around these things.

What Do You Say We Get Tea At The Close Of Work?

Ways to Casually Invite Someone for Tea or Coffee 

Everyone has their go-to drink after a stressful day at work. While some may resort to drinking beer, others may go for the more healthy option of tea. If this person is someone like that, “What do you say we get tea at the close of work?” would get them raving to tag along. It is important to be sure this is something they’ll like to do to avoid disappointments.

My Mom Just Got Into Town And She Has This Special Tea Recipe You Should Try

My mom just got into town and she has this special tea recipe you should try” is a good way to get someone who knows your mom to come over for tea. It could be a friend or partner. Provided they know how good your mom’s tea is or wouldn’t want to miss seeing your mom, this is a surefire way to get them to drink tea with you.

Talking About Eating And Drinking Healthy Stuff, I Heard About This Detoxifying Tea. I Am Going to Try It. Wanna Try?

My dad started to take a particular tea because he had it reduced blood sugar and he’s been hooked. There are several types of tea like that. Find one and invite that person who’s conscious of eating and drinking healthily. What’s better than two friends helping each other do healthy stuff?

Are You Having A bad day? We Can Have Tea Later If It’d Make You Happy 

Are you having a bad day? We can have tea later if it’d make you happy” is a good way to make someone have tea with you. Showing concern for someone when they are not having the best of days will make them receptive to your attempt at inviting them for tea. First, show concern, then bring up your tea date appeal.

Bills On Me. What Would You Like To Have? Tea Or Coffee?

Agreeing to foot the bills for the tea or coffee may get your friend or acquaintance interested in joining you. “Bills on me. What would you like to have? Tea or coffee?

You Should Take Tea Every Morning. Don’t worry. I Got You Covered 

It is also possible to advise the person about the need to have tea or coffee. Using this line invites them to have tea with you. You are either offering to prepare it for them or take them somewhere. It is easier to use this response when you live with this person or if they came for a sleepover.

Taking Tea Before You Go To Bed Will Make Your Sleep Sweet. Come And Have Some With Me 

Just like the previous example, you can say “Taking tea before you go to bed will make your sleep sweet. Come and have some with me” when the person is your spouse or someone who’s sleeping over. There’s no denying that there are healthy tea products that make sleeping better. If you’ve got any, recommend them to your friend or partner. And both of you can have a cup before heading to bed.

Have You Tried Cold Tea Before? Come Along. I Know A Place That Will Wow You

Have you tried cold tea before? Come along. I know a place that will wow you” is another way to casually invite someone for tea. The idea is to ask them if they have had a specific tea. If their response is no, then you extend your invitation. They may be interested in joining if you also made it clear how good the spot you are going to have the tea is.

I Know You Aren’t A Tea Fan But I Bet You’d Love This One

Ways to Casually Invite Someone for Tea or Coffee 

This line will come in handy when you are sure the person isn’t a tea fan. Some people aren’t on the bandwagon of tea drinking. Nonetheless, we know that tea is good for the body. So, it is easy to convince them to try tea especially if they love to try new things. Hence, for someone who may not be a fan of tea but would be willing to try, use this statement, “I know you aren’t a tea fan but I bet you’d love this one,” to invite them.

I Want To Treat You To A Special Tea Date. What’s Your Preference?

Asking to go on a tea date is another way you can make someone take tea with you. As a dude, this could be a line to try with your girlfriend or crush. They’d fancy the idea of going on a date. You should also ask them what they like so you can be sure about where to take them.

I Got Us Coffee. Let’s Head To The Canteen To Get Burger

It would be hard for someone who likes coffee to say no when you buy them one. While coming to work, if you are sure they wouldn’t have had coffee, you could purchase two cups. Then, tell them that you got coffee but would like them to join you to get something to go with it. If such an option isn’t in place, you can just hand over the coffee and sit them while y’all sip the beverage and chit-chat.

Tea Or Coffee? Make A Wish. I Am Your Genie 

Acting like a genie could get them to join you for a drink. Use this as a sarcastic ploy to lure them into taking one of the beverages with you. I have tried it and it often works especially on ladies.

Before You Go

You must understand that the person you are trying to get to have tea or coffee with you may decline. They have a right to do so. It is their choice whether they want to drink tea or coffee with you. Be sure to respect their decision if they do not agree to your offer. You can attempt to convince them a little but don’t be too pushy.

Also, not everyone is a tea or coffee person. Some belong to the tea camp while others are for coffee. There are some still that do both and others that don’t do either. Understand these sentiments so you don’t end up inconveniencing others with your constant appeals.

Ways to Casually Invite Someone for Tea or Coffee 

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