10 Ways to Get Your Parents to Call You By Your Preferred Name


What could make someone want to change their name from what their parents originally named them? Could it be that you feel that the name is odd and you have always hated it as a child?

It could also be that you have changed your sexual orientation and thus you will need a new name that suits your new identity. Another reason could be that you have been called a pet name all your life and now, you just want to answer your government name.

Well, whatever your reason may be, you must know that it will not be so easy to get people especially your parents to call you by your preferred name because of a force of habit.

How then can you get them to start calling you by your preferred name?

In this article, we will be guiding you with ten (10) interesting things to do to get your parents to call you by your preferred name, so buckle your seatbelt and get ready for an adventure!

Stop Responding Until They Call You By Your Preferred Name.

This is quite a stubborn way to get the job done. If perhaps, you have already told them the new name you wish to go by and they still insist on calling you by your old them, then you can give them the silent treatment.

The idea is to only respond when they have addressed you by the name you wish to go by. This method is mostly useful when you have mischievous parents who love to see you riled up.

When you only respond by your prefer, they will definitely be forced to start calling you by that name. It will not be easy, but if you have made up your mind then it is definitely possible.

  • ‘I’m not going to be responding to you till you call me by X’
  • ‘Oh really?’
  • ‘Yes.’

You Can Say, “The Name You Gave Me Is Hilarious, I’ll Be Changing My Name To X, So Address Me By That From Today”

How to Get Your Parents to Call You By Your Preferred Name

Some parents definitely do have a way with names. It could be that they named you after circumstances surrounding your birth or conception or their favorite artist, food, or place.

Also, it could be that you figured out early enough how weird the name is because all your life, people have laughed at how absurd your name is, and you have sworn that when you get of age, you will answer something more appropriate.

Of course, your parents know that the name they gave you is extremely funny, and they will have a field day of laughter when you announce that you will be changing it, but that’s why we have parents, right?

  • ‘The name you gave me is hilarious…’
  • (Laughter) ‘We know!’
  • ‘…I’ll be changing my name to X, so address my by that from today’

You Can Say the Statement, “I Know That (Mention name) Is My Government Name, But If You Call Me By My Nickname, I’ll Do The House Chores Unaided For a Month”

Another way to get your parents to call you by your preferred name is to bribe them with the idea of doing all the chores alone as long as they call you by your new name.

I don’t think that there is any parent on earth who will not speedily take up that offer. The stress of doing all those chores will definitely tell on you but if that is the price you have to pay to get the result you seek, you may wish to do that.

With this statement, it shows that you don’t intend to officially change your name, but just wish to be called by something cooler. Enjoy your month of doing unending chores while you get the result that you seek.

  • ‘I know that (Mentions name) is my government name…’
  • ‘We know that too ’cause we gave you the name.’
  • …but if you call me by my nickname, I’ll do the house chores unaided for a month.’
  • ‘Deal!’

You Can Choose To Ignore Them Till They Get The Idea And See That You Mean Business

This method involves going completely MIA and giving them complete silent treatment until they get their acts right. This method may be a last resort to get them to change their minds about calling you by your preferred name.

You must have a strong result to last long without responding to your parents. I mean, what if your parents decide to fight back by asking you to start paying rent or your mum stops giving you their food?

You could fight it out if you have a job and especially if you don’t live with them anymore. The idea is not to hate them but just to get them to do your bidding, so the silent treatment should only last till they succumb.

  • ‘I’m ignoring you till you address me by my preferred name.’
  • ‘Oh yes, we see that.’
  • ‘I want to show you that I mean business.’

You Can Just Say, “Well, Mum, Dad, That’s Not Actually Not My Name Anymore, I Now Go By X”

This method is used when they probably were not aware that you had changed your name, and you are just informing them for the first time. They may not be so difficult about you changing your name which means that all you have to do is tell them.

Of course, there may be some questions cause they will be curious to know what prompted the change of name, but at least you are lucky enough that they are not making things difficult for you.

With just the right explanation and the right show of emotion, you will get them to your side.

  • ‘Well, mum, dad, that’s actually not my name anymore…’
  • ‘Oh, what name do you prefer to go by now?’
  • ‘…I now go by X.’

You Can Also Say, “I Now Identify As (Mention gender), So I Changed My Name To X To Suit My Now Preferred Gender’

This method is mostly suitable if you now identify as another gender and you feel like it’s most suitable to adopt a name that aligns with your new identity.

For example, if you answered Brad and you become a transgender woman, you may wish to change to something like Benita.

Also, if you decide not to identify with any gender, you may wish to change your name to something neutral or unisex. Of course, your parents should respect your decision on what you wish to go by both in name and gender.

  • ‘I now identify as (Mentions gender)…’
  • ‘We know.’
  • ‘…so I changed my name to X to suit my now preferred gender.’

You Can Have a Heart To Heart Conversation With Them to Let Them Know Why You Wish To Be Addressed By Another Name

Another simple tactic that will get you the result you wish is just to sit them down and have a talk with them informing them about the change of them and explaining to them why you chose to change your name.

This is mostly used when you feel like they may get offended that you don’t vibe with the name they gave you. The explanation will allow them to see your point of view and understand your rationale.

This method is also used when you must have officially changed your name and there is no going back anymore.

  • ‘Dad, mum, I want to talk to you about something important…’
  • ‘Okay, what is it?’
  • ‘Well, I have decided to change my name to X because…I hope you understand my reason.’

Be Patient With Them Cause They Are Already Used To Your Former Name And Will Call It Out Of Habit

If you wish to get your parents to change and call you by your preferred name, then you must learn patience. Calling you by your old name is already a habit, and habits don’t change in a day.

If you feel like they are just not getting it, take a deep breath, and count to ten inside your head, and tell them the right thing again. There’s no telling how long you have to be patient for.

You know they have called you your former name for more than fifteen years or thereabout, it means that you will need months of patience to finally get it right.

Gently Correct Them Anytime They Address You By The Wrong Name Until They get it right

If your parents have agreed to call you by your new name, they may still slip and call you by your old them. So, while you are being patient with them, you may need to constantly correct them.

This shows that patience and correction go hand in hand. You cannot get irritated or yell at them or scold them for not getting it right. This is the time to be patient with them the same way they were patient with you as a child.

And whenever they get the name right, make a big deal of celebrating them or getting them something special. This way, they will be more keen to always get your name right.

  • ‘Oh mum, that’s not my name anymore.’
  • ‘Yeah, I’m sorry, I totally forgot.’
  • ‘I understand. I now go by the name X, please get it right, love you.’

You Can Print a Shirt With Your New Name On It To Constantly Remind Them Of The New Name You Prefer To Go By

What way is better to get your parents to start calling you by your preferred name than putting it in their faces all the time? There is a theory that if someone keeps looking at something constantly, it enters into their consciousness.

Aside from a shirt, you can print your name on a hair banner so that they can constantly see it right above your head. If you wish to be extra like I would have, you can print a sign on your room door.

If possible, you can use all three strategies and hope that you get a permanent result.

  • ‘To make things easier I’ll be wearing this T-shirt with my name printed on it.’
  • ‘What an innovative idea, thanks for making it so easy for us.’
  • ‘You’re welcome.’

In Summary,

Your parents may or may not be so difficult about calling you by your preferred name if you just knew the right way to get your message across. If your parents respect you enough, they will definitely come around in no time.

You must be convinced that changing your name is something you really wish to do. They can only take you seriously if you take it seriously yourself.

I sincerely wish you all the best in this journey of changing names, and with fingers crossed, I hope your parents come around.

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